Future Arc Base
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The boy, whom after his many experiences at the ripe age of 10 cycles found himself in a precarious situation, for without food nor drink would the boy not last longer than a fawn lost in the desert sands not because he cant, but should he attempt to sate either his life would be forfeit albeit the end result would be the same, it would only hasten his demise and so the boy lay in wait planning with such patience that his body and the needs it demanded of him had no effect in the slightest till the moment came when the change of the guard in front of the fountain that was considered sacred had come, with such speed the boy didn't know he posessed made for the glistening spring leaped landing stomach first with a mighty splash in an attempt to drink himself full only to end up winded, struggling to take in as much as his miniscule stomach can carry with limited time only to feel it ended much too soon, his keen ears hearing the oh so familiar sound of footsteps he made himself to flee, with thirst slaked and men riled and searching he need only find scraps of food or anything resembling such.