Chapter 196- Pram’s Hectic Morning
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[Pram POV]

Waking up the next morning I noticed Freya shaped lack of warmth next to me. Looking around, I saw signs that she was still here not to long ago, like fresh logs added to the fireplace and the fact that the spot she slept in was still slightly warm.  Getting up I dressed myself before making my way downstairs.  I found Pa and Ashe sitting at the table in the dining room, but mum and Freya were nowhere to be found.


“Where are Freya and mum?” (Pram)


I yawned, still fighting off the remnants of sleep after saying this, eliciting smiles from the two at the table.


“Your mother took her out to do some early morning shopping. Something about wanting to get to know her better.” (Pa)


“I’m surprised you didn’t go with them then.” (Pram)


Pa started grumbling about wanting to, but something about it being something only women would understand.


“But I will get to know her better. If sh-gah!” (Pa)


“If she what?” (Pram)


I tilted my head and played up the cuteness to see if I could get the answer from them since it was clearly something only I was in the dark about.


“Don’t worry about it, Pram. Oh!  Maria should be back soon. I can’t wait for you two to see each other again!” (Ashe)


“Oh?” (Pram)


As if speaking the event into existence, we all heard the door open and close. After a second, I heard two pairs of footsteps.  I immediately looked at Ashe with hopeful surprise.


“No!” (Pram)


“Hehe.” (Ashe)


Entering the dining room was Maria and behind her a child who looked to be about three. The little girl looked just like a tiny version of Maria but with the stern features of Ashe in her face. Upon seeing me Maria joined in the family tradition of nearly tackling me to the ground with a hug. The little girl just looked at me with a mix of confusion, defensiveness, and curiosity.


“Pram, when did you get back?” (Maria)


“Yesterday. We got back and are staying for a while. I don’t know how long though.” (Pram)


“Mumma, who’s that?”


“Ah.  Thrúd, this is your aunt; Pram.” (Maria)


I walked up and crouched down in front of little Thrúd.  She looked at me with the innocent gaze of a child and smiled.  I smiled back and patted her head.


“Ehehehe.” (Thrúd)


“Same reaction as Ashe.” (Pram)


“And it’s adorable every time too.” (Maria)


I continued to pat her head while everyone looked on with warm smiles. When I stopped, Thrúd seems a bit upset, but got over it when she realized that everyone was looking at her, she brought her tail to her face and hid behind it.  It was something that words could never describe with how adorable it was. When she realized that we kept looking at her, she looked around before running over to Ashe and hiding behind him.


“Brother, your daughter is adorable.” (Pram)


“Isn’t she!?  Like, it still surprises me how she gets more adorable every passing second.” (Ashe)


He wrapped his tail around her and used it to pat her head, which caused her face to light up like the sun.


Sitting down, Maria looked me over.


“I can see you’ve become stronger, Pram. And something about you feels…different.  But in a good way.” (Maria)


“Well, a lot of things have happened.” (Pram)


I began retelling the, child friendly, version of our adventures since we left. During this retelling, Thrúd listened the whole time with rapt attention, eyes shining.  Hours went by, during which Ashe and Pa, who had already heard this, left to open the clinic. Once I was done, Thrúd came up to me, her eyes still shining.


“What happened next!?” (Thrúd)


“I don’t know yet. We haven’t gotten that far.” (Pram)


She pouted with inflated cheeks. I laughed and poked them, causing her to giggle.  She poked me in the leg as revenge and I poked her back. It then turned into a little game that continued until someone knocked on the door. I was going to go answer it, but Maria told me to keep playing with Thrúd. When the door was opened, I heard a surprised gasp from Maria and knew who caused it.  Thrúd turned around with a confused head tilt as two pairs of footsteps could be heard coming this way.


Maria passed the corner first followed by Keeno.  She was looking around with a nostalgic look on her face until her eyes met Thrúd’s. They stared at one another, both completely frozen. The first one to break this staring contest was Thrúd, who started bawling her eyes out.  Keeno flinched while Maria and I were confused.


“Mumma!  Auntie!  Scary monster!!” (Thrúd)


She grabbed my tail and wrapped it around her before doing her best to do the same with her own. I looked from the now fluff-cocooned Thrúd back to Keeno.  Outwardly her expression didn’t change and was the usual icy one she had in public, but I could tell she was hurt. Her ears flattened and her tails twitched as she silently turned around and left. Maria tried to reach out to her, but she was already out the house before she could reach her.  Thrúd poked her head out of her fluff-cocoon and looked around before sniffling and wiping away her tears, only for more to start falling.  Maria crouched down in front of her and wiped them away.


“Thrúd, why would you call Auntie Okami a monster?” (Maria)


“Scary eyes…dark…um?” (Thrúd)


She began to make hand motions to try to describe her feelings, but they didn’t convey much.


“Um? Too hot…but cold?  Eyes…dark…scary…itchy?” (Thrúd)


She plopped down on the carpet and scratched her head as she tried to figure out the words she wanted to use before her tail twitched and distracted her. Her focus was completely stolen by the movement and she began a game I fondly remember where she tried to catch it with her mouth.  We let her be as we got up and went to talk in the kitchen.


“I’m sorry about that, Pram. I’ll have a talk with her later and get her to apologize to Okami.” (Maria)


“Ok.  I’ll go find and check on her.” (Pram)


“I’ll see you later.” (Maria)


Putting on my boots and thick coat I left the house and looked around.  I saw Keeno’s footprints lead from the door around to the back of the house. Following them, I found her sitting in a dry spot under our favorite tree. She was looking down, but her ears twitched when she heard me approaching.


