16. Selection
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Once Hermione processed my last statement she quickly left to continue searching for Trevor, the lost toad. After she left the compartment fell silent as an awkward atmosphere fell. It was of course my fault, after all, who told me to dump the reality of Britain’s political scene on a bunch of eleven year olds. Not like I minded the silence much but I needed to make myself look good before Draco decided to cause trouble. 


“Depressing topics aside, I heard rumors that the selection ceremony is quite something.” With the bait out there it didn’t take long for the others to bite, more specifically that one guy who can’t keep his nose out of everyone’s business. 


“You know about the selection ceremony!” Ron almost shouted as his eyes opened wide. It is a common practice to not tell anything about said ceremony to new students, a sort of tradition if you will. 


“Not much really. Everyone keeps a tight lid on it. What I do know is that some sort of magical object will be doing the sorting.” I of course knew it was the ratty, talking hat however why should I ruin the surprise? Even saying this much could already dampen the experience. 


“Though to tell you the truth I don’t care much for the house I am assigned to. Except for Gryffindor, I would get in some trouble if I ended up there.” And wasn’t that the truth, ending up in Gryffindor could lead to a bunch of unnecessary family drama. I of course could get out of trouble by spouting some nonsense like keeping watch on the twins or something. 


“I want to go to Gryffindor, all my family members are Gryffindor.” As expected Ron wanted to end in the house of the lions. No surprise there really. While thinking this I looked towards the twins wondering where they would land. Would Sophia or my presence for that matter alter the results? In the end it didn’t really matter to me. 


“How about you two? Actually, do you two even know what each house is and represents?” As expected both gave me a shake of their heads. With a shrug of my shoulders I decided to give them a brief exposition on each house, and when I say brief I mean it.


“So it goes like this: Gryffindor, the house of the brave and the bold; Ravenclaw, the house of the smart and intelligent; Slytherin, the house of the cunning and scheming; Hufflepuff, the house of the loyal and friendly.” 


There is a lot more regarding each house but I didn’t feel like giving them a history lesson or what not. This much would suffice to form a base level of understanding regarding each house. In the end it doesn’t even matter since the hat will be the one to choose, not them. Well, Harry did kinda choose but at the same time not. He just said not Slythering and the hat agreed.    


As I got lost in thought the twins began thinking about their options. To tell you the truth I believe Harry is more of a Hufflepuff than anything else. His whole bravery is a thought carefully implanted by the old goat to make him a sort of martyr. That and the fact he dislikes Draco to the point of choosing the opposing house. 


“I think I would like Gryffidnor.” Harry commented after a while of thinking. Yeah, it looks like Ron’s influence and his whole sacrificial Hero mentality is already taking hold. Well whatever, if he wants to play Hero then so be it. A moment after Sophia made up her mind and to my surprise her choice was quite different from what I expected.  


“Ravenclaw for me, probably. Slytherin sounds like a second option.” And would you look at that Ron looks like he just ate the nastiest bug around. I am sure she will change her mind once we meet Draco, or once Ron starts badmouthing Slytherin which will happen in three, two, one.


“Slytherin is full of dark witches and wizards, there is not a single good slytherin out there I tell you!” Oof he really hates them, well not like it can be helped. Slytherin in the past had been more of a normal house, though after baldy it became a cesspool of discrimination and elitism.  


“Though Ron is exaggerating a bit, Slytherin's current situation isn’t the best. It is the gathering ground for the children of the most radically blood purist families. To tell you the truth, I am expected to land in Slytherin thanks to my background and family. You wouldn’t get bullied per se since you can be considered pure blooded. But you would have to keep your guard up and witts sharp. A comment going against their beliefs could land you trouble rather quickly.” 


After saying that I took a flavored bean and popped it in my mouth. A moment later I felt like transforming the Geneva conventions into a checklist. Who the fuck though that ear wax would be a good flavor! Discreetly taking a handkerchief I spat the cursed bean before washing my mouth with some juice. I am definitely using the crucio curse on the bastard that introduced that flavor.  


