Ch. 8 – Something Besides Goblins
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Something Besides Goblins

“Erm...Kris?...” Mibu asked as they walked back to town, having successfully completed another request.

“Wha-...what?” Kris replied, not sure what Mibu was getting at.

“Are you only want to kill goblins? There's some requests that pay better...”

Kris winced. He now knew what Mibu was getting at. It had been almost a week since they had been promoted to Copper-Rank in the Adventurer's Guild, but their requests hadn't really gotten harder. Mainly because Kris was nervous about fighting anything harder than goblins.

“I'm...sorry. I just...I'm worried about fighting something new,” he explained.

Mibu gave a fist pump. “It's okay, we can do it! We got our levels up pretty high now!” she said, trying to instill some confidence.

Kris pulled up his status screen. Their magic levels were in the high single digits, and their dagger and sneak skills were also above lv. 5. Mibu had even gotten her bow up to lv. 6 as well. She's right...I shouldn't be so worried. He nodded at Mibu. “Okay, let's take something harder next.”

Mibu nodded vigorously, tail wagging in delight..

After turning in the goblin request at Corinne, they walked over to the Copper Request Board. After a few minutes of reading through, Mibu grabbed one. “What about this? It's worth twenty silver!”

Kris took the request. 'A fenrir has been coming down from mountains to kill livestock. Get rid of it. Twenty silver.' “Fenrir? That's a big wolf right?”

Mibu nodded.

“Is that really a Copper-Rank?”

Mibu narrowed her eyes. “I don't think Corinne would make a mistake...although the reward is pretty high compared to the other Copper-Rank requests,” she suggested with a shrug.

Deciding just to ask, he took the request up to Corinne. “Is this-”

Corrine seemed to be expecting the question, “Yes, that's supposed to be Copper. Fenrir are dangerous, but a Copper-Rank should be able to handle one, as they don't have a lot of health. The high payout is because of the location.”


“Yes,” Corinne responded, giving a slight frown. “No one seems to want to take it as the fenrir is up in the mountain. It's probably about a day and a half by foot to the fenrir's den, unless you get lucky and catch it when it comes down.”

Kris looked at Mibu, who just have a smile and a fist pump again. Well, alright. If we do this, we're set for a while.

His first payment for Mibu's loan was in exactly a week. While they were only a few silver short of the forty silver payment, if they didn't get more, they would be broke again immediately after the payment. Not exactly a health lifestyle, bankrupting myself at the end of every month. With twenty silver from this, they would have enough and give themselves a buffer to start the next month.

“Alright, we'll take it,” Kris asserted.

Corinne gave them a smile. “I'd recommend getting something warm, it's pretty cold up in the mountains.”

Stopping to buy a couple fur jackets to put over their armor (including getting an odd look from the clothing merchant, considering how hot out it was), they headed off in the direction their map was taking them.

As they were walking down the road, Mibu asked, “Did you think more about my proposal?”

Kris squinted his eyes, Of course I did.

Mibu was very adamant that they should get another party member. Her 'proposal' was to get a female combat slave. She knew Kris wanted a harem of girls, and she seemed to want a bigger party (or 'pack'), and they both knew that getting a third party member would make combat requests a lot easier. It seemed like a win-win-win.

No, it's not like I have to get a female. Or I guess, I could get a female, but we don't have to have sex...unless they want too. No, what am I saying, I wanted a harem, right?

Of course, it was one thing to think you want something and another thing to actually go through with it.

“Err...I guess we can go see what the slave merchant has after this request.”

Mibu smiled and nodded vigorously. “Yeah, I bet we can find a warrior that will suit your tastes.”

Kris shook his head, I think we need to prioritize their combat ability over looks...

Since they had left partway through the day, they hadn't reached the mountain by nightfall. Since neither felt like traveling at night (even with Mibu's nose), when it neared dusk they stopped at an inn near the base of the mountain.

Unlike John's inn in Coburn, this place only had a couple people in the tavern, with the only sound coming from the fireplace.

The old man looked them up and down as Kris walked up. “Twenty copper a room.”

Sheesh, that's double Coburn. I'm gonna assume he doesn't offer Guild discounts either. Taking out twenty coppers, he slid them over.

The old man scooped them up quickly before tossing him a key.

Since neither of them felt like drinking (and there wasn't anyone tending the bar anyway) they headed straight for the room. It was similar to their one at John's inn, but...dingier.

