Chapter 066: Upgraded Demon
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The trio didn’t hesitate as their magic flared up, helping them to recover from their injuries enough to begin flying again, though spending most of it in fueling their speed. Obviously I can’t let that happen. “Don’t let those flying snakes get awa-” 

Suddenly a light-headedness overcame me as I finally realised a very important fact; there was only one play where those factories could get all the material from. I was practically half dead and that would have sent me crashing to the ground if not for my years of training. Allowing me to stay up right if unable to chase those bastards.

In other words…



-Scales of Moonlight x6



What in the love of commercialism; I can understand why that system announcement would come up since they surrendered. However, that didn’t explain why I only got a few torn off scales! Wait, it isn’t time for that, I need to stop those dragons from escaping else I can kiss my reward from my master.

Afterall - the quest she gave me was… Well, it needed… “DAMMIT THAT LOLI SCAMMED ME!”

Once again I found myself working for free and there isn’t anything worse than that. Gritting my teeth I couldn’t even complain due to that scary little goddess. Though she also didn’t tell me I’d be forced to fight against dragons so I couldn’t be blamed for not being prepared. 

I also couldn’t deny that my firepower simply wasn’t enough to take those lizards down fast enough to prevent their escape. Thinking about it logically… I’d just have to take a loss this time. Urgh, this is so unbelievably irritating, if only I brought a few proper anti-air weapons!

All I had prepared was anti-tank since I was under the assumption that (even if I ended up having to take out some flying enemies) I wouldn’t be fighting the equivalent to a flying tank. Sure, there was always the chance to come against a dragon, but this was supposed to be the start of the game. 

Why would I expect a boss monster like that?

“Well the answer to that was clearly to predict that micro-master of mine to cause trouble…” I said while turning to look towards my army of bots that stood there silently. At least I learned how to take advantage of the system but that also made me wonder where that little troublemaker wa-

 A sudden voice brought me out of my thoughts and instead sent a shiver down my spine. It wasn’t an angry voice, instead filled with curiosity, but it was the familiarity with that voice that caused me to feel the threat of death. “Oh~ do you think I’m a little tiny trouble maker~?”

Slowly turning towards the mortifying midget as she just stood there without so much as a ruffle in her high quality clothing. Making me wonder if she even actually got into a fight. Though the overwhelming scent of blood reminded me that the cute little figure in front of me was far more dangerous than anything I’ve ever seen in this or my previous lives.

Except maybe my birth mother?

Somehow I found my birth mother even more terrifying than the literal goddess in front of me. Makes me curious just what my true family history had in store for me - all I knew was that my mama had cat ears and weird red strings. At least she always smiled while I was around.

“What’s with all the silence; oh and it looks like the trio escaped which is pretty unfortunate~!” That god looked into the distance where the trio flew. I also noticed that she let her own opponents go - I’m certain this wasn’t a case of her being unable to finish them off.

Although it was a wakeup call seeing just how many more she fought - at least triple - one of them seemingly being twice the size of the ones I went against. It could just be a wife's tale but it’s commonly said that the bigger the dragon… The older they are, the stronger they are.

Of course there were also titans yet they were stronger even if younger; in other words power & size were interlinked when it came to these lizards.

Though I guess that isn’t true when…

“I don’t know why but I don’t like the look in your eyes~.” Smiling sweetly as my eyes met with those of the nameless goddess. Convincing me that there was suddenly something more interesting to look at than the dangerous diminutive dragoness.

Promptly deciding it was best to just explain the reason for my “loss” to help her understand that I couldn’t be blamed for that. Totally not to distract her from my slight slights against her “Didn’t have anti-air so there wasn’t much I could do to keep them grounded…” 

“Ah~ well that was probably for the best~.” As I thought, there was no way she would accept such a lame excuse for why I let them esca- wait did she just say it was for the best? Could it be that she knew that I couldn’t put them down permanently so didn’t care about that? But, then, why do this?

Those thoughts led me to look towards the random plethora of arms that just lay on the ground - part of me is wondering if she just did all this for her own amusement.

Very plausible.

“So~ I see you have some tin cans~!” Before I could say anything she was in front of my mechanical army with a finger tapping her chin - a big smile on her face as she observed it. “Perhaps something special happened, within that little domain, while you played with those boys~?”

Hearing her so openly asking made me blink in surprise. The way she said that sounded less like a question and more like she was sure that something had happened. “Well I guess I discovered that I could use my weaponry & bronze knights against even dragons?”

“Oh~ did you not figure anything out~?” She asked sweetly as she poked the stomach of one of the bots who simply tilted their head. Clearly confused on how to act since I had paused my command mid sentence and that they were now being bullied by a midget.

