[Keeno POV]
Waking up in a daze, I’d felt like I slept both for a second and a month. When the daze finally passed, I laid there, staring at the ceiling.
{What’s wrong?}
“Was kind of hoping to wake up to you. Had a feeling I would when I got five tails but seems that feeling was wrong.”
{Shame. I really wanted to the first one to enjoy that fifth tail.}
Her words seemed to spark something deep inside me. It felt like my already overwhelming feelings for Ama grew like a fire that’d been given even more fuel.
“Words can’t describe how much I want you right now, Ama. In every sense you can imagine.”
{Keeno!!! Calm down! If you don’t, we’re going to have a repeat of what happened when we first kissed.}
“I…don’t know if I can, Ama. It’s like everything I’m feeling right now is being amplified even more than usual.”
{Damn dragon bloodline! I usually love it, but in this circumstance, that and kitsune mix horribly! Damn it, damn it, damn it!!!! Keeno! I’m sorry, but I’m cutting the connection till you can calm down! My best advice, do your control exercises.}
The mental connection cut after that, leaving a void I didn’t like. I lay there, my emotions heightened to the nth degree, struggling to regain my control. The second I thought I was, the progress slipped through like sand. It didn’t help that my frustration was also heightened. Only after what felt like hours did I manage to get a bit better. I felt the connection come back, but Ama didn’t say anything. When she reconnected us, my control threatened to slip again, but this time was grip on the reigns was ironclad.
“Ama…let’s try again.”
{Can you handle it?}
The iron grip instantly started melting but I reinforced it with steel and then tungsten.
“Why is this so hard? I was fine earlier.”
{You have more than half of your Divinity unsealed. This means your body has gone through some changes. Not…well, mostly not physically. Your Core is glowing brighter and those scales around your eyes have become a deeper black, but the most changes are in your soul. You might have to stay put and retrain your control before actually trying to do anything.}
“Ugh. What’s the damage outside?”
{Not much is different here, but they lost about an inch of snow in Solheim and Odeen. Falheim is fine too, though some of their crops have wilted a little. Vanir was quite happy with it. So, not too much damage, but I’m going to need to have another conversation with your Solar spirits. Either they were slaking, or they weren’t ready for you to get to this much of your Authority at this pace.}
“Please do, the sooner the better. I don’t want every small fluctuation in my emotions to cause summer to happen worldwide. It was already bad when we both lost control after all.”
{Ok. I’ll tell Pram and the others to come see you, I’ll be back in a bit.}
Ama left again, but I felt the connection stay instead of being cut like earlier.
“Annoying spirits taking away MY Ama’s time from me…oh dear.”
I was really going to have to work on this. My spiraling thoughts were then interrupted by a knock on the door. When it opened, my three companions entered. Two of them seemed a bit tired while Freya seemed perfectly fine.
“Keeno, why did it get so hot outside a bit ago? Did something happen?” (Pram)
“Was it really that bad?” (Freya)
“Yeah. Felt like my skin was gonna start cooking like bacon.” (Mostima)
“Sorry about that. My control is a bit off today. Ama is getting things settled for me in the Divine Domain so I can focus on getting my control back to normal. How long have I been asleep?” (Keeno)
“Three days. By the way, what’s with the giant tree? All the kitsune in this city have been flocking to it and coming away praising Okami, the Apostle of Life.” (Freya)
“But Pram is the Apostle of Life.” (Keeno)
“Well, when someone grows a giant tree out of nowhere, then no one will listen to what the one in charge of watching over the tree says when she calls you the Goddess of Death.” (Pram)
“Sorry Pram.” (Keeno)
“I don’t mind. You still don’t want people knowing you’re a goddess after all, and with that identity, you can get to more places without trouble.” (Pram)
She had a point, though I still felt bad about taking her title.
“That aside for the moment, what are we going to do now? Stay here for a while, move on, or something else?” (Mostima)
“Our next destination is on the other continent, right?” (Keeno)
“Yep.” (Mostima)
“Then I think we should return to Solheim for a bit. I get this feeling that it’s our only chance to before I get nine tails. As much as I dislike that feeling.” (Keeno)
“I like that idea. I can also introduce Freya to everyone.” (Pram)
This made Freya blush and fidget nervously.
“Ok then, I’ll cover the cost of the Guild Teleport then. Any idea on the timeframe we leave at?” (Mostima)
“The sooner the better, though there are a few things I need to take care of before we leave. And we’ll be coming back to this city to set off, if I’m remembering the map right. Plus, I still need to figure out where Margaret’s uncle is.” (Keeno)
“One thing at a time, Keeno. Also, what’s with the outfit? I didn’t expect you to have something so…risqué for public use.” (Pram)
“It was Ama’s idea. Said I needed something fitting of my image. Plus, I really like it too. It’s so easy to move in.” (Keeno)
“It does suit you, though I think you should change soon.” (Mostima)
“I was planning on it. I need a bath too. It’s no fun not having one while putting out fires.” (Keeno)
I lazily got up and the others backed away, a bit shocked.
