Chapter Twenty-Nine: World leaders
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The aggressive sounds of zombies running freely around the streets engraved fear into the hearts of the civilians who stood meters away from them.

They were currently trapped at the end of the street with no way of escape, to their side was a huge building about fifteen stories high, while the other side had almost the same length as the building.

"Mummy please help, I don't want to die," the voice of a little girl could be heard from within the crowd of people trapped by the wall.

She held onto her mother's brown gown as she cried without stopping. The mother who had dark red hair, held her tightly as they faced their fate.

The sky was dark and it was raining heavily on them, their clothes were soaked from top to bottom.

The rest of the crowds all murmured and cried out as they feared the creatures approaching them.

No one dared to fend them off, whether man or woman, they all stood there panicking.

The zombies drew closer to them and immediately they picked up the faintest sound from the crowd, they rushed at them.

"Please help us!!" The little girl screamed out while holding her mother tightly.

A lone black figure fell from the top of the roof by their left and went straight down to where they stood.

The figure landed on the ground and squatted immediately to help reduce the impact of the fall.

Immediately, it drew out two swords from their sheath at his back slowly, and shortly after, dashed at the zombies.

The black figure ran from one side of the street to the other before easily slicing the first monster's head.

The blood from the slash spilled on the ground and almost immediately got washed away by the heavy rain.

Shocked by the sudden arrival of the black figure, the civilians began to anticipate his victory as he glided through their midst, slicing and cutting off their limbs.

The black figure leaped from the ground and straight to the nearest wall before leaping off it again and swinging its blade which took several limbs off the zombies.

Its movements were skilled as it waved its body across the place, cutting and slicing up the zombies.

"Mummy?" The little girl pulled onto her mother's gown. "Is that person going to save us?" She asked but she didn't answer.

The woman couldn't help but watch curiously as the black figure danced around the hordes of zombies and soon, he took them all down except one.

The last zombie which had its arms cut off ran at the crowds who later became scared when it got closer.


The figure threw one of its blades at the zombie moments before it got too close to the crowd.

The zombie's lifeless body dropped to the ground several seconds after the figure's sword pierced through its head halfway.

For a few seconds, nothing but the heavy rain beating against the open street, rooftops, and bodies of everyone could be heard.

The figure walked over to them while they still stood under the rain glaring at the zombie and then at itself.

After coming close enough, its appearance was finally revealed when it removed the hoodie and mask over its face, a man in his early thirties with little grey side beards that connected with his long hair made into a ponytail came in front of the crowd.

The man was dressed in a complete all-black outfit from top to shoes as he knelt in front of the little girl.

[Speaking Chinese]

"It alright, little girl. Those people won't hurt you anymore," he assured her as he patted her head lightly.

"Thank you, sir, thank you for saving us!!" The woman immediately thanked the man and after she did, the rest of the crowd bowed their head and did the same.

"Thank you for saving us!!" They chorused.

The man glanced at all of them and then returned his eyes to the little girl and slowly wiped away her tears.

A thunderclap so loud erupted high in the sky as the clouds lit up, it echoed across the whole area for a while before stopping.

The man looked up to his side and saw two dark figures standing on top of the roof. He immediately understood what their appearance meant.

"It's not safe here, let's go somewhere safe," he voiced out and stood up, shortly after, he collected his sword from the head of the zombie and wiped it off on it.

After sheathing his swords back, he walked away from the area as the crowd trailed behind him.


"Greetings, fellow presidents," the man projected on the screen in a black suit greeted the rest of the men present in the room.

He was the president of the united state and was seen as a leading figure even among the other presidents.

"I won't waste any of your time and go straight to the issue at hand," he voiced out audibly.

"It appears that the zombie outbreak has begun spreading across other countries,"

The news immediately piqued the attention of the men and one by one, they started murmuring among themselves.

"Mister president, I thought you assure us before that it won't spread further?" One of the men spoke out in a loud tone. "You said you will contain the epidemic immediately,"

"And I did," the president replied.

"Why now has it spread even further?" 

"It hasn't, and it has," the president replied again.

"Huh, what do you mean?"

"Take a look at the file in front of you," he informed. "The zombie outbreak in ground zero didn't spread out further than the very city it started. But there's a shocking issue at hand,"

"The infected are beginning to spring up in other countries as well. Almost as if what happened in ground zero is happening again in other cities,"

The men quickly scanned through the files laying in front of them on the table.

"Mister president, how can this be?" Another man asked.

"We do not know. All we could gather is that it happened naturally,"

"Naturally? Not a virus outbreak or something of that sort?"

"No!" The president answered.

"That can't be true! There is no way the infected won't spread out from ground zero," another man cut in. "I think the military didn't hold down the defense properly, hence making some of them escape,"

"That can be true," another man whispered to the next as the rest of them did the same.

"Are you saying the military is doing a lousy job?" The man conversed with the president before suddenly asking.

"I'm saying it's a possibility. Has the military ever done a job completely without one or two issues?" He asked back

"You cannot be serious right now," how can you blame the military for this?" He was immediately questioned by another man.

"Then explain to me why nature suddenly decided to abandon us. Since this happened naturally,"

"Mister President, please ignore our squabbling and continue," one of the men quietly insisted.

"If we should take your possibility into account, that's not a reason to not do something about it," The man projected on the screen continued. "I'm currently handling my country as well as neighboring countries to prevent any further spread of this epidemic,"

"If your country is yet to be faced with such a crisis, pray it doesn't. Because it's only a matter of time before it spreads out like wildfire, what will you do about it then?"

"I didn't call for this meeting to announce to every one of you that your countries will be infected. I called because there's a possibility that the whole world could be infected,"

The eyes of the men present in the room widened in shock. They stared at each other for a while and immediately began to ask.

"Mister president, are you sure of the possibility?"

"How can the whole world be infected?"

"What's the cause of this in the first place? We need to know,"

"Can y'all calm your horses let's try to figure something out!!" One of the men quickly raised his voice to calm everyone.

"Mister president?" He asked. "Are you sure about this?" 

"Scientists have collected the various samples they could and as far as analysis shows, the possibility is certain,"

"Is there a way for us to avoid it before it becomes like ground zero?"

"That, we are not certain of yet," the president replied. "However, it has only happened in two other countries besides ground zero, other than that we haven't received any report,"

The whole room went quiet for a long time as everyone stared at themselves and question inwardly.

"There should be a way to control it if it comes out, right?" A man suddenly broke the silence with his question.

"We have devised a few safety measures for that," the president projected on the screen voiced out.

"Take security measures and keep everyone indoors and out of the sights of these zombies,"

"If they are attracted to noise, lure them out of the city or an open location and eliminate them,"

After listing all that he knew, he kept quiet and so did the rest.

"Before it gets worst, we will try to subdue this threat as best as we can. Any further information will be communicated to you," 

With that as his last statement, the screen turned off and after a while, the light in the room did.