Chapter 145: Precautions
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The two infiltrators remained silent as the other signaled for one of them to follow him beneath an arch. He stood deserted for a while before the girl mustered up the courage to meet him.

“Congratulations”, he muttered, “I must admit. I am surprised that you managed to survive an encounter with the Thunder Wolf… It has been known around these parts for being quite a challenge. But now what?... Have you come to steal your friend back? Or to ask for forgiveness?”. William bluntly replied, “… Do you have the key?”. Acting as if he hadn’t already spotted it amongst the man’s folded robes.

Charkel’s bushy eyebrows flew up as he replied, “What is it with you? First you want the antidote and now you demand a key? How about adding a: Please? Hmm?”. William calmly replied to the other, “Using manners on a weasel is a bit much? Don’t you think?”. Charkel lost his witty grin and stated, “That’s really unwise for you to say, girl………...... I’ve thought about it and you may have your friend back, but in return, you must come forth and pay for your sins… God forgives those who repent… And I have a feeling that he wants me to help you do so…”.

An ignorant guard went past the arch before William dared reply back, “Why do I have to die just so you can feel better about yourself and seek acknowledgment from who knows what?... Is being alive, not good enough for you?”.

To this Charkel sneered, “Being alive versus being useful are two entirely different things. One is equal to a bug while the other is worthy of bliss… You!... I’m afraid, have stamped yourself to be nothing more than an insect. A disgrace to the human race! That’s why you don’t deserve your skin anymore… You should go back and ask for a do-over before god makes the change permanent! HUH!?- When did-!?”. The cloaked man suddenly exclaimed as he felt a strong tug steal something from his possession.

He got caught off guard preaching, and only managed to catch the glimpse of the thief’s tail before it disappeared. William took this opportunity to grab the bulge Charkel hid in his sleeve with both of his hands. The bulge wiggled and struggled but he kept it straight and threatened the owner, “If you so much as sneeze, I’ll snap Willow’s neck!”.

Being threatened like this was the same as having a loaded gun pointed to one’s head. Charkel stiffened at the notion, and whispered hoarsely, “Then what? I’m not the only one acquainted with its breed… They will find you. And you best not harm them… Doing so might result in hundreds of innocent peoples’ death, including your friend’s… You see, my little obstinate friend… We are the poison… But also the antidote”. The girl glared at his haughtiness, then she smirked, “Too bad for you then… I don’t need your elusive antidote anymore!”.

Metal struck and Charkel was once again feeling the pain of punctured flesh. Then, before he could yell or take off his glove, the girl tackled him onto the ground, and there he remained straddled at someone else’s mercy. His dinosaur was kept prisoner under his weight and nobody came to check out the ruckus, due to the late hour and another dinosaur’s distraction outside the walls.

William took Charkel’s belt and bound it around his hands, making sure to bind the sleeves beneath it too. The man hissed in spite, “Of course you’ll need it!? I am the cure!... I-… I could have been your savior!”. William tore off Charkel’s hood only to pack it into his mouth so tightly, that it would require assistance from someone else’s fingers to pry it out again. “Just be grateful that I’m leaving you alive!”. He dusted off his dress, then hesitated. “Or you know what? I might be needing you after all… So how about staying put for now?”, William grinned as he pushed the other into a dark corner, thinking: It wouldn’t hurt bringing him along if the Rubspit doesn’t work.






A door got busted in and two men were removed from the fortress’ keep. As they rode out on Boros, guards came bustling from within the walls, trying their best to keep up with the late-night raid. The thieves fled into the forest, bouncing haphazardly on Boros’ back as it ran. William concentrated deeply on administering the cure.

He wasn’t sure exactly how he should apply it for the best results but guessed that Thalgar had to ingest it if it should be effective. The pouch was clumsily opened and held above the other’s mouth. The goey contents flapped all over the place but finally found their way into the welcoming crater. Seeing how unruly it was, William frowned but remained patient until every last drop was swallowed.

“Mrmph!”, Charkel muffled further back, held aboard Boros by Lucifer’s strong teeth. The man’s eyes flashed with fury as he saw his lord’s medicine be misused. If it wasn’t for the hood gagging him, he would have screamed about how William should pay for his actions. Because that medicine was crucial for his lord’s wellbeing!

The paralyzed Thalgar, blinked a few times. His mouth closed and unlike before, he could actually wiggle his thumb now. Seeing the difference, William took it as a sign that the Rubspit would work. He whipped around and met with Charkel’s bulging forehead. “Lucifer! You can let go now”, he coldly suggested.

Lucifer didn’t falter for a second. It released its hold instantly and watched the wounded man fall to the side and into some bushes. William spotted a few followers while he witnessed the man drop. He took out his blade and slid off Boros’ back, shouting, “We’ll split and gather far from here. I know you’ll find us!”.

One of their pursuers retreated as he had to tend to Charkel. Now there were just four left. William and Lucifer split them in two. While Lucifer went to the trees as an easy way to attack them, William herded the others away. Successfully letting Thalgar and Boros escape into the darkness.

One of the guards got killed by Lucifer, but William refrained from doing so. He had a hunch that these guards might not be willingly serving Caspian and his cause. If that was the case, wouldn’t he be a monster for ending their lives?