Oli Otya
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In the vast expanse of the cosmos, a world was born, emerging from the remnants of a cataclysmic event that shaped its destiny. It started as a swirling maelstrom of cosmic dust and elemental particles, coalescing and colliding to form the foundation of a new celestial body.

Over eons, this newborn world underwent a remarkable transformation. Its surface evolved through fiery stages of volcanic activity and seismic upheavals. The planet's molten core churned with raw energy, generating powerful magnetic fields that shaped its atmosphere and protected it from the harshness of space.

As time passed, the planet began to cool, and its surface took shape. Oceans formed, their vast depths teeming with primordial waters, nurturing the potential for life. Continents rose from the depths, carved by ancient forces of erosion and tectonic activity, creating a diverse tapestry of landscapes.

Mountains soared towards the heavens, their majestic peaks piercing the skies. Lush forests blanketed the land, a mosaic of vibrant greens and earthy hues. Rolling plains stretched out as far as the eye could see, offering fertile grounds for future civilizations to thrive. Mighty rivers carved their paths, carving deep valleys and winding through the verdant landscapes.

The planet's atmosphere evolved as well, influenced by the interplay of various gases and atmospheric phenomena. Oxygen gradually accumulated, fostering an environment conducive to complex life forms. The gentle breezes caressed the planet's surface, while occasional storms and tempests brought the cleansing power of rain and the fury of lightning.

But this world was not merely a carbon copy of Earth. It carried the imprint of Gaia's influence, infused with a touch of otherworldly magic. The boundaries between reality and the ethereal were blurred, allowing the emergence of supernatural energies that danced through the air and intertwined with the fabric of existence. It was a world where the extraordinary and the mundane coexisted, where the laws of physics intertwined with the mystical forces that flowed through its core.

In this world, Mike found himself arriving after the birth of the planet, after the forces of creation had shaped its destiny. In the pitch-black darkness, Mike's senses were overwhelmed by the oppressive weight of the earth above him. His body felt heavier, denser, as if undergoing a physical transformation. The energy he had absorbed during his cosmic journey surged within him, molding and shaping his form. His once lean body was now toned with lean muscles, his dark skin that was previously scarred now resembled that of a sculpture, without any visible blemishes. Even his face had gained a more mature and handsome look, with his hair taking on a darker shade of black. But these changes were nothing compared to the transformation of the darkness around him, rippling like the waves of the ocean and merging with his cosmic energy. His closed eyes revealed a pitch-black iris, swirling like endless space, with his pupil emitting a subtle golden color. The markings on his body converged into a tribal tattoo that pulsed subtly.

Time passed indeterminately as Mike remained in a state of unconsciousness, buried deep beneath the surface. The planet's gravitational forces worked upon him, imprinting themselves onto his very being. In this subterranean cocoon, he underwent a metamorphosis, his body adapting to the environment and energies surrounding him.

And then, as if responding to a preordained rhythm, the moment of awakening arrived. Mike's consciousness stirred, breaking free from the cocoon-like slumber. His eyes fluttered open, and what he beheld was beyond comprehension.

Before him stretched an underground cave bathed in an ethereal glow. Luminescent crystals jutted from the walls, casting vibrant hues of blues, greens, and purples across the chamber. The air crackled with raw energy, intertwining with the delicate scent of earth and ancient secrets. The cave's ecosystem was in its infancy, with moss clinging to the rock formations and tiny organisms skittering about, signaling the beginnings of life in this subterranean realm.

Mike attempted to rise, only to realize that his body had undergone a remarkable transformation. He was no longer the mere mortal he once was. His form exuded an otherworldly radiance, and his every movement emanated power and purpose. His senses were heightened, allowing him to perceive the pulsating energies of the cave and the intricate interplay between its elements.

As he stood in the underground chamber, Mike couldn't help but marvel at the sheer beauty and potential of this nascent world. It was a realm untouched by the passage of time, a blank canvas awaiting the brushstrokes of creation. The earth beneath his feet thrummed with untapped energies, a testament to the boundless possibilities that lay ahead.

Figuring he needed time to understand the changes he had gone through, he found a spot in the cave and took a meditative position. It felt more serious than lying down, better for grasping what was happening. The most noticeable changes were his enhanced physical capabilities. His fists held more power than before, his eyes could see through the darkness as if it were day, and all his senses were heightened to new extremes. All of this came as a shock to him since he hadn't experienced any sensory overload since regaining consciousness.

