When? What? How? Why?
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(A/N TRIGGER WARNING! Succubi are Demons not sexy Humans in cosplay!)


Chapter 226 When? What? How? Why? by Harem-Fan™


     Where am I, you ask? It is currently breakfast time in my dining-room, the morning after the twins ambushed me in my Fluff Fantasy.

     All of my wives and lovers, currently not abroad, are slowly filing in to eat our light-meal.

     Sky comes to me and gives me a morning kiss, and hands me the current Crimson Court affairs report. Mary, seeing me read it, also kissed me and then said.

     "That lion showed up to the meeting and our plan went off without a hitch. I was told he was speechless."

     I am eating a piece of soft-bread with honey-butter on it as my meal, and I finished reading. Then I said to the two women.

     "That new 4th General is also a traitor planted by the South Empire, so give him some missions to infiltrate the Dark Elf Kingdom. Not only will it keep him out of our hair, but it might be interesting to see how Astos will deal with him."

     (A/N And for those readers that for some reason did not notice the Luna part a couple of chapters ago... Astos full name is Astos Black-moon! And yes he fathered Luna. She was the rescued child by Lore.)

     Mary replied with.

     "I will put him in charge of building a fort in the Swamps and leading an intelligence network there. It is very reasonable for this, not even having to step foot in the Underdark will let him feel we are not on to him."

     Soon my Elf wives came into the room, and they all looked excited for something. Then Elena seeing my face, put a pout on and with her arms under her enormous elf-boobs says.

     "Big-brother, why did you keep it from me?"

     Lily is smirking at my confused face, but I ask.

     "Um? Cute and adorable little-sister wife, what did I keep from you, exactly?"

     She rudely sits in my lap sideways and puts her right arm around my neck. Who am I kidding? It was not rude but hot, cough. Then she put her face and inch from mine, staring into my baby-blues with hers. her body smells so good I want to kiss her, so I do it.

     The kiss put a smile on her face, then she forgot she was pretending to be mad, so she put on the pout again and told me.

     "When sister Eli, Delta, and Lily as well as other wives, you told them when they got pregnant!"

     I put my arms around her waist and nod to her in confusion.

     "So brother, why did you not tell me I was pregnant? Am I not special anymore?"


     Lily said with a giggle.

     "See, I told you Elena, he had no idea you're pregnant, just look how his brain stopped working, Ufufufu."

     Seeing that, all of Elena's fake-anger vanished, and she smiled lovingly at my surprise. She then started to passionately kiss me, and like a sleeping-princess, I awoke from my mental slumber!

     I am so happy that Elena and I are having our child, but I seem to have lost my dream prediction abilities. Ah, so like with Sally this is the first time I am surprised, no I am even more caught off guard! When we stopped the kiss, Luna said.

     "Congratulations Elena, but this is my fault why Kris is unaware."

     So for a while, Luna explained the past and my dreams with births. Then she told them how when I became King, it all ended. Then Lily with a smile tells me what is most likely the problem.

     "Kris, you're a pure-blood Seer, and you probably had an uncontrolled [Dream Prediction] happening to you. Due to our hearts being connected you could more easily feel our short-term-fates. Only Seers with the White Mage or Wizard Jobs are considered true Seers, and you are one of them with your Master Sage. Sister Mary is just a minor Seer."

     Lilly then held up my Elf King's Ring and explained the loss.

     "After you made a soul-bound contract with the Time-Crystal, it with the power of time and space, most likely stabilized your Seers power. So even though you have not had those dreams, the Crystal actually stabilized your Seer powers so they don't run wild. Your dreams could have ended up being wrong and causing you to make decisions you otherwise would not, messing up your destiny in a negative way. Fortunately your connection with us made it safe this time."

     What Lily is saying makes a lot of sense! Even though I could predict my kids, and that is awesome, the moment it stopped I went around using Pal on all the women around me, making some pink-line girls. Oops!

     "And judging by your expression of doing something unnecessary, you did just that, right? Ufufu."

     So because the Kitsune are still taking their baths and only my women that know of Pal are here I tell them of the maids of Lily and the 500 Kitsune left behind that did not go with Ark. Iris is busting her gut laughing at my expressions. And fortunately the other women were a bit nicer to my slip up.

     Now do remember, a Pink-Line can only be made when I care for the target, and the target has favorable feelings for me, so out of the 500 Kitsune that I Apped, only around 50 became slightly Pink. The two exceptions are Vivian and Lacy, who are both solid Pink and getting darker, due to all the Mofu Mofu. My guess is Vivian is getting close to getting her memories back, soon?

     Elena is just nestling her face into my neck, making Yandere giggles, sigh. Then Sin came to me and kissed me.

     "Well, I am counting on you, my husband. I think we need to increase our time, now that sister Elena has finished her duties, grin."

