Chapter 194- Freya Meets the Family
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[Keeno POV]

Stepping inside it was oddly warm for a home that nobody has lived in for several years. Narrowing my eyes I looked around before silently moving through the house. Mostima was doing the same and following behind me.  Passing through the kitchen, I noticed how spotless everything was, showing that Pram’s mother and Ashe’s wife kept their word and were looking after the place which made me smile.


Skulking down the hallway connected to the kitchen, I saw a light flickering in the main room. Mostima and I crept down the hallway. Reaching the door, I peeked into the room. The fireplace was lit, casting dancing shadows all throughout the room while a figure sat in Fia’s favorite chair facing the flames. The high back of the chair hid the entirety of the intruder except for the tips of her red-orange horn-like feathers.


‘Heh.  Mostima, we don’t have to worry. You sneak in first and give the ‘intruder’ a warm greeting.’ (Keeno)


She smirked and crouched lower. She stepped into the room and saw the chair our ‘intruder’ was sitting in and crept up to it.   I intentionally stepped on a creaky floorboard and the ‘intruder’ moved.  Standing up she turned from her chair in an effort to greet us when Mostima sprung up and wrapped her arms around Fia.  Before she could even make a sound of surprise, Mostima sealed her lips with hers, almost knocking them both down in the process.


“I know I’m the one who said to give her a warm welcome, and I really should have expected this, but I meant give her a big hug or something.” (Keeno)


Mostima broke the kiss but continued to hug Fia who had turned into a blushing mess with steam wafting from her head.


“Unlike you, I don’t get to see Fia once a month.  I need to take and savor every moment.” (Mostima)


“That’s fair. Though can I at least hug her once before you most likely drag her into a room, and I never see her again?” (Keeno)


“Sure.” (Mostima)


Letting the illusion on my tails go, I walked up to Fia and hugged her, wrapping the two of us up in all five of my tails.  This rebooted our phoenix.


“Hmm?  Five already?  I’m surprised you managed Lokir’s this fast.” (Fia)


“Hello to you too, Fia. And yeah, but then again, we practically slaughtered most of the nobles there, so there wasn’t that much opposition. Though the knights and my hellhounds helped things along much faster.” (Keeno)


“I’m both surprised and not at the same time.” (Fia)


“That isn’t even the most shocking thing, honestly.” (Mostima)


“…What happened?…and why isn’t Rasu saying anything?  She told me you were coming here today and that’s why I’m here now, but after that it’s been nothing.” (Fia)


“She’s talking with Fu and Moco. Nature stuff.” (Keeno)


“Don’t tell me you somehow turned Lokir into a jungle.” (Fia)


“Not a jungle, but it will become a place of flourishing nature.” (Keeno)


“…At least the fires were put out, right?” (Fia)


“Yep.” (Keeno)


“Good.” (Fia)


“Anyway, I’ll let you two have some alone time.  Just don’t be too loud please.” (Keeno)


I left chuckling as Fia blushed a deep red again. Mostima blushed lightly as well as she glanced over at Fia.  Walking up the stairs I went to my old room. Opening the door the familiar sight was almost enough to make me cry a bit from pure nostalgia. Huginn and Muninn poked their heads out of my tails and looked around before flapping out and landing on their old perches. The creaked under their weight before snapping.  The two lightly flapped to the ground and looked at the broken perches in abject horror.


“Why are you two so surprised?  It was made for normal ravens, not ones as giant as the two of you.” (Keeno)


They looked at me like I’d just killed their lovers before making a deep sound in their throats and flapping over to my headboard.


“Geri, Freki, feel free to come out and make yourselves comfortable.” (Keeno)


“We will…shortly…master.” (Geri)


“…Just make sure you clean yourselves first.” (Keeno)


There was no reply, but I didn’t need one to know they’d listen.  I snapped my fingers, and a flame burst to life in my fireplace.  I hopped onto my old bed and let out a long sigh.


“Freya was right, time here doesn’t seem to progress. It’s nice.”


I laid there after closing my eyes, not really drifting off to sleep, but going into a sort of daze as I reminisced.


[Pram POV]

Walking down my old street, the suns began to set.