Before Mibu could say anything, Kris suggested, “I think we should rest tonight. We'll need our strength to fight the fenrir.”

Mibu seemed to take this in stride though, face serious and merely nodding.

Laying on top of the bed, Mibu cuddled up into his chest, and they both fell asleep.

Kris woke up in the middle of the night, only a few strands of moonlight filtering in to light the room. Ugh, why did I wake up. I'm so exhausted. Luckily, Mibu was still in his arms, which gave him a sense of comfort. Closing his eyes, to try and fall back asleep, he heard what probably woke him up.

The door handle was jiggling.

I locked it, right?

He seemed to have, as the door wasn't opening. After a few more moments, the jiggling stopped.

Kris lay there in the dark, not sure what to do. After what felt like forever, he (reluctantly) let go of Mibu and rolled out of bed. Mibu started to stir, so he held a hand on her and held a finger to his lips.

After a momentary surprise, Mibu silently nodded and laid still, watching Kris.

Kris crept up to the door. Then, after unlocking, he swung it open in one quick motion.

Nobody was in the hallway.

He put his head out slightly to see if he could see anyone, but it was empty all the way on either side. Or at least, Kris couldn't see anyone in the dark.

Mibu had crept up, and her ears twitched slightly. “I don't hear anyone.”

Kris silently closed the door, re-locking it. “Do you think someone was trying to kill us?”

Mibu shrugged, “Maybe just rob us. They might have thought we were easy targets.”

“Sheesh, we don't even have that much...” Kris shook his head. Sitting down with his back to the door, he leaned up against it. “I'll keep watch in case he returns, you can sleep more.”

Mibu shook her head, sitting in Kris's lap. “I'll keep watch too. I might hear or smell them coming.”

Well...I can't really argue with a dogkin there... Opting to accept the offer, he wrapped his arms around Mibu again.

After a couple hours of keeping vigil, the sun started to rise.

“Let's head out,” he whispered to Mibu, getting a nod in response. They quickly grabbed their things and headed out of the room.

The tavern area was empty, so Kris left the key on the front desk as they exited.

Once they were out of view of the inn, they stopped, letting out a sigh of relief.

“That was...kinda scary,” Kris admitted.

Mibu nodded. “I thought one of them smelled mean when we came into the inn...”

Kris blinked a few times. “Why didn't you say anything...?”

Mibu blushed and poked her fingers together, looking down, “Sorry, I didn't think they'd actually do anything...”

“Well, just mention if you get a...reading like that in the future. Even if it's just a hunch, I'd rather know.”

Mibu smiled and nodded vigorously.

Continuing on, they started the long trek up the mountain.

As the morning dragged on, their path became steeper and steeper. Eventually, the road narrowed until it was only a wagon's-width wide. They followed the wagon ruts, until they hit a plateau by mid-day.

It had started snowing partway through their ascent. Shivering, and looking back, he could see the trail laid out behind them, all the way down the mountain, and then through a forest where the inn had been. He thought he might even be able to see Coburn in the distance.

Mibu tugged at his side. “I smell someone.”

Kris instinctively grabbed his dagger.

Through the snow, a hooded figure could be seen in the distance.

Mibu sniffed, “They have the scent of that inn on them.”

Kris held out his off hand, ready to cast Scorch. “Stay back!” he yelled.

The hooded figured instead picked up the pace, pulling out a long sword and charging at them at them through the snow.

“Stay behind me,” he instructed Mibu. As she did, he braced himself, waiting until he was in Scorch range.

As he was waiting, he felt the ground shake slightly. Before Kris could comprehend what was happening, the figure was in the jaws of a giant wolf.

Kris instinctively took a step back, bumping into Mibu, who grabbed him.

The figure was fighting with the fenrir, trying to free itself from it's jaws. Eventually, it's robe came off, and he could see the figure was just a middle-aged man.

After a brief struggle, the man started calling out to them, as his blood was spurting everywhere. “Please!....Help!....”

Really? You were trying to kill me...

Mibu shouted behind him, “Let's attack!”

Turning to glance at Mibu, “But, he was trying to kill us! Or at least me...”

Mibu shook her head, “It's distracted right now.”

Kris looked over again, seeing that the fenrir was busy chomping at the man's legs. “Okay, be careful.”

Mibu nodded, pulling out the bow and shooting an arrow at the fenrir.

It stuck in the fenrir's back. While it didn't seem too hurt, it did stop it's chomping, snarling at Kris.

