Chapter 77: Blond Hair and Violet Eyes
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Sometime in the past. In the Wilderwolf estate's extensive and elegant garden.

"Ah, Young Miss!" Nanny Drew cried out when the vision of a disgruntled Andria entered her sights. "I leave you for five seconds and you end up like this? You are in so much trouble young lady!"

"It wasn't Andria's fault, Andria just wanted to pet the birdie!" Andria pouted as she pointed to a large, white and black feathered bird standing cockily upon a tree branch, Andria could swear it gave her a snort when she pointed at it and couldn't help but feel even more gloomier. "Andria's didn't expect it to bite me, causing me to fall from the tree..."

"Ah, come here and let me clean you up." Nanny Drew sighed...

After treating her several small wounds and cleaning her of dirt with a little magic, Nanny Drew produced a fancy brush from her Magic Pocket, which she used to brush Andria's entangled and messy hair.

"You know, you have the most beautiful hair." Nanny Drew smiled warmly, tugging out a knot in the girl's hair, causing her to let out a little whelp of pain.

"Hmm." Andria nodded, though her head's movement was limited.

"That's why you have to take good care of yourself, what would your parents say if you suddenly came home with your hair in such a state!" Nanny Drew lectured.

"They'd probably fire you!" Andria joked, sticking her tongue out at her nanny.

"That's not funny!" Nanny Drew tugged on her hair a little harder than necessary, successfully shutting her laughing as she let out another whelp of pain. Nanny Drew smiled victoriously while Andria pouted. "So will you stop being so irresponsible then, hmm?"

"Andria understands." Andria pouted.

But this was probably the hundredth time she had been lectured as so...


"Ah, Daddy loves Little An's hair so muu~uch!" Alexander cooed. "Do you know why?"

"Because its so beautiful?" Andria rolled her eyes. "You've said this to Andria so many times!"

"There's that, but there's also another reason." Alexander said with a warm smile.

"Huh?" Andria tilted her head cutely and asked. "Then what is it Daddy?"

"Its because its identical to your mother's." Alexander ran his fingers through her long blond locks. "Just like your beautiful violet eyes that are also like hers. Its like I'm looking at a mini-Cyndria!"

"But I'm Andria, not Mummy!" Andria pouted, not having understood her father's words properly. Alexander just laughed and shook her hair with his large, warm hands.

"You'll understand one day."


In the Wilderwolf estate, Andria was being put to sleep by her mother as she read her one of her favourite books. But by the time the book had been fully read, Andria's droopy eyes had yet to close as she stubbornly held onto consciousness.

"Andria doesn't want to go to bed yet." Andria complained, her little right hand rubbing against her drooping eye.

Cyndria, her mother, closed the book and settled it on the desk before turning to her beloved daughter with a kind smile. Leaning over, she brushed the bangs out of her big, doe eyes and spoke softly. "How about I tell you a story of how I met your father, then."

"Oh, Andria remembers this!" Andria chirped. "Mummy fell on him!"

"Hehe, that's right." Cyndria chuckled, her violet eyes crescent's like the moon above. "I was being chased by a bunch of nasty bullies I had caught picking on some poor kids. Being the heroic woman I am, I went to stop them. But I was only young then, and these boys were older and there were quite a few of them. So I only ended up winding them up..."

"Then Mummy ran away and those baddies chased you!"

"Yep. I was running as if my life depended on it, up steeps hills and over high buildings. Until eventually, when I was leaping from one building in particular, I smashed straight into your daddy!" Cyndria laughed at the memory.

"Daddy said he got mad and tried to capture you too." Andria remembered her Daddies tale of this story as he had also told her this many times as well.

"Please, more like he wanted to kill me dead. That was until he was blinded by my beauty." Cyndria exaggeratedly swept a hand through her shoulder length blond hair, garnering a laugh from her daughter. "But seriously, he wanted to find me to compensate him for his suit that I had ruined by making him spill some liquid on it, so he spent days looking for me, with the only clue on me being my blond hair as he had only seen me from behind as I quickly ran away. It turned out he didn't have to look far as we both went to the same Academy. I was rather poor at that time, so instead of paying him back, he requested that I make him lunch every day for dinner. It was only later when I caught on to the fact that this was all so he could hang out with me, hehehe... He says that it was my hair that had first attracted him to me, those and my violet eyes."

"Yeah, Daddy says he thought you were angel!"

"And now, you have also inherited my blond hair and violet eyes. You truly are our little angel." Cyndria placed her forehead against her daughter and smiled into her violet eyes that were much like hers and brushed her fingers across the hair that was much like her own as well.

"But Andria doesn't want to be an angel!" Andria pouted.

"Oh, what does our Little An want to be then?" Cyndria laughed sweetly.

"Andria wants to be a great Magician like Lexa, the Shooting Star!" Andria pumped her little fist. "Andria wants to be strong... Then Andria can protect... Mummy and Daddy, like... how you... protect Andria!"

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"That's a great dream..." Cyndria kissed Andria's forehead and caressed her rosy cheek as she finally drifted off to a peaceful sleep. "...Our little angel."


Andria's arms and legs turned limp and her pupils turned hollow as her eyes constantly gazed downwards at her shaven hair as her fear completely overtook her, leaving only hollowness and a deeply rooted despair.

"Now, what should I cut up next!" The Beast-Eyed Killer licked his lips and toyed with the blade in his hand as he spoke amidst his laughter...