Chapter 17 – Another Trouble
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The guild lobby is full of mercenaries as usual. Well, not that Seele cared about. She's gonna take a break from taking requests for a while since she's been doing them non-stop in the past few weeks.

Today is the day she meets the guild master, just as what Raymond had told her yesterday. Right now, she's at the first floor right outside the meeting room. She thought the meeting was supposed to be at the guild master's office but there was a slight change in plan. It seems that there are others who wish to evaluate her promotion as well. She just heard about it this morning, so Seele could only expect a lot of surprises.

As she stares onto the wooden floor, the door to the meeting room opened revealing a figure of a woman.

"You may enter now, miss Seele."

Following her orders, she enters the room. The meeting room as it implied, has a long rectangular table with several chairs aligned at the side. All of them were made out of simple oak wood, the floor was not covered by any sort of decor showing the bare wooden flooring, the wall has a tasteless choice of brown coloring, there are several windows at the right side where the sunlight shines the interior. She wasn't surprised at all since this room is located at the end of the first floor anyway. Far at the end of the room, the guild's banner was raised.
And in that room, there are several figures present.

Far at the end side of the table, an old man sat in a grey coat with papers in his hand. He had a short white hair along with his mustache, wrinkles all over his face indicating that he was old. It was no doubt, he was the mercenary guild master, Baron Olaf R.N Youvas.

"Good morning Seele." Baron Olaf greeted her.

"Morning." Seele bowed showing a little bit of respect to him.

She knows very well that this man is not to be reckoned with. Seele heard a lot about him having the power that rivals the royal magicians. Then again, it was only rumor but his records of battle cannot be taken as a joke.

"Have a seat young lady." Baron Olaf implored.

Seele bowed, "Thank you."

As soonest she is seated, Seele scans her surrounding.

There are two figures sitting adjacent to Baron Olaf.

On his right, there is a man in glasses. She knew this person very well, he's the guild's secretary, Damien Fiel. He didn't pay much attention to Seele as he was busy speaking to Baron Olaf.

On the left, a woman sat across the secretary. She had long black curly hair, dons an eye patch across her left eye and she also wears red shirt that reveals her cleavage. The woman looked around in her late 20s and was a total hot looking woman. Any men would fall for such beauty. Seele recognized her as well, she is none other than one of the S-Rank mercenary, Sheera Hun. Sheera saw her ogling and waved her hand, greeting the girl as they gaze each other. Though, Seele was a little annoyed with her presence.

To think that an S-rank mercenary would be someone she acquainted with to evaluate her...

"Before we begin..." Damien spoke, "Would you kindly take off your hood, Miss Seele? Everyone knows how bad you are at grooming."

Anger vein popped out of her cheek, "Was that supposed to be a joke?!" she thought as Damien's remarks was considered to be rude. Sure she didn't bother to groom but what he just said was not true!

"Damien, stop teasing her." Baron Olaf ordered. "I'm sorry about that, Seele. But as you know this is a formal meeting, so it would be better for you to remove the hood."

"Understood." Seele took off her hood revealing her ugly look before them. She wasn't keen on removing them but since this is an order from the guild master himself, then she has no choice.

"Woah, still haven't changed the hair style, huh?" Sheera said jokingly much to Seele's chagrin.

"That's enough everyone, we're starting." everyone at his side went silent as soonest the guild master ordered, "Seele, it seems that you have managed to accomplish several criteria given by the guild - hunt down rogue mercenary, exterminate an assassin, provide close protection for the kingdom's forces, assist mercenary groups and some other accomplishments. You managed these ranking missions on your own."

"Indeed, sir." Seele replied humbly.

"However, in the previous mission... Yesterday to be exact, you teamed up with a newbie, correct?"

"Yes, I did. Raymond set me..." As Seele explains, Baron Olaf cuts her words.

"I already know of it, Seele. Raymond had to settle your dispute with the newbie by having both of you teamed up to complete the quest." Seele went speechless, she didn't knew what to say. But Baron Olaf isn't done just yet, "Although, I must say you're willing to work together because you know its one of the ranking mission, am I correct?"

"Yes, I do - guiding a new member of the guild on their first mission."

"Although, initially you against teaming up with him, correct?" Damien interceded.


"But, both of you managed to exterminate the bandit. That's a good thing but..." Damien paused he reads the paper in his hand, "You left your team mate at the 29th Lancer's office to head towards Lord Alranne's mansion to get your permit stamped. Well, that's quite shame."

Seele narrowed her eyes, "What do you mean?"

"We were hoping to get his firsthand feedback as well."

"Is it necessary?"

"Yes, it is Seele." It was Sheera's turn to explain. "Its important to see how you behave towards the lower ranker since as you know 'reputation precedes you'. By having his feedback, we'll be able to tell whether you being uncooperative or treated them as a meat shield rather than guiding them properly."

