RDD 93
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RDD 93

After the day, Charlotte went to her house. She was in a good mood. Perhaps she already forgot what Roman said to her. Kids usually forgot things. They were easy to move on. 

"This son of mine..."

I shook my head. I sat down on the sofa and rest. I need some time to calm down. 

"Where did he get that sharp tongue of his?"

"Why are you even asking something obvious?"

Penelope heard my muttering and sat down next to me. She rest her head on my shoulder and replied. 

"Roman and Sophia inherited their vulgarity from you." 

"Me? Not at all. I'm a gentleman." I defended myself. I believe I'm not a person who would speak something hurtful. 

"Wife, I think they inherited their sharp tongues from you."

I recalled how she shut down Señorita. My wife was usually gentle and sweet but she knew how to make someone mad once she started berating. 

"Keith, let's not even fight. I know you're trying to change and I'm happy for that."


When she said that to me, my mind immediately recalled all of the hurtful words I said over the past six years that were together.

"I'm sorry Honey. I love you. I was drunk at that time."

"No, you don't have to apologize. You have to prove it to me by action."

"I promise."

Sometimes, I wanted to curse myself for doing those stupid things. I shouldn't have been such a bastard. 

Perhaps Penelope was still holding a grudge against what I said.

I reached for her hand and intertwined my fingers against hers. I was happy that Penelope didn't reject me. 

However, what she said next almost broke my heart. 

"Once the business grew well, I want to DNA test Sophia. You keep saying that she's not your daughter because she doesn't resemble you."

"... Wife.

I didn't know what to say. I wanted to say something, but I knew that it might affect her. 

I tried to say something but Sophia showed up with her doll. 

"Mommy! I don't want to sleep in bwother's room! He is bad! I don't want to stay with someone who doesn't have sympathy! I want to sleep with you!"

Now that might be bad... I wanted to have a heartfelt conversation with my wife but it would be impossible if the kids were with us. Especially with Sophia. 

I know in my heart that Sophia is my daughter. Her eyes were blue just like mine. What I said back then was so stupid that I wanted to meet my past self and beat him to death. 

I couldn't believe that he said something heartbreaking.

Perhaps Penelope was right, Roman inherited his sharp tongue from me. 

The sentence that I muttered could destroy a family. I didn't know what to do.

"Dajjy? Why are you cwying?

Sophia looked at me worriedly when she realized that tears started rolling down my face. 


I was confused at first. But when I touched my eyes, I realized that there were indeed tears. 

I felt stupid and weak. 

I glanced at Penelope. She was worried too. In fact, she was crying just like me.

"Honey, I..."

"I know. You don't have to explain. I understand that you were drunk at that time. It still hurts me though."

"I'm sorry." I groaned and hugged her. 

Penelope bit her lip and nodded. She sobbed and leaned her face on my chest. Her tears landed on my clothes as she weakly sobbed. 

"I love you, Penelope. I love Sophia and Roman too. I love our children. I'm sorry for being an asshole."


Both of us started crying like children. 

"Wuuwuuwuwu, Mommy, and Dajjy are cwying! It's all bwother's fault! He made Mommy and Dajjy sad! Wuuwuuwuwu."

Sophia started snotting it up, crying so loud that her cries echoed inside the house. 

She ran to her parents and hugged us. We both embraced Sophia with love as both of us cried. 

A few seconds later, we found Roman approaching us... He was crying too. 

"I'm sorry... I will never be a bad guy again! I'm going to be a gentleman! Mom, Dad, please don't hate me."

Penelope and I were shocked to see our son crying. We knew that Roman always maintain his stoic expression. He never showed his emotions. Yet he was crying right now. 

Because of that, we started crying. We hugged each other with the children in the middle. 

If I'm being honest, we both looked stupid right now. As if we lost someone close to us as if we were mourning the death of someone. 

We didn't explain to the kids the reason why we were crying. They thought it was because Roman was getting difficult to raise. 

I could not believe that the words I said a few years ago would haunt me.

Anyway, we felt good after crying and releasing our frustration. Penelope was cuddling with me the whole time. 

We decided to watch something to change our attention. Since the kids were with us, they have the right to choose the movie... They chose Home Alone. 

Even though we already watched the movie so many times, it was still funny. 

Penelope was giggling next to me. Perhaps she was still sad about what I said back then but she was not mad anymore. I was holding her hands the whole time. 

Sophia and Roman reconciled too. Roman apologized to her. He promise that he would be a good brother and he would protect Sophia from any bad things. (The next day, Roman started pestering me on how to become a Super Saiyan and Battousai. He said that he wanted to protect the family from bad guys.)

As for Penelope and I, we went to our room and started our "reconciliation". I showered her with so much "love" that she felt good the next day. She said that she would visit our shop with the kids. 

... Regarding the DNA test, Penelope was still adamant to prove a point and I decided to agree.