17. Feast
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Once the ratty hat was taken off my head I began leisurely walking towards my house’s table where as per tradition everyone was clapping. Out of the corner of my eye I caught Draco’s expression, one of displeasure. To tell the truth I was rather glad to be away from my brother. The little shitstain would have pestered me for the next seven years otherwise. 


Once at my table I took a seat with the other firsties. Looking around I didn’t recognize anyone. Not bothered by this I continued paying attention to the ceremony as there were still a few more names. Not to mention there was one I was very much interested in. It didn’t take long for Mcgonagal to call said name.


“Sophia Lily Potter.” And with that the girl’s future house would be chosen. As the ratty hat settled on her it began to mumble as usual. It took the better part of five minutes for the hat to make its choice as it looked like it was conversing with Sophia, and then.


“Ravenclaw!” Cheers resounded through the table. Afterall, unlike me and the other firsties she is the girl-who-lived. I applauded as well while making a spot for her to sit down besides me. I was rather enthused that she landed in the same house as me. Afterall, with her I would have an excuse to shove my nose into the plot of the story. Not like it mattered much anyway. 


After the last names were called and sorted Dumbdumbdumb said his nonsense words before the feast started. All kinds of food could be found, or at least that was what I had wanted to say. Unfortunately, most of the foods present were British recipes. I have been eating them for the past decade and I was dying to eat Mexican food so…


 “Excuse me, would you mind providing me with a plate of enchiladas? Here is the recipe.” I of course came prepared, I placed a small piece of paper with said recipe on the table after knocking on it twice. Funnily enough everyone, from firsties to the older students looked at me like I was crazy. Jokes on them!


A moment after the last knock on the table the paper disappeared. A minute after that a platter of enchiladas appeared in front of me and the smell was turning my mouth into a waterfall. There was one singular thing missing however. 


“How did you do that?” Sophia asked the question written all over everybody's faces. I giggled a little seeing their expressions as I took a small bottle from my robes. Inside was a red viscous chunky liquid. On the bottle was a printed symbol for biological danger, below that could be red: “Hell on earth”. 


“Well, I don’t know the specifics-” That was a blatant lie but they didn’t know that. “But either, someone makes the food before bringing it here, or there is a magical mechanism involved in its preparations. Either way, with a set of instructions, I don’t see a reason why it wouldn’t be able to prepare what you tell it or them to.” While explaining I poured my self made extra hot sauce on my enchiladas. 


One downside of my brain modifications is that spicy food isn’t as spicy. Well that isn’t exactly true. The spicy part from spicy food is a chemical called capsaicin that stimulates the pain receptors in charge of temperature. Now, the problem is that with my diminished sense of pain spicy doesn’t feel as spicy to me. Because of this, if I want to feel the spicy it needs to be extra, extra spicy. 


“Huh, what about that sauce?” This time it was a boy to my left that spoke as he saw me eating my enchiladas with the sauce like it was nothing. 


“Spicy sauce-” Before I could continue with what I was saying he interrupted me with a bright smile. 


“Oh? I love spicy food, let me try it.” First of all, he took the bottle before I could give him the go ahead. Well, I would have warned him first seeing as this thing was made specifically so I could feel it, someone normal would suffer a lot from it. So, spicy is measured in something called Scoville heat unit or SHU. Well, my sauce is measured at ten million SHU. To those wondering how spicy that is then let me give you an example. A jalapeno can go from two-thousand five-hundred to ten thousand. So yeah, my sauce is SPICY, all capitals with underline and bold. 


“I woul-” Before I could say anymore he had already given a chicken leg a large generous amount of sauce before biting it. Queue uncontrollable coughing as his face turned red, teary eyes and snot. Yeah, I will be surprised if his throat doesn’t close up.   


“And that is why you listen to people before doing dumb things.” Did I move to help? Hell no, I still had my enchiladas to eat, not to mention that there were already a few people trying to help, one more wouldn’t make a difference. 


