Chapter 1 – 5 | Welcome to Another World (5)
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The slime is shivering terrified by the thunderous boom of collapsing trees. I might have overdone it. Sorry. I apologize in my head since I’m not sure if it can understand my words.

This kind of strength is abnormal, rather than calling me empowered I think I’m beyond human limits. I wonder how it works? That much explosive power should have a rebound effect but the gloves are perfectly fine. They’re just ordinary gloves however I look at them.

I try to kick at a tree stump and it launches like a football easily uprooting. It fills me with reassurance to see my whole body is toughened and at the very least I should have no problem with common threats.

I still don’t know what the most dangerous thing in this world is, for example it could be a dragon. Let’s not get too carried away with this strength.

Safe to just assume I have a weapon for self defense and use it like such until that time comes.

I pat the head of the shivering slime to show I mean no harm and lightly smile at it. It stops shivering and takes a strange pose like bending down or squatting. Then it springs up and lands on my head.

Ignoring my surprise it squirms around to my shoulder and hangs from it like a bird. Should I understand this to mean it wants to tag along with me? Well the slime weighs almost nothing so I let it perch there.

Now if I could find some people I might learn some important things about this world. I don’t know the first thing about where I am, only that I need to travel leisurely while lending a helping hand.

If I could at least find a settlement of people I could get an idea of my location. Plus the only way to find trouble is to get into contact with locals. I also need food since my rations will be all gone by tonight.

Like it could sense my thoughts, the slime extends a small part of its body like a hand and taps my shoulder to get my attention. The tentacle hand then points in a direction urging me to follow.

RebeccaAre you trying to tell me something? What’s over there?

The slime shakes up and down as if to say yes. Well I have nothing to lose by heading over there so I walk in that direction through the woods. I toss the used torch into my bag since it still seems like it can catch fire once more.

Walking, walking, time passes and I realize the slime makes for somewhat of a conversation partner. I talk about trivial things and get visible shaking either yes or no. In that way I build a rapport with the first friend I’ve made in this world.

We even settle on a name for the slime, Mu. Mu seems happy to called by a nickname. I’m sure it doesn’t need to know how I came up with it. Our talking also confirms that people here can comprehend my words as if the language barrier doesn’t exist.

Soon sounds of people reach my ears and I look forward to see a dot show up on the horizon. It seems my hearing and sight are enhanced as I have no trouble making out what it is.

It looks like a gathering of wooden huts and shoddy cement housing. Should I call this a town or a village? I have Mu stored away in my bag for safety reasons and to not show a monster in front of people.

As I draw near I hear sounds of a scuffle. I guess I found some trouble. Screams of women crying for help and disgusting laughter of sleazebags assault my ears. Um, actually the screams sound like children and the laughter is of women.

What is going on? The scene before me: young boys are dashing around crying while crazed looking women are chasing them with rope in hand. The boy’s clothes look ragged and the women seem to be wearing tight leather outfits. Is this some kind of game unique to this world?

One of the women tosses the rope like a lasso and latches onto a young boy tripping him over. She exclaims in frenzy.

Got one! His seed is mine. We will bear so many spawn!

For now I should just blow this dangerous sounding woman away. I hope to goddess the rest of the world isn’t this bad.


The other women stop and curse at me. Time for first introductions.

RebeccaApologies if this is unnecessary meddling, but what are you women chasing these boys for?

Huh? These boys are ours. We’ve been tracking them down for days. Their precious seed belongs to the Sisters of Danirass. Scram!

RebeccaHello hello police? These women are calling for you. Ah, and bring the FBI too.

Are you making fun of us?

The boy who fell over looks to me with tears welling up.

Help us, miss! These scary ladies chased off the others! I think they want to eat us up.

RebeccaWell they want to eat you in a certain sense. But you won’t die I think.

Jokes aside I guess I should help these boys retain their chastity. The women draw on weapons from their sides and backs. Crude weapons like clubs and rusted swords, the women snicker and surround me.

One of them charges me from the front, likely thinking of an easy victory seeing me armed with nothing. Her movement is like watching a bird in slow motion once I focus my eyes on her. I dodge by moving out of the trajectory of her swing and stick my foot out to trip her feet up.

She comically falls over and another comes at me from behind. I can clearly sense her approaching like I have eyes on the back of my head. This time I raise a hand and grab her arm mid-swing. She is startled and tries to free herself but I resist quite easily.

It seems my strength is no joke. I let go and she falls back like a puppet cut loose. Two of the women signal to each other and approach at the same time from either side. They brandish swords and shields and based on coordination and looks I figure they must be twins.

Their swords collide against my raised arms like clashing metals. To their surprise the swords fail to leave a scratch on me. I’ve confirmed my exterior is enhanced to a surprising degree with this.

I switch my arms and grab the swords and with a simple squeeze, the swords snap like brittle cookies. All the onlookers are stunned at this sight. Taking that moment I move and toss the twins aside a couple of feet.

I don’t think I can adjust my strength and hold back from pulverizing them so I’ll just lightly toss them around. Like that, I weave in and out of attacks, pulling and tossing the women around like nothing.

In no time all the women are lying defeated on the ground and the boys gather around me to raise cheers.

My first battle in another world ends anticlimactically.