     My ribs were uncomfortably tightened, and Elena said with an almost crying spoiled tone.

     "NO! I meant, my pregnancy... Might be a false alarm, so I have to keep trying... Hard! Right brother?!"

     Sin winked at me and I rolled my eyes for the trick. Then I kissed my wife and told her.

     "Elena, you will always have me, so don't panic. I am here to stay, my adorable little-sister."

     At this time both Vivian and Lucy walked in, and the women smirked at the first-time walk of shame, the mature looking Kitsune tried to hide. Yeah she did not want healing, sigh.

     Tiffany went for the kill...

     "Ufufufu, Dear sister Vivian, did you not survive Kris's assault last night, giggle. Oh, and I think my sister Dame will love this story, he-he!"

     Vivian's mouth opened and closed in a blushing mess, and only a few words leaked out.

     "I- Um- Yes, I- I-!"

     With that the whole room exploded in teases and laughter, and that is [Where] I was this great morning.

     Very far away........

     The Black Moon [Fallen Moon Empire], [Dark Throne Capital] under the [Black World Tree]...

     On a Black Moon very different from the one Kris visited in his dream with Luna....

     Two males stood in front of a 1000 foot tall almost dead-looking tree with black-leaves and sickly looking red and black bark. About 100 feet above the ground an unsettling mass of blood-red vines encased someone, or something. The identity of the being held in this sickly cocoon is unknown to observers.

     The once clean and tranquil air is now covered in a grey-mist that stinks of death and sulfur. This Fog is blocking vision further than 500 feet or so, depending on the weather.

     The first man, looks to be about 7 feet tall and looks partially like a dark-elf, but with reddish-skin and a set of black-bat-wings, two small black-horns from his forehead, and a devils tail.

     The second man looks like the Vampire Lord that worked with the Lich in the South Pole. He is in fact a 6 foot tall dark-elf-vampire. His skin is pale-white with sharp-nails and teeth iconic to vampires.

     Both men have long-black-hair and blood-red-eyes. They are also wearing what seems to be elaborate black-robes with runes etched all over to show some sort of rank and pedigree.

     The two men watch as a pair of what can only be called succubus pulled a dark-elf man who looks like a beggar and wearing dirty rags. Two vampire guards follow behind in case the livestock would try anything. But the dark-elf has dead-eyes and is like cattle.

     The female demon pushed the elf to his knees when they were under the odd cocoon.

     The other demon went to a bowl that is collecting black-liquid that every few hours would drop one small drip. The succubus replaced the almost full bowl of tainted blood and brought the full one with her to the kneeling dark-elf.

     (A/N From now on, all inhabitants of the Black Moon 'Speak' but cannot 'Read' the English language. They cannot speak the language of the Blue Moon, Gaia! Only the Royalty of the past could both speak and read, yeah it was a form of control. And this was the reason the Black Moon is how it is now. Also there are no Light Elf on the Black Moon, only Dark Elf.)

    The succubus with a creepy-smile tells the dark-elf.

     "Rejoice, lucky-one! For you are going to transform from food to become one of us now. The only three outcomes in your future is to be a demon, vampire, or zombie. I recommend putting your heart into being a demon, I might just celebrate with you if you do, he-he."

     The succubus licked her lips then kissed the dark-elf, but unlike a kiss that any man would want, this one visibly is sucking the life from him and only pain can be seen in his body now. Before he died, the demon opened the livestock mouth forcefully while he struggled in pain. She poured every last drop into his belly and held his mouth shut while his body shook from convulsions.

     The vampire asked the demon.

     "Emperor Damian Izaak, do you think yet another mindless zombie will be made from The Mother of Demons? This last century has been disappointing since one of the sacrifices did not pass through the Elf Gate?"

     The demon Damian said.

     "Indeed, Darius Long-shadow. Our kin must have had an issue on the Blue Moon. Up till recently we had received many deliveries on time. Sadly we can't talk with our brethren on the surface of that world. I suspect all of the Royal True Elves died on that planet, and that's why the Portals are still locked."

     The succubus that was holding down the dark-elf started to give him an erection with her mouth, and she watched in amusement as he transformed. The other succubus says.

     "Fine, if he becomes a Zombie with that erection, you can take him as your sex-toy, but if he becomes a demon, I want him. But if he becomes a vampire he goes with the guards."

     The succubus nods in amusement again, hoping she gets a new toy.

     Soon the newly created zombie was thrashing at the succubus pinning it down and riding its engorged manhood.

     Sexual moans filled this area under the Black World Tree, as the two men walk away shaking their heads in disappointment that yet another demon or vampire was not created.

