Chapter 8: Dark journey, brighten by new insight
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Sorry for the wait, I finally finished all my exams. I wanted to upload a chapter yesterday but exams burnt me out so much I just didn't have the will power and energy to do it. But on the bright side here is a chapter, and in a week or two, I will try to upload 2-3 chapters a week. So look forward to it, and thank you for reading this story so far. :)

Thoughts, "Dialogue", Vvpjlz

Cecil's Pov

"OK so have you ever controlled the eye before, and if so how do you make sure that it doesn't happen again?" 

"W-w-w-wait can you explain in detail what you mean?" She managed to ask while stuttering and wide-eyed. I nodded, close my eyes trying to recall what last night's events and then started to explain what I experienced. Like how what I experienced was like a dream where I was looking around the city from the sky. How I spent what felt like hours just looking around when out of nowhere I started to feel a force making me move my gaze to a specific place. And the thing that my sight landed on was her looking at me through a window sill, and before I could do anything else everything went black.

When I opened my eyes I was greeted with the sight of the tried looking girl rapidly writing in her notes while muttering something. I waved my hands in front of her face to see if she was paying attention to me, or even paying attention to her surroundings in general. When I couldn't get any results I just sat there waiting and listening to her, maybe try to find out what she is thinking.

"What does he mean... was it then... wait." I could only hear bits and pieces of what she was muttering. While I wait for her to come back to reality I decided to observe her expression to see if I can find anything that can help me. She has clear bags under her eyes that wasn't there last time I saw her, maybe she didn't get much sleep last night like me? Maybe, but I think its best to not bring it up unless she starts the conversation about it. I wouldn't want to risk making her mad and further complicate this situation more then it has to be. 

After about 4 minutes of waiting and observing her, she finally finished doing whatever she was doing and looked at me again. Our eyes locked with each other, which causes her to flinch and her cheeks to flush a bit. I tilt my head a bit wondering what could she be thinking to cause such a reaction. I decided to ignore for now and think about it at another time, right now getting answers is more important. "Well can you answer my question?" I asked getting a little impatient of waiting just to get my one questions answered, I answered her questions without making her wait this long. 

"Ah, sorry I just had to organize my thought a bit." She finally answered, she straightens her back and look straight into my eyes. Her red eyes looking straight at me. "OK, well I don't think I can tell you what you want but I do think I can tell you something that might help you." 

Afterward, she explained how last night she witnesses the moon which like the sun turned into a giant eye. This fact surprised me as before only the sun was an eye, I also started to worry maybe our condition is worsening. However, I  can only wait till this night to see if this is permanent or just a one-off thing. She also explained how the moon turned eye rapidly looked around what seemed like the whole city, and how after an hour or so it looked like it stiffened. Then it started to move to look at her, and when it was fully looking at her it stopped moving and the pupil turned from blue to the same shade of red as her eye.

After a few minutes of silence as we both try to organize our thoughts, I sighed and looked at Kiriana and said. "Ok I think this is all we both can learn from this meeting, I also think it's about time I head home." She nodded while looking at her phone.

"Yea me too, also sorry I couldn't tell you anything that might help you with your problem."

I shook my head, "No it's fine I knew that it wouldn't be this easy."

"Yea, well if I find anything I would tell you, and in exchanged tell me if you find anything new about the eye or the dream."

I simply nodded and watched as she packed her stuff. When she finished she stood up and was about to leave when she stopped. She looked like she just remembered something. 

"I almost forgot we don't have any way to contact each other expect from just talking face to face. I think it would be more convenient if we have an easier way to contact each other. Do you have a phone so we can call or text each other if either of us finds something?"

I nodded, afterward, we exchanged contact information and she left the store while still looking at her notes. I sighed and looked at the ceiling trying to make sense of all of this. Just why do I have to deal with such troublesome things, I just want to read without any mishaps. I sighed again, got up and ordered a plain dark coffee to go. 

I started to walk back home, it wasn't much time when I saw my close friends Josh and Jacob walking closely together, they were so close their shoulders were almost touching. I waved and called out to then, which startled them and caused them to quickly make some distance between them. Which again confused me, why would they panic so much when I called them?

When we were close enough we started to talk to each other. "So what were you guys doing." I started 

"We were, uh, doing, uh...Ummm." Jacob started to stutter while avoiding any eye contact with me.

"We were just coming back from the arcade what about you?" Josh replied

Deciding that it would cause more trouble then it's worth to tell them that I went to a cafe to have a chat with Kiriana about her stalking these past weeks. I just said, "I heard about the cafe near our school and decided to check it out." I explained while showing them my coffee.

"Dragon heart cafe?" (Jacob)

"Yea." (Cecil)

"Oh we been there a few times, it a pretty nice place." (Josh)

"Yea the coffee is good too, not too bitter or sweet." (Cecil)

We chatted for a bit as we walked, before long I had to part ways with the two as my house is at the different directions from theirs. I took a sip from my drink as I opened the door to my house. I took one last look at the "sun" then, walk into my house then closed the door.