“With that said, It doesn’t really matter where we want to land since it will be decided for us. However, who knows, maybe keeping it in mind might help.” I said while taking a new bean while eyeing it with suspicion. If I get another bad flavor I will be committing such atrocious acts in the future that Hitler will look like a saint. 


Once the bean landed on my tongue I was met with the flavor of salted jerky. Not the best though not the worst either. I do like jerky but having the taste coming out of what should be a jelly bean feels rather strange. As I wondered about the strangeness of the flavor I saw Sophia cough uncontrollably after eating a bean. From her green face and repulsed expression I could tell she got a bad one. 


“What was it?” I asked with curiosity as the boys looked in her direction as well. After she cleansed her mouth with some juice she took a few deep breaths before speaking. 


“It tasted like sweaty socks.” Yeah that one was bad. I was once met with a moldy bread one and nail clippings one. Though to date nothing had been as atrocious as the ear wax one I just had a moment ago.  


“You win some, you lose some. My favorite so far was one that tastes like strawberries with caramel. Though just a moment ago I had an ear wax one. It was dreadful and I feel like filing a complaint even though I know it will go nowhere.” And wasn’t that the truth. As long as there is no health issue with a bean any and all complaints about a flavor get ignored. 


“Blegh can they really get that bad?” Asked Harry, earning a pitying look from me and Ron. They could get way worse. I had actually heard of an unfortunate guy who ate a troll ass crack flavored bean. It is said he almost committed suicide right after. That one is one of the few beans who were banned by the minister. 


“They can get way worse Harry, way, way worse. Pray to Merlin's saggy bird that you won’t ever encounter the worst ones.” I commented while popping a new bean in my mouth, this one tasted like cut grass. Not really something you would be putting in your mouth but bearable. 


“I once heard that a guy ate a troll ass crack flavored bean. It's said that he almost killed himself.” Would you look at that Ron and I thought of the exact same one. Well, it can’t be helped, it appeared on the front page of the daily prophet a few years ago.


“And you still eat them knowing what you could get?” Harry asked, horrified. Of course he didn’t know what a troll is and whatever he was imagining it was a few times worse I am sure. 


“As I said, you win some, you lose some. Believe it or not there are some very tasty ones out there, you just have to get lucky.” I once again popped a new bean on my mouth. To my delight it tasted of coffee and taffy. 


“Like the one I just got. Coffee and taffy, it is quite good, a perfect combination of sweet and bitter for my taste.” I said with a smile as I enjoyed the treat while ignoring the kids’ expression. Of course they couldn’t comprehend how tasty this combination is. Kids just think of sweets and nothing more.


Like that we continued to chat and eat candy throughout the train ride. I must say one of my favorite parts of the whole thing was when Ron had to run to the window to puke. He had the misfortune of finding a dog poop flavored bean. Really, those people have absolutely no mercy when creating the beans. No wonder they have had so many assassination attempts. 


“I can’t bloody believe it! Dog poop! Who the bloody hell thought that one was a good idea.” Even after disembarking Ron continued to rant about the awful bean. After that one he had stayed clear of the beans glaring at them as if they were his worst enemy. 


“Drop it Ron, no matter how much you complain nothing will change. As a matter of fact, if you continue, someone might hear you and tease you about it.” As funny as hearing him rant I was already getting tired of it so I decided to stop him.  


After hearing my comment Ron did stop his rant while cautiously watching his surroundings, I am guessing he is wary of his brothers finding out. I could blackmail him with this a bit in the future… food for thought I guess. 


“First years, gather here, First years” It didn’t take long after getting off the train before I heard Hagrid’s voice calling for the first year students. Being this the first time I met the man I couldn’t help but notice how huge he is. My head could barely reach his hip and I am not short, mind you. Not only that but three of me could barely hold our hands around him. He is truly a big man. 


