12 – Aizawa
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Ezekiel after returning home sat in the garden after dinner and asked his father to cancel training for that night, as he might be able to unlock another part of his Quirk.

Miguel was excited to learn that his son could find other ways to protect himself and canceled the training that night without thinking twice as he had full confidence that Ezekiel would not cancel the training for no reason.

Ez, sitting on the swing of the garden, began to swing and try to remember the feeling he had in his hand to save Midoriya. This feeling was at the same time the same and different from the feeling he had when using the healing ability in other people.

At first he tried to use the healing ability in emptiness, but this ability was like mist and solid texture. So to try to apply this solid texture, Ez tried to imagine as if he was solidifying a hand with this healing energy again, but it still didn't work.

After hours of trying, Ezekiel finally had an idea, instead of trying to solidify the healing energy, he simply tried to follow his own instincts again and when he noticed, there was a white flower floating in front of him, being surrounded by a white-violet light.

Seeing the flower there surprised Ezekiel, causing him to lose focus and lose control over the ability resulting in the flower falling to the ground.

Until 00:00, Ezekiel kept practicing with that flower, trying to control himself and raise the delicate plant while floating in the air.

The next day, when Ezekiel arrived at the UA infirmary, his master Recovery Girl was there talking with another teacher from the academy. This teacher gave you a scary aura when you first met him, but after you adapted to his personality, it was pretty clear how much he cared about his students.

Although this year he had been so strict that even though it was the beginning of the school year, he had already expelled several students from class 1-A.

"Hello Master, hello Professor Aizawa." Ezekiel greeted them.

"Hello Ez." Recovery Girl said with a kind look.

"Hey, kid." Professor Aizawa answered with a dead look.

"Professor, it was a great time for you to show up. Yesterday I discovered a new power that you would probably be the perfect person to help me master." Ezekiel said as he approached them.

Hearing what the boy said caught their attention as they knew that this boy's Quirk was one of the most complexes they had ever seen, now that he had discovered another feature it would become even more complex.

"Sure, first show me what this Quirk looks like." Aizawa said as she looked at Ezekiel.

Ez, in turn, extended his hand to a pen on the table and quickly a white-violet light appeared and brought the pen to Ezekiel's hand.

Seeing this happen surprised both spectators, as they did not expect this Quirk of his to be related to telekinesis.

"Why do you think I'm a good person to help you master this Quirk, kid?" Aizawa asked.

Without saying anything, Ezekiel pointed to Aizawa's scarf and tried to control it, but with a simple touch of Aizawa on the scarf, Ezekiel could no longer move an inch of the object.

"You know it took me six years to master Hobaku, right?" Aizawa said while looking at the scarf.

"Yes, but that's because he's only a weapon. I think if I use the knowledge you've gained to master Hobaku in my Quirk, maybe my control over him will become at least acceptable during a battle these remaining months before I can enter the UA." Ezekiel said.
"Okay, I see no problem in helping you, but know that the training I had to use the Hobaku was very problematic, if you give up just once, I will not accept teaching you again. And another thing, I will only teach you until you are an official UA student, after that you will have to practice on your own, since I cannot favor any of my students". Aizawa answered.

Everyone there already treated with certainty that Ezekiel would enter the UA, since he had been working there for 4 years, and that all students and teachers had already been treated by him. Even the direct Nezu already needed to be treated once for Ezekiel's healing that had become more powerful than his master's.

Thus winning the favor of all the teachers, who had already accepted him after seeing the heroic acts he had had on the battlefields helping to treat the wounded.

The hope they had for him was high, since he had not even been trained to be a true hero yet, they wondered what he would look like after training in the hero classes for all eventualities that might occur.

Upon receiving confirmation from Professor Aizawa, Ezekiel called his father and said that as of today, he would stay in the UA for the night as well to practice his new power with Professor Aizawa and that after the training he could fly back, since in the sky he would not be in danger.

And so their training routine began, Aizawa first started training Ezekiel to use the Hobaku to get a sense of what it was like without the Quirk, then they evolved by making Ezekiel try to control the Hobaku using his own Quirk, and then they would train so Ezekiel could use his Quirk to control increasingly heavy objects, thus demanding even more control and power.

In those months that Ezekiel spent training, on a beach on the coast a big blond man looked at a little green-haired boy while he removed several debris from the beach until finally, the beach was completely clean, thus ending their training routine.

Thus leaving Midoriya excited for the day of the UA entrance exams where he could finally take the first step to become a professional hero.