Chapter 195- Meeting in the Night
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[Keeno POV]

After resting for a few hours, I got hungry and decided to go make something. Passing by Fia’s room, I heard no sound, but then again, I never heard them shut the door either. Going down the stairs and passing the lounge, I actually found Fia and Mostima cuddling next to each other by the fire. Fia was being held practically in Mostima’s lap as she nuzzled her head into Mostima’s neck, clearly asleep.  Mostima noticed me and gave me a look that asked to not make much sound. I nodded and continued on to the kitchen.  I made something quick and simple and enough for three. And, as I expected, the literal lovebird and her, fallen, angel appeared, summoned by the smell and promise of food.  Fia was still drowsy from her nap while Mostima was smiling so brightly she could light up the room.


“Keeno…thanks.” (Fia)


I nodded once at Fia before sitting down and digging in.  It wasn’t bad, though I’ve made better, but at least it was filling. Once everyone finished Mostima took it upon herself to do the dishes even though she didn’t need to. I got up to help her but before I could take a step, someone knocked on the door.  Fia completely perked up at this and looked over to me.


“Expecting someone?” (Fia)


“Yeah.” (Keeno)


I walked out of the kitchen and to the door followed by the curious Fia. Opening it, Herta and Randal the Guild Master stood in the blowing snow. I ushered them inside quickly so they wouldn’t freeze any more than they already were. A few quotes thanks later and we moved to the lounge, the fire blazing hotter once a few small logs were added to the fireplace.  Funnily enough, the second I looked at the fire for more than a brief glance, the flames turned blue, casting an eerie glow around the room.  A moment later, Mostima came in and placed a small tray of steaming hot chocolate on the small table between the seats.


“Before we begin, I’d like to welcome you back to Solheim, Miss Okami. Things here have been quite boring without you and Miss Pram here, though I’ve heard through the Guild Master’s network you’ve accomplished something grand in Lokir.” (Randal)


“It wasn’t that crazy.” (Keeno)


“Doing something that only gods or a god’s Apostle can do isn’t something crazy to you?  My, my.” (Randal)


My ear twitched at that but my slight annoyance at being thought of as an Apostle didn’t show in my expression. Fia looked at me with an expression that said I either need to divulge the truth or play into the role.


“That aside for now, we have more important business to discuss.” (Keeno)


“Hohoho.  True.  Though that information is the only reason me and Miss Hera are here personally. If it wasn’t for that, then my hands would be tied and, even if you are one of my favorite adventurers, I wouldn’t be able to give you anything.” (Randal)


Nodding to Herta, she pulled out a small stack of papers and placed them on the table.


“This is the information of those who killed that homunculus. To summarize it, they are a group that fled Odeen when things got messy between the nobles after the king’s death. Even when Odeen was stable, they had a reputation for abusing the Guild homunculi, occasionally killing one or two of them on ‘accident.’  They, however, were always able to pay the fine that the Guild issued them. You are not the first to want to bring them to justice, but no matter the time or place, this party came out unscathed.  They are a clever bunch who manipulate the Guild rules to do what they want and remain on the ‘decent’ side of things. Since they don’t officially break the rules, and pay the appropriate fine when they do, the Guild’s hands are tied. Now, my personal opinion is that people like this need to be held accountable for their actions, but unfortunately my own strength and skills are lacking, and I don’t wish to get others involved when it could impact them negatively. You, however, are a different story. I don’t know why you wish to continue as an adventurer since you have a much more important duty, but it’s not this old man’s job to question the Divine.” (Randal)


“And, if I may say my piece, I wish for the homunculi to have their sister avenged. Though they physically and mentally cannot feel anger and hate without risking injury, I and several others can tell they aren’t satisfied and wish for something more to happen.” (Herta)


“There is no need to worry about that, Herta, I was going to take care of them regardless.  Now if only we could figure out a way to prevent more people from doing this in the future. To the best of our abilities at least.” (Keeno)


“That is something only the headquarters can do, unfortunately. And the ones in charge there happen to be a shrewd bunch who only make new rules or update old ones when they absolutely need to. And, as much as I personally wish wasn’t the case, they only see the homunculi as tools. They don’t notice and most likely don’t even care to even try and do more.” (Randal)


“That sounds like grounds for an uprising.” (Mostima)


“They can’t, there’d be the risk they’d all die due to the emotional toll.” (Herta)


“I wish we could find a way to help that. Make them more human.” (Keeno)


A silence fell across the room, broken only by the crackling of the fire.


“Heavy topic aside, do you plan to stay in Solheim for long?” (Randal)


“We’re just taking a small break before we start on our way to the other continent.  Not sure how long exactly though.” (Keeno)


“I see. Well, regardless the length of time, it’s good to see you again.” (Randal)


Herta nodded and the two finished their hot chocolate before standing and leaving.  Fia then turned to me once the two had left the house.


“I’m surprised you didn’t divulge more. I’d assumed you’d start proclaiming yourself.” (Fia)


“I thought about it, but not yet. I feel like it’d bite me if I did now, especially if Randal spread it through that Guild network.” (Keeno)


It was then that Geri and Freki decided to emerge, surprising Fia in the process.


“Master, are you going to send us hunting?” (Geri)


“We were listening while we took our bath. Master’s enemies are our enemies.” (Freki)


“No.  I want the two of you to relax for a while. I’m thinking of inviting Red, Emma, mum, and Eblana here for a bit. I want you two to fix this misunderstanding between Red and yourselves.” (Keeno)


“Keeno, who are they?” (Fia)


“I didn’t tell you?  Runic Death Spirits I named. Geri and Freki, they’ve been a great help too. Oh, and both of them are Red’s Fated One.” (Keeno)


“That’s rare.” (Fia)


“Ama said the same thing.” (Keeno)


“I’m surprised you aren’t surprised, Fia.” (Mostima)


“Spirits are a weird area for me. They do and don’t surprise me.” (Fia)


Both Mostima and I nodded because that made sense.


“Anyway, I’m going to bed now, so good night.” (Keeno)


“Night.” (Fia)


“We promise to not keep you with the noise.” (Mostima)


Fia began blushing again as Mostima chuckled lovingly at her reaction.  Once I was in my room again, I fell into my bed, Geri and Freki following me a moment later.


“This is where Master grew up?” (Geri)


“Cozy.” (Freki)


“Feel free to explore the house or sleep, just don’t bother Fia and Mostima. I’ll show you around tomorrow when we go look for those people in hunting. Once they are dealt with, I’m going to invite the others over. Play with Red as much as you want but remember to explain things properly too.” (Keeno)


““Yes Master.”” (Both)


Plopping my head onto the pillow, I was asleep instantly.


{Ugh.  I’m finally back. Fu and Moco sure love to make something like this into a bigger deal than it needs to be.  Then they had me help finally put their secret project into motion…and she’s asleep…}


“Hello, Mistress.” (Freki)


“You’ve been quiet for a while.” (Geri)


{I know that.  Can you two tell me what I missed?}


“We can.” (Freki)


Chaos Realm:

Luna: Stupid bureaucracy.

I don’t think it’s that that’s keeping things difficult for this Guild.

Luna: Sounds like annoying so-called rules to keep people from suffering proper consequences if they can manipulate them right.

That’s how societies work, Luna. You’ve forgotten that after being a god for so long.

Luna: …I-I think I need to do some self-reflection.

I never said it was a bad thing.

Luna: Maybe not for you, but for me it’s a big deal.

Suit yourself, I’ll let Tamamo know what’s up.

Luna: Thanks.