With the dragon of the North defeated and Elsos secured, the immediate threat from the North was gone. At least, that’s what Kamil thought.
However, the elimination of one dragon didn’t mean the end of the Age of Darkness, and the hordes were still rampaging around, even in the North. Atra had been hit especially hard, and they had virtually no army left to put up any resistance.
“Two hordes?” Kamil raised his voice in his study. A war council was in session with Aaron, Cezary, Flora, and Nestor. Yes, Flora was included because she needed to be up to date with the latest news. She was partaking in politics at this point by performing diplomatic matters for her husband. Information was such a valuable asset for those dealing with diplomatic matters.
“Yes, apparently, Atra is dealing with two hordes,” Nestor reported with a rolled-up scroll in his hand.
“Our scout airships had been mostly focused on Elsos. It wasn’t until very recently that I’ve diverted them elsewhere,” Cezary added, explaining why they found out only recently that Atra was battling with two hordes.
“There is more, Estana is falling apart as well. The majority of their territory is gone,” Nestor added.
“Only our nation seems to be intact,” Aaron remarked. “In fact, our nation feels way too secure.”
The territory Ceres held, which was identical to the territory of the Kingdom of Egra, had been mostly spared of any pain and suffering. Granted, they had refugee problems here and there, but their ordeals were nothing compared to what others were going through.
“That is thanks to the Duke,” Cezary responded. “He is prioritizing his own people, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.”
There wasn’t anything inherently wrong with his statement. However, the others couldn’t shake off the feeling that it was too blatant. And it was Flora who pointed this out.
“I can’t shake off the feeling that the Duke’s love for his people is a bit too … strong,” she said carefully, indirectly implying his preferential treatment. She was in a unique position to be able to point this out without much, if any, retaliation.
While she does have a point, what am I supposed to do? I am just a single person with two arms and two legs. I can’t cover the whole world alone.
“Duke.” Nestor showed the scroll in his hand finally, effectively changing the subject. “This is a message from Broln.”
“Broln?” Kamil had never heard of it. It was a small city on the outskirts of Atra. It was directly North of the Labyrinth of Ceres. It was a largely unremarkable settlement although it did see some spike in activities as of recent due to the crown prince of Atra attempting to start a new settlement at the labyrinth of Ceres.
“The Lord of the city has pledged his allegiance to you.”
He looked somewhat lost. “What does that even mean? What does he want from us?”
“The city has been cut off entirely due to the hordes. They are subtly begging us to send assistance. In return, they will join us.”
The city was within close proximity to Ceres. However, there was a huge mountain range between them, making traffic between them impossible - until airships came along. Aaron brought a map and showed the others, including Kamil, where Brolin was.
“Sending them help would have been impossible five years ago. Now it is possible since we have airships,” he said while pointing Brolin with his index finger on the map.
“If it’s a whole horde, there is nothing we can do,” Kamil said. “Unless I go there.”
And I am too tired to go there to be honest.
“We could send our air force,” Cezary suggested, itching to test out his new alcohol bombs. Kamil decided to go with his idea because he hadn’t been feeling well ever since his return. He was exhausted. Casting such large spells had taken a toll on his health apparently although he didn’t feel the toll initially.
“Would they be of any real assistance, I wonder,” Aaron said.
“If it’s one of the hordes, there is nothing we can do. Only the duke can handle them,” Cezary argued. “And he looks exhausted. He’s been yawning frequently. Let the man rest. Hasn’t he done enough?”
Indeed, he had been yawning constantly throughout the meeting so far. It hadn’t been a day since his return. He had a short nap and was immediately brought into this meeting. And the truth of the matter was that he had indeed done more than enough. Additionally, although they wouldn’t admit it out loud, there was a more pressing matter to attend, like the second dragon. They didn’t exactly have the leeway to look after others. This was also exactly why the lord of Broln was pleading to swear the oath of vassalage. The settlement and he would become a part of them this way.
“Very well, I see your point, Sir Waszak,” Aaron conceded. “There is another matter to be discussed before ending this meeting.”
Yawning, he listed his head, supporting it with his hand. “What is it?” He asked with his eyes half open.
“It’s about Elsos. What’s happening with the city? Are we abandoning it?”
