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Theme Change Due To Vast Change In Danger Rating!

Theme Song: HELLDIVERS 2 - Automatons Strike Back Theme (Original Soundtrack)
Prepare For The Wrath Of The Unending Army Steel


“You see, I have this project called silver knights, where I hope to create the perfect army to rule over this world and all others. Unfortunately merging life & technology is still an issue. Obviously a problem with the level of technology I have access to rather than my own genius; we know that can’t be.

No matter how many or what kind of cells I generate in a culture… Granting both sentience and computational power from birth are difficult. Not that I doubt I’ll succeed, however I certainly can’t just rely on that plus I need to test the mechanical elements. Hence…” Throwing my arms out with a smile.

While I laid back on the beach chair that my bots had helpfully set up for me - my bronze coloured knights working hard at shooting down the dragons who soared through the sky. “Of course I’d take advantage of the improved strength by giving them heavier weaponry & I’m sure you want to know more.”

“What nonsense are you even spouting!” One of the luna dragons said in frustration only for a grunt to follow moments later as a powerful impact hit its chest. Sending the air momentarily from it’s monstrous lungs yet it quickly managed to regain control & dodge any follow ups that my boys tried.

Annoyingly those stupid lizards were flying in the air instead of remaining stationary which made this whole thing annoyingly monotonous.

They were just focusing on dodging so I had ordered the rest of my bots to begin firing at them even if 99% of the shots would just bounce off their scales if I were lucky. Though my goal wasn’t merely to hope for those shooters to get a lucky crit. In fact I purposefully made them avoid their eyes.

Never know when a chance to end it in one blow may come so I had to make them let down their guard.

At least until that opportunity arrives, that is.

“FoR ThE CrEaToR!”
“We aRe tHe hAmMeR Of jUsTiCe!”
“KiLl tHe uNkIlLaBlE!”

Those factories didn’t stop as what was previously a squad quickly turned into an army due to a new bot walking out just about every other second. Focusing mostly on anti-armour weapons. I should think about perhaps generating different types of bots but that would also ruin the malleability that I made them for…

The actual reason for the barrage of gunfire was so that those lizards wouldn’t know exactly what could hurt them and what couldn’t. Even I couldn’t tell apart the different types of projectile when the sky was positively filled with them. Allowing some of my heavier weapons to actually hit home.

“Aim for the wings you bolts for brains!” Sadly these AI could never be as good as a sentient being on account of a different set of values. A human naturally adapts to problems in a different way than a computer can; there is no such thing as “stepping back to look at it objectively”.

Without a fleshy component we call a brain… AI will just keep bashing its head against a problem until they find it works. Requiring direct instruction while also being very prone to being turned against their very own creators if someone else sits at the commanding seat.

Fortunately the barrage of gunfire also had the added effect of keeping those dragons at bay giving me more time to think as well as my factories more time to churn out new soldiers.

“You can’t keep flying forever!” Right now those scalies seemed to be under the incorrect assumption that these were some kind of golem which I don’t think would be incorrect. Either way they’d be waiting a while if they hoped they would run out of bullets.

I’ll admit I am at a bit of an energy crisis in making my tech solutions more sustainable at a level where they would be useful to me back home. Yet just standing still and pulling a trigger hardly affected my  bronze boy’s energy reserves that much. With standard movements they could likely only last half a day.

I needed a better energy source and it seemed like this place had just what I needed; mana.

These lizards just needed to get out my way!

Mercifully those bots had done a number of the lot of them as their wings & bodies had clear signs of our attacks no matter where you looked. Their wings growing more ragged and more cracks upon their scales seemed to appear every time I looked. “Must be pretty tiring to fly so much… Why not land?”

My taunts (thankfully) seemed to have the intended effect that was likely only amplified by this spiffy cocktail I was sipping on. I’m a strawberry girl but you can’t go wrong with some vanilla. Less importantly the slit pupil bastards were clearly anxious as their eyes looked around more.

Just to be careful I got up from my chair since, one way or another, this stalemate was about to come to an end.

“Lets see just how tough those golems are.” The default leader of those winged snakes said as he (along with the other two) abruptly changed the course of their flight. None even bothering to avoid the gunfire in favour of charging right towards my army with turquoise sparks already leaking from their maw.