Once we gathered we got in the boats to go to the castle. Unfortunately for me I had to go with Draco and his cronies, I mean, friends. Harry, Ron and Sophia’s boat's last member became Hermione. I will say this, I was very much tempted to kick Draco off the boat. He had started blabbing about this and that and he wouldn’t shut up. Thankfully the ride was short. 


Funny thing is how Hagrid warned us to duck as we passed under a bridge that was a good meter above our heads. The half giant did have to duck which made me wonder if he ever did hit his head on the bridge. After that we were guided around the castle until we met Mcgonagal in front of the main hall. Once she explained about the whole selection thing she left. It was at this moment that Draco decided to make his entrance. 


“So it was true, the rumors I heard on the train. The Potter twins have come to Hogwarts.” As he finished the other kids began murmuring while looking for the Potters who were standing awkwardly due to the sudden attention. 


“These are crabbe and goyle. I am Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.” As Draco made his introduction I couldn’t help but sigh internally. I had tried to make the dimwit a bit smarter, but I failed. Well, seeing as this was going exactly like the movies there wasn’t much I could do. And would you look at that, Ron laughed at Draco’s name. 


As Draco began insulting Ron I saw the Potter twins glance in my direction with question marks above their heads. I just shrugged, I could interfere of course but why would I? If Draco wants to act like an ass and make enemies then it's his problem, I am his sister, not his nanny. 


Once the Potter twins gave Draco the cold shoulder for insulting their friend Mcgonagal came and we proceeded to the main hall where a wooden stool with a ratty hat on top stood in the middle. To the kids’ surprise the hat began singing. To my surprise, its singing wasn’t as bad as I had feared. Finally once the song was over the selection started. Name after name was called until the first name I cared about came up. 


“Hermione Granger.” As the hat pondered where to place the girl it finally shouted what I had expected. I always did wonder why she ended up in Gryffindor but that is precisely where she landed so whatever. 


“Draco Malfoy.” Next came my dear brother and before that hat could even touch his greasy hair it shouted Slytherin. I had always told Draco to stop using so much gel but he never listened. 


A few names later it was Ron’s turn and to no one's surprise he landed in Gryffindor. Followed by Harry begging the hat to place him anywhere but slytherin. Of course no one noticed this. I mean, you could see him whispering to himself, or the hat. However, it was impossible to hear what he was actually saying. In the end he landed on Gryffindor, no surprise there. 


“Silver Malfoy.” Finally it was my turn. As I walked towards the stool I couldn’t help but wonder what would the hat choose. In theory I should be perfect for either Slytherin or Ravenclaw. I could see myself in Gryffindor through some rather strange jumps in logic. Finally there was simply no way I could land in Hufflepuff. 


As I sat on the stool Mcgonagal placed the hat on my head. As soon as it rested on my head the hat began talking low enough that only I could hear it. 


“Interesting, I can’t seem to access your thoughts. A powerful magic protects your mind.” Hearing the hat I couldn’t but scoff before answering. 


“My mind is my palace and I am the only one allowed in there.” The disdain could clearly be heard in my tone. If there was one thing I was wary of was mind magics and mind control. I would rather die before having my head messed with. 


“Understandable though this makes things complicated. Guess we will have to do it the old fashion way.” Hearing the hat made me raise a brow in curiosity. Before I could ask what it meant it talked again.


“You are not the first kid to come with a protected mind, nor will you be the last. Let me ask you a simple question. You have come to Hogwarts with what purpose?” Hearing its words I understand instantly what he meant. It was rather obvious once you thought about it. A simple question which would determine the house I would land in. I could say whatever I wanted and even choose my house if I were to say the right thing. Then again why bother, and so I gave my honest answer. 


“This is an institution of learning, therefore I have come here to learn. Making friends or connections, all of that is secondary.” As soon as I gave my answer the hat gave a small nod before shouting.