[Keeno POV]
After walking out of the light I looked around. The familiar style of the Guild of Solheim was a breath of fresh air. The homunculus in charge of the gate here today walked up to us and bowed slightly.
“Welcome back. Miss Okami. Your presence has been missed.”
“It’s nice to be back.” (Keeno)
I walked over to the homunculus and patted her head. Though she seemed to keep her emotionless face, I could tell she smiled just a bit. Pram also walked over and joined in the patting.
“Nn. Miss Pram…welcome…error; rise in emotions detected; initiating…nn…initi-…”
She stopped talking altogether and hugged the two of us.
“Hehehe.” (Pram)
“…” (Freya)
“Hoh? Never seen a Guild Homunculus act like that.” (Mostima)
“That’s because hardly anyone actually cares to spend time with them. The people who run the Guild do just enough to treat them as people, but only the bare minimum. A few other adventurers treat them like friends, but it’s not enough to make a difference.” (Keeno)
“We spent a lot of time here over our childhood. We got to know the homunculi and helped them when all the other minor quests were taken or considered too much for kids to do. Over time they got slightly more expressive.” (Pram)
“…Nn. Friends…welcome…back…nnnnn…”
“How’ve you been? They haven’t been overworking you or your sisters, right?” (Pram)
“Negative…but…sister number 77215 was…rendered inoperable due to a confrontation between adventurers.”
“Who were they?” (Keeno)
“Due to Guild rules, that information is redacted.”
“Can you tell us when?” (Pram)
“Approximately seven days, six hours, and 56 seconds ago.”
“Alright. Have the ones who did it suffered repercussions?” (Keeno)
“Due to Guild rules, that information is redacted.”
“And your opinion?” (Keeno)
“…No. This one holds the opinion that those responsible did not face appropriate punishment. Records from sisters across the Guild Network show they act maliciously toward us on purpose. This one wishes they face punishment worthy of their transgressions…error; rise in emotions detected; initiating…error; emotional limiter deactivated…warning; reactivate emotional limiter or unit will experience rapid degradation in physical and mental health.”
The homunculus in our arms wold have fallen to her knees if we weren’t holding on to her as she began to cough up black liquid that acted as their blood. Pram had began using her healing magic on her as we supported her. After a minute she began calming down.
“Emotional limiter reactivated. Running self diagnostic…complete. Thanks to outside assistance, no damage sustained…thank you…Miss Pram, Miss Okami. This one is once more in your debt.”
“No need for this debt talk.” I turned to Mostima and spoke again. “Mostima, go upstairs and see if a receptionist named Herta is here. She should be one of the ones who distributes payments. Let her know we’re back and in need of her help.”
Mostima nodded her head and dashed away to find who we needed.
“Freya, go get some water.” (Pram)
“Alright.” (Freya)
Freya sifted through her storage ring and pulled out a flask of water. She knelt down and handed it to Pram who was helping me lower our homunculus friend into a sitting position. Once we were done with that and she was, reluctantly, drinking the water she was given, we waited. About 10 minutes later Mostima returned with the person we needed in tow.
“I’d say welcome back, but that can wait. What happened?” (Herta)
“Her emotional limiter was deactivated for a moment.” (Keeno)
“You two always had that effect. What was it this time that caused it?” (Herta)
“Anger.” (Pram)
“What got her tha…ah. We can talk about that later. I’ll let the Guild master know that you’re back as well. Will you two be staying at the Guild, or at your homes?” (Herta)
“Our homes.” (Keeno)
“Alright. Expect me and the Guild Master later then. It’s something we can’t technically talk about on the Guild premises.” (Herta)
“Thanks Herta. Do you need me and Pram to help you?” (Keeno)
“No. I can handle it from here. Good thing there are no other gate appointments today.” (Herta)
We helped our friend up again and she steadied herself. Herta took over and helped her balance more and we all began walking to the door.
