Chapter 2
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Wei Wuxian gathered himself and stood up, slowly turning to face Lan Wangji. 

   He plastered a small smile on his face. "Lan Zhan."

  They stared at each other.

Mo Xuanyu faked a cough through the awkward atmosphere, his cheeks were slightly red. 

   Wei Wuxians smile got bigger and wider glancing at him, Mo Xuanyu scowled. Wei Wuxian quirked a brow, and ruffled his hair. 

   Mo Xuanyu swatted his hand away, face turning more red from embarrassment. "Stop. I'm not a little kid." He huffed.

   Wei Wuxian chuckled. "To me you are." His grin was wicked as he started teasing Mo Xuanyu and ruffling his hair again. Mo Xuanyu felt his feelings, soft and gentle.

   They didn't know each other that well really and yet they felt so close. He didn't want to like the man or trust him but the bond made him incapable of not trusting him. He couldn't help himself. 

   Mo Xuanyu sighed but sent Wei Wuxian a flutter of feelings through their bond in return. If possible, his smile got even bigger and brighter, before dimming when he turned his gaze back to the golden eyed man. 

   Wei Wuxian cleared his throat. "Ah..It seems you have everything under control now. A-Yu and I will take our leave." He turned to walk away. 

    He was stopped by Lan Sizhui. 

 The young boy offered a smile. "Thank you, Senior Xuan." 

     Wei Wuxian laughed, waving him off. "It's fine, it's fine. So long as everything is well. No need to thank me." He nodded to the young Lan, and continued to walk away with Mo Xuanyu.

   Lan WangJi's eyes never left him, until he was out of sight. 




Lan Wangji started, and stared. The one he waited for, searched all over for had just been here, right before his eyes. And Lan Wangji let him walk away. 

    Wei Ying looked as he did all those years ago, during the first siege of the Burial Mounds, though he had been wounded and bloodied, stabbed by Jiang Cheng and then swarmed by the corpses he had been controlling after destroying the Tiger Seal. 

   Lan Wangji watched, stunned and horrified, trying to get past all the other cultivators to reach Wei Ying as he was being devoured. 

 'Wei Ying!!' He had shouted and pleaded then-fighting to get to him, desperate and in pain, he was drowned out by the crowd shouting in 'victory'. 

  And then it was over just like that. All the cultivators had left cheering and laughing, 'Good riddance', as Lan Wangji fell to his knees where Wei Ying has just been, alive. The ending blast of the backlash had destroyed the corpses, and Wei Ying... was already gone. 

   After what happened in the Nightless City, Lan Wangji had been punished for protecting the Yiling Patriarch, going against the elders; and ended up being put on bed rest to heal from the cuts and lashes of his punishment from the discipline whip.

   Then he had overheard careless cultivators of his sect talking and a siege and Wei Ying, how the others left to take down the villainous Yiling Patriarch, he fought to get up, rushing and stumbling for his sword, no matter how his wounds hurt and burned through him.

    He loved his brother, though his brother tried to keep such a secret from him. He wouldn't stand by. He had to get to Wei Ying. 

   And it was all futile. All in vain. 

All except for little feverish A-Yuan hidden away. He watched his love die in a horrible way and his existence was gone. A-Yuan was all he had left of him. 

   Lan Wangji shook himself from the past. He had to focus on the present. Most importantly, Wei Ying was alive again. 

      Living, breathing, alive.

 And in the same body the corpses had torn into and devoured. 

Lan Wangji started after Wei Ying, wanting to go to him.

   He looked to the younger Lans and knew he should take care of the hand first.

   But he would definitely find Wei Ying again. 

He couldn't lose him.

Not again.




   "Ahh." Wei Wuxian heaved. "That was close. I thought he was going to stop me or something." 

   "You know him?" Mo Xuanyu looked at him and asked. 

   "You could say that. You heard the Junior Lans right? He is their HanGuang-Jun. Lan Wangji. We...A lot happened back then. He hated my guts." Wei Wuxian grimaced. 