He had discussed it with Lillian, but nothing official was told to others.
“I gave my word to the late Lord Karsten that he’d keep the city. He also asked for his daughter to succeed his seat, should he perish.”
Aaron glanced at Cezary as if he knew what his reaction was going to be. The latter clicked his tongue in disapproval.
“Duke, you should have killed Lady Egra,” he said, which made Flora take a step back subtly.
“I am aware of what you’ve been telling me, Sir Waszak,” Kamil replied indifferently.
“It would have been so much easier if she was killed but alas…”
“The city will be rebuilt. The late Lord Karsten died protecting the place. It’s only just.”
After a moment of short silence, Aaron spoke.
“Duke, on a related note, what will you do about Leonhard?”
“We will have to invade, won’t we?”
“Yes,” Cezary replied. “But please leave it to me.”
“To you, Sir Waszak?”
“Yes, Duke, you don’t need to mind yourself. Let us finish off what you’ve started.”
Military strength wise, Ceres was already far superior. Additionally, Egria was already surrounded by hostiles. There wasn’t much Leonhard could do at this point. Maintaining the status quo was all he could do.
“I will begin by sending a demand to surrender. Should he refuse, which I believe he will, then we will formally declare war and invade. The Lux Fenchel and the Flissing will lead the way,” Cezary explained. “This shouldn’t last long. Two months maximum.”
“What will happen to Leonhard?”
“Death is the only way,” Aaron replied gravely. “It’s too late for any other resolutions. If he surrendered earlier, there would have been more options…, alas it’s just too late.”
“I agree with Lord Weber,” Nestor chimed in. “He had plenty of opportunities. It’s just too late.”
Kamil glanced at Cezary who was simply smiling. He didn’t even need to ask him. Waving his hand dismissively, he told them.
“So be it, I will leave the matter entirely up to you, Sir Waszak.”
Brimming with a smile, Cezary leaned forward with his palm on his chest. “I thank you.”
The meeting was soon adjourned, and everyone left, bar Flora.
“I am exhausted!” He stood up, and Flora approached. Grabbing her by the waist, he buried his face onto her chest. “Feeling better already.” his muffled voice carried relief. She returned his gesture with a giggle.
“You must be really tired,” she told him softly. In her knowledge, he wasn’t really the type to initiate such an intimate physical contact in daylight. It was something he’d do only in bed.
“I am. I just want to roll around on a bed.” Sniffing loudly in her chest, he asked, “How’s Cecilie?”
“Doing well.”
“And how is the baby in you?”
“I don’t know,” she said, giggling. “I am not a woman who experiences any side effects of pregnancy.”
He finally lifted his head from her chest and stood up straight, letting her go. There wasn’t any visible bump on her abdomen yet.
“How is Heiga?”
“She’s been eating a LOT,” she said with her eyes wide. “Unbelievably a lot. A royal water mage from Estana said she might have more than one baby in her.”
“More than one baby…?” He was confused because he never knew the possibility of a twin or even a triplet and then he realized something else. “A royal water mage from Estana? How are they doing?”
According to the report he was told recently, they were on the verge of collapse.
“They evacuated most of their citizens to available settlements. I was told that they are doing fine. It’s just that they lost all of their desert settlements, which they didn’t seem to mind.”
“Is that so…”
It looked like Estana was doing fine in spite of the report.
“Come on, let’s go to bed. I will clean your ears.”
“Oh, I’d love that.”
However, just as they were about to retreat to their chamber, a guard arrived.
“Duke, Sir Duman would like an audience,” he alerted.
Duman, Roseline, and Faro had arrived back in Ceres and were recuperating. The latter two needed time to heal both physically and mentally. For Duman, however, he came out pretty much unscathed.
Heaving a long sigh, Kamil agreed to the meeting. He really wanted to rest as well.
“Flora, I will be with you soon.” he told her while waiting as he sat back down at his table. He was yawning non stop until a big boned man appeared before him, kneeling down a short distance away.
“Sir Duman, how are you?”
“I am fine, thank you.”
Duman was given nobility but it wasn’t final as he was yet to choose his new last name. The same option was given to Roseline as well. Faro’s case was a bit different because he already had a last name albeit it was unknown to him at the moment. He never knew that his mother’s full name was Villma Fenchel. Given the fact that Kamil’s last name was also Fenchel, unless he was a drunken fool, he would likely figure out the connection between him and Kamil.