Kris, however, had already gotten close. Casting a Scorch, he hit the fenrir right in the snout.

The fenrir yelped in pain, before charging at Kris.

He tried to stab, but the fenrir dodged. Taking a bite at Kris, who dodged in turn, it growled at him.

Mibu took the moment to hit it with another arrow. The snow was picking up, and he could barely see the arrow fly into it.

When it turned to look at her, Kris took that opportunity to cast another Scorch.

A noticeable burn appeared on the fenrir's jaw. Growling louder, it charged at Kris again.

Kris tried to dodge, but the fenrir landed a bite on his arm.

“Yarrggghhh....” he cried in pain. However, he still had his wits about him, and pushed his arm into the fenrir, stabbing it inside the mouth.

The fenrir unlatched from his arm, shaking it's head, blood coming from it's mouth.

“Kris!” Mibu shouted, running over to him.

Kris tried to shield Mibu with his non-bitten arm, but the fenrir had started to run off.

“After it!” Kris said.

Mibu, worried, grabbed him. “Hold on!” and started to heal him.

Seeing that the fenrir was already out of sight in the increasing snowstorm, he gave up, collapsing on the ground as his adrenaline left him.

Mibu wiped her forehead as the glowing stopped. “I'll heal the rest later, I don't want to run out of mana right now.”

Kris looked at his arm. It was mostly healed, although you could still see the puncture marks from the teeth, and pulling up his status screen, his health was almost full. “Let's go...”

Mibu grabbed his arm and shook her head. “The snow is getting bad, we shouldn't fight it in this.”

They briefly looked at the man that had been following them. He was definitely dead, his lower body torn to shreds.

Mibu picked up his sword. “Here, some extra reach might help.”

Kris nodded. I guess if I fought anything besides goblins and boars, I would have realized that. Taking the sword, he slipped it through his belt. “What should we do?”

Mibu squinted her eyes, looking around. After a few moments, she grabbed Kris's hand, pulling him towards...a direction.

Trusting Mibu, he didn't say anything as they stomped through the snow, which was now up to their knees. After a minute, he noticed a rock face. Mibu pulled him towards a crack in the wall. Getting closer, there was just enough room for them squeeze in, out of the blizzard.

Looking out, the snow didn't seem to be letting up at all.

Kris sat down, sighing. Dammit! We were so close too...

After a while, Mibu came over, healing him again.

“My health is full,” Kris said, but Mibu shook her head.

“No, I can still see the wounds...” and kept healing.

Kris was going to object, but decided to abstain, seeing the concentration on her face. Once Mibu was done, he pulled her in, holding her close.

When Mibu gave a surprised look, he replied, “It's cold.”

Cuddling together in the rock crack, Kris eventually fell asleep as the snow piled up outside.

Waking up, Kris opened his eyes to see Mibu was sticking her head out, looking around the area. “What's wrong?”

Mibu looked back at him. “Are you feeling okay?”

“Yeah. I mean, you healed me...” he explained, getting up and walking over.

“No, you seemed pretty tired, I know you didn't get a lot of sleep, then the fenrir bit-”

Kris cut her off by giving her peck on the cheek, causing her to jump a bit in surprise. Exiting the rock crack, he looked around, before pulling up his status menu map. “It says we're still in it's area.”

Mibu nodded. “I heard it howling earlier, it woke me up.”

Kris blinked a few times, surprised he didn't wake up from it. I guess I don't have dogkin ears though. “Well, let's go then. Got to finish the job.”

Walking out a bit, Mibu sniffed. “It's this way. I can smell it's blood,” she explained pointing in a direction.

It was pretty obvious they were heading towards it after a while, as Kris could see the blood spots in the snow, even through the fresh snowfall. Eventually, they came upon a cave.

“I'm guessing it's in there?” Kris asked.

Mibu nodded.

Readying his new sword, Kris slowly went into the cave, Mibu following behind. Right inside, they came upon the fenrir.

Actually, they came upon three fenrir's. The large one from earlier was lying on it's side, breathing heavily. In front of it were two smaller fenrir, snarling at Kris as he entered. While they were somewhat large, they looked like pups compared to the big fenrir.'s a mother with it's children. I feel bad, but...

While Kris was internally conflicted, the large fenrir growled.

Mibu said, “It's asking us to spare her children.”

Kris turned around to stare at Mibu. “You can understand what it said?”

