Mum’s Home
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Late update. Sorry about that I slept all day like an idiot. I'm hoping to get the next chapter on Wattpad out soon. Thanks to Trismegistus Shandy for proofreading this. I keep making the same mistakes and it's dumb. Check out their work on TGstorytime here and Big Closet here.
Usual warning for anxiety and dysphoria and stuff.

Also, I really like reading feedback and speculation and comments. So never be scared to

He went to bed as soon as he got home. Sleeping seemed like the best option he had; thinking about that day was something that needed to be avoided. His phone vibrated. Someone was probably trying to message him. He didn't have the energy to check what it said.

Waking up to the smell of delicious food cooking was usually something James would love. Unfortunately, that day it meant his mum was home. His mother was one of the few people that must not find out about what had happened to him. She wouldn't understand.

"Dinner’s almost done!" she called.

He looked in the mirror; everything seemed like it had when he went to sleep. He was still female. He threw on his hoodie and adjusted it to hide his chest. His mum was observant; if there was anything out of place, she could spot it. There wasn’t anything else he could do but hope she didn’t look at him too critically.

Upon entering the dining room the aroma got stronger; her cooking was always amazing. He wished he could enjoy it without having to worry. He hadn't eaten a properly cooked meal in two days. 

He sat down at the table.

"Dinner will be another minute, kiddo."

James nodded, unwilling to open his mouth.

"I see you shaved. Good boy. Finally making use of that razor I bought for you." She had been trying to convince him to shave for the past couple of months. He had refused. That facial hair was proof he was becoming a man despite his five-foot and seven-inch stature. She had once said stubble is more attractive than patchy facial hair. Now he couldn’t have either. He didn’t know how to explain that to her when the time came. He wouldn’t panic about it now. He wouldn’t panic in front of her. “How was your weekend?”

Lying was not his strong suit, and she could see it better than anyone, she had known him all his life after all. Still, he had to try.

“It was good,” he said unconvincingly.

"I got a call from the doctor’s office. You called them for an emergency appointment." She expected him to respond but he wasn’t sure how to. 

“I was sick, I think I had the flu.”

“I should have known those vaccines didn’t work.” He was tempted to point out that, even if his fake story was real, only two days of flu symptoms was good. “So the boy that never wants to go to the doctors suddenly decides to go just because he has the flu? Come on James, you didn't even tell your own mother you were sick.” At least telling the same lie would keep his story straight. He avoided looking her in the eyes, he knew she could tell if he was lying just from that. "Usually, when you're sick you stick to me like glue." 

Of course, him lying wouldn't work on her, but he had dug a hole that he couldn't get out of. He decided to use a little bit of truth. Maybe that would help fix things.

"I didn't want to bother you. I'm sorry." It wasn’t quite the truth, but it was a part of why he didn’t tell her.

She brought the food to the table and they ate in silence. Digging in was probably the best way to dodge her questioning. For now, he was glad she seemed to drop it. Something was worrying about that though. She never dropped a subject.

"That doesn't sound like you. What, did something embarrassing happen?"

"What? No! What are you thinking of?" 

"Well, something embarrassing did happen then? Guess I’ll have to give them a call tomorrow."

She let him eat in silence from then on. He was thankful for that. He couldn't tell her; it didn't matter what she chose to believe as long as she didn't know about his sex. He loved his mum, but in his situation, it would be nice if she was more like Katie's. He probably wouldn't even have to worry about telling her. It would be better if he never had to tell her at all though. It would be better if he just went back to normal.

"Well, whatever happens, you have to take care of yourself. You haven't showered in days, have you? Your skin looks incredibly oily and I can smell your deodorant from here."

He had avoided looking at his body since Friday. Showering seemed like it would be hell. Seeing his new body completely naked would be unavoidable, and he couldn't do it. Not after the panic from the change rooms. 

"Have a shower after dinner, kiddo." He could tell that was an order. One that he couldn’t ignore. It was unavoidable.

Grabbing a towel off the rack, he walked to the bathroom. He was glad the doors had locks on them. He began running the water. It was strange how now that he was about to get clean, he noticed how he smelled. He didn't expect to miss the smell of dude’s sweat, but he did. He wasn’t sure how he would do this. Taking his clothes off was the first challenge; even at his most exposed, he’d had at least some clothing on. Now he was going to see it all from a first-person perspective and he wasn’t sure how to handle that.

It was hard for James to shower with his eyes closed. Just seeing a glimpse of what had become of his manhood was enough to make James squeeze his eyes closed for the rest of the shower. He was glad he was still able to breathe after seeing that part of his new anatomy. The warm water went a long way in calming him down. It helped to relieve some of the stress that had been building up during this hell. Cleaning himself was difficult this way, though. His awareness of self was thrown off by the sudden changes to his body. Everything felt out of place, like his entire idea of his body was incompatible with what was now there. It felt like when he hit a growth spurt and his coordination was thrown off by the sudden increase in height. 

Even with his eyes shut he had to clean the worst part of his new body; the two awful lumps on his chest. It was awful that his body had become this. They hurt to the touch, and just lightly scrubbing them hurt so much. The entire experience left him feeling exhausted. He was glad that the water seemed to be keeping him calm, or he would almost certainly be panicking. It felt nice under the water. He just felt warm. His eyes being closed made the experience almost pleasant. 

He didn’t want to get out of the shower. Getting out meant having to fumble around for a towel and avoid the mirror while trying to dry himself off. It felt better to just soak in the warm. He knew he had to get out when he started to feel sleepy.

After almost slipping on the bathroom floor, he realised that he’d have to open his eyes. He tried his best to avoid looking down at his body and he breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing the mirror had fogged up. He grabbed a towel and started drying himself off; he was too tired to think about it anymore. It was time to get to his room and sleep again. There was something about the transformation that just left him tired. When he wanted to sleep, he just fell asleep. At least he was able to avoid thinking too much. He closed the door behind him.

"Finally clean?" his mum called from the living room. He hadn’t anticipated something as simple as just getting to his room after showering to be a threat. In his sleepiness he had even wrapped his towel wrong, leaving his terrible chest exposed. She was only a couple of meters away and he was lucky he was out of her line of sight. 

He bolted to his room.