“Duke, I have a request to make.”
“Ask away.”
“The airship, which we named the Fat Lady, I would like to have it.”
“Excuse me, but why are you asking me? It belongs to the guildmaster.”
“I did ask him. He referred me to you.”
He did give Brian four gold coins for the purchase of the airship. Strictly, the airship was indeed his.
Well, in that case…
“Sir Duman, if you want an airship, I can grant a new one to you. It’s broken pretty badly, is it not?”
The Fat Lady was in fact in tatters. The whole front was gone, and the hull had large cracks all over. Two of its landing legs were broken. The balloon had so many gaping holes that it was a miracle that it even flew. In fact, Cezary had commented in mild amusement that he was surprised that the ship had remained impossibly intact somehow and declared the ship not salvageable in a quick inspection although there was a chance that he simply didn’t want to bother.
“No, Duke. I want the Fat Lady. We’ve been through a lot with her, and I feel a spiritual connection to the vessel. I am an engineer myself. I and Faro will repair it.”
Faro was a journeyman carpenter, so he knew the basics.
Yawning, Kamil replied, “Very well. I will write up a deed for it in your name.”
“Thank you.”
“What will you do once you repair the airship?”
“I …” He paused for a second as if he didn’t want to tell anyone. “I was going to settle down and get married to a woman I loved after this was over. The woman, unfortunately, did not make it from the expedition.”
He recalled a charred female body from the airship. He figured that it must have been that woman.
“I’ve always wanted to be an explorer but was going to settle down. Now that she is gone…”
“Say no more,” Kamil interjected with a solemn look. “I understand.”
“Thank you, Duke.”
“Are you going alone? An airship needs a crew.”
“Roseline is willing to tag along because she, too, wants to get away from things. I may recruit Faro if he is willing unless you have an objection.”
“It’s not my decision. Ask him and his parents.”
Faro was fourteen years old and hadn’t come of age. He would need permission from his parents therefore.
“I see. So be it then.”
When Duman stood up and left, he stretched out his limbs and yawned loudly.
“Man, I am really tired.” Having said so, he stood up and walked toward his bedroom where Flora was waiting. However, he didn’t go far because he collapsed after several steps.
Kamil found himself in a pitch black space which reminded him of the judgment from the Gods. However, instead of two spheres of light, a wind elemental appeared and orbited around his head.
“It is a matter of great importance.” It was Vass’ voice.
Sitting down and crossing his legs casually, he replied, “What’s this about?”
“We forced you into slumber to discuss this because absolutely no one should eavesdrop.”
“So, you guys are why I was feeling sleepy? Again, what’s this about?”
“You are about to cross the boundary.”
“The boundary?”
“You are about to become an elemental.”
Narrowing his eyes, he cocked his head. “What? What are you talking about?”
“Do you remember me telling you about the danger of holding God's power?”
“Somewhat, yes.”
He saved Karsten from the eternal poison made from a dragon’s talon. It turned out to be a holy power which he transferred into his body, thus saving Karsten ultimately. In the end, he used the holy power to cure a patch of the deadland where Broon used to be, sparing his kingdom from further refugee problems.
“Having been a vessel to a God’s power, it has attuned your body to be more like a magical being. Coupled with your absurdly high connections with the four elementals, your mortality is slowly drifting away from you.”
Scratching the back of his head, he questioned, “What does that mean ultimately? Am I going to die?”
“In a way, yes, you are dying. Essentially, the more you cast big spells, the more you will drift toward the Elemental Plane. It’s not exactly death, however. I don’t have better words. It’s that your mortality is leaving you progressively the more magic you cast.”
“So…, what happens if I become an elemental?”
“It is what it is. You become an elemental, probably a wind elemental like me. At least, that is what we think.”
“So, you are not sure?”
“A mortal doesn't just transform into an elemental. It requires Judgment. You are skipping that crucial part, so we are not quite sure what is going to happen and how you will transform.”
It was hard to fully embrace what he was told because, for the moment, he wasn’t feeling that anything was amiss. Therefore, he decided to ask a simple question.