     (A/N Sorry anime lovers, the succubus are not things you want in your beds or around you children. They put anything in ALL of their holes, from undead to multi-legged things, just nasty. So don't let them 'ride' your chocobo, because it won't be the ride you think it is, ew! )

     "Emperor, I have had bad news from the [Live Stock City] about them only being at half population. It seems the dark-elf are not reproducing in a steady flow anymore. Their wills are broken, and the urge to reproduce has started to leave their instincts. Plus it seems some of our subordinates are skimming off the top. If we can open that portal soon, we will only be able to survive for two hundred years tops."

     The demon nods and says.

     "In one year or so, the progenitor will be restored to life and we will be able to invade the Blue Moon. We will follow the plan. So is the Progenitor really able to control the Elf Gates?"

     The Vampire Lord Darius grins and says.

     "Who do you think created the Elf Gates, ha-ha!"

     The demon grins at that, and the two men head back into the Dark Throne Capital.

     As they walked past the Elf Gate with blue-water-ripples, they both licked their lips in hunger.

     (A/N New character-sheets added and updated, take a look.)



(A/N Character-Sheets and the Spell-List with "links" in this spoiler tab for you, I hope this helps!)


Name Kris Tempest, Age 18, Master Sage-(SU-BW-WW) level 45 / (Damage: 60 / Hit Rate: 5x130 / Defense: 41) Weapon: [Spellbinder (Staff)] / Armor: [Black Robe] [Kings (Protect Ring)] [Ribbon] [Protect Cloak] / Special Ability: Ice immunity and Fire Vulnerability, Double Cast / Summons: (4/4) Choco-Mog 4x per-day, Ifrit 4x per-day, Shiva 4x per-day, Odin 4x per-day / Black Spells Known: Lev 1- [Bolt 1] [Fire 1] [Sleep] / Lev 2- [Ice 1] [Steel] [Slow 1] /  Lev 3- [Bolt 2] [Fire 2] [Bind] /  Lev 4- [Ice 2] [Haste] [Muddle] / Lev 5- [Fire 3] [Poison] [Warp 1] / Lev 6- [Bolt 3] [Quake] [Reaper] / Lev 7- [Break] [Ice 3] [Sabre] / Lev 8- [Banish] [Flare] [Stop] / Uses per-level: (9) (9) (9) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) / White Spells Known: Lev 1- [Cure 1] [Blink] [Shld] / Lev 2- [NulBolt] [Lamp] [Silence] /  Lev 3- [NulFire] [Heal 1] [Cure 2] / Lev 4- [Esuna] [Fear] [NulIce] / Lev 5- [Cure 3] [Dia 3] [Life 1] / Lev 6- [Shld 2] [Stona] [Warp 2] / Lev 7- [Cure 4] [Dia 4] [Heal 3] / Lev 8- [Dispel] [Holy] [Life 2] / Uses per-level: (9) (9) (9) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8)

Attribute Start Growth
HP (999) 1281 A
Strength 45 A
Agility 47 A
Intelligence 64 A
Endurance 46 A
Luck 55 A
Hit Rate 116 +3/level
Magic Defense 170 +4/level

Name Sally Tempest, Age 28, Summoner-BW level 45 /(Damage: 30 / Hit Rate: 2x59 / Defense: 41) Weapon: [Mage's Staff] /Armor: [Black Robe] [Protect Cloak] [Protect Ring] [Ribbon] / Summons: (2/4) Shiva 4x per-day, Phoenix 4x per-day / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Bolt 1] [Fire 1] [Sleep] /  Lev 2- [Ice 1] [Steel] [Slow 1] /  Lev 3- [Bolt 2] [Fire 2] [Bind] /  Lev 4- [Ice 2] [Haste] [Muddle] / Lev 5- [Fire 3] [Poison] [Warp 1] / Lev 6- [Bolt 3] [Stun] [Quake] / Lev 7- [Ice 3] [Saber] [Blind] / Lev 8- [Flare] [Stop] [Banish] / Uses per-level: (9) (9) (9) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8)

Attribute Start Growth
HP 475 D
Strength 18 F
Agility 30 F
Intelligence 64 A
Endurance 20 F
Luck 27 F
Hit Rate 50 +1/level
Magic Defense 108 +2/level

Name Delta Tempest, Age 18, Berserker-LK level 40 / (Damage: 88 (132) / Hit Rate: 5x149 / Defense: 48) Weapon: [Ice Brand] / Armor: [Mythril Plate] [Ice Shield] [Healing Helm] [Mythril Gloves] / Special Ability: Berserk (+50% Damage, +25% Damage Taken) / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Blink] [Cure 1] [Shld 1] / Lev 2- [Invs 1] [Lamp] [Silence] / Lev 3- [Cure 2] [NulFire] / Uses per-level: (4) (4) (4)

Attribute Start Growth
HP (999)1216 A
Strength 59 A
Agility 22 B
Intelligence 10 F
Endurance 32 C
Luck 22 C
Hit Rate 124 +3/level
Magic Defense 132 +3/level