The pulsing tattoo on his arm called to him like a moth to a flame, drawing his attention to its significance. After a moment of staring at it, he felt his consciousness slipping into somewhere else, as if he had opened a door. Yet, all that lay beyond was a vast darkness. "Hello!" he shouted, but only his echo reverberated. He shouted again, louder this time, but still, there was no response. Deciding to walk around to figure out how to get out, a part of him felt safe in the confines of this space, as if he knew it wouldn't harm him. He paced for what felt like hours, but in the end, he found nothing but darkness and a barren land.

Deciding to return, he closed his eyes, only to feel a presence behind him. Instinctively, he turned around to face himself. "What the heck?" he shouted as he distanced himself from his doppelganger. In response, it smiled in amusement, as if the whole situation looked funny. "Who are you?" Mike asked hesitantly. After a moment of silent staring, it replied, "I am the power that's coursing through you, the embodiment of what it entails. Father said I'd be a guide to help you navigate this new uncharted waters." It paused and then continued, "You've just woken up after your body and I were finally fused completely, but that doesn't mean that the world or even you are ready. Hence, I am here to guide you in better understanding your new powers and the world around you. You are not the only person experiencing this, as Father told you. You're a candidate, meaning others like you are also waking from their slumber or have already awakened. The power you currently feel coursing through you has an affinity for darkness, meaning your Authority will be Darkness. Anything in the dark, by definition, is an extension of you, but that's something you'll have control over as you grow your power. Currently, it's still in its infancy, but with time, that will change. Oh, also, I need a name since we'll be bound together forever. As for the place we're at right now, it is your Domain, meaning in this place, you have absolute authority over all things here. Externally, though, this space is limited, but over time, it will grow."

Mike just stared at him, bewildered by all he had heard but not shocked anymore by the strangeness of it all. "I'd prefer if you'd change to someone else, someone a little less creepy for a start." Immediately, the form swirled like a miniature cyclone into a black feline with silver-like eyes, then vanished, only to reappear on his shoulder as if it were a norm. Closing its eyes, it seemed content. "Ok, that was... unexpected. As for a name now, since you chose a cat, I'll go with something catlike. Methis, how about that?" Mike asked. All he got in response was a purr, which he took as a yes. "By others, do you mean that they have powers like mine or powers that are different but on the same scale as mine?" Mike questioned. Methis replied by presenting a scroll that appeared old and delicate but, in reality, had a rough and firm feel to it, Mike took a guess that maybe Methis has a pocket dimension where the scroll had come from or maybe it was a creation of its own. 

As Mike absorbed the information from the scroll and contemplated the significance of the other candidates with their unique Authorities, Methis perched on his shoulder, observing his thoughts. The cat-like entity sensed Mike's growing curiosity and determination.

"You must be wondering what comes next," Methis spoke, its voice carrying a mixture of wisdom and intrigue. "Now that you possess the power of Darkness, it is time to harness and refine it. Training will be essential to unlock your full potential."

Mike nodded, a sense of purpose filling his being. He stood up from his meditative position, the grass beneath his feet whispering in response to his movements. "I'm ready," he affirmed, his voice resolute.

In that instant, the surroundings shifted once again, the grassland stretching out before them. A solitary cabin appeared in the distance, nestled in the embrace of the tranquil scenery. It was a place that resonated with familiarity, as if plucked from a distant memory.

Methis leaped off Mike's shoulder and landed gracefully on the ground, facing the cabin. "Your training begins here," it announced, a flicker of anticipation in its silver-like eyes.

Mike took a step forward, his determination burning bright. "Lead the way, Methis," he said, his voice steady and unwavering. With each stride he took, the cabin drew closer, and the weight of his newfound Authority settled upon his shoulders.

Together, Mike and Methis ventured towards the cabin, ready to unlock the depths of Mike's powers and embrace the challenges that lay ahead. The grass rustled in gentle applause, as if nature itself acknowledged the significance of this moment.

In this serene grassland, where the boundary between reality and the ethereal danced, Mike's journey of self-discovery and mastery had just begun.

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