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Chapter Three

I feel as if another soul has mixed with me. Memories that I couldn't remember penetrated my brain. My brain was fried to the limit. 

"Guhah--! Aahhh--!"

I gasped as I kicked up my feet. I immediately lifted my upper body and took a deep breath even though some of the water entered my esophagus, I was mad for air right now. 


I could not control my throat and coughed violently. I coughed water after water as I escaped the bathtub that was drowning me. 

My tired arms did their best to pull me out of the tub. I was gasping for breath and weakly rested my body on the cold bathroom floor. 

My head hurt, no, every part of me hurt. 


It took me half an hour to move and I stood up painfully. 

Suddenly a strange thing caught my eye. 

"Why is there a toaster in the bathtub?"

I asked myself, although I felt groggy and weak. 

Then I remembered. 

"Ah, I was the one who put it there..."

Strange that I know this thing even though this is my first time in this place. 

"Ugh! Damn it! Why do you have to keep doing that? My head hurts, okay!"

A flash of memory hit me and I almost stumbled. I clutched my head tightly as I gritted my teeth. I pushed through the pain as best I could. 


I moaned like a madman. 

'I swear, this whole day is nothing but pain!'

I was hit by a truck!

I was in pain!

I was reincarnated!

Yet, I was still in pain!

What the hell bruh!?

"Haahhh haahhh..."

After the pain subsided, my vision improved and I scanned the whole place. 

Just as I expected, I was in an old bathroom with stains that were impossible to clean. How did I know this? Because I tried to clean it when my family first rented this place.

It was bizarre how I knew this, but I already have an idea. It's probably because of this body. 

The original owner of this body. I have his memories and feelings. If I'm not mistaken, our two souls probably merged into one. However, I was the one who controlled the fusion, because the original owner had already died when the fusion process took place. 

In a way, I'm still me. The guy who was killed by the truck and met a goddess. I'm still Keith Castillo. 

"If I'm not mistaken, the original owner probably killed himself... We have the same name as well, huh."

I looked at the toaster still floating in the bathtub, smoke coming from it. I noticed that there was an extension cord on the floor, but the toaster was unplugged, at least.

"The toaster must have been unplugged when I kicked the tub..."

It was lucky that I escaped another death. 

"Okay, Keith... Let's take it slow and process it steadily."

First, the original owner killed himself because of depression, so he used the most painful way to die.

Second, the Goddess brought me here. I became the owner of this body, which I'm a little happy about because at least I know I'm a man because of the thing dangling between my legs. 

The third and most important thing is that I'm going to live a new life and I don't know where to start. That's the best I could come up with right now. 

I sighed and soothed my aching body. Maybe it was because the body was in pain. After all, it had been electrocuted. 


I said to myself. Why do I have to kill myself like this? I think drinking cyanide or falling from a high building is much better. Although I've never experienced them, so I'm not sure. 

As for being run over by a truck... No, not great at all. Probably the worst experience of my life. 

Time has passed, but to be honest I'm still in a state of shock. A lot of things happened and I can't take it all in one day. 

'I want to go to sleep.'

I am so exhausted that I want to lie down and close my eyes.

My steps were a little unbalanced as I reached the extension cord and folded it. Luckily, this extension cord was not that wet. 

As for the toaster... I have to throw it, or it will revive my memories of this very moment. 

Turning around, I noticed that there was an old, dirty mirror on the wall. I instinctively turned to the mirror to see my appearance. 

My curiosity was immediately satisfied when I confirmed something. 

"Good, it resembles my face.

The person in the mirror had black hair and was quite handsome. However, it was obvious that he was haggard and tired just by looking at the dark bags under his eyes. The stubble on his chin was growing unevenly. In addition, he had belly fat and it looked like he didn't exercise much. 

To be honest, I thought he looked ugly and unkempt. Like, when was the last time you shaved, bruh? 

I shook my head. Anyway, I need time to deal with everything. It was hard to accept this new life. Just like the original owner, I'm depressed right now. 

I fixed the extension cord and threw the toaster away, I'll find an excuse to tell my wife later.

"Wife? Huh? Strange, I never know that I will be married just like that. But first, I want to get a good night's sleep."

After getting dressed, I immediately jumped on the bed and lay face down. All I can say is that this bed is quite flat and hard. Looks like I need to find a way to buy a fluffy bed for me and my wife. 

My eyes closed and I snore loudly. There are many things I have to think about, I have to accept the truth that I will never return. But I'm exhausted and need to rest first. 

-- Snore snore snore...