021 An uneventful trip
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We are really not very fast on the road. Well, because there's no road. But at least there's some kind of trail for most of the way. Even though there's not a lot of traffic.

It was on the second day when we were caught up by a group of adventurers. And we chatted for a while before they turned off the trail.

During that time, I also learned why the city hires adventurers in the first place. Actually, it makes more sense to call them mercenaries. But that probably doesn't sound epic enough.

Usually, Knights and their retinue would ensure the safety of the surrounding area. But since Border Town is a Free Imperial City, there is no nobleman responsible for security. And therefore the town pays people to take over the patrols.

Otherwise, they would have to draft their citizens to take care of it. A standing army is probably too expensive for a simple border town.

However, I'm surprised how it all came about in the first place. This is not just any vibrant commercial city that could quickly pay for such a thing. Or was there once something here with which they could earn a lot of money? The city wall wasn't cheap, either...

Probably I should find out more about the history of the area. Maybe there's something interesting.

I also keep making limestone bricks to make full use of my mana. I also create some more dwarfs. To be exact, two carpenters. So, we can inaugurate our new tools as soon as we arrive.

And I also notice I haven't had a chance to talk to Isgard about the vision. "Tell me, I received a message after visiting the temple that a skill had been increased. And that we had all regained some of our memories. Have you noticed anything about that?"

"Nothing specific, Your Highness. They are just fragments of memories. But some of my combat skills have gone up a level. However, I'm sure they are still lower than what they once were."

Which reminds me, I still don't really know anything about the skill system.

"Is there actually a limit to how high skills can go? I must admit my knowledge of this is quite limited."

Isgard is a bit surprised by my question. Apparently, it's fundamental knowledge. At least she knows the rules despite her memory loss.

"In general, there are 10 levels per skill. In rare cases, there may be a similar skill from which you can benefit additionally. People with a skill level of 1 to 3 are considered to be apprentices, 4 to 6 as journeymen and 7 to 9 as masters. The highest level is almost never reached by anyone."

"How exactly do skills actually work, and how do you increase them?"

This is a question Isgard has to think about a bit. Probably a pretty abstract question for someone who grew up with the system.

"Increase a skill is simple. You have to accumulate enough experience or knowledge to make a breakthrough. Then the skill helps you to consolidate what you've learned. Often, you notice a lot of little things that you missed before."

So in principle, the skill system is nothing more than muscle memory expressed in numbers. With perhaps an added bonus that it is easier to gain new insights into what you have learned. At least you know directly if what you have learned is right.

"And I assume that attribute points are increased by, say, physical training?"

"It's like you say, Your Highness."

That probably means the maximum growth is within a normal range. I'm not sure if I like that or not. On the one hand, it's impossible to become as strong as a video game character. On the other hand, my enemies can't become superhumanly strong either. Or would it be super dwarvenly? Whatever.

Now I just need to figure out exactly how magic works. So far, I've done everything with imagination and willpower. But are there any spells? The only spells I have are those that are part of the dungeon. Besides that, I have an affinity for elements.

Maybe I should try to create a scholar or magician. But there's too much to do. Above all, I should increase my physical fighting skills. For goblins, it was enough, but against an average adventurer, I would probably lose...

Not far from our destination, the trading caravan also comes towards us. Which set off on our arrival in the town. Their goal could not be very far away. Otherwise, we would not meet them again.

I noticed that the escort consists of only six infantrymen. And I'm sure there were eight when they left. Were they attacked en route? Although there could be other reasons for that. Such as being inside the covered wagon.

We choose to ignore them. If there are problems with monsters in the area, our hunters must have noticed something. Which is why we go to Siegward first. Okay, to tell the truth, we would have done that anyway.

"Did anything special happen while we were gone?"

"You mean besides remembering parts of our past, Your Highness?"

It doesn't really surprise me that they can remember. But apparently, the vision wasn't part of it. Even if Siegward was part of it, he was too far away.

"Our hunters have found some monsters, two goblins and a gnoll. I'm not worried about the goblins. But the Gnoll had what you might call equipment. Apparently, he was a scout. Which is why there may be a fight coming up soon."

That's really worrisome. We haven't even started to build the settlement yet. And already we have a potential enemy in the neighbourhood that is more than just vermin.

"So we're gonna have to keep our eyes open. And probably increase our fighting strength soon. But we'll worry about that later. There are too many things we have to do right now."

I think for a moment. And give some orders before I retire.

"See that the carpenters build a simple enclosure for the oxen and the chickens we brought with us. And the cart must be unloaded, especially the tools."

"Your Highness." The two make a gesture, clenching their right fist in front of their chest. Probably the dwarven version of a salute.

Then I go to my bedroom, which I still share with Isgard.

There are so many things I have to plan. And so many things I forgot to buy. For example, ink and paper. No wonder I forget so much. If I don't write it down...

So I decide to make some charcoal pencils. For this, I collected some straight branches and cut them to the right length. Then I create a small pot with a lid out of stone and put the branches in it.

Finally, I put the pot in our fireplace and start the fire. While I wait, I collect some bark to make primitive paper. With the help of magic, I try to make it as thin as possible. And after about 15 minutes I have made a small stack of it.

Next, I open the lid of the pot to look for my charcoal pencils. And indeed, they are now entirely black. So impatiently I put out the fire and take the charcoal out of the pot, whereby I almost burn myself...

Then I retire to my room again and start taking notes.

I should probably also find a priest and build a shrine. If I remember correctly, at medieval building sites, a chapel was always the first building that was made. And since gods actually have an effect on the world here, it is all the more important.

Therefore, I decided to create a stonemason. Which slowly shrinks my remaining biomass. But fortunately, the hunters have not been idle for the past six days.

The two goblins and the gnoll give me 161kg of biomass. Enough for three more dwarves. Add to that a stag and three deer. Since we can't preserve the meat so far, they are also converted.

Of course, these were not all of our food supplies, but there is no reason to keep too much at the moment.

Next, I should probably get a cook. With the two carpenters and the mason, we are already 12 people. That should be enough to justify one cook. She may also be able to preserve meat by drying, smoking or salting it.

After that, I will write down some things I have to make. For example, we do not have a flour mill to grind the wheat. Another thing I hadn't bought. But afterwards, we can bake bread, which improves our currently very meat-heavy diet.

Besides, we now have chickens, it won't be enough for everyone to get one egg a day. But at least every other day will be possible.