“What’s going to change immediately?”
“I believe I told you before. Your ability to procreate will be gone if it has not gone already.”
He chuckled promptly. “Well, that shouldn’t matter because it looks like I will have enough children already.”
He was going to have two children with Flora and more than one with Heiga. Therefore, he was going to have three or four children which was deemed enough for his legacy. Even though he hadn’t hit twenty, he did enough as a man.
“Well, it’s good that you are taking this easily.”
“I am taking it easy because I don’t know what’s happening. Will I be able to have an erection?”
“I don’t know, sorry.”
“Well, ugh, send me back. Did I collapse or something?”
“People will be worried. Send me back. I got the message, so I should stop casting magic, yes?”
“I don’t believe minor ones will matter. As long as you don’t call elementals to cast magic, it should have negligible effects.”
As he nodded along, he found himself slowly becoming transparent.
When he opened his eyes, he saw the ceiling and then soon he saw Flora’s face looking down on him. She had an awfully worried face.
“Oh, my God! You are awake!” Tears immediately started filling in her beautiful blue eyes.
“Hello, wife. How long was I out?” He was feeling perfectly fine.
“You were out for almost a whole day! You never came to bed, so I went to your study to find you collapsed on the floor!”
Grinning, he replied casually, “Sorry about that.”
“Don’t be!” She collapsed on his chest and started sobbing. “I was so worried! Sir Waszak was right about you being tired!”
I am not leaving this woman early. If the Gods make me leave early, then I will fight the fucking Gods. I swear.
He patted her head gently. “I am fine. Was just a bit tired.”
She wasn’t an introvert, but her social circle had always been painfully limited. In her childhood, before she came to him, she had no one but Avina to socialize with and had always been in fear of her life, which prevented her from socializing actively at all. Only after she came to him, she could experience some degree of freedom and had the actual leeway to feel relaxed. Thus, it didn’t take long for her to see him as the world. Kamil was everything to her. Without him, she didn’t and couldn’t exist. After she finally calmed down, they had a meal together with Cecilie. He hadn’t played with her in a while.
“Oh, wow, she has grown!”
The baby was on Flora’s thighs and she was wiggling her arms as if wanting to grab anything within her range. Knowing this, Flora was a short distance away from their table, saving any dishes from potentially being thrown about. When Kamil approached them and got down on his one knee, Cecilie’s wiggling arms immediately grabbed his hair and started to pull. Eyes wide, Flora was about to stop her.
“Nah, let her be. Doesn’t even hurt,” he said, smiling. Because he didn’t resist at all, Cecilie eventually stopped pulling his hairs and stared at him. He looked right back at her and told her.
“Cecilie, I am your dad.”
Patting her head gently, Flora added, “This is your dad.”
She looked confused for a second before displaying a smile and flapped her arms with joyful yapping noises. Avina, watching from a distance, quickly dashed in silently and relocated Kamil’s chair close to Flora’s. As the couple sat next to each other, Cecilie crawled onto him and buried her face onto his chest, munching on his tunic.
“Is she chewing on my clothes?” He wondered, looking down.
“I think so, yes,” Flora said, giggling.
He had two toddler sons in his previous life but he never had a chance to hang out with his own children. As a hunter, he left his home early in the morning and came back in late evening. In fact, this was his first time ever really playing with his children.
Damn, she is so cute.
With bright blonde hair with crystal green eyes, she was the epitome of cuteness. While she was munching on his tunic, the couple proceeded to have a meal with Cecilie eventually falling asleep on his lap. Probably, for the first time in his life, he enjoyed a meal not because it was particularly mind blowing but enjoyed it because of the sheer cuteness displayed by his infant daughter. When they were done with their meal, she was soundly asleep with both of her tiny hands clenched strongly onto his tunic. A large spot of the tunic was wet from her saliva as well. It was an awkward situation, but both Kamil and Flora could only giggle.
“Should I take the lady away?” Avina asked carefully with a whispering tone as not to wake her up.
“No, no, let her be,” Kamil replied. “You know what, why don’t we nap together.”
“But you just woke up from a long slumber,” Flora said, looking puzzled.