Seele didn't utter a single word. She knew she haven't guide Tryx... No, she didn't even guide him at all. She hitched a ride on his horseless carriage, she lets him does most of the plan and she mostly does attacks on her own instead of working together. If Tryx was called here right now, she bet that he would spill the beans and bullshit around the corner just to make her look bad. She just glad that idiot isn't here.

"Though, as a team mate..." Sheera continues, "You shouldn't leave him behind."

"It couldn't be helped, I took two quests and I can't bring him to Lord Laranne's mansion as he haven't taken the quest."

"But that doesn't mean you should leave him without an explanation, he was baffled the moment he returned to the guild."

Seele remained silent, she didn't even pity Tryx's situation at all.

"Though, when you think about it... It seems Miss Seele here prioritizes her ranking and rewards rather than guiding the newbie here." Damien scoffed.

"Watch your tongue, Damien." Sheera glared at Damien.

"I mean, she literally left the newbie on his own to get her permit stamped. Plus, she's never been the type to work in a group, right?" Seele gripped her fist tightly, rage fueling her as she hears the secretary's line. "Perhaps, she was too eager to to show her status as the Crimson Demon. The fact she also bath in the blood of her own comrades..."


"THAT'S ENOUGH YOU TWO!" The old man's voice shuddered every single person in the room.

Seele's rage dissipated immediately, she could feel her hands trembling in fear. She could barely control her breathing, her heartbeat is pounding harder every second.

"Sorry, sir." the two apologized in unison.

Baron Olaf rubbed his temple as he sighs, "Miss Seele, I'm truly apologize for that. However, he was not wrong. While you have your responsibility for meeting with the Lord Alranne comes first, you should not neglect your partner at the same time. You should've brought him back to the guild first before heading to the mansion. Now, due to your carelessness we might not be able to determine your promotion."


Baron Olaf held his hand in the air prompting Seele to remain silent, "However, seeing your capable of going one man army against a company and battalion size forces, It would be shame to not promote you. You have so much potential only if you're willing to work in a group. So, what do you think, Sheera, Damien?" he glanced at the two.

"I think it would be appropriate to not promote her right now. How about make team up with several A-rank mercs to evaluate her. If she fails to meet the standard requirement, I suggest we demote her." Damien's suggested.

That suggestion made both Seele and Sheera grimaced as they knew what he's up too. Not wanting to see her fellow acquaintance getting discourage, Sheera quickly countered with her very own suggestion.

"However, guild master... Due to her powers and abilities, I'd prefer we give her another chance. Though, if she fail to meet the requirement, just gave her a penalty instead of demotion."

"Hoho?" Damien pushed up his glasses, "Going soft on her, Sheera?"

"At least I didn't try to demotivate her." Sheera hissed.

"Enough both of you." Baron Olaf stopped them once again, "Well then, here's my verdict." Seele prepares herself, it could be bad or even worst. "Based on the two suggestions, I have decided to not promote you..." Seele was pissed but the old man wasn't finished just yet, "For now, that is why I'm giving you another chance. You will guide the newbie again and make sure he stays by your side until your evaluation ends. If you fail, we might have to demote you."

Seele could feel a little bit of hope but if she screw up this time, she might be demoted. She was so close towards her goal but now, she has to do the same task again. If it only the task is a little bit different.

"Understand, I will not repeat the same mistake." Seele vowed.

"Well then, find this newbie..." Baron Olaf was a little bit surprised as he read the name on the paper, "Tryx... person... And bring him together with you tomorrow. I'll explain all this matter to him."

"I... I'll do, sir." Seele agitated.

"Well then, you're dismissed."

With the final bow, she left the meeting room.

As the mercenary heads out of the premise, she was glad that her promotion was not halted and she did not receive any form of punishment. Her plan is still on track, only if it weren't for the other problem.

"Just where are you, newbie?" Seele muttered under her breath.

She just couldn't believe that she has to team up with him again.

14:35 p.m.
The following day...

Stuart Cafe. The locals said that it has the best coffee in the town. Aside of that, they also serve wide array of cakes and other sweet confectioneries.

For Tryx who was a fan of sweet confectioneries, he needed to attest whether this claim was true. And he it was. He'd never expect that the chocolate cake would be tasty and its not too sweet. Right up his alley. And the coffee is just rich, just what he used to drink back in his old world. While everyone goes latte, espresso and all, he prefers a simple black coffee.

Though, coffee and cake is not the only thing he's indulging. He also happened to have an assignment for himself.

Next to his half eaten chocolate cake and coffee, multiple rolls of maps are scattered across table.

