Kigal-Note/Class/Warrior Class: Capoeirista
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Class: Capoeirista
Unlock Requirements:
  • Have the Pugilist class at LV30 or higher.
  • Have the skill, [Martial Arts: Legs] at LV10 or higher.
  • Have the skill, [Free Movement] at LV30 or higher.
  • Have a positive Karma Value of 100 or more.
  • Unlocks skills related to martial arts.
  • Positive Status correction to STR and DEX stats.
  • Increased power to kicking-type moves and skills.


A Capoeirista is a practitioner of Capoeira, a martial art that focuses on inverted kicks and acrobatic maneuvers. 

This material art is said to have been developed in a different world, which was then introduced to the world of Terra Sol thanks to a Migrant who was a practitioner of the style back on their world.

The martial art was made by enslaved people of the other world as a means to fight back against their "masters" and win their freedom. As an homage to this, one of the requirements for the class is to have a high positive Karma Value.

The martial art combines elements of dancing, acrobatics, and even music to create tricky movements. The style does not have a stance to go on, as other Martial Art style skills have. This is due to the style focusing more on flowing movements rather than a fixed and rigid stance. Due to this, the Capoeirista class is one of the few classes that focus on both STR and DEX.

Abilities obtained from leveling up the Capoeirista class:

  1. [Martial Arts: Capoeira LV1]
  2. [Dancer's Knowledge LV1]
  3. [Motion Enhancement LV1]
  4. [Leg Enhancement LV1]
  5. [Combo Arts LV1
  6. [Leg Blade Arts LV1]
  7. Random Step-move.
  8. Random Martial Arts-skill related to kicks.

Each entry on the list is available when reaching a class level of a tenfold. The first two items are received the moment one obtains the class. In the case of Capoeirista being selected as the Main class, one will get the three first items instead. The final item is therefore only obtainable for those with Capoeirista as the Main class.

Lily's comment: Watch out, evildoers! Or else you're gonna taste my chimera kick!

Marc's comment: I know that it's not wrong, but seriously, don't call it that! We're going to get into so much trouble if you do!