However, due to her followup question, I could now be sure that this girl had indeed planned things out even if her intentions were different from my assumption. Apparently… She had helped me. “I discovered how to manipulate the pocket space to my advantage though I still don’t understand the prior features.”

Those random tv’s, displaying my meals, must have had some meaning.

Not that I got too lost in my thoughts for too long; that mini master of mine began clapping happily as she had a big grin upon her face. Her joy was so contagious that even I felt a smile. “That’s great and it’ll even mean that you don’t need to worry about anyone connecting your true persona’s together~!”

I could feel my chest puffing up (well more than usual) at the proud words of my teacher upon hearing my recent accomplishments; she may be sadistic yet she was undoubtedly good at her job.

“Plus, when it comes to those tv screens, I think it’s best to just think of them as a little snack ehehe~!” Her cute little giggle echoing through the forest - distracting from the thick scent of blood. Not enough for me not to realise how strange her comments were; how could a tv be a snack?


“Oh you also look a little dinged up so I’ll share some energy~.” With just those words I felt my spirit, the energy that constituted both my life & magic, completely fill up once again. A shocking scenario since I didn’t even know such a thing was possible.

“How did you-” My words were unable to finish as she tilted her head with a knowing smile - her eyes curling up in mischief filled delight. “Ah~ well my energy just so happens to be very compatible with just about everything that has come into existence as-... Vi…”

It was then that her amusement suddenly vanished, for the first time a serious look appeared on that cute little face, glaring towards the sky. Turning my gaze towards the same direction revealed what looked akin to a drone. Yet it was so quiet I wouldn’t have realised it’s existence without her.

The metal that made its body seemed black - certainly not one I knew - but more concerning was that it recognised what type of energy was empowering it. Demonic. In addition the lens seemed to gleam purple as if a demonic eye was spying on me; a set of eyes that I would never forget came to mind.

“It would seem that the person who took your eye is also spreading her own about… Let’s get back to the city without delay.” Suddenly dropping her childish side to sound more like a senior.



\_ Third PoV _/



The ringing of bells.

Surrounded by countless monitors, slovenly lying down in a massive spinning chair, with a tablet in one hand she slid her other hand’s finger upon its surface, sat a single girl. Countless scenes on the backward planet of pitiful mortals played on the monitors. She seemed to not care about any of them.

A mane of crimson hair would be the notable figure for most yet for her it was just the beginning.

Long black horns peaked out from her head - forming a large crown - as ink painted intricate patterns across her snow like flesh. These weren’t the beautiful types of tattoos humans may get. Just one look was enough to know just how ominous their existence was; down to the ones that replace her eyebrows.

Her “japanese origin” was clear in her clothing yet her height was far from being inferior to those of western nations. At least she was far taller than a certain dark skinned short stack. Although one wouldn’t want a handshake with her on account of the sharp heavy looking metal coming out her knuckles.

On her hands were half black half crimson nails that gave her more menace; the entirety of her arms essentially black & crimson yet  inverse of each other.

Around her wrists & ankles were simple little bells tied to her via ribbons.

“Nn…” Despite those fingers working on that tablet (truly only using the painting feature) a small sleek device hung from her ear to lightly cover one side of her head. Not her face though. A voice coming through it clearly was communicating with her but she didn’t exactly seem to pay much attention.

Far more interested in working on her artwork; a simple scene that involved the skull of a wolf being chewed on by a hound. The detailing being nothing short of genius. “So, “Smith”, I let you wander about doing your own thing with investment from both Kitten Inc & my A.Eden SOE yet all you’ve done is…?”

Raising the ink blotches counted as eyebrows for her - tilting her head like a curious child but a silence was all that answered her. 

In return she growled like a hungry beast, revealing a set of fangs that looked like a mix between a savage dog and a sophisticated vampire, as she glanced towards one particular screen. A pair of short stacks meeting her piercing gaze. “I try to find him but, instead, all I find is a fucking weakling deer cossplaying.”

Slamming her fist onto her chair as she growled angrily - violent violet energy spewing from her eyes as she took a deep breath. The chill grew quite literal as frost began to cover the room. Closing her eyes as she leaned back into her chair while throwing her tablet aside without a care.

“Maybe it’s time I visit my sister, then?” Opening her eyes to once again gaze upon a screen. 

Though different from the previous one; it showed a familiar bar with an armoured knightess standing guard at the door. The drone unwilling to get any closer. Meanwhile the heat within the room once again increased which in turn led to a rapid expansion of matter… The result requiring no explanation.

Purple flames completely filled the room as the various screens began to grow static, the eyes of the girl appearing on each as if spreading between them, continuing throughout the land. From out the fire she walked with a savage grin. The demoness having one place in mind.