Chapter 189- Mostima Joins the Purge
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[Mostima POV]

The moons had risen quite high before I was able to find my first target of the night. It was a rather low ranking noble that manages some very unimportant businesses though that was just what the public knew. According to the information I was given. In actuality, she oversaw the underground trade of kitsune and other races for the nobles to use as playthings. She also had a nasty habit of severing people’s hands and using them for…lewd purposes.


I had snuck past her security and managed to sneak into her manor quite easily. People never expect how easy it is to fall unconscious when subjected to specific gravitational force. The hard part of this mission, though, was finding the room she slept in. Oddly enough, she didn’t sleep in the largest room in the center of the second floor. I’d mapped out the entire second floor only to discover that she also want here. This meant she was either not her at all, or in some hidden chamber.  Huffing a bit in frustration, I scoured the entire bottom floor a second time when I found some hollow-sounding floorboards. Lightly tapping around, I found a good spot and, with some of my gravity magic, made a hatch door float up.


Silently stepping down into the hidden steps, I followed them until the light of candles was the only thing to light my way. Echoing down the halls were the sound of light moans and the smell of sex.  The sounds and smell got stronger the further down the tunnel I got until I met with an doorless opening. Peeking inside the room, I saw a scene that I’d come to which I could have never seen.


The noble I was looking for was laying in a tub full of blood and severed hands, a glass of either blood or wine in one hand and a severed hand in the other. She had it placed between her legs and was manipulating the fingers to do…things.  It made me nearly puke in disgust. Looking around the room more, I saw a pile of corpses all drained of blood.  I was surprised I didn’t smell it all, but figured it must have been the candles, though I wasn’t sure how I smelled the other things.  Escapism aside, I decided to just end it so I wouldn’t have to deal with this anymore. Summing my Soul Weapons, I pointed both at the room and a rumbling began. Everything in there froze under the weight of the gravity I was manipulating, some of the weakest things surprisingly turning to dust from the force. The ceiling then began to slowly descend.  The rumbling didn’t stop until ceiling met floor, crushing everything inside in a stone tomb that none would ever find again.


“I need to see Fia soon.  This is gonna haunt me for a while.”


Making my way all the way out of the manor I wavered on wether to just obliterate the manor entirely or not, but decided it’d be for the best. I slammed the butt if my gravity stave on the ground and the world seemed to shake as the entire manor started to crumble.


“Unfortunate that there were no kitsune I could save.”


Once the entire manor was reduced to rubble, I turned my back and left.  Avoiding the rushing guards, I made my way to my next target. This one was a similar level of importance to my last one, though he was in charge of supplying aphrodisiacs.  His manor was across the noble district, but it was quite easy to get there by jumping over the tops of buildings, though getting to the tops was a chore.


Overlooking his manor from a distance, I saw a bunch of knights wearing crimson armor standing around, patrolling, guarding entrances, some even on the roof watching over the place like it was a prison.  I waved my earth magic stave over the roof I was on and small chunks loosened up. Using my gravity stave, I made them float and, once again with my earth stave, propelled them at high speeds. This was I took out all the knights I could see on the roof. One almost fell off, but his mantle got caught on something and left him hanging as if he’d jumped.


My attention then turned to the ones standing around and patrolling.  Though my vantage only covered half of the manor, I was able to silently take out many knights before someone took notice. I moved over the roofs of neighboring manors when an alarm was raised, though not many outside guards came due to the destruction of the previous manor.  As I circled around my targeted manor, the knights and few guards who came due to the alarm grouped up. The ones of the roof stayed in place and I took this chance to take out as many as I could while I still had the advantage of stealth. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to do much before those above and below started to clue in on my location.  I yet again moved location. I decided to try something extremely risky and actually moved over to my target manor’s roof and moved over to one of the few chimneys that I’d fit down and hopped into it. It was extremely uncomfortable on my wings and tail, but it was only momentary.  Doing my best to avoid knocking loose as much soot as I could, I finally reached the bottom of the fireplace and silently crawled out.


Looking around the room, it was thankfully vacant, though the sounds of knights running around outside the room could be heard.  Dusting myself off a bit, I made my way over to the door and peeked through the keyhole. More red armored knights rushed past. They were jostling a few kitsune women around, likely to bring them out and use them as hostages.  I wanted to save them somehow, so I decided to try something that would hopefully work.


I pulled out one of the dragon scales Keeno had given me and carved a Rune on it with one of the feather quills Keeno had also given me. Pouring my mana into it, it started to glow, but only after taking more than half my remaining mana.


‘Damn mana monster.  You said it doesn’t take that much.’


Opening the door a bit, I tossed the Rune into the hallway and immediately all light vanished. I was able to see perfectly fine though, due to the other Rune I added onto the scale. Pulling out a dagger I had in my boot, I ran up to the knights and began slitting their throats until the only ones left in the hallway were me and the bound kitsune.


“All of you be very quiet, I’m here to help. Grab onto one another and I’ll lead you to a safe room. When I’m done here I’ll help you all get out of here.”


They all felt around until they were sure they had a hold of each other.  I then grabbed the hand of one and walked them into the room i’d come from.


