(Disclaimer: this isn't technically an update to the story itself. That's not to say there's been no progress since the last entry - I've actually been working on it semi-regularly since then, but it's not yet in a state where I can comfortably take it off hiatus.
So, it's come up at various times in the comments section, particularly over in "Probability Experiment," but in addition to writing stuff, I also draw stuff, including stuff either directly or tangentially related to my stories. I've done quite a number of doodles relating to "Nyandemic Story," in addition to a couple nicer pen-'n-ink pieces, but I've just finished one that I'm particularly pleased with, and I wanted to share it here :) Don't think I can actually embed images here, so I'll just link to the piece in question on my dA/FA galleries, for anyone who wants to take a gander:
EDIT: well heck, maybe I can! I'll leave the links, anyway, but as long as I have the option:
EYYY! good to see you back again, hope you're having a fun time thinking about it if not communicating said thoughts to the page.
Thanks :) I'm definitely enjoying working it all out, even if it's not yet ready to get back in gear.
I think you *might* be able to embed the images, If this person can get it working with whatever zupimages is then Id expect a deviantart link to work. https://forum.scribblehub.com/threads/how-to-insert-images.1725/
Really lookin forward to what youve got in the works what with how much I've loved the stuff you've made before, good luck :)
Well I'll be darned! I saw the option there, but I figured dA would block hotlinking. Seems to work, though!
You can imbed them, used to be able to do it with discord but hot linking from other image hosting works too, just a pain
Yeah, apparently so. Figured dA would block hotlinking, but hey, as long as it works...!
@nothingspecial Neat, I guess it is useful for that. It is kinda one of those forgotten about sites.
Also looking forward to when this story comes off hiatus
@melchi As am I ;)