Name Fran Farmington, Age 18, Summoner-WW level 45 / (Damage: 34 / Hit Rate: 2x54 / Defense: 51) / Weapon: [Mythril Hammer] / Armor: [Diamond Armlet] [Protect Cloak] [Leather Cap] [Protect Ring] / Summons: (2/4) Choco-Mog 4x per-day, Phoenix 4x per-day / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Cure 1] [Dia 1] [Shld] /  Lev 2- [NulBolt] [Invs 1] [Silence] /  Lev 3- [NulFire] [Heal 1] [Cure 2] /  Lev 4- [Esuna] [Fear] [NulIce] / Lev 5- [Cure 3] [Dia 3] [Life 1] / Lev 6- [Shld 2] [Stona] [Warp 2] / Lev 7- [Cure 4] [Dia 4] [Heal 3] / Lev 8- [Holy] [Life 2] [NulAll] / Uses per-level: (9) (9) (9) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8)

Attribute Start Growth
HP 586 C
Strength 22 D
Agility 22 D
Intelligence 41 B
Endurance 30 D
Luck 20 D
Hit Rate 49 +1/level
Magic Defense 108 +2/level

Name Alice Tempest, Age 18, Red Wizard level 40 / (Damage: 51 / Hit Rate: 4x105 / Defense: 30) / Weapon: [Claymore] / Armor: [Ruby Armlet] [Buckler] [Leather Cap] [Mythril Gloves] / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Fire 1] [Cure 1] [Blink] / Lev 2- [Ice 1] [Steel] [Lamp] / Lev 3- [Cure 2] [Fire 2] [Bolt 2] / Lev 4- [Esuna] [Haste] [Ice 2] / Lev 5- [Life 1] [Slow 2] [Fire 3] / Lev 6- [Bolt 3] [Invis 2] [Warp 2] / Lev 7- [Ice 3] [NulMgc] / Uses per-level: (9) (8) (8) (8) (7) (7) (6)

Attribute Start Growth
HP 600 D
Strength 30 C
Agility 20 D
Intelligence 27 C
Endurance 24 C
Luck 11 C
Hit Rate 85 +2/level
Magic Defense 96 +2/level

Name Iris Tempest, Age 19, Archer-DK level 40 / (Damage: 61 / Hit Rate: 3x93 / Defense: 46) / Weapon: [Moon Bow (25D-10Hit)] / Armor: [Ruby Armlet] [Protect Cloak] [Mythril Helm] [Protect Ring] / Special Ability: Aim +4 / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Bolt 1] [Fire 1] [Sleep 1] / Lev 2- [Fog] [Slow 1] [Steel] / Lev 3- [Bolt 2] [Fire 2] [Focus 2] / Lev 4- [Haste] [Ice 2] [Muddle] / Uses per-level: (4) (4) (4) (4)

Attribute Start Growth
HP 686 B
Strength 28 B
Agility 36 B
Intelligence 21 D
Endurance 24 D
Luck 54 A
Hit Rate 83 +2/level
Magic Defense 93 +2/level

Name Tiffany Tempest, Age 19, Tamer-WW level 40 / (Damage: 33 / Hit Rate: 2x49 / Defense: 51) / Weapon: [Tamer's Whip] / Armor: [Diamond Armlet] [Protect Cloak] [Leather Cap] [Protect Ring] / Special Ability: Tame, Command, Store (2/4)/ Spells Known: Lev 1- [Cure 1] [Dia 1] [Blink] /  Lev 2- [NulBolt] [Invs 1] [Lamp] / Lev 3- [NulFire] [Dia 2] [Cure 2] / Lev 4- [Esuna] [Fear] [NulIce] / Lev 5- [Cure 3] [Heal 2] [Life 1] / Lev 6- [Shld 2] [Stona] [Warp 2] / Lev 7- [Cure 4] [Dia 4] [Heal 3] / Lev 8- [Dispel] [Life 2] [Holy] / Uses per-level: (9) (9) (8) (8) (8) (7) (7) (6)

Attribute Start Growth
HP 592 C
Strength 22 D
Agility 20 D
Intelligence 43 B
Endurance 29 D
Luck 15 D
Hit Rate 44 +1/level
Magic Defense 98 +2/level

Name Luna Tempest, Age 118, Sword Saint-DK level 47 / (Damage: 68 / Hit Rate: 4x127 / Defense: 39) / Weapon: [Defender] / Armor: [Ruby Armlet] [Protect Cloak] [Ribbon] [Giant's Gloves] / Special Ability: Cleansing Strike (x3 Damage to all Enemies), Night Blade (Single Strike Heals for Damage Done) / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Bolt 1] [Fire 1] [Sleep 1] / Lev 2- [Fog] [Slow 1] [Steel] / Lev 3- [Bolt 2] [Fire 2] [Focus 2] / Lev 4- [Haste] [Ice 2] [Muddle] / Uses per-level: (4) (4) (4) (4)