“I usually get sleepy after a big meal anyway.” As he stood up very gently, they found Cecilie literally dangling on his tunic. The baby was apparently holding onto his tunic strongly while drooling all over. Flora couldn’t resist giggling. Avina opened the door for them subtly, and they proceeded to a bed.
Ah, this is how life should be, free of worries.
Several days passed. Flora was adamant that Kamil had to take some days off. Given the fact that he did collapse, his advisors all agreed with her. Eventually, he was back on his duty, and the first thing he did was summon Anita.
Soon enough, a maid entered the study. She was Anita, a brunette with sharp gray eyes. A distinctive feature she had was a whip on her belt, which was her weapon of choice. It was an uncommon weapon, thus it stood out. Despite being a royal maid, or perhaps due to being a royal maid, she was a capable combatant and was able to act as both a maid and a bodyguard simultaneously.
“I’ve answered your summon, Duke,” she said while leaning forward with a palm on her chest.
“Anita, I have a somewhat awkward situation for you.”
“Oh? Pray tell.”
He explained Lillian’s situation as well as her request to have her back.
“She wants me back? Surely, she wishes to punish me.”
“I think not. A lot happened while you were away, and I can vouch that she is a changed woman.”
“Do you wish me to leave, Duke?”
“It is entirely up to you. I do feel that she is going to need people she could trust and has decided that you are one of those.”
She remained silent for a moment, contemplating her options.
“I am willing to work for Lady Egra but under one condition. I would like to stay under your employment. You will lend me to her.”
“Would you mind explaining your reasoning for that?”
“Certainly. I will have a place to return if done in the way I suggested. Lady Egra won’t have full authority over me in other words. I cannot fully trust her words. I hope you understand that.”
Given Lillian’s past actions and deeds, he could hardly fault Anita for being extra cautious. After all, she was looking after himself and she wasn’t entirely wrong. It was possible that Lillian was looking for a way to get back at her. Granted, he did feel she had a change of heart, but that didn’t mean he could completely trust his perception.
“Very well, I shall go with your idea.”
She leaned forward once more, displaying gratitude. “I thank you, Duke. Where is the Lady by the way?”
“Elsos, feel free to depart at your leisure.”
“Understood.” Turning around at once, she left the study. Once she was gone, he stretched out his limbs.
“Never ending works, this,” he muttered while glancing down at a small file of papers on a corner of his desk. It used to be a lot thicker. Since Flora had taken some parts of his duties however, there was less.
“First thing…” He pulled out a blank piece of paper from a drawer and wrote down a draft deed for Duman’s airship. Nestor would turn this draft into a formal, legally binding, deed later. Once he was done with it, he placed the piece of paper on the other side of the desk. Then it was finally time to do his administrative duty as the ruler of Ceres. The first paper he picked from the file was a short report of the city, detailing the overall recorded population. It was compiled by Nestor.
“Total 11,291 people…” He skimmed through audibly. “Recorded refugees of about a thousand … A very low but a steady flow of refugees… Actions perhaps required…”
It was apparently looked at by Cezary who attached a note on the bottom of the paper, suggesting construction of a refugee center outside of the city walls. This matter was going to be brought up in a meeting eventually.
“Over eleven thousand people, huh…”
There was a difference between refugees and immigrants. Refugees had virtually nothing on them and were often too poor and too weak to be able to contribute to society right away. Immigrants, in contrast, were usually prepared when they arrived in Ceres and came in either airships or hired carts. The officials preferred the latter obviously since the former required a small investment to feed and provide a place to sleep. Ceres used to welcome refugees with open arms, but their stance had changed.
“Okay, next -” He placed the report on the other corner and picked up a new one from the file. This time, it was a suggestion for the development of lake Laufeld which had turned into a water park of some sort. The lake already had a small market place of its own, a small pier, and a dock for boats. The development would take things much further, transforming the lake into a proper park. It would take a sizable investment upfront but would pay itself off in a year. This was a suggestion drafted by Aaron. Both Cezary and Nestor seemed to have agreed with the idea because he could see their signatures on a bottom corner.
“Well, why not. We need all the income we can get.” He put down his signature as well. It wasn’t the final decision, however. They would talk this over in a meeting. Placing the paper on the outgoing file, he continued his work.
First thing i see when opening SH.