Chapter 141: Calm and collected
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A trail of blood went from the tree’s shade into the bushes. From thereon it lessened until it was entirely replaced by hoofprints. William didn’t care much for the sunken trail as following it would force him to leave the dinosaurs behind unattended: A foolish decision...

Therefore, after having seen the trail’s transition, he stomped his way back to Lucifer. Wondering if Charkel’s words were indeed true…

“That sly old fox! I’m going to skewer his other leg next time I see him!”, William cursed through his teeth as his heart cramped up again. This time due to emotional distress.

Not only had that obnoxious Charkel caused his companions harm, but he had also kidnapped his guide. And hence postponed the hunt that they had already wasted a year on! And things certainly weren't made better by William himself, who kept using his ability like a racecar that he couldn’t afford the gas to.

The white dinosaur got dragged by William to sit together with him underneath a tree. There they were more sheltered from the dribbly cold. While William pondered on what to do, Lucifer was held in his embrace still groggy from its inhalation of the mist. The dino was no longer considered a cub, even though it hadn’t grown much since last winter. It was now the size of a husky teen with wings that had grown more well-fitted to its proportions, and yet they still didn’t allow for the dinosaur to take flight.

The somber rain continued to stay, trickling its way down the treetops, erasing footprints and tracks in its many streams. William witnessed this destruction, plagued by the prospects of a cure…

*Sniffle*, William inhaled sharply the water that was about to leave his nostrils. “Are you feeling better now, Lucifer?”, he asked the white dinosaur. The dazed creature cawed and snuggled against his collarbone. “Haha… You know full well that we can’t sit here and enjoy the quiet forever, right?”. Lucifer purred while it bundled itself into a shape more fit for cuddling.

“Ouf, you’re getting heavy…”, William complained to the sweet dino with an apologetic grin. He was calm now, at least enough not to go and make a blunder due to the lack of it. Not long after he had regained his composure, he forced himself to stand up. He rummaged through his back then cautiously wrapped his burned hands.

A confirming look was passed onto each dinosaur before he called out to the two of them, “Boros, Lucifer!... I can’t find the way. So how about you guys use your efficient snouts for some sniffing?”. Boros mowed past the casuals to show them how a real hunter tracks their prey. Proud to be of service.






Somewhere damp and cold Thalgar was forced to rest. They didn’t chain him up physically as the poison had already paralyzed both of his legs and arms. He was left alone in the darkness for a few hours, before the somber voice of Charkel returned with the flicker of a torch, “You cannot fool me, son. I know that you can hear me…….. Isn’t it scary?... Not being able to control your body as you desire anymore?... In about 4 days your condition will turn lethal… Listening, feeling, breathing, all of that will cease to function. But don’t lose hope yet... This torture and agony?... It will disappear if you pledge your eternal services to my lordship… If you do, the toxins will remain, but you will be given a tranquilizer. Something that will halt the symptoms of my concoction... Hmm, that does, however, require that you return regularly for the medicine… Flee and you will slowly succumb to death. Or, if you turn out to be really useful? I shall hunt you down again… What fun that’ll be…”.

Charkel closed the iron door behind him before he added, “As for your old dinosaur? You may fetch it once your faith has been proven. And if it should die? Then we have plenty of new ones for you to choose from”.

The old man hobbled over to see if he could force his catch to respond. Thalgar didn’t react to the man’s approach and instead stared indifferently at the ceiling, saying, “Should the chance arrive, I will gladly hunt you down in return…”. Charkel was flabbergasted but he soon grinned, “Why? Do you love to hunt too? Fascinating… Tell me… Why do you hunt?”.

Thalgar went silent for a while before he replied back to his jailor, “... It matters not… Neither does your master...”. Charkel swept both hands into his sleeves. He stood for a while inspecting Thalgar’s face as he petted Willow that was hidden within.

To not overexert his leg that William massacred, Charkel leaned against the wall, then he hummed to the other, “Oh, I see… We think alike, you and I… To us, hunting is not a sport, although that is what we boast… It is what we are, and without it? We are nothing but dead men… Am I right?”.

Charkel finally made eye contact with his victim. It made the man jester, “I admire your faith, son. Be it god or the hunt? Your face tells me that death doesn’t frighten you… Mayhaps, you would be so kind as to divulge your secrets? Or will you remain just like the almighty ones? Aloof and uncaring of others’ plight? It’s quite selfish of you, really… Here I am, just wanting to see some good old’ fashioned horrified eyes and tears, and you won’t even humor this old man? Talk about rude...”.

Thalgar refrained from sharing his thoughts, but secretly he agreed to the sentiment, that without hunting he was as good as a dead man... Since long ago he had known the world to be a fish-eat-fish one, where being the hunter was equal to being the one on top of the food chain. And with that position came security through power, a sense of meaning, and progression. However, just like it was a blessing it was also a curse, for once you were on the top there was nothing scarier than the bottom, even though the bottom was the place one originally hailed from...

Seeing Thalgar's growing frown, Charkel commented, "What a sullen look you got there, son? Is anything bothering you?”. Thalgar didn’t shy away from the other’s prodding. They both knew which topic would flare up their spirits the most. It was especially Thalgar, who ‘feared’ its arrival. But luckily for him, Charkel wasn’t quick to spoil the torture. With teasing brows, he said, “... Let me guess… You're wondering... Why? If our intentions were to have you work for us as a faithful soldier, then how come our first approach toward you was an outright disregard of your trust? Well... It’s quite simple really. There are only so many that the lords are willing, or rather capable, to pay for. Thus they chose to spend their tax money on my services; ones that provide free healthy slaves... Haha… Don’t glare at me so… To me it was never about the numb gold. It has always been about the hunt... I do get to hunt so many wonderful targets in the name of god. So how could I complain?... And you know… You can get to hunt too?... There are plenty of targets to choose from. For if there’s one thing we won’t be running out of soon: It’s war".

Hearing that the topic wasn’t about the survival-rate of his group, Thalgar heaved a small sigh. Happy that he wasn’t asked such a simple, soft-brained question… If only his mind wasn’t so muddled by the poison. Then he would have been able to trust the signals he was getting from his ability, instead of having to rely on a lesser being to deliver him the facts.

Charkel waited for the torch to burn out before he crept out of the cell. Still holding on to the other’s chance at hope, like a deadly card, meant for shattering the most obstinate of men.