“Ok, Keeno, five tails really suits you. Better than any so far.” (Pram)
“Yeah. If I had to rate it on a scale of one to Pram, you’d be a 10.” (Freya)
“What am I on that scale, if Pram was a number?” (Pram)
“Unrateable because you are perfect.” (Freya)
“You sweet talker you.” (Pram)
One of my ears twitched as I watched the two flirt.
“Pram, Freya, hold off for now.” (Mostima)
They nodded and stopped their flirting. I stretched and flared my tails out, making some satisfying popping sounds.
“Anyway, I think I’ve calmed down enough for now. If you three don’t mind letting Margaret and Sif know I’m awake and to come see me in a bit. I REALLY need a bath.” (Keeno)
“Alright. Take your time, we’ll let them know you will see them this afternoon.” (Mostima)
I thanked them and they walked out the door. I turned to the bathroom and entered, only to be greeted by Geri and Freki lounging in the large tub, taking up all the room.
“Morning, Master!” (Freki)
“Good~♪Mor~ning♪~Ma~a~ster♪♥!” (Geri)
I tilted my head at their surprisingly good mood.
“Something good happen in these days I’ve been asleep?” (Keeno)
“We went to the Divine Domain at Mistress Amaterasu’s request and got to see Red again.” (Freki)
“She even hugged us, though she didn’t get why she did it. But it was nice.” (Geri)
“I’m happy for the two of you then, though I think you should let Red know at some point soon. She may get mad you’ve been teasing her for so long.” (Keeno)
“We will take that into account for next time we see Red.” (Freki)
“Would you like to join us, Master? It’s a bit cold, but relaxing.” (Geri)
“You two are taking up all the space.” (Keeno)
I know the reaction they wanted from me, and I was tempted to acquiesce, but I didn’t want to risk acting all shy making things difficult outside again.
“Ice Princess Master.” (Geri)
“No reaction isn’t any fun!” (Freki)
I smirked a little at their words.
“It’s only because you two aren’t ready for something like that yet.” (Keeno)
“Oh?” (Freki)
“A challenge!?” (Geri)
Turning my back to them, I slowly started to remove my clothes while hiding slightly behind my tails, only showing just small glimpses of the rest of my body while looking over my shoulder.
“…” (Geri)
“…We bow to Master!” (Freki)
In an amazing show of synchronization, the two hellhounds leapt from the bath and got on one knee, crossed a hand across their ample chests, and bowed their heads, their tails dancing as they did so.
“Hehe. Dry off and go check out the tree inside me. I want to know if there were any changes when I got my fifth tail.” (Keeno)
““Yes Master!””
The vanished in a flash of light. I chucked at their enthusiasm. Walking up to the bath I snapped my fingers and evaporated all the water and started to fill it again. Once it was full I stepped inside and started to heat it to a preferable temperature. Once the water was perfect and the room filled with, to normal people, scalding steam, I finally relaxed completely.
“I’m kind of excited to go back home for a bit. I wonder what everyone is going to think about my tails?”
Closing my eyes, I sunk a little deeper into the water.
Chaos Realm:
Luna: At times like this I wish I didn’t have Space Magic, well, when I think about my own journey at least. It’s a different kind of satisfaction when you can’t just snap your fingers and return home whenever you want.
Order: It worked out fine for you in the end. You had fun and were always happy and satisfied when you went back home. I bet Keeno would love free range teleportation sometimes, but she doesn’t have that.
Luna: True, but now she can fly.
Says the one that can fly by manipulating space.
Luna: Oi! I won’t take any of that from you, mister can-take-whatever-form-he-desires!
Just because I can, doesn’t mean I care to. I actually prefer kitsune form.
Luna: Then choose a set number of tails!!! Don’t just randomly decide how many to have whenever the mood strikes!
Order: Don’t listen to her!
Luna: Tch. Just you wait, when Tamamo comes here, we’re going to put you through our combined attack: 20-tail assault!
Oh no. Whatever will I do? Order, please protect me. *monotone*
Luna: *gets even more playfully frustrated and starts throwing fluffy things at the other two*
Order: Why!?
Luna: Because you’re his wife!
Order: Pffft.
Couldn't Payto just go and give himself 120 tails?
How would that many tails exist in close proximity without grossly morphing his physiology... Or ignoring the laws of normal space-time?
@lupenthewolf definitely through ignoring the laws of spacetime.
@lupenthewolf It's payto what'd you expect