As much as I despised it… I also wasn’t stupid enough to remain in the way of those blue-ish green flames after being made aware of their potential. Sadly I didn’t have enough time to vocalise my desire for my bots to move out the way which revealed another weakness of AI.

An inability to deal with things they have never experienced before.

Fortunately for me, those dragons were quite single minded, focusing on taking out my army which allowed me to slip away as pillars of turquoise wrath engulfed my army. Even flying over my factory to ensure that the supply of my bronze knights stopped. “Never heard it’s mean to bully a little girl!”

Although my complaints soon fled as… I noticed that - despite the fire that covered my army - those dragons ended up taking shots directly to their underside. This resulted in blood actually being drawn as one of their flights grew increasingly turbulent before plummeting to the ground.

Once the pillars passed I got the chance to see that my army still stood proudly as if most of them weren’t engulfed in those potent magical flames. Even my factory seemed to still be working full throttle. “Wh- how are they completely unaffected by the might of the moon!”

I wonder the exact same thing-

“WeAk iS ThE FlEsH!”
“StRoNg iS ThE StEeL!”

“WeAk iS ThE FlEsH!”
“StRoNg iS ThE StEeL!”

“WeAk iS ThE FlEsH!”
“StRoNg iS ThE StEeL!”

No - maybe the answer is the nature of those flames - perhaps they were more unique than just being a special colour. Previously they used moonlight to reflect my attack back so maybe it has something to do with that rather unique development. The obvious difference being one is a technological marvel while the other was an magical phenomenon so maybe it has something to do with that?

Or perhaps… It has more to do with the makeup since it managed to harm me? Although a longshot I cannot help feel like there may be a difference in if something is “organic based” or “artificial”. My defence field being tech-based allowed their attack to pass through but also made them unable to destroy my bots.

“Yes; that must be it!” Laughing out loud with my hands stretched out as I witnessed the confused dragons being brought down due to their hesitation. Those bronze knights stayed true to my orders as they took their greatest strength (flight) from yet another of those lizard-brained fools!



<<  {software}.[B.I.T.C.H] Can Agree In The Likelihood Of {user}.[Armor-Cordis]’s Theory  >>


Oh? So you finally come out of your hidey-hole when I, in my unmatched genius, have already managed to figure out the tricks behind those dragons. Can’t say I’m surprised when you have already proven yourself to be quite the team player… As long as it’s for the opposing team.

Regardless of that cheeky system of mine; this provided me with a path of success that was quite simple when one thinks about it. One so simple that anyone could figure it out. Though having the potential that matches the challenge in actually putting it into practice.

“Now let's see how you handle my ultimate magic spell - snipe their vitals on the count of five!” Saying so with a big grin on my face. One that grew as I felt the leading dragon swooping down in front of his fallen comrades with grim determination on that scaled face.

Soon his magic flared up as he began the process to form an all too familiar barrier to help protect his allies once again. The irony that the way he angered me will become the reason I get to finally put him down at last. “You seem to forget that your magic is useless against us!”

“We’ll see~!” I just smiled as I didn’t prepare any special bullets and just grabbed a bolt action rifle from one of the nearby bots since it’d take too long to set up my own. Pulling on the bolt I looked into the chamber to find there being a bullet. As such I wasted no time in lining up my first shot.


His confidence understandably soared as he formed that barrier yet he soon let out a pained roar as blood trickled down from one of his eyes while quickly pulling his head way.

Sadly this meant I was unable to do take out his second eye yet it accomplished what I wanted as the only one capable of escaping promptly jumped back which meant that it was finally time. Let’s see how those two like a little bit of my special cocktail. Oh how long have I wanted to test my precious Neo-

“WE SURRENDER, SYSTEM!” Just like that the domain popped as my bots suddenly found themselves momentarily unaware of what was happening around them. Hardly shocking as I didn’t exactly plan ahead when it came to coding them for their entire world shifting into another.

Fortunately I already had a rudimentary hive-server for them so they will learn far quicker than regular AI but still lacking the adaptability of grey matter.

Still those damn lizards… ARE RUNNING AWAY!