“Kids really don’t hold back, huh.” (Keeno)


“She is only three.” (Pram)


“Mm.” (Keeno)


I sat next to her and she leaned her head on my shoulder.


“Don’t even know why I’m bothered by it this time. Usually doesn’t faze me.” (Keeno)


“Maybe because it’s from someone in my family?” (Pram)


She lightly shrugged her shoulders.


“Maria said she was going to have a talk with her.” (Pram)


“She doesn’t have to. I know the kid probably doesn’t know why she got upset either. Probably my eyes, but meh.” (Keeno)


I started rubbing Keeno’s back as she stopped talking. Just looked over the place we used to play a lot in.


“I came over to let you know I’m inviting Red, Eblana, Emma, and mum over. Oh, and Fia is here too.  Ama had her show up before us as a surprise.” (Keeno)


“Sounds fun.” (Pram)


“Yeah. But seeing as you have a niece now, feel free to spend time over here.  Gods know you should spend at least some time letting her get to know you.” (Keeno)


There was something in her voice that unsettled me.


“I hope you aren’t thinking of telling me I can stay here when you decide to resume our journey.  If you even try thinking that, I’ll smack you.” (Pram)


Her ears twitched, tickling my cheek.


“Keeno.” (Pram)


“Ok, I’ll stop thinking it then.” (Keeno)


“You better.” (Pram)


“Oh right, got the information on those mongrels too.  I’m going to take care of it, so you don’t need to worry.  I have Huginn and Muninn out looking for them, so I expect to have this little problem dealt with soon.” (Keeno)


“Hmm.  Do you know how you are going to deal with them?” (Pram)


“I’ve got a few ideas. Something I want to try out since Ama said something that might possibly help the homunculi earlier.” (Keeno)


“What was it?” (Pram)


“Something to do with souls.” (Keeno)


“Let’s leave it at that.” (Pram)


Keeno moved her head off my shoulder.


“By the way, where is Freya?” (Keeno)


“No clue. Ashe and Pa said Mum took her out somewhere earlier but wouldn’t tell me where.” (Pram)


“Hmm.” (Keeno)


A look of contemplation crossed her face for a second before she once again shrugged her shoulders.  Stretching her arms, she got up.


“I think I’m going to go mess with Ashe. It’s been a while since I did that.” (Keeno)


“Try not to go too far. He is working after all.” (Pram)


“I wasn’t going to do that much.” (Keeno)


She began walking toward the clinic, melting a trail in the snow, all five tails swaying rhythmically.  I smiled at that before standing up and going back into the house. Looking through a few room, I finally found Maria but no sign of Thrúd.


“She tired herself out and fell asleep. I’m going to talk to her when she wakes up.  Did you find Okami?” (Maria)


“Yeah. She said you didn’t have to talk to Thrúd about anything, but I would still do it.” (Pram)


“I expected that from her. What is she doing now?” (Maria)


“She wants to mess with brother.” (Pram)


“Heh. Always keep him on his toes, eh?” (Maria)


“Naturally. We can’t have him get complacent even if we aren’t here.” (Pram)


The front door then opened again and mum’s voice could be heard.  She and Freya passed by the room Maria and I were in and noticed us. Mum smiled brightly while, upon seeing me, Freya blushed so much her face reminded me of Fia’s feathers.  I didn’t know why she was blushing so much, but it made Freya even cuter, which made me smile.  Seeing my smile and the blushing wolf girl, Maria quickly figured out our relationship.


“Good going, Pram.” (Maria)


“Hehe.” (Pram)


I walked over to Freya and pulled her close, wrapped my tail around her waist, and kissed her cheek. I could feel how cold her hands were, even through the gloves she was wearing, so pulling her over to a chair, I sat her down and, with a smug smile, sat in her lap, making sure her hands were also there so I could warm them up.


“That’s my girl.” (Mill)


“How bold.” (Maria)


“Well, I needed to give her some affection. She wasn’t there when I woke up, so it has to be now.” (Pram)


Both mum and Maria nodded before mum looked over at Maria.


“Where’s little Thrúd?” (Mill)


“Napping. Oh, I hate to ask this, but I need some advice.” (Maria)


“Ok.  Come with me, let’s let these two have some alone time.” (Mill)


Maria nodded and the two of them left the room.


“P-” (Freya)


Before Freya could say anything, I turned myself around and sealed her mouth with mine.  She could say what she needed to later, right now, I just wanted to sit in the quiet with her.


Chaos Realm:

Atmos: GUESS WHO’S BACK!!!!!!!!*dodges a pillow that was thrown at her*OI!!!

I’m starting to think I need to get the Atmos Isolation Room refurbished.

Atmos: Oh woe is me, the first thing I’m told as I arrive is that I’m being put into solitary confinement!  How cruel!!!

Order: Why are you yelling so much?

Atmos: Because I read somewhere that being loud really when you arrive somewhere after a long time makes people happy!!!!

*Throws another pillow*

Atmos: OI!!!  If I got hit by that one, I’d explode!

No you wouldn’t.  You’d be knocked out at most.

Atmos: Pffft.


Atmos: Was that not a pun?


Order: Payto, get the room ready. I don’t need another person spouting bad jokes around here, one is enough.

My jokes are bad?

Order: *looks at Payto with the eyes of someone full of pity*

Atmos: Ahahahahahahahaha!!!!