Book Plot, Characters, Worldbuilding. What you need to know.
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Book Blurb/Summary.

Getting through the trials of being summoned and fighting a demon lord for many years by will of the kingdom, the young hero Arthur has come to a crucial point. Despite having a slave collar put upon him, he has broke its magic stranglehold upon him, then turned his attention to serious matters. He could finally settle down with his beloved princess who had chased him all along; yes, he softened his heart toward this catgirl princess at last.

Except. Just getting to the good part ― yet another kingdom in another world has called for a summoning! Its result ― he's again pulled away from a life, and his loved ones. Not only this, but ... some unresolved issue from his first summoning ritual might still be in play. But ... no cat princess has come with him? He won't ... have his happiness?

"Oh no you didn't just summon me!" ... is what he thought. He wouldn't reveal what he has in mind, at least not just yet. But at least he still has all those abilities and skills learned in the previous summon, and years of vital experience seeing how the summoners treated summoned 'heroes'. By subtle tricks of his own, he escapes the trap of this king. Arthur avoids wearing a second leather collar offered to him by a king ― who tries to softly 'convince' him, saying it would 'help' him fight better stronger longer. Or, by clever questions, he could play along and divert his captors' minds ― to infer his own script-

-and then ... having escaped from the summoning ritual, invisible for a time ... he could look for a way to arrange matters to his benefit. Because ― Arthur has served as a summoned slave once before ― and so this kingdom must pay for its insolence!

Need to Know: People.

Arthur Franklin King. The main character, a human once summoned from Earth to a magic rich world named Pernam in order to take on a demon lord. His time there lasts many years, months less than one decade, in fact; his training has included both the physical and magical aspects of an adventurer and a wizard recruit. Life takes a sharp turn when he is again summoned ― while still in Pernam who first summoned him! The plot thickens, having arrived on a magically weak world named Klee ― but Arthur is not without his wiles and learned skills.

Roia Glia Hartzell. A young woman also summoned from Earth to Klee, age regressed a few years and changed into a dark elf; she is the previous summon to a world named Klee, before Arthur. Her life on Earth though was unlike Arthur's; she lived a tragic life ending in getting sick and dying due to not being able to afford medical care. Unlike Arthur with his previous boons, she was unable or unwilling to escape the old collar, but gets treated as a trash slave each day, demeaned and abused. This state is likely to change, once she meets Arthur.

On Klee, in Povrah Kingdom who summons Arthur ― the Povrah family ― King Bonner and Queen Carissa, Heir Prince Brutus and Princess Candra, and other family members are likely to appear. Arthur catches hints of the status being all 'male versus female'. The king is slightly aggressive, though not as belligerent as his deceased father; but Brutus is more like his grandfather, his father's father. The queen as a former summon but included as royalty is subject to her husband but plays around too; the youngest daughter Candra also is on a path of being so liberal. Also among the royal family and noble classes are certain ones who may also get drawn toward Arthur and his companions.

On Pernam, a plethora of people will remain of note, even if Arthur is not (technically) still bound there. In the queendom of catkin, Queen VicNyanne and her daughter Princess Nyandra remain tied to Arthur while he figures out where he wants to live. Some extended family of the matriarch will have their points; but most of the 'important' ones will not be catkin. The queen of the dragons Indaba is Arthur's friend, even though the cat queen sent him to kill her. Even more than these are waiting in the background, most of whom have already faced Arthur in the past.

'Darren Hillyer son of Corban the Mighty' is an alias Arthur will use after he escapes King Bonner's trap. The real Darren was to get married to the king's daughter but ran out before the troth could finish, a couple years in the past. At a hint from Roia, Arthur takes on this guise, or at least what people suspect and report him to be, since he was last seen ― and a remarkable simulation of the real one.

A cast of dozens of pivotal persons to Arthur's breaking out of a summons are evident; too many to list within this one document. Read on, to find out more.

Need to Know: Places.

Earth. Yes, our home world gets a mention, once or twice ― as an intended target for Arthur's return. He will spend great efforts in this regard, though of course the story lies within adventures found elsewhere. Thus ... the Blue Planet just won't feature in this story, except as a backdrop for flashbacks and fading memories. {No I have not decided on the locations of where either Arthur or Roia came from while on Earth; and in fact it's not important right now. (Well Roia's background story infers she came from the 'Great Lakes' region ... and I'll leave it like this for now.) They could come from practically any democratized nation, though.}

Aside from Earth here, two worlds are important to the ongoing story ― Pernam and Klee. Take a look to get the lowdown.