Attribute Start Growth
HP 833 B
Strength 38 B
Agility 43 B
Intelligence 23 D
Endurance 28 D
Luck 61 A
Hit Rate 97 +2/level
Magic Defense 107 +2/level

Name Elizabeth Tempest, Age 129, Summoner-WW level 48 / (Damage: 33/ Hit Rate: 2x52 / Defense: 41) / Weapon: [Healing Staff] /Armor: [White Robe] [Protect Cloak] [Protect Ring] [Ribbon] / Summons: (2/4) Ifrit 4x per-day, Choco-Mog 4x per-day / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Cure 1] [Dia 1] [Shld] / Lev 2- [NulBolt] [Invs 1] [Silence] /  Lev 3- [NulFire] [Heal 1] [Cure 2] / Lev 4- [Esuna] [Fear] [NulIce] / Lev 5- [Cure 3] [Dia 3] [Life 1] / Lev 6- [Shld 2] [Stona] [Warp 2] / Lev 7- [Cure 4] [Dia 4] [Heal 3] / Lev 8- [Dispel] [Holy] [Life 2] / Uses per-level: (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (8) (8)

Attribute Start Growth
HP 791 C
Strength 27 D
Agility 30 D
Intelligence 50 B
Endurance 36 D
Luck 26 D
Hit Rate 52 +1/level
Magic Defense 115 +2/level

Name Manya Tempest, Age 30, Mascot, Cait Sith-BW level 45 / (Damage: 41 / Hit Rate: 3x84 / Defense: 41) / Weapon: [Cat Claws] / Armor: [Ruby Armlet] [Protect Cloak] [Protect Ring] [Ribbon] / Special Ability: Cait Sith Elemental Mastery (25% adds [Break] or [Monster Poison]) / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Bolt 1] [Fire 1] [Sleep] / Lev 2- [Ice 1] [Steel] [Slow 1] / Lev 3- [Bolt 2] [Fire 2] [Bind] / Lev 4- [Ice 2] [Haste] [Muddle] / Lev 5- [Fire 3] [Poison] [Warp 1] / Lev 6- [Bolt 3] [Stun] [Quake] / Lev 7- [Ice 3] [Saber] [Blind] / Lev 8- [Flare] [Stop] [Banish] / Uses per-level: (9) (9) (9) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8)

Attribute Start Growth
HP 480 D
Strength 19 F
Agility 23 F
Intelligence 64 A
Endurance 23 F
Luck 30 F
Hit Rate 48 +1/level
Magic Defense 108 +2/level

Name Bella Brave, Age 25, Lancer-LK level 47 / (Damage: 86 / Hit Rate: 5x148/ Defense: 62) Weapon: [Moon Metal Lance (25D-10Hit)] / Armor: [Dragon Mail] [Mythril Shield] [Mythril Helm] [Giant's Gloves] / Special Ability: Jump, Drain Strike (Single Strike Heals for Damage Done, Jump or Normal) / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Blink] [Cure 1] [Shld 1] / Lev 2- [Invs 1] [Lamp] [Silence] / Lev 3- [Cure 2] [NulFire] / Uses per-level: (4) (4) (4)

Attribute Start Growth
HP (999) 1468 A
Strength 66 A
Agility 35 B
Intelligence 21 F
Endurance 32 C
Luck 27 C
Hit Rate 138 +3/level
Magic Defense 153 +3/level

Name Jean Hill (Mime), Age 25, Mime-Th level 45 / (Damage: 33 / Hit Rate: 3x91 / Defense: 51) / Weapon: [N/A] / Armor: [Diamond Armlet] [Protect Cloak] [Leather Cap] [Protect Ring] / Special Ability: Mimic

Attribute Start Growth
HP 660 B
Strength 33 B
Agility 37 B
Intelligence 25 D
Endurance 31 D
Luck 59 A
Hit Rate 91 +2/level
Magic Defense 103 +2/level

Name Cali Light-breeze, Age 139, Gunner-RW level 45 / (Damage: 55 / Hit Rate: 8x103 / Defense: 41) Weapon: [Pistols x2 (25D-10Hit)]/Armor: [Ruby Armlet] [Protect Cloak] [Ribbon] [Protect ring] / Special Ability: Duel Pistol, Elemental Shot / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Fire 1] [Cure 1] [Blink] / Lev 2- [Ice 1] [Steel] [Lamp] / Lev 3- [Cure 2] [Fire 2] [Bolt 2] / Lev 4- [Esuna] [Haste] [Ice 2] / Lev 5- [Life 1] [Slow 2] [Fire 3] / Lev 6- [Bolt 3] [Invis 2] [Warp 2] / Lev 7- [Ice 3] [NulMgc] / Uses per-level: (9) (9) (9) (8) (8) (7) (7)