  "That was Lan Wangji??! THE Lan Wangji??" Mo Xuanyu gaped.

  "Yes," Wei Wuxian shot Mo Xuanyu an amused look. "See, look at that. You have heard of him." Wei Wuxian chuckled to himself, the past lingering in the back of his mind. 

   "He hated you? But..wait-" Mo Xuanyu paused what he was about to say. Sure, he had heard rumors about that too. And yet...the look that HanGuang-Jun had wasn't one of hate. 

It was far deeper than that. 

  Seeing Lan Wangji with his own eyes destroyed those rumors. The look in his eyes had been one of bitter sadness and loss, and then what seemed to be surprise and joy..even 

   Mo Xuanyu had never loved anyone or been loved, but he's stumbled across people in relationships with similar expressions. And while Mo Xuanyu had never loved anyone-he had once surely been falling in love at least. 

   Mo Xuanyu shook himself free of his thoughts, looking at Wei Wuxian.

  "You know, for the former great Yiling Patriarch, a brilliant inventor and all - you are really dense." Mo Xuanyu spoke wryly, a half smile on his face at this fool of a man and he felt sadness and pity for HanGuang-Jun. 

   For such a smart guy to be so dense...Mo Xuanyu shook his head. 

   Wei Wuxian was staring at him, most likely because of his emotions. Mo Xuanyu arched a brow. "What?" 

  Wei Wuxian heaved a sigh. They were both still lingering in Mo Village, walking around the town. 

   They saw a vendor selling food. Wei Wuxian perked up immediately, grey eyes bright and he made a move to run over to the vendor but paused.

   A small boy darted past, clothes like dirty tags and bare feet, snatching a few buns and made a run for it. The vendor hollered and chased after him. A dark expression crossed Wei Wuxians face with a frown as he moved to follow after them in a run.

   "Hey-wait!!" Mo Xuanyu chased after him. 




    Mo Xuanyu came to a stop, gasping for breath. He looked up and his eyes went wide. 

   The vendor had cornered the boy, and was beating on him and kicking him, Wei Wuxian who had arrived just before he did-was livid. 

   A mass of resentful energy spilled out from him. It was so ominous, Mo Xuanyu shivered, the hairs on his body were raised straight up. He took a step forward as Wei Wuxian lifted the vendor in the air with dark black tendrils and was strangling him. 

   Mo Xuanyu panicked. "Wei Wuxian! Stop!! You're killing him. Wei Wuxian! Stop! Your scaring the boy!! Snap out of it and look!!" Mo Xuanyu shouted, rushing in to grab Wei Wuxians arm. 

  Wei Wuxian's eyes returned to their usual grey, and he dropped the man, the black tendrils seeping back into his body. The oppression aura was gone and Mo Xuanyu sighed with relief, letting go of Wei Wuxians arm. 

   He glanced at him, seeing Wei Wuxian face was bleached white of color, trembling and staring in a daze at his hands.

    Mo Xuanyu reached out to him, worried, "Wei Wuxian?" Wei Wuxian snapped himself out of it, yanking himself of Mo Xuanyu's reach, though he felt Wei Wuxians inner misery and turmoil, his confusion. 

   He watched silently as Wei Wuxian approached the shivering little boy, kneeling down and picking up the buns he had dropped, offering it to the boy that was staring at him in fear with wide eyes.

    Wei Wuxian offered him a tight smile, and tried to appease him.

   "Little one, I know your scared, I am so sorry. I promise I won't hurt you." He tried to soften his smile, using the black sleeves of his robe to clean the buns of dirt and crime as best as he could, offering it or the boy again.

  "Go on," Wei Wuxian spoke gently, " They're yours, you can take them." He was earnest in offering the buns back. The boy had stopped shivering, and reached out to slowly grab the buns, watching easily as Wei Wuxians lifted up his hands gesturing he wouldn't do anything and backed up, turning to walk away.

