Chapter 1 – 1 | Welcome to Another World (1)
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Hello to any who find this, my name is Rebecca Thornson. This might sound crazy, but I am from another world. To be precise, I originally come from the planet Earth where I was an ordinary teenage city girl. For reasons unknown, I now find myself in an unfamiliar location with 2 blue suns looming overhead. It sounds crazy but I’ve accepted the fact that I am not on Earth any longer. I am writing this in case something should happen to me, in the hopes that maybe my story will not be lost.

All I can remember before I got here was falling down some stairs. The fall should not have been too long so it’s likely I did not die. If this is not a dream, then I have crossed into another world. Not to brag but I have a very active imagination, so I manage to stay calm in this perplexing situation.

First I should get my bearings. Around me all I can see is a green forest. There is no immediate danger so I should stay calm and think of my priorities. I have only my clothes, a cell phone, and my emergency bag.

What is an emergency bag you ask? Why, a bag filled with tools that might come in handy in cases of emergencies. Like I said, my imagination can run wild. Although even I did not imagine getting stranded in another world. I take my bag off the shoulder strap and peer inside.

And yet when I look inside I see only a bleak darkness like all light ceases to exist. That’s strange. No matter how closely I look, the inside seems blanketed by darkness. I reach a hand inside and once my arm dives in up to the elbow I realize this bag has no bottom.

Perhaps this bag has become a gateway to a bottomless pit? This is that so called infinite storage bag, right? Even when I stick my head inside I get the feeling that the space inside stretches for a long distance in all directions.

This is both a pleasant surprise but also worrying in the case that I can’t retrieve anything. As I think about the contents of the bag the darkness inside it swirls about like a fog. It seems to be reacting to me.

I imagine the pocket knife that should have been in my bag and soon I can see something shining in the depths of the bottomless bag. I reach around and feel the familiar metal of the pocket knife.

Pulling the knife out, it seems to be fine. As soon as I put it back in the bag it disappears into an abyss. A few tests later, I confirm that I can pull anything out so long as I think about it.

Time passes as I fiddle with the infinite storage bag. That’s not good, I almost lost track of what I should be doing.

Besides the knife, I confirm that I have with me a disposable lighter, a flashlight, some band-aids, alcohol wipes, a compass, a water bottle and 2 snack bars.

My immediate needs are shelter for the night, then eventually rations. After that I should search for other humans and learn about where I am.

But just as I am lost in thoughts, I hear a twig breaking and leaves rustling behind me. Turning around I peer at my visitor.