Attribute Start Growth
HP 660 D
Strength 32 C
Agility 30 D
Intelligence 34 C
Endurance 30 C
Luck 25 C
Hit Rate 93 +2/level
Magic Defense 108 +2/level

Name Mary Tempest, Age 58, Dancer-MA level 45 / (Damage: 33 / Hit Rate: 10x140 / Defense: 41) / Weapon: [Unarmed] / Armor: [Ruby Armlet] [Protect Cloak] [Ribbon] [Protect Ring] / Dancer Special Ability: Slow Dance ([Slow 2], all foes) 4x per-day, Forbidden Dance ([Muddle], [Silence], and [Blind] 50%) 4x per-day, Last Waltz ([Stop]) 4x per-day, Mincing Minuet (x2 Damage, to all foes) 4x per-day / Master Special Ability: Unarmed Combat, (Drug and Poison immune)

Attribute Start Growth
HP (999) 1200 B
Strength 33 C
Agility 33 C
Intelligence 31 C
Endurance 65 A
Luck 36 B
Hit Rate 140 +3/level
Magic Defense 190 +4/level

Name Dame Nine-tails, Age 234, Dancer-RW level 45 / (Damage: 52 / Hit Rate: 5x130 / Defense: 41) / Weapon: [Cat Claw's] / Armor: [Ruby Armlet] [Protect Cloak] [Leather Cap] [Protect Ring] / Dancer Special Ability: Slow Dance ([Slow 2], all foes) 4x per-day, Forbidden Dance ([Muddle], [Silence], and [Blind] 50%) 4x per-day, Last Waltz ([Stop]) 4x per-day, Mincing Minuet (x2 Damage, to all foes) 4x per-day / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Fire 1] [Cure 1] [Blink] / Lev 2- [Ice 1] [Steel] [Lamp] / Lev 3- [Cure 2] [Fire 2] [Bolt 2] / Lev 4- [Esuna] [Haste] [Ice 2] / Lev 5- [Life 1] [Slow 2] [Fire 3] / Lev 6- [Bolt 3] [Invis 2] [Warp 2] / Lev 7- [Ice 3] [NulMgc] / Uses per-level: (9) (9) (9) (8) (8) (7) (7)

Attribute Start Growth
HP 665 D
Strength 30 C
Agility 23 D
Intelligence 32 C
Endurance 26 C
Luck 15 C
Hit Rate 95 +2/level
Magic Defense 106 +2/level

Name Fay and May Long-leaf, Age 31, Gunner-RW level 30 / (Damage: 45 / Hit Rate: 6x75 / Defense: 33) Weapon: [Pistols x2 (25D-10Hit)]/Armor: [Ruby Armlet] [Protect Cloak] [Leather Cap] [Protect Ring] / Special Ability: Duel Pistol, Elemental Shot / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Fire 1] [Cure 1] [Blink] / Lev 2- [Ice 1] [Steel] [Lamp] / Lev 3- [Cure 2] [Fire 2] [Bolt 2] / Lev 4- [Esuna] [Haste] [Ice 2] / Lev 5- [Life 1] [Slow 2] [Fire 3] / Lev 6- [Bolt 3] [Invis 2] [Warp 2] / Lev 7- [Ice 3] [NulMgc] / Uses per-level: (9) (8) (7) (6) (6) (5) (3)

Attribute Start Growth
HP 340 D
Strength 23 C
Agility 20 D
Intelligence 25 C
Endurance 16 C
Luck 21 C
Hit Rate 65 +2/level
Magic Defense 78 +2/level

Name Elena Tempest, Age 222, Machinist-LK level 50 / (Damage: 66 / Hit Rate: 6x167/ Defense: 49) Weapon: [Pistol (25D-10Hit)] / Armor: [Diamond Armlet] [Protect Cloak] [Ribbon] [Giant's Gloves] / Special Ability: Aim (x3 damage plus [Slow 2]), Call Airstrike, Rapid Repair / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Blink] [Cure 1] [Shld 1] / Lev 2- [Invs 1] [Lamp] [Silence] / Lev 3- [Cure 2] [NulFire] / Uses per-level: (4) (4) (4)

Attribute Start Growth
HP (999) 1542 A
Strength 69 A
Agility 41 B
Intelligence 36 F
Endurance 28 C
Luck 32 C
Hit Rate 157 +3/level
Magic Defense 162 +3/level