   "Wait.." A trembling voice called out. Wei Wuxian paused in surprise, looking back at the boy, face wet from crying he mumbled, "Thank you."

    Wei Wuxian gave him a bright smile, stunning the boy with his soft grin. Wei Wuxian nodded, "Your welcome."  And before turning to start walking again, he glanced at the man stumbling to his feet, quaking with fear, the fellow had nearly died after all.

     "Don't ever do anything like that to anyone, ever again. Understood?" Wei Wuxians voice hard and cold. "If you do, I will come back to finish what I started." 

   The vendor flinched, nodding quickly.

  Wei Wuxian turned on his heels, and left, Mo Xuanyu following after him. 



       Mo Xuanyu kept stealing glances at Wei Wuxian, who was far quieter, more than usual, his complexion was pale and drained. 

    He reached out tentatively to touch his arm, "Are you okay?" 

   Mo Xuanyu felt his turbulent emotions like a wave. He would normally give a reassuring smile but he must feel really bad, to not even do that much. 

    Wei Wuxian flinched, pain washing over him suddenly, right at his stomach and he pressed a hand against it, and spat up blood from his throat, frowning and wiping at his chin. Pain echoed from everywhere now, all across his mind and body, he stiffened and held back a scream, eyes suddenly locked in the past.

   He collapsed.  

 "Wei Wuxian! Hey!" Mo Xuanyu hurried to catch him. What the hell? 

 He held the man in his arms, unable to move. He was pale, and there was blood he had tried to wipe off his chin. 

   Mo Xuanyu was afraid. Even though unconscious, he could feel the man's chaotic emotions, his pain.  Mo Xuanyu fretted, using his own sleeve to wipe off the blood at the corner of Wei Wuxians mouth. 

    Suddenly, he felt a presence behind him. 

   He hovered protectively over Wei Wuxians body, looking at the person who had just shown up. He blanched with shock. 

   It was Lan Wangji. 

 Lan Wangji came over and knelt next to them, looking extremely worried at the sight of Wei Wuxian. 

   He watched Lan Wangji grab Wei Wuxians wrist, and pressing, searching. His brow furrowed and the gave way to so many emotions that flickered across his face. 

   "Wei Ying." He whispered, lightly touching the unconscious man's cheek. He looked at Mo Xuanyu. 

   Mo Xuanyu backed up, guessing what he wanted to do. Lan Wangji gently lifted Wei Wuxian into his arms, cradling him with care. And started walking away. Mo Xuanyu hesitated before following after the two men. 



  Wei Wuxian groaned. He blinked wearily, and slowly sat up. He glanced around. Mo Xuanyu was sitting by his bedside. "Where are we?" 

   Mo Xuanyu smiled. "Your awake! We're staying at an Inn." 

   Wei Wuxian stared. "What? How? I'm broke and so are you." 

   Mo Xuanyu looked away, laughing nervously. "Well - about that - You should-" The door to their room opened, cutting him off. 

   Wei Wuxians jaw dropped and he stared. "Lan Wangji??" 

  Lan Wangji carried a tray of dishes. Wei Wuxian has dropped even more, eyes wide. He shook himself to snap out of his shock. "You...why- ahh... why am I here and why are you here?" He asked.  

    Mo Xuanyu spoke up. "Well, you collasped, and I couldn't carry you....then HanGuang-Jun found us and carried you here." 

   Wei Wuxian just sputtered in suprise. "You..." He turned to Lan Wangji. "You carried me here?" The disbelief echoed in his voice.

   "Mn." Lan Wangji nodded, face unreadable as ever, though he eyes seemed to glimmer with two emotions. Was that worry and...happiness? Huh? 

   Wei Wuxian sighed. "Let's cut the shit." Lan Wangji seem unfazed by his cursing.

  "You and me, Lan hate me so why are you here? Will you be leading the rest of the cultivation world right to me? So they know I'm alive and kicking?" His tone was rude and sardonic. 