As I ate everyone looked at my enchiladas dripping with sauce. It was like a comedy routine. Their eyes went from my food, to my easy expression, to the guy almost dying as he was being carried away to madam Pomfrey. 


“Uh, is he overreacting or is it really that bad?” Sophia, not knowing what to think, asked me while eyeing the little bottle with suspicion. Once again, she was the voice to ask the question in everyone’s mind. Me? Well, I was debating whether to have someone else try the thing. I must admit I am a bit of a sadist and seeing the poor guy’s expression as he realized how much he fucked up was delightful. 


“It’s called: hell on earth, for a reason. If you want to know how bad it is, let a drop fall on your skin. It will feel like you dropped boiling water on it.” At my words everyone moved away from the bottle before eyeing my sauce stained lips and hands. No matter how gracefully you try to eat, Mexican food will make sure you get dirty. 


“Are… you alright?” Hearing the concern of some random ravenclaw in front of me I gave them a small smile. I was having fun seeing everyones horrified expression at my choice of food. 


“I am, the thing is, I have a diminished sense of pain. I could very well grab a knife and cut my hand open. All I would feel is a slight stinging sensation. No different from what you would feel should I pinch your hand-” I continued by explaining how spicy was related to pain receptors and how I needed something extra strong to even feel it. It was a delight to see everyone’s horrified face at my words. 


To tell you the truth, I was very much tempted to do just as I said and cut my hand open for shits and giggles. Unfortunately, that would bring my regeneration into play which I very much want to keep a secret for now. I don’t want people thinking I am some kind of half breed between human and who knows what. 


Well, that and the fact that my diminished sense of self preservation is a pain to deal with. The idea to stab my hand comes from it, the idea of not caring for the consequences of doing so also comes from it. What I mean by this is that I have had to build a set of logical rules inside my head so I don’t do stupid shit that to me feels inconsequential. Really, messing with the brain aint easy. You live and you learn I guess. 


“Moving on from the topic of the poison I call sauce-” Seeing everyone cringe at that comment was rather nice. Before I could continue with what I was saying slips of paper came flying towards every student. Catching mine I gave it a quick read seeing our schedule for the rest of the year. 


“Huh.” That’s all that would give away the surprise I felt at seeing my schedule. It so happens that unlike what I expected the classes aren’t divided by house. Taking into consideration that around fifty or so new students came, instead we would be divided into two mixed groups. 


My schedule was denominated schedule A, giving Sophia’s a peek hers was as well. This made me wonder if I would be having classes with the golden trio or my dear brother. Not like it would help wondering that now, I would find out tomorrow. Though I strongly suspect I will, seeing as my first class will be transfiguration. 


As the feast finished the perfects took us firsties to our respective house’s common rooms. As expected, the way to get into Ravenclaw’s was a simple riddle.


“The poor have me, the rich want me. Breath me in and you will die, what am I?” The metal eagle head on the door spoke with a deep baritone voice. It took me but a moment to figure out the answer.


“Well, any of you want to give it a try?” The perfect, one Oblansk Gegorovitch, said. The teen was of clear Russian descent, or at least it looked like that to me. The way his grin hinted at the pride he felt for knowing the answer to the riddle made me roll my eyes. I could tell from a glance he liked the feeling of superiority. Especially so when none of the first years came up to try and answer. 


“Nothing.” I said in a bored tone as the door unlocked, swinging open with a slow cracking sound of old wood and rusted hinges. If I felt delight at the teen’s slight frown no one would know. Really, if they wanted to put simple riddles as passcodes they better set up a sudoku game instead. The amount of people unable to even comprehend its workings is mind boggling. That or a rubik's cube.


Once inside I tuned out Oblansk’s voice as he droned on and on about the rules and how proud we should be of being sorted into the bestest house. One would think he was being paid to be a professional house boot licker. Aside from that he instructed us on the ravenclaw tower’s workings and our accommodations.