Name Sin Tempest, Age 42, Paladin-LK level 40 / (Damage: 91 / Hit Rate: 5x157/ Defense: 51) Weapon: [Sunblade] / Armor: [Diamond Armlet] [Protect Cloak] [Ribbon] [Protect Ring] / Special Ability: Nurse ([Esuna] and [Heal 3]) 4x per-day, Saint Cross ([Holy]) 4x per-day, Parley (Force Foe to Flee-Leave), Holy Blade (Single Strike Deals Holy Damage x3 of weapon) / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Blink] [Cure 1] [Shld 1] / Lev 2- [Invs 1] [Lamp] [Silence] / Lev 3- [Cure 2] [NulFire] / Uses per-level: (4) (4) (4)

Attribute Start Growth
HP (999) 1173 A
Strength 59 A
Agility 30 B
Intelligence 19 F
Endurance 26 C
Luck 31 C
Hit Rate 127 +3/level
Magic Defense 132 +3/level
Name Lacy Nine-heavens, Age 184, Summoner-WW level 45 / (Damage: 33 / Hit Rate: 2x49 / Defense: 51) / Weapon: [Healing Staff] / Armor: [Ruby Armlet] [Protect Cloak] [Leather Cap] [Protect Ring] / Summons: (3/4) Shiva 4x per-day, Phoenix 4x per-day, Choco-Mog 4x per-day / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Cure 1] [Blink] [Shld] /  Lev 2- [NulBolt] [Invs 1] [Silence] /  Lev 3- [NulFire] [Heal 1] [Cure 2] /  Lev 4- [Esuna] [Fear] [NulIce] / Lev 5- [Cure 3] [Dia 3] [Life 1] / Lev 6- [Shld 2] [Stona] [Warp 2] / Lev 7- [Cure 4] [Dia 4] [Heal 3] / Lev 8- [Holy] [Life 2] [NulAll] / Uses per-level: (9) (9) (9) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8)
Attribute Start Growth
HP 594 C
Strength 25 D
Agility 20 D
Intelligence 40 B
Endurance 31 D
Luck 21 D
Hit Rate 49 +1/level
Magic Defense 108 +2/level

Name Vivian Nine-hells, Age 240, Summoner-BW level 45 / (Damage: 44 / Hit Rate: 3x84 / Defense: 41) / Weapon: [Cat Claws] / Armor: [Ruby Armlet] [Protect Cloak] [Protect Ring] [Leather Cap] / Summons: (3/4) Shiva 4x per-day, Phoenix 4x per-day, Odin 4x per-day / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Bolt 1] [Fire 1] [Sleep] / Lev 2- [Ice 1] [Fog] [Steel] / Lev 3- [Bolt 2] [Fire 2] [Focus 2] / Lev 4- [Ice 2] [Haste] [Muddle] / Lev 5- [Fire 3] [Poison] [Warp 1] / Lev 6- [Bolt 3] [Stun] [Quake] / Lev 7- [Ice 3] [Saber] [Blind] / Lev 8- [Flare] [Stop] [Banish] / Uses per-level: (9) (9) (9) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8)

Attribute Start Growth
HP 521 D
Strength 22 F
Agility 22 F
Intelligence 64 A
Endurance 24 F
Luck 24 F
Hit Rate 48 +1/level
Magic Defense 108 +2/level

Name Lily Tempest, Age 174, Summoner-WW level 48 / (Damage: 31/ Hit Rate: 2x52 / Defense: 41) / Weapon: [Healing Staff] /Armor: [White Robe] [Protect Cloak] [Protect Ring] [Ribbon] / Summons: (4/4) Shiva 4x per-day, Choco-Mog 4x per-day, Odin 4x per-day, Phoenix 4x per-day / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Cure 1] [Blink] [Shld] / Lev 2- [NulBolt] [Invs 1] [Silence] /  Lev 3- [NulFire] [Heal 1] [Cure 2] / Lev 4- [Esuna] [Fear] [NulIce] / Lev 5- [Cure 3] [Dia 3] [Life 1] / Lev 6- [Shld 2] [Stona] [Warp 2] / Lev 7- [Cure 4] [Dia 4] [Heal 3] / Lev 8- [NulAll] [Holy] [Life 2] / Uses per-level: (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (8) (8)

Attribute Start Growth
HP 787 C
Strength 25 D
Agility 28 D
Intelligence 51 B
Endurance 36 D
Luck 25 D
Hit Rate 52 +1/level
Magic Defense 115 +2/level





(A/N Just click on the spell name to link you to my site I use for the story.)