Since the map in the status window hasn't shown any map, he decided to buy all these maps and use it as his references. He just have no idea why the map refuses to function even though he leveled up and cross country in a single night.

Well, talking about system... He also leveled up exponentially.

In a span of these two days, not only he receive a hefty reward for exterminating those bandits he also raised up 4 levels instantly. He went up from level 14 to level 18. He couldn't believed it but that's what actually happened. Along with that, he also unlocked some new gears, weapons, perks, kill streaks and vehicles.

Back when he was about to attack the bandit camp, he was thinking about checking his status but he decided to accumulate some EXPs first before checking it but he didn't expect to jump 4 levels instantly.

Despite all the new unlocked stuffs, he doesn't want to focus to much on it. He needed a short break before getting another new quest. That night assault at the old fort really exhausted him. Now he knows why Seele insisted on attacking during day light. Maybe he should've listened to her.

"Though, if only she's not that edgy..." Tryx thought. "Whatever, time to figure out why this map is getting error message..." He opened up the status window and selected the map.

Tryx aspire to travel and adventure across this new land. But without a proper map and guiding system, he will have a hard time determining his direction and location on this world. He needed to solve this problem, he's going blind right now. He couldn't stop thinking why the map won't work. He thought it might require a satellite to function, that is the only hypothesis he settled on.

As he indulged on the bitter coffee and examine the map, he glanced around the street to see any interesting faces. Suddenly, he caught a figure staring him from afar. The figure wears a dark red robe and underneath the hoodie, a pair of glowing purple eyes was glaring at him. The figure then approaches the gamer.

Dark red robe, purple eyes...

"EEEP!" Tryx accidentally choked on his coffee. He coughed out as the bitter beverage filled his windpipe. The map in his hand fell into the status window, "Oh no!" Tryx tried to grab the map but it disappeared. He tried to find the map under the status window but there was not a single traced of it. "No no no no no!" he panicked looking around the table until the map gives out a weird message.


"Loading?! Why-" Tryx was baffled, before he could see the result the girl called him.

"Did I startled you, newbie?" Seele asked coldly.

"Woah!" The window automatically closes, his eyes looking at the infamous mercenary. Tryx was panicked, not expecting to meet her while indulging his free time.

"It seems I do..."

Tryx remained baffled. He couldn't say any other words. Did he spout some bad bullshit to the point she appeared here?!

"Am I disturbing you? Are you free right now?" Seele asked again.

"Err... Uhm..." Tryx took a napkin and wipe his stained mouth, "Yeah, I'm free..."

"Then, follow me to the guild."

"Eh? But..."

"No buts, just follow me."

"If you say so..."

Without any solid reason or explanation, Tryx followed his senior after paying the tab. It didn't take that long for them to reach the guild. However, the scenery was different. There is a significant number of mercenaries and kingdom soldiers in the guild's compound. Both of them could only guess that something might've happened. As a veteran mercenary, she noticed that the kingdom's army are just standing by instead of heavily armed. Not to mention, they are not wearing any sort of riot equipment. Maybe they are not here to arrest someone? As they entered the building, the lobby was packed like a sardine can and the voices filled the entire hall. Everyone flocked onto their respective group as there's barely any space for them to stand or even sit.

"Holy shit..." it was the first time Tryx saw the guild full of mercenary. "The hell's going on?"

"I don't know... I have no idea." Seele replied truthfully. In fact, even she is surprised with the sudden surge of mercenaries in this hall compared to yesterday.

"OKAY EVERYONE! SILENCE!" A voice boomed across the hall.

The voice died down instantly. Everyone turned their attention towards the source which was the counter where an old man stood on top of it. It was Baron Olaf.

"Who is that old man?" Tryx inquired as the old man looked like Liam Neeson who had just got reincarnated into anime.

"He's Baron Olaf, our guild master. Remember that." Seele replied. 

"Huh... He looks bad ass." 


"What?!" Tryx muttered under his breath. He just couldn't believe it. "Is it the same orc that I encountered days ago?!" 

Voices starting to raise among the crowd. Some were interested, some were surprised and some were worried. There was a mix of suggestions even among smaller groups and parties. 


Once the old man's figure disappears, the room become lively with the sounds of mercenaries once again. Those who are interested in defeating the orcs instantly flocked the counter to join the subjugation mission. Some were uninterested and decided to leave the premise immediately. Seele was interested in fighting against those orcs as she's been wanting to fight stronger opponents.

"So, what do you say, newbie? You interested in fighting the orcs?" Seele turned towards her partner awaiting his answer.

Join the orc subjugation force?
  • Let's fuck em' up! Votes: 15 78.9%
  • Nah, let's just choose another quest Votes: 4 21.1%
Total voters: 19 · This poll was closed on Feb 6, 2020 02:47 AM.