Mibu shrugged “Not really, just sort of the meaning gets across to me.”

Kris grabbed his forehead. Now I'm even more conflicted.

Thinking for a moment, Kris pulled up the request. It says to get rid of it. Normally that means killing, but maybe...

The large fenrir whimpered in pain. He decided he may as well try out his plan. If it doesn't work, well... “Mibu, can you heal the fenrir?”

Mibu didn't protest, instead nodding and walking over.

I'm glad Mibu is so quick on the uptake. Or maybe she just always trusts me unquestioningly? That's kind of it's own problem...

As Mibu approached, the two smaller fenrir growled at her.

“I'm going to help her,” she said, pointing to the large one.

They seemed to understand, and let her through.

“Can you tell the mother to leave? Or at least not attack the farmer's livestock anymore?” Kris asked.

Before Mibu could say anything, the fenrir growled in response.

Mibu nodded, and pulled out the arrows, before laying her hands on it. After a moment, the fenrir was glowing green as the healing magic coursed through it. Kris could see the mouth wound closing up, as well as the burn mark fading.

After a minute, Mibu backed up and the fenrir stopped glowing.

Shaking it's head, the fenrir stood up, licking it's face. The two smaller one's ran up, nuzzling into it's neck, while the large one licked each in turn.

Kris pulled up the request in his status screen. It wasn't complete. Dammit...

Mibu, seeing this, tried explaining again. “Please don't attack the farms that way anymore,” she said, pointing towards Coburn.

The fenrir growled.

“Hunt the boars in the forest. Just watch out for goblins.”

The fenrir growled again.

The request still wasn't showing as complete.

“If you do hunt livestock again, we'll have to come back...” Mibu said, a bit of a threat in her voice.

The fenrir growled again, this time a bit quieter.

The request completed.


The fenrir and it's two pups walked past, growling a bit as they left.

Mibu came up to him with a smile. “I'm glad that worked out.”

Kris nodded, “Me too. Hopefully they keep their word.”

“I...think they understood,” Mibu responded, although not entirely sure.

After the fenrir were out of sight, they began the long trek back to town. However, it already got dark while they were still walking down the mountain.

Pulling out a glowstone lantern, Kris held it forward as they made their way down. He was hindered a bit by Mibu holding tightly onto this arm, although he didn't mind.

After a while, they got back to the inn they had stayed at the day prior. Entering, the tavern was completely empty, only a few bright coals showing any signs of life.

After a moment, the old man they met the first time came in, holding a lamp of his own. “Twenty coppers.”

Kris paid, and received a key from the man, who then went back to where he came from.

Mibu and Kris got into the room. Making sure it was locked securely, they also put their bags up against it, before huddling together on the bed and falling asleep.

Luckily, they were not interrupted that night, and woke up in the morning undisturbed.

After getting out of bed, they were both starving, and tentatively ordered some porridge from the innkeeper.

After taking their coppers, he went back behind the bar. After a few minutes, he came back with two bowls of porridge.

Taking a bite...Huh, it's actually pretty good.

After eating and thanking the innkeeper (which earned a grunt in response), they left the inn again, and headed back to Coburn.

There journey back to town was blissfully uneventful. In the afternoon, they reached Coburn, and immediately went to turn in their request.

Corinne greeted them with a smile. “Did you dispatch the fenrir?”

“Uh, won't be a problem anymore,” Kris replied, pulling up the request.

Corinne raised an eyebrow, but nodded when completing the request. “Monster Log?”

Oh, yeah I guess she was gonna find out anyway... “Uh, we didn't actually kill it...”

Corinne was taken aback, “You...completed the request without killing it? How...?” she looked at Mibu.

“Um, I told it to go away...” Mibu replied, poking her fingers together.

Corinne looked between them. “Well, the request is completed...” and went back to retrieve the reward. Coming back, she laid down twenty silver coins.

Kris was trying to count in his head. “How much do I have banked here?”

Corinne pulled out a binder and flicked to a specific page in under a second. “You have thirty-eight silver. Just as a reminder, you're first payment of forty silver is due in five days.”

Kris slid over two coins and put the rest in his bag.

Corinne nodded, taking the two coins and going to deposit them in their box.

Mibu gave a gleeful grin. “So, we're going now!?”

Kris tried to calm her down. “Let's go tomorrow. I wanna talk about it tonight and set...expectations.”

Mibu nodded vigorously, grin still on her face.