“Remember, be very quiet. I’ll have some friends come in soon to help you all get out of here.”


A few of the ones that were less afraid nodded their heads and I left the room. Walking in the other direction from the still darkness covered hallway, I began searching for my target. The hallway ended in a large foyer with a grand staircase leading to the second floor. My guess was my target would be on the second floor, so I was going to go up there. Before I did though, a figure stepped out of the shadows by the staircase.


“Oh?  My Mistress’ Apostle candidate. Fancy meeting you here.  Are you here to kill the apostate that live in this building?”


The death spirit silently walked over to me, her assets on full display.


“Yes, I’m here to kill the noble.” (Mostima)


“Wonderful.  He is currently locked in his special room with a few more of Mistress’s people.  I was also about to go wrong out his soul.”


“Then we have a common goal. Want to do it together?” (Mostima)


The flames at the corners of the spirit’s eyes flared up for a brief second.


“Oh?  But we’re in the middle of a mission.  Of course you being an Apostle candidate and strong in your own right, I’d love to accept a small tryst with you, but my orders are absolute.”


She began flaunting herself as she sidled close to me.


“Not what I meant.  I’d never cheat on Fia anyway.” (Mostima)


“Boo!  Where’s the fun in that!?  We death spirits, with these new permanent forms of ours need our own release!  Sure we’ve been dealing with it with each other, but we still desire strong people like you to have fun with too! Gah!”


I bonked the spirit on the head.


“Focus.  I rescued a few kitsune and left them in a safe room back down that way, can you send a spirit or two to help them?” (Mostima)


She was holding her head with a tiny pout that would be hot if I didn’t have Fia.


“Yes, I have a few of my sisters on standby to help the kitsune. I’ll get one of them to pick up those you saved. Now, let’s go kill the apostate. He is in his hidden room under these stairs.”


“What is it with nobles and underground hidden rooms?” (Mostima)


“Don’t know, don’t care. Just have to kill him. Oh, and good job with that hand lady. We’re treating her soul very well.”


“Mm.” (Mostima)


I followed her over to the remains of a wooden door that seemed to have rotted away recently. Glancing at the spirit she grinned and began walking down the hidden stairs.  As we went down, I started to notice offshoots in the walls. Some were freshly carved while others were old. The old ones had iron doors made of bars. Inside were chained connected to the walls and most of them had the smell of old blood and other, fainter scents of things.  The lower we went, the more doors were there. Some even had deceased occupants.


“Keeno would be furious if she saw this.” (Mostima)


Several of the occupied cells had kitsune who’s tails were ripped off and shoved down their throats. Others were hung with them. There was even one with two tails from other Kitsune shoved through their eyes.


“This one will get special treatment as well.”


Reaching the very bottom of the stairs, the heaviest iron door I’ve seen so far blocked out path.


“Please do the honors.”


Tapping my gravity stave on the door, I let a pulse go. The door shot into the room with a loud boom.


“What in the name of all that’s Divine!!!???  Who dares attack me!!??”


The noble was nearly hit by the door and was fuming before I stepped into the room.  That got him trembling like a newborn animal.


“N-no!  Y-you!?”


“Shut up, filth.” (Mostima)


I slammed the butt of my gravity stave on the ground and he fell to his back, the gravity slowly crushing him.


“Spirit.” (Mostima)


“Hehehe.  Thanks, Apostle candidate.”


The spirit sidled up to the noble and, with one of her claws, began her bloody work.  She cut his shirt off and I saw a black haze cover him for a second. She then stabbed a single claw into his chest, but only skin deep.


“We death spirits have seen all manner of war and atrocity.  Some mortal got very creative in ways of inducing pain while the victim lived. These things were nothing to us before our Mistress gave us these new forms. Now, we somewhat understand the joy in it, though only when it comes to those deserving. One of the methods we found was most effective was named a blood eagle.”


Turning to me for a moment, the spirit spoke more.


“Miss Apostle candidate, you’ve also showed us some nice methods. Like impalement.  Mixing that with this is a very nice way to inflict pain.”


Turning back to the noble who was looking at the two of us with a level of fear I’ve never seen before.  The spirit continued to flay the noble while he lived.


“Hehe.  You won’t die until I say, mongrel. We death spirits will make sure of that.”


She slowly tortured the mongrel until, well, I won’t even describe the spectacle of the end result, but it definitely wasn’t a pretty sight for a person with normal sensibilities. She asked if I wanted to impale him, and though I was slightly tempted, I decided not to. She seemed a bit upset about that, but got over it quickly. She ripped his soul from his body and smiled sinisterly.


“Feel free to move on.  My sisters shall see to the saving of the foxes.”


I nodded and left the room that smelt of blood and other substances that came from the mongrel during the past few hours.  The night was still young and I had many more nobles to deal with.


Chaos Realm:

Luna: How many damn nobles are in this country?

A lot. Though, Keeno’s people should stop their purge for the time being soon.

Luna: Why?

Keeno needs an audience.

Luna: Ahh.  Spectacle.

Heh.  Much more than mere spectacle. Look forward to it, Luna.

Luna: I always do.