“Why is it getting dark so early?” (Freya)


“It’s always like this around this time of year. A month, maybe two, from now, there’ll only be about an hour or two of sunlight. It’s something you just get used to, though it can get a bit depressing. But with Keeno around it hardly matters.” (Pram)


“Hmm.  Wonder why that happens?” (Freya)


“Dunno.  Keeno tried to explain it once, but everything sounded like some fantasy story.” (Pram)


“Heh.” (Freya)


We turned a small corner and stopped. In front of me was the nostalgic sight of my home and the attached clinic. Light shine through the windows and light snow that had began falling. Just looking at the place filled me with several feelings, and I felt my lips form into a smile.  We walked up to the door, and I knocked.  It took a few minutes, but I finally heard the sound of someone coming. Freya hid slightly behind me, one of her ears and her tail twitching nervously.  When the door opened, my brother poked his head out.


“Hello…Pram!!!!” (Ashe)


He flung the door open and jumped out, nearly tackling me to the ground if Freya didn’t brace me.


“Why didn’t you let us know in advance you were coming back!?” (Ashe)


“It was kind of decided spontaneously. Now, can we come inside?  It’s cold.” (Pram)


“We?” (Ashe)


Ashe looked over my shoulder and finally noticed Freya.  His eyes went wide for a second before he let go of me, straightening up his posture and cleared his throat, trying to look like a proper older brother.


“You wasted your first impression already.” (Pram)


“…*sigh*Come in you two.  Mum just put out dinner.” (Ashe)


He stepped aside and Freya and I stepped in. The warmth was welcoming as we took off our topmost layer of coats.  Ashe stepped in and shut the door, locking it.


“Oh?” (Pram)


“You’ll understand soon.” (Ashe)


We walked forward toward the dining room when mum finally called out.


“Ashe, who is it?” (Mill)


He was about to respond, but I held my hand up, stopping him.


“You’ll never guess.” (Pram)


The sound of metal crashing down followed my words and mum practically leapt out the door of the dining room.


“Pram!” (Mill)


“Hey mum. Long time no see.” (Pram)


“Don’t long time no see me and get over here so I can hug you!” (Mill)


Before I could even take a step, she wrapped her jumped in front of me and wrapped her arms around me.  She leaned close to my ear as she did this.


“Who is that pretty lady that’s trying her best to go invisible?” (Mill)


“I’m going to introduce her in a minute. Where’s pa?” (Pram)


“Finishing cleaning the clinic. He’ll be here soon.” (Mill)


“Ashe’s wife?” (Pram)


“Heh.  Visiting her parents on the other side of the city. You’ll see her tomorrow.” (Pram)


She let go of me and winked at Freya. I was dragged into the dining room and sat down in my old spot while Freya sat next to me.  Ashe sat down in his usual seat as mum placed some freshly cooked meat on some plates and placed them around the table. Once she put a plate in front of pa’s seat, we heard the back door open and shut.  Pa walked in, shoulders slumped, tail dragging on the floor. He passed Freya and I without reacting and sat in his seat before rubbing his eyes tiredly.


“Long day?” (Pram)


“Yeah.  That new sport that’s been all the rage for the last few years is getting even more popular and it’s the season for competitions. So many people are getting injured because they aren’t taking proper precautions.” (Pa)


“So that thing became a sport, eh?  Sounds fun to watch, not that I’m ever going to do it personally. Wasn’t a fan of it.” (Pram)


“…” (Pa)


It seemed like Pa had finally realized who he was speaking to.


“Pram?  Pram!!  Welcome home!!!” (Pa)


He tried to do what both mum and Ashe did, but the table got in his way and he ended up slamming his foot into the table leg.


“Mmph.” (Pa)


“Honey, save it for later. Let’s all eat while it’s hot and then we can all catch up with everything. But first, why don’t you introduce us to your friend there, Pram.” (Mill)


Smiling, I wrapped my tail around Freya’s waist and pulled her closer to me.


“This is Freya, she’s my girlfriend.” (Pram)


Mum and Ashe nodded their heads while Pa looked at Freya with a judging expression.  Freya blushed and looked away, ear twitching all the while.


“It’s rude to stare, Pa.” (Pram)


“I’m just trying to figure out if she’s good enough for you.” (Pa)


“You don’t trust my judgment?” (Pram)


“I do, but this and that are different.” (Pa)


“She’s saved my life a number of times.” (Pram)


“And why were you in situations where your life needed saving?  You’re a healer, not some front-line fighter.” (Pa)


“I wasn’t fighting, and I’m an adult who can protect herself when needed. I don’t need you to judge my girlfriend when I chose her. If you have a problem with that, then there is nothing for the two of us to talk about.” (Pram)


“…If I can interject…sir, I love Pram with all my heart and soul. I’d do anything to keep her safe, even if it meant myself getting hurt in the process.” (Freya)