“It’s good to see you two again. It’s felt a lot lonelier here without you two.” (Herta)
“Really.” (Pram)
“Of course. That spark that our Ice Princess and Winter Saint carried made things so much warmer here. Without you, it got cold and dreary. All business and hardly any excitement.” (Herta)
“Wait, did our old nicknames change again?” (Keeno)
“Seems like it.” (Pram)
“We do know your official titles, and when that news reached us it was a celebration, but habits are hard to change.” (Herta)
“I get that.” (Keeno)
“Did your nicknames change often?” (Freya)
“We had several that began rotating every few weeks or so.” (Pram)
We climbed up several flights of stairs until Herta branched off down the hallway to the rooms where the homunculi were cared for. We bid both of them farewell and continued up. When we reached the main floor, several people turned to us and, after a second, they began cheering. This caused others to turn and they too began cheering until nearly the entire floor was alive with excitement. People began calling out to us using our various nicknames making both Pram and I smile.
“What a warm welcome.” (Freya)
“That’s how it is here in Solheim.” (Pram)
Freya smiled at the warmth in Pram’s voice. She reached over and grabbed her hand causing Pram to smile too, this eliciting even more cheers from those around us. We waded through the crowd, greeting the people we knew as we went. Once we were finally free of the crowd we left the Guild.
Outside was just as snowy as always and the rustic mix of stone and wooden buildings was a nostalgic sight. As if the cold air and snow had frozen this moment in time. That same people in their little shops and stalls, the same sound of hustle and bustle, the same smell of lightly roasting meat and herbs wafting through the air on the gentle breeze.
“It’s like we never left.” (Pram)
“I was thinking the same thing.” (Keeno)
“So this is the place you two grew up in? It’s beautiful. Like it isn’t bothered by anything.” (Freya)
“I can see why, among other reasons, Fia chose this place to bring you when you were a kid. It’s a perfect place to settle down.” (Mostima)
“We’ll, as long as you don’t mind constant cold weather, but aside from that yeah.” (Keeno)
“Who needs to get used to cold when you have a firefox and a phoenix as friends?” (Pram)
“And a flame wolf for a girlfriend.” (Freya)
We all chuckled at Freya’s quiet addition as we savored the sights for a moment more. Pram then grabbed Freya’s hand again and started to pull her.
“The days tend to be short here this time of year, so let’s get going before it gets dark. Not that it doesn’t have a certain charm at night with those pretty lights in the sky that show up sometimes.” (Pram)
We followed as Pram led the way, the two of us pointing out places we used to frequent for one reason or another. Once we reached the road we used to live on, we split.
“Mostima, follow me and I’ll show you our place. Freya, good luck.” (Keeno)
“What do you mean good luck?” (Freya)
“Hehe.” (Keeno)
I pulled Mostima away as Freya’s ear began twitching uncontrollably. We didn’t have to run far though since our old home was nearby. Once it came into sight, I couldn’t help but smile. As we walked down the small path to the door, I melted the fresh snow that littered the path. When I placed my hand on the door, I couldn’t help but let out a tired sigh.
“Home after so long…it feels nice.” (Keeno)
Mostima didn’t say anything, but her warm smile betrayed the thoughts she had. I opened the door and stepped inside, ready to have a proper rest under a familiar roof.
Chaos Realm:
Nykuro: WA HA HA!! We have returned my subjects! Revere and rejoice!
Swil: Hello.
Nykuro: Swii, it’s fine, there’s no need to be so timid.
Hello you two. Have fun in the honeymoon?
Nykuro: Of course! You think I wouldn’t have fun with Swii?!
Order: No, you had way more than fun with Swii.
Nykuro: You get it, mum!
Swil: *timidly hiding behind Nykuro*
Why don’t we all sit and have some tea. Then you two can tell us about your adventures.
Nykuro: Sounds good Pachi!
Nykuro: HAHAHA!!!
Keeno's going to do some reeducation or I might
I vote for retributive nightmares! Allowed them to feel the pain they have caused
Punishment must be administered!
✨️ ˝/\___/\˝?
✨️ (❀>﹏<)✨️ *Nyom~*
One "adventurer" group angered the fluffy goddess of death.

You know Atmos may not appreciate the comparison, but it kinda feels like Nykuro has absorbed all of that Atmos hyperactivity she left behind.