[Keeno POV]
After having taken a longer bath than I meant to, I dried myself off and got dressed. Once that was done and I packed everything I needed I left my room. Though there wasn’t anyone in the hallway, I felt an almost jubilant energy in the air. Like it was full of life and harmony and a general lush-ness? It was hard to describe, but it wasn’t unpleasant. As I walked down the hall, I started seeing people. When they saw me, they looked at me with a strange look of reverence that made my tails twitch.
Some who I had traveled with for a while had more normal looks when they saw me which was reassuring. When I got to the large common room that branched off into the dorm halls, I was shocked. What was once a room made of white and grey stone was now starting to become more of an atrium. Small gardens of ferns and small flowers were being made and tended to, filling the air with a faint smell of nectar. I even heard the very faint sound of buzzing, meaning there were most likely insects akin to bees here as well.
I continued walking, looking for Pram and the others.
‘I know I’m not the Authority on Life or Nature, I’m literally the opposite, but this doesn’t make sense. This feels way too fast for things to spread.’
Stepping past a window, I almost tripped over my own feet when I saw outside. The tree I planted a few days ago had grown again. When I left it in my mad dash to leave, it was slightly taller than the building the nobles met in, now it had nearly tripled in height, and it was still growing. The lowest leaves I could see were starting to take on a golden or silver hue.
‘I think I underestimated this.’
{I’m back…What’s wrong?}
‘Ama, how is this growing so fast? And all this Life and Nature.’
{Ah. Honestly, I’m just as shocked. Fu and Moco are as well. We can feel our Authorities getting refined somehow, and it only began when you planted that seed, but none of us know how exactly that works. Or, in fact, how YOU were able to make something like this despite not having the proper Authorities for it.}
‘I mean, I believe it has to do with my Rune Authority, but I can’t for the life of me explain it either. Looking at it, as well as where it came from, it makes sense to me, but not in a way words can describe. Though I bet if I got close to the tree and analyzed it, I could tell what’s going on. But, one thing is for sure I can say, it’s something Primordial. An inevitability of the universe.’
{How philosophical. Oh, and you shouldn’t have to worry about slipping and creating eternal summer. Still practice your control again, but any damage it can cause if you slip a little should be manageable for now. But only if you slip a little. Very important you remember this.}
‘Got it, Ama.’
Stepping away from the window, I began walking again until I arrived at Margaret’s office. Knocking on the door, I heard a muffled acknowledgement and opened the door. Margaret was sitting at her desk, Zofia and Maria on either side of her. Maria was placing two cups next to the other two who had their heads lying on the desk.
“Morning Miss Keeno.” (Maria)
“Hello, Maria. You seem cheery today.” (Keeno)
“Well, someone has to be with these two gloomyguts here.” (Maria)
“Hehe.” (Keeno)
“Keeno…please tell me you are going to be leaving soon. I know this sounds very rude, but we’re getting swamped with requests to meet you. It’s endless and we can’t get anything important done!” (Margaret)
“Didn’t the others tell you our current plans?” (Keeno)
“They did, but only that you were leaving soon, not the definite timeline.” (Margaret)
“I was planning on leaving today after getting an update on anything and to see if you needed my help. Shame Sif isn’t here since she is also important with these decisions.” (Keeno)
“I can relay any instructions to her later. As for anything you need to do, unless you want to actually meet all these people who want blessings, and healing, and all these other random, miscellaneous things that are just an excuse to try and meet you, then not really. We can handle the logistics and setup of everything. Though I may contact you every now and then to figure out this more religious stuff.” (Margaret)
“Alright. I can do that. Just…hang in there. I doubt this headache will last forever.” (Keeno)
“See, even Keeno says so. Aunt Zofia, you’re just being dramatic.” (Maria)
Zofia didn’t say anything and just groaned. I looked at her with concern.
“She’s had a rough few days. Sleepless nights, constant work, hardly any breaks.” (Margaret)
Walking over to Zofia, I drew a small sleep Rune in the air next to her and instantly heard the sound of light snoring.
“Want one too, Margaret?” (Keeno)
“Sounds lovely, actually. But I can’t use it now.” (Margaret)
I pulled out one of Mum’s scales and drew the same Rune.
“Just pass some mana into it when you want to use it.” (Keeno)
“Thanks.” (Margaret)
“By the way, do either of you know where the others went?” (Keeno)
“They said they were going to get some stuff for the trip back to Solheim.” (Maria)
“I see. Thanks.” (Keeno)
I turned to leave the room. Before walking out the door, I glanced back at Margaret and Maria.
“And don’t worry, once this little intermission is done, I’ll try to find and convince your uncle to come here again. I haven’t forgotten.” (Keeno)
“Eh!? Uncle is coming back!?” (Maria)
“Maria, not now. And Keeno…thanks. I’ll gather some information for you so you can find him.” (Margaret)
“Alright.” (Keeno)
Smiling slightly, I left the room. Walking back the way I came, I passed through the atrium again, this time I ran into my friends.
“We were just coming to look for you, Keeno.” (Pram)
“Got everything ready?” (Keeno)
“Yep.” (Pram)
Freya fidgeted nervously and Mostima had a knowing smile.
“Oh? Something happen?” (Keeno)
“She just realized she’s going to meet Pram’s family soon.” (Mostima)
“Aaahhh. This is going to be fun.” (Keeno)
We talked a bit more before deciding it was time to go. When we got to the exit of the compound, I used some illusion magic to hide my four other tails so that we wouldn’t get swarmed by people. We made our way to the Guild while looking at the changes already happening in the city. Small plants had started growing along the sides of the water channels and vines had started taking over some the sides of some buildings.
{…I need Fu and Moco to come see this. I know things were growing rapidly, but this much is crazy.}
While Ama went to get Fu and Moco, we arrived at the Guild. There were a lot of people going in and out. Getting inside was a hassle but we eventually made it. Mostima led the way to the gate room on the lowest level of the building and, upon arriving there, got everything ready for our trip. While she did that, Pram and Freya went to change into warmer clothes. Once they returned Mostima left to to the same. When she got back, the gate preparation were finished and we walked towards it. Once the on-staff homunculus gave us permission, we stepped through the door of light.
Chaos Realm:
Luna: Come to think of it, I never commented on how that music blessing Keeno got played Spanish guitar in Lokir. It was nice.
*Poking head out of the pile of fluffy things they got buried under last time* You just now realized that?
Luna: I knew when I heard it the first time, but never commented on it. Now I did.
Order: *Also poking her head out of the fluff pile* Delayed reaction.
Luna: …
Order: What?
Luna: You missed the chance that saying that would be funny.
Order: Tch.
*Pats Order’s head*
Order: Mm.
Luna: Anyway, I’m going to go for a bit. Tamamo and Atmos have been preparing a tea party with everyone and I’m going to be late if I stay any longer.
Payto and Order: Have fun.
Luna: *Leaves through a cloud of stardust*
Am i the only one who forgot the importance of the uncle
No, I did too until I randomly remembered in the middle of the chapter.
@Paytoechip I have forgotten about this uncle entirely. There's an uncle? That's missing? Sounds like someone's run away Father, Part Two.
I mean it makes some sense, from Life must come Death, and then from Death comes new Life!
Sooo, death goddess spawned methaphorial tree of life.. the primordial entity that all life is tied to...
In my mind, the way it works is, Odin learned primordial Runes from hanging himself from the branches of the world tree, so in reverse, Keeno getting Authority over Runes, including Primordial Runes, allows for the birth of a world tree.
Yggdrasil time!
I hope you have a happy New Year!
Once they returned Mostima left to to the same.
To do the same.