   He watched Lan Wangji and he was surprised. He seemed hurt by what he said.

Wei Wuxian fell silent. 

   Lan Wangji spoke suddenly. "Not hate. Never hate." 

   Wei Wuxian gave him a confused look. "What?"

  Lan Wangji seemed to gather himself and spoke again. "Never hated you. Friends." Though when his said friends, Lan WangJi's face looked odd.

   Lan Wangji was stewing over not telling him everything, and saying friends instead of what he wanted to say. Even if he did, Wei Wuxian might balk at the sudden confession.       

     He had confessed once before, but knowing the man's state of mind back then, Lan Wangji couldn't be angry at him for not remembering.

    Mo Xuanyu watched the two of them, it was embarrassingly painful. "You're a dense idiot, A-Xian." He sighed. Lan Wangji glared in his direction and Mo Xuanyu held up his hands in piece backing off, his face twitching with the effort of holding back a smile. 

   Wei Wuxian looked between the too, at loss. 

   "You never hated me? You thought of me as a friend?" Wei Wuxian inquired. Lan Wangji hesitated just a moment before nodding. 

   "So all the talk of trying to get me to go with you to Gusu back then, you wanted to help me?" He asked.

 Lan Wangji nodded. Wei Wuxian studied him and sighed, before moving to stand up. Lan Wangji was there in a flash when he wobbled, holding him up. 

    Wei Wuxian laughed. "I'm fine." He eyed the dishes on the tray and his eyes brightened. Red spices littered them. Mo Xuanyu tried one and coughed, eyes red and watering. 

   "How can you eat that?!" He gasped, face scrunched up in disgust. Wei Wuxian shrugged and smirked. "Your just jealous that you can't handle it, kid." He stuck his tongue out, laughing at Mo Xuanyu's scowling while definitely saying he wasn't a kid.  

   Wei Wuxian ate all the spicy dishes and hummed, content. 

  Lan Wangji sat to the side, silent before speaking up again. 

   "Wei Ying?"

 "Hm, Lan Zhan?" He looked at him. 

    "What happened to your golden core?"

   Wei Wuxian froze. As did Mo Xuanyu, staring at him and Lan Wangji. 

   "Whatever do you mean, Lan Zhan?" Wei Wuxian asked casually. 

   "Back then, you..." Lan Wangji tried and then continued - "You lost it?"

   "Lan Zhan, it's in the past. It doesn't matter anymore."

 "It does." He argued back.

"Lan Zhan..." His tone held a warning.

   "Wei Ying." Lan Wangji didn't back down. He had to know.

  Wei Wuxian glanced at Mo Xuanyu and sighed.

  "You really want to know? How did you even - oh." Wei Wuxian realized. Of course. It must have been when he collapsed. He grimaced, rubbing a hand across his weary face.

  He sighed again, looking at Lan Wangji whose state seemed bright and earnest, and full of worry.

   For him? He scoffed internally. It's a bit late for that. Even though he was resurrected, his body is about the same as it was before he died, without his golden core.

   He might as well tell Lan Wangji and Mo Xuanyu, since he was there. 

 And so he did. He didn't mention everything, no, just about his core. Though knowing Lan Wangji, he could connect the dots. 

   Lan Wangji was shocked as he'd ever seen, and hurt even but why? Lan Wangji seemed to be trembling.

   "Lan Zhan? Is everything alright?" 

"Mn." He still replied steadily, mostly. This time, Wei Wuxian did hear the tremor in his voice. He frowned. 

   Lan Wangji stood, and made to leave, seemingly reluctant but he still had other duties.

   "Lan Zhan?" Wei Wuxian called.

 Lan Wangji turned to look at him, and it felt like he took a blow to his chest. Wei Wuxian was beaming.

  "Thank you." He murmured. Lan Wangji stiffened at that, but nodded before leaving. 