“Hmm.  And how can you prove you are able to do that?” (Pa)


“That’s enough, honey.” (Mill)


“Mill-” (pa)


“No.  Pram has made her decision, and Miss Freya has stated her resolve. All that’s left is for you to stop being stubborn.” (Mill)


“…Fine. But I’d still like to talk to Miss Freya later. If she’s going to be with my little girl, she’ll have to meet her standards.” (Pa)


“Pa…no, I’m not going to say anything. I can already tell how this is going to end.” (Ashe)


“We all can, brother.” (Pram)


With this over, we all ate our full of mum’s cooking. By the end of dinner, Freya was all smiles as her tail waved back and forth while she laughed at stories from mine and Keeno’s childhood, much to my embarrassment.  Once everything was cleaned off the table, we went to the lounge and sat next to the fireplace.


“So, Miss Freya, we’ve spoken a lot about Pram, but what about you?  Where are you from, what did you do before you met Pram?” (Ashe)


This question made Freya freeze up. She looked around nervously, trying her best not to meet anyone’s eyes.  I moved closer and gripped her hand to try and help comfort and encourage her.


“…I’m from Vanir.” (Freya)


“Hmm.  I’ve heard that country is very rainy. Or at least it was until recently. That, and a few other things.” (Pa)


“…I…I was a tool used by the old Families there. I did things I’m not happy about, and I was raised to do nothing but kill and enforce their rules. Of course, I’ve not been a part of any of that for a long while now, ever since Pram and Okami saved my life.  After that I haven’t left their sides. From that point on, we all grew closer until I ended up falling for Pram.  I’m in no way proud of what I used to do and I’ve been trying to make up for it, though I myself feel like I haven’t done much to improve myself.” (Freya)


“Hmm.  Thank you for your honesty.” (Pa)


Mum got up and walked over to Freya.  Looking her in the eyes, she moved her hand and began patting her head.


“I’m going to say my completely honest, unfiltered thoughts. Freya, what you did in the past doesn’t matter as long as you are the you, you are now. As far as I’m concerned, as long as you love my Pram like you clearly do, then I’ll welcome you with open arms. Though I do think you have a self-deprecating personality.  So, feel free to ignore anything my husband says, he just wants to play the part of overprotective father.” (Mill)


I could see a small smile on Freya’s face at mum’s words.  Mum saw it too and began smiling even wider herself.


“Now, it’s getting late, and the two of you are probably tired. Do I need to get the guest room ready, or no?” (Mill)


“No.” (Pram)


“Alright. Oh, before you go to bed though, I’d like to have a small private chat with Freya. Ashe, honey, go do the dishes while we talk. Pram, since we didn’t know you’d be coming back, the fireplace in your room isn’t burning. I’d suggest you get it started someone don’t freeze to death.” (Mill)


“Okami wouldn’t let us die like that, but I get what you’re saying.” (Pram)


Getting up I walked to my old room, leaving Freya with mum. Opening my door, the nostalgic sight nearly brought a tear to my eye. Stepping in I picked up some wood that was sitting near the fireplace. It was a bit dusty, but not too badly. Placing some in the fireplace I lit it. The warmth started to spread through the room as I sat on my bed.  Not long after that, someone knocked on the door. When they opened it, Freya walked in, her face so red it looked like a tomato.


“You alright?” (Pram)


“Y-yeah.” (Freya)


“What’d mum have to talk to you about?” (Pram)


Freya looked away as she shuffled closer to the bed before sitting down next to me.


“Nothing important…just asked me a few more questions about me and you.” (Freya)


“Oh.  So…what’d you think?  Not as bad as you were thinking, right?” (Pram)


“Everyone is nice…well, your father is a bit…” (Freya)


“Meh.  Like mum said earlier, he’s just putting on an act. Get to know him a bit and it’ll be like you’re his daughter.” (Pram)


This made Freya blush more. I tilted my head in confusion but decided to ask for more details once she calmed down more. Standing up, I got into my warm pajamas.


“Sleep close to me. If you thought those nights in Odeen were harsh, then you underestimate Solheim’s cold.” (Pram)


I have Freya a pair of my old pajamas and she put them on, looking absolutely adorable the entire time. Once she was done, we cuddled close under the heavy blankets and slowly fell asleep.


Chaos Realm:


Order: I’m looking forward to the next day.

Same.  Things are going to be fun.

Order: In many ways.

*The two begin to laugh together at the fluff to come*