Chapter 16
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Count Clementine was throwing a huge party to celebrate his pending promotion. I was vaguely aware of this party in my first life, but I had never gone. Perhaps I was invited, perhaps I was not. I couldn’t recall.

But this time, I knew I was invited. The Clementine House had sent an invite but Leonora herself had also given me an invite.


Her name was a mouthful. I couldn’t help but wonder if she wouldn’t mind me calling her Nora. When the thought crossed my mind, I froze.

‘I guess…I’m more fond of the girl than I thought.’

I turned to the mirror and looked into the glassy maroon eyes, staring back at me. My eye color was nothing like my mother’s or father’s. Under a certain shade of light, it looked reddish pink, making it an obvious trait from my maternal grandmother.

I glanced at the maid styling my dark-blue hair and feeling myself tremble slightly, I clasped my hands together.

Today was the day Leonora died in my first life.

I didn’t know when it was before since I hadn’t paid it much attention. But once I heard of Count Clementine’s huge party, I immediately knew.

Everything matched.

It had rained heavily some days prior and drizzled intermittently until yesterday which was completely clear. However, the ground was slippery, and the water levels had risen.

I remember hearing Marquis Gwendoline’s daughter had pushed a Countess’ daughter into a lake. But when I really thought about it, I realized it wasn’t a lake. People had just exaggerated the story till a small pond became a lake. None of the noble girls were taught how to swim, myself included. So I wasn’t surprised if no one had jumped in to save her and when someone other than the girls noticed, it was already too late.

Additionally, I knew it had happened sometime after the Ravenwood family turned in their title plaque. The Ravenwood Marquis and Marchioness had passed away in a carriage accident with their only son and their relatives had rushed in to gobble up whatever they could get. However, all the in-fighting drove the family to ruin and they could no longer afford to pay the taxes befitting the title of Marquis. So they returned their title.

This event had occurred about 2 weeks ago. The so-called pending promotion that the Count was throwing a huge party to celebrate was his possible upgrade to Marquis. Upgrading your title was never an easy matter but he must have been promised some guarantee by the king to be throwing a party.

However, I clearly remember the 4th Marquis being someone else. And come to think of it, I don’t recall Diana Gwendoline’s punishment. Even if she was a Marquis’ daughter, the death of another, especially a noble, would have had her facing some punishment.

I racked my brain but found nothing. Was I just that ignorant? I had absolutely no memory of it. I suddenly felt exasperated with my previous self. She was too up her ass to care about anyone else but Edmund.

I groaned as the maid tightened my corset.

‘Whoever invented corsets should burn in everlasting flame.’

This was actually my first time wearing one in this lifetime. I suppose it was because this was an official ball. Even if I was just 8, I had to start wearing one sometime. I say ball, but it was actually just a tea party for kids. The ball was for the adults.

As to why kids were even there….well, parents wanted to show off. That was basically it. And an early introduction to high society didn’t hurt.

I stood still as I was changed into a black dress. And I was quiet as I climbed into the empty carriage. The carriage in front carried my mother and father. Rowan was currently at the Academy, so he wasn’t coming with us.

I adjusted my position in the carriage, trying to make myself comfortable and wrung my fingers together. I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I wasn’t the one dying.

No, she might not die.

I warned her….and I can only hope she didn’t forget my warning.

Once we got there, I instinctively straightened my posture. I saw familiar faces and unfamiliar faces. The subtle pressure from nobles in their own right was something I was very used to.

“Announcing Duke Gerard Salzur Blackburn and Duchess Arabella Blackburn.”

There was some stir in the crowd as the Duke walked in, his face as impassive as ever. My mother was beside him, her hand in his elbow.

“Announcing Her Grace, Lady Lydia Nitha Blackburn.”

I followed along, not forgetting to keep a polite smile on my face. I stayed with my father and mother, greeting all who recognized my existence.

I stayed quiet when the host, Count Clementine made a short speech. And when the tone shifted to refreshments, I was ushered to another hall, as were the other children at the party.

The hall we were in was uncomfortably close to the pond. I reflexively searched with my eyes and found Leonora.

Her clear violet eyes met mine and a beautiful smile blossomed on her face. She quickly approached me and before I knew it, I was engaged in meaningless chatter with her and two other girls.

“Oh gosh, have you had Marchioness Brexley’s cookies?” Leonora was giggling as she spoke.

“Oh, I wouldn’t put that anywhere near my mouth,” I hadn’t had them in this lifetime, and I was not looking forward to it.

“Marquis Brexley seemed to love them,” the auburn, Anne Simone, interjected.

“The Marquis loves everything the Marchioness does,” Irene Calliwell rolled her eyes and Leonora turned to her. Noticing Leonora’s gaze, Irene tilted her head, “Is there something?”

“No, not really,” Leonora smiled, “I just didn’t expect you to be talking with us.” Her voice held a hint of sarcasm.

The impression Irene gave at Marchioness Maguire’s party was that of a girl proud to be marrying a Prince. Now, she seemed somewhat mellow. You could say sad even.

I sipped my tea, hiding my smile. For her attitude to take a U-turn, I could guess what she had learnt.

“Oh,” Irene seemed taken aback, “I didn’t realize...”

“You’re welcome here, Lady Irene,” I cut in. “Leonora was joking.”

“Oh!” Irene exclaimed then smiled, “Sorry, Lady Leonora. Jokes tend to fly over my head.”

Leonora looked at me and turned slightly to avoid my gaze, “It’s okay. I’m sorry for the bad joke.”

“Huh?” Anne seemed a little confused by the conversation’s shift in tone. I pressed down the urge to ruffle her pretty little head.

Irene Calliwell was the daughter of a viscount and as such, she should not be called by ‘Lady’. That title was reserved for daughters of Counts and above, while daughters of viscount and below were referred to as ‘Miss’. However, upon her engagement to Prince Julius, Irene gained the qualification to be called ‘Lady Irene’ and that obviously went to her head a little.

But judging by her attitude now, her mother had talked with her. Irene’s current attitude was the one I was used to in the future. She might be called ‘Lady’ but her status wasn’t the same as other ‘Lady’s.

As for Leonora...

I flashed the adorable girl a bright smile. I barely had any interaction with her in my first life. Not that I could’ve, she was dead. However, the child wasn’t as innocent as she looked. She knew what was going on around her. She had her own ingrained entitlement like every other noble child. And she wouldn’t have approached me if I wasn’t Duke Blackburn’s daughter.

But I wasn’t offended. That was just how things were.

With my thoughts once again straying to Leonora, I was tempted to glance at the pond again.

 “I don’t believe we’ve talked, Lady Lydia.”

I turned my head at the voice.

“I am Diana Gwendoline. It’s a pleasure.”