Name Type Level Price Power Accuracy Target Status Element Learned By
Bolt1 Black 1 100 gil 20 +96 One foe - Lightning BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Fire1 Black 1 100 gil 20 +96 One foe - Fire BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Focus1 Black 1 100 gil - +115 One foe - - BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Sleep1 Black 1 100 gil - +96 All foes Sleep Status BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Fog Black 2 400 gil - +96 All foes Darkness Status BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Ice1 Black 2 400 gil 40 +96 One foe - Ice BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Slow1 Black 2 400 gil - +115 All foes - Status BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Steel Black 2 400 gil - - One ally - - BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Bind Black 3 1,500 gil - +115 One foe Paralysis Status BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Bolt2 Black 3 1,500 gil 60 +96 All foes - Lightning BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Fire2 Black 3 1,500 gil 60 +96 All foes - Fire BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Focus2 Black 3 1,500 gil - +115 All foes - - BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Haste Black 4 4,000 gil - - One ally - - BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Ice2 Black 4 4,000 gil 80 +96 All foes - Ice BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Muddle Black 4 4,000 gil - +115 All foes Confusion Status BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Sleep2 Black 4 4,000 gil - +115 One foe Sleep - BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Fire3 Black 5 8,000 gil 100 +96 All foes - Fire BM, BW, RM, RW
Poison Black 5 8,000 gil - +103 All foes KO Poison BM, BW, RW
Slow2 Black 5 8,000 gil - +115 One foe - - BM, BW, RM, RW
Warp1 Black 5 8,000 gil - - - - - BW, RW
Name Type Level Price Power Accuracy Target Status Element Learned By
Bolt3 Black 6 20,000 gil 120 +96 All foes - Lightning BM, BW, RW
Quake Black 6 20,000 gil - +103 All foes KO Earth BM, BW
Reaper Black 6 20,000 gil - +96 One foe KO Death BM, BW
Stun Black 6 20,000 gil - - One foe Paralysis Status BM, BW
Blind Black 7 45,000 gil - - One foe Darkness Status BM, BW
Break Black 7 45,000 gil - +115 One foe Stone Poison BW
Ice3 Black 7 45,000 gil 140 +96 All foes - Ice BM, BW, RW
Saber Black 7 45,000 gil - - Caster - - BW
Banish Black 8 60,000 gil - +100 All foes KO Time BW
Doom Black 8 60,000 gil - - One foe KO Death BW
Flare Black 8 60,000 gil 200 +137 All foes - - BW
Stop Black 8 60,000 gil - +107 All foes Paralysis Time BW
Blink White 1 100 gil - - Caster - - Kn, RW, WM, WW
Cure1 White 1 100 gil 16 - One ally - - Kn, RM, RW, WM, WW
Dia1 White 1 100 gil 40 +96 All foes - - WM, WW
Shld1 White 1 100 gil - - One ally - - Kn, RM, RW, WM, WW
Invis1 White 2 400 gil - - One ally - - Kn, RM, RW, WM, WW
Lamp White 2 400 gil - - One ally Darkness - Kn, RM, RW, WM, WW
NulBolt White 2 400 gil - - All allies - - Kn, RM, RW, WM, WW
Silence White 2 400 gil - +115 All foes Mute Status Kn, RM, RW, WM, WW
Name Type Level Price Power Accuracy Target Status Element Learned By
Cure2 White 3 1,500 gil 33 - One ally - - Kn, RM, RW, WM, WW
Dia2 White 3 1,500 gil 80 +96 All foes - - WM, WW
Heal1 White 3 1,500 gil 12 - All allies - - WM, WW
NulFire White 3 1,500 gil - - All allies - - Kn, RM, RW, WM, WW
Esuna White 4 4,000 gil - - One ally Poison - RM, RW, WM, WW
Fear White 4 4,000 gil - +96 All foes - Status WM, WW
NulIce White 4 4,000 gil - - All allies - - RM, RW, WM, WW
Vox White 4 4,000 gil - - One ally Mute - RW, WM, WW
Cure3 White 5 8,000 gil 66 - One ally - - RM, RW, WM, WW
Dia3 White 5 8,000 gil 120 +96 All foes - - WM, WW
Heal2 White 5 8,000 gil 24 - All allies - - WM, WW
Life1 White 5 8,000 gil - - One ally KO - RW, WM, WW
Invis2 White 6 20,000 gil - - All allies - - RW, WM, WW
Shld2 White 6 20,000 gil - - All allies - - RW, WM, WW
Stona White 6 20,000 gil - - One ally Stone - WM, WW
Warp2 White 6 20,000 gil - - - - - RW, WW
Cure4 White 7 45,000 gil - - One ally All but KO and Stone - WW
Dia4 White 7 45,000 gil 160 +107 All foes - - WW
Heal3 White 7 45,000 gil 48 - All allies - - WM, WW
NulMgc White 7 45,000 gil - - All allies - - RW, WM, WW
Name Type Level Price Power Accuracy Target Status Element Learned By
Dispel White 8 60,000 gil - +137 One foe - - WW
Holy White 8 60,000 gil 160 +137 All foes - - WW
Life2 White 8 60,000 gil - - One ally KO - WW
NulAll White 8 60,000 gil - - One ally - - WW

If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

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