Each of us would be given a shared room. Said room will be shared with another student of the same gender. The stairs leading to the gendered rooms were charmed to prevent students of opposite gender from going there. An understandable measure against hormonal teens doing things they shouldn’t. Not like that would stop them with the sheer amount of empty unprotected rooms inside the castle. 


“Your schedules should also have your room numbers written on them.” With that last bit said, mister superiority complex left. Having eaten and taking into consideration that everyone still needed to unpack before sleeping we left to do just that. To my surprise, my room was number three, that wasn’t the surprise though. 


“Silver? We are roommates?” Sophia stood in front of the same door as I with a wide beaming smile that did funny things to me. The girl was simply too cute for her own good. I felt a sort of attraction towards her. Nothing sexual mind you, it was more like wanting to put her in a jar to keep her safe with me forever. 


“Looks like it.” I had to wonder for a moment how the door’s locking mechanism worked once inside. It looked like the doors had been keyed to our magical signature. They wouldn’t open for anyone else but us… or the faculty staff members I am sure. 


“Cozy” I commented once inside. Two beds each with a nightstand by its side. Our respective trunks by the foot of our respective beds. A pair of small desks with their respective chairs to either side of the door we just went in. To each side of the beds is a small closet that I am sure is charmed to be slightly larger on the inside. Finally a window to provide some needed illumination to the place. 


All in all, the room was a perfect mirror on each side. Not too large but not small enough that it would feel claustrophobic. The high ceiling also helped with that last point. Unfortunately for me, the room wouldn’t suffice for my… ahem, experimental needs. For that I would use the RoR if Dumbbells doesn’t have it warded. 


After taking in the room my gaze fell on Sophia. The poor girl looked a mix of excited and scared. Her eyes would dart to me from time to time as if I would bite her. Looks like Draco’s dumbassery had already started to ruin my image, what a pain. 


Deciding to deal with the problem as swiftly as possible I began to blast the room with my magical pheromones. I had assigned them to cause a sense of tranquility and security. I wanted Sophia to correlate those feelings with my presence. Of course when I say I blasted the room I don’t mean I actually drowned her on them. That wouldn’t do. Instead, I let it be mild enough that she wouldn’t realize that those feelings were foreign. 


“So, what do you think of Hogwarts so far?” To make sure she would correlate the feelings to me and not the room I would only blast her with the pheromones when we were interacting with each other. And so, I needed to do just that to begin with. 


“M-magical?” She cringed a bit at her own admittedly dumb statement. Even so, I could already see the tension leaving her shoulders as a small comfortable smile began to settle on her face. 


“It's really awesome, and the food was great!” I couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm towards the food. If she had been treated like Harry in the books and movies I could understand. She had been starved and mistreated for the longest time. That made a small spark of anger ignite in me. Sure, I could be callous and even kill people for my own gain. Even so, there is a rule I never broke. Children are to be protected no matter what. I never harmed any children and even went as far as helping many. 


We continued to talk for a while longer as tiredness finally caught up to Sophia. Her eyes became hooded with sleep yet the smile and joy she felt never left. Soon enough she fell asleep on her bed, shoes still on. Unable to help myself, I stood up to take care of her. 


First I took off her shoes before tucking her in her bed sheets. Her angelic smile became a tad bit brighter at that moment as I softly combed her hair. Yet, there was a hint of sadness and longing. 


“Sweet dreams little one.” I whispered as I kissed her forehead. It reminded me of my true age. I could be considered a granny and I did take care of some kids in my past life. Good memories tinged in a final note of sadness and melancholy. I was broken from my thoughts by a single tear traveling down Sophia’s cheek as she slept. 


Emotions, I had always had a great control over them. I never suppressed them, instead I acknowledged them, their cause before letting them flow through me. Letting them naturally leave so my logical thinking wouldn’t be tainted by them. Even so, I still felt them and right now, I felt a mixture of sadness and anger. 


“The Dursleys huh. A curse or two should be enough.” Sure, I never let my emotions control me. That didn’t mean I wouldn’t act on them when I felt like it.