  Lan WangJi's steps felt heavy, if he could - he would stay by Wei Yings side and never leave,  but then others would get suspicious. His brother especially, and he didn't want to worry him.

   So he would keep distance for however long needed, at least for now. That Mo Xuanyu...He felt the boy would look after him, as much as he could, Lan Wangji sensed something between them, nothing Lan Wangji felt threatened by, jealous. Just something different.

   He would find out later.





"So you really...gave away your Golden core?" Mo Xuanyu asked, tentatively. Mo Xuanyu couldn't comprehend it, a sacrifice like that. He was awed and heartbroken for Wei Wuxian, obviously connecting past events he had heard that occurred, together. 

   Wei Wuxian just sighed but still replied wearily. "Yes." 

  Mo Xuanyu studied the man, he looked exhausted. He didn't give Lan Wangji all details of yesterday, but maybe he should have. Mo Xuanyu was very worried and he didn't know what to do. 

    When Mo Xuanyu told the other man what had happened when he asked, he told very little and vaguely. He was worried about Lan Wangji's reaction so he hid the truth. 

   And scarily enough, He and Wei Wuxian were bound, a connection deep in both of their souls, a thread connecting their hearts and life force. He already knew, but if he or Wei Wuxian were to die, he would feel it, and it would feel like he was dying alongside him, if not actually doing so. 

    Mo Xuanyu feels that both try to break that connection, they will both suffer and die. He didn't want that. If Mo Xuanyu had confessed of their bond, Lan Wangji probably would have never left, worried sick and afraid for his love, who was dense and had no idea of the man's feelings. 

  He had felt the madness though, lingering in Wei Wuxian, it was as if the shadows of death were surrounding him and coiled to strike at any moment. 

    Mo Xuanyu also wondered if Wei Wuxian remembered his death, if he had been aware while he had been dead. 

   And while technically he was sure it wasn't exactly a secret, it was extremely personal and he had a feeling he shouldn't ask that, yet anyway - bond or not - they had only known each other for a few days. 

    Mo Xuanyu also had plenty of secrets of his own. He was not ready to come clean about them either, if ever.

  Feelings of pain and anger spiked through him, betrayal, and even shame. Mo Xuanyu bowed his head, trying to shove them down.

    A gentle hand laid itself upon his head and he froze, though it had become somewhat familiar, such tender contact of touch, terrified him and made him flinch. He went flick it off and move away from the sudden touch, but it was gentle and firm, staying still.

   He glanced at Wei Wuxian who gave him a gentle smile. He didn't say anything but the look and his hand on Mo Xuanyu's head made him tremble and eyes water, tearing up. His nose burned but he forced as much tears back as he could.  A few managed to slip down his cheeks. Mo Xuanyu hurried to wipe them away.

    They stayed like that for a moment, before Wei Wuxian retracted his hand and stood up, stretching with a grin.

   "Ah, I feel better. A-Yu, lets go, lets go."

  Mo Xuanyu was puzzled at the man. "Go where?"

   The other chuckled and gave him a wink. "Oh, you know, shopping here and there, off on an adventure..." He trailed off.

   Mo Xuanyu had a deadpanned look. "You mean getting into trouble?" He snorted, not surprised.

   The others grin was blinding. "Exactly that! Ha! You know me so well now, huh? " Wei Wuxian had a devilish smile, and a glint in his eyes.

    Mo Xuanyu rolled his eyes, hiding his own smile behind the back of his hand, however, Wei Wuxian still noticed because his smile got wider, outshining the sun.

    "Guess we had better go before you find trouble here or who knows what could happen." Mo Xuanyu spoke, exaggerating an eye-roll.

    The other man was bouncing around eagerly, full of energy as if nothing had happened yesterday.

   Mo Xuanyu followed the childish man, shaking his head with a sigh. Why does it feel like he is the nature one most of the time, despite being younger while Wei Wuxian was older. 

     Mo Xuanyu laughed under his breath, but followed after the man, hiding a small grin.