Pernam. The first fantasy world Arthur got summoned to, ripe with so vast swaths of beastkin and monsters, just not so human. It's a "mana rich" world; mana itself is abundantly dense within it, and the users of the magical arts have developed their craft so well. In fact its histories include whole wars centralized around the use of magics and who rules who. Humans are in the minority and hide in their realms, thus beastkin are dominant; this world is a place where the catkin race is the ruling race. It's revealed later in the story, the mana flows and 'ley lines' are the realm of the dragons, to manage ― only, the catkin in charge have a 'kill order' for all their summoned humans to fill.

Klee. A fantasy world which is "mana weak" or less dense mana ― but also who summons both Roia and Arthur; Roia's first time, Arthur's second time summoned. Any magic which exists in this world is weak strength ― having no dragons ― and its users do not fully understand. But in the past, as its kings have called for summoned slaves, most slaves (especially those coming from other mana rich worlds) shock the kings this world is weak. The bias is to silence slaves to not speak of mana weakness via orders or even threats of torture, though strong willed slaves could still tell. Most kingdoms rely on the soldiers and militias; also, dungeons exist in this world, but because of this fact, kingdoms rise around each unowned dungeon. Kingdoms control dungeons in this world, as little more than training grounds for the soldiers.

It's inferred the people of worlds such as Pernam and Klee ― at least the rulers and prominent officials ― are fully aware of yet more worlds out there. After all, both worlds have summoned for centuries, and thus know the heroes do come from other worlds, not just Earth. And when they summon individuals, those summoned will talk about where they came from, as a matter of course ... or even under duress if so forced.

Need to Know: Things.

One of the 'things' found in both Pernam and Klee are various forms of magics.

The central issue of magic in both worlds seems to be ... slavery magic, and enslavement. It's a mana backed way to force, and enforce, compliance or obeisance upon those from other worlds, and even the locals, to do as their masters told them. The strength of the enslavement will depend on the strength of mana and magic in various worlds. On Pernam it's near absolute, while on Klee it's weak. This has led to a vastly differing trend in each world. Slavery on Pernam is less harsh to an enslaved because the slave cannot refuse so ... less need to 'punish' or harm the slave. Meanwhile on Klee, slaves get constrained by magic but the strongest willed among them could somehow exert force and try to break free. Slave masters fear their slaves going free and are more likely to 'punish' slaves at the least sign of resistance, or even to instill fear or obedience in the slaves. It's a harsh circle, in either way.

Other forms of magics might be possible, with variants in worlds.

Need to Know: Worldbuilding.

Some unusual items might be important to note.

First is a difference in "slave magics". Due to Pernam being mana rich, its slave magics are final ― to the point slaves got no option but to obey. But by accord, slave owners discern the need to not be cruel and pushy upon enslaved ones. In contrast, on Klee ― a mana weak world ― slave magic seems hit or miss, allows chance of slave revolt, riot, break away ... thus slave masters are far more cruel.

Second too is a presence of dungeons and/or adventurers. Pernam has little to no mention of its dungeons when Arthur arrives and trains; they infer 'adventurers' to be a generic term, instead of a "profession". Klee has many dungeons; in fact for explorers who find an unclaimed one, a dungeon dive leads the explorer to form a new kingdom centered around the dungeon. In Klee, the term is 'Explorer', instead of 'Adventurer'. Minor variant term, but the same means ― because to look for a dungeon means to explore first; otherwise kingdoms fight for their control. (As you read on, you might pick up rumors surrounding one unbound dungeon in particular, whose mistress might not like the status quo.)

Third may be hints at 'technology advance' as well as some tactics and martial policy. For Pernam with such high mana content, the wizards and mages and priests are always at the forefront of internecine wars. Such a thing as "mana bullet arrays" use applied ballistic concepts to compress mana as bullets, to hit with the force of a true missile. A rain of such bullets would devastate an opponent except the gods have intervened so these arrays get set as stationary, and thus used as "home defense" only. However ― on Klee, with such weak mana, everything is nearly identical to Earth in how infantry combat is still the main force. Some supplement by weak mages and priests is likely though rare.

Overall, daily life is ... life; no matter if the world in question is "mana rich" or "poor". Events will happen within the confines of the worlds, because ... wherever you go, there you are.

As in all my stories, measures of distance or length or area is usually metric, even though I live in one of the American states use the Standard system. No, it's not some attempt to force my neighbors into using metric; it's just for ... the mundane appeal, nothing more.