Chapter 6 Wang Xiaoming Part 1
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   Sara explains to Zhou Mo that she gave the blueprints to an assistant of Li Tian's outside the conference room because she didn't want to interrupt their meeting.{close enough to the truth she really didn't want to see CEO Li again.}

    After Sara informs him the blueprints are at the Li Group he breathes a sigh of relief. If Li Tian rescheduled until the morning as he said on the phone there shouldn't be any further problems. “I will relay this information to CEO Li.”

   “Thank you CEO Zhou.”

   Sara's hands are shaking as she hangs up her phone knowing how important the blueprints are to the cooperation between the two companies. If she had lost them she not only would lose her job but have to pay compensation for them to be redrawn.

    Seriously !  They were right outside of the conference room when she passed them to the  man in the hallway when did CEO Li call Zhou Mo? Is that arrogant bastard attempting to get me into trouble because he dislikes me? No..that is ridiculous Sara you are just paranoid..haha..

   What a pain in the ass! Why didn't that idiot take them with him in the first place instead of making such a problem for me! She is getting a stress headache and her hair in the bun is feeling heavy. She takes her hair out of the bun resulting in her hair in a wavy pony tail. My God that feels so much better!

   She takes a few pictures of her food to upload onto her food blog. The owner Wang Dongyu sees Sara on the patio then comes outside, “Song Sara I want to thank you, a few of our new customers said they saw our cafe on your blog and that is why they came to try us.”

   “Hi, that is awesome!  I love the ambiance of your cafe and all the food I have tried here is beautifully plated and delicious. Sometime I would like to meet your chef.” Sara has become friendly with Wang Dongyu over the past few weeks since she has become a regular customer. She can't always eat here but she will have a coffee on the patio while she reads or writes her blog on Saturdays.

   “When you are finished eating come to the kitchen I will introduce my son to you.”

   “Your son is the chef?”

   “For now.” She laughs, “He graduated not long ago from the famous Culinary School, Le Cordon Bleu, in Paris and plans on opening his own restaurant.”

   “You must be so proud of him!”

   “ For many reasons besides his skill in the kitchen. It is true though business certainly has increased since he came home.” She looks around the restaurant it is mid afternoon and typically isn't very busy but most of the tables are full. “Eat while your food is hot, I will be in my office come back after you finish your meal then I will take you on a tour.”

   Sara smiles as she leaves then picks up her chopsticks to eat. No wonder the food is so delicious if her son went to that famous school in Paris.

   Li Tian sits in his study next to the living room going over the details of a proposal for a real estate purchase for a new residential development waiting for Sara to come with the blueprints. He is sipping a cup of Da-hong Pau tea when his phone rings, “Yes Zhou Mo?”

   “CEO Li the blueprints are at your office there must have been a miscommunication Song Sara gave them to your assistant. So they are there ready for your meeting in the morning. I was worried something might have happened to her on the way to your company with them, she is very reliable.”

   The veins are bulging on Li Tian's neck are those two stupid! I said to give them to me personally! If I say anything now it will seem strange. His voice doesn't reveal the anger boiling up inside of him as he calmly says,“Very good. I will contact you after I meet with the contractors we can schedule a time to meet ten o'clock tomorrow won't work for me now.”

   “Certainly have your secretary call Song Sara and we can coordinate a time.”

   Li Tian throws the tea cup in his hand, it smashes into the wall tea spashing everywhere. Still not calm  his silver Mac laptop is next being pushed off the desk it hits the floor with a bang. 

     His butler rushes out when he hears the noise. When he witnesses the scene from the doorway of the large study he retreats backwards quietly returning to the kitchen. The Young Master's face was contorted in anger and his aura was suffocating. He pities the person who angered him.

   He wanted to bully the little assistant for distracting him at Zhou Mo's office causing him to forget the documents. If the little assistant had simply brought them to him in the conference room he could have vented by punishing her for a few minutes and it would have relieved his being irritated by the situation. But no... she now has really angered him, pushing the blueprints off to Yang James then getting out of bringing them to him. Zhou Mo was actually worried something might have happened to his little assistant rather than considering the implications of the blueprints being lost!  

   Li Tian is furious no one has the nerve in this city to disrespect his wishes.Wait until our next meeting! He calls his assistant Yang James, “Find out all the information on Zhou Mo's assistant her name is Song Sara.”

   “Sure Boss.”

   “Bring it to me as soon as you compile the report.”

   Sara sneezes again either she is the hot topic of the day for someone or she is getting a cold she chuckles to herself. After she finishes her dinner she puts her Ipad in her bag and walks into the restaurant. Looking around she sees a hallway past the counter with the cash register, this must lead to Wang Dongyu's office. She knocks on the door, “It is me Song Sara.”

   When she opens the door Sara can't help but look around the office has a very comfortable feel and is decorated in soothing blue hues, Sara notices she has several family photos on the antique carved wodden desk. She sees a picture of Wang Dongyu when she was younger a small boy and a handsome man. Sara has always been a friendly and open person without thinking she says, “is this your husband and your son?”

   Wang Dongyu has a complicated look on her face, “No, that is my brother and my son with me in that picture.”

   “Your brother is very handsome!”

   “He was.” She knits her eyebrows and her face has a melancholy look on it as she picks up the picture gliding her finger over it affectionately. Sara realizes he must have passed away since she said was and doesn't say anything else.

   “Shall we go to the kitchen.”

   “I'm excited to see the kitchen, would you mind if I took a couple pictures for my blog?”

   “You would need to ask my son Xiaoming.”

   They walk out of the office and over to the kitchen it is bustling with activity. Sara's eyes light up watching everyone doing their jobs and the aroma of the tantalizing food is mouthwatering.

   A serious looking young man dressed in casual clothes is reprimanding one of the cooks who has the temperature too high on the stove while he stirs a cream sauce. He looks up when he hears his mother's voice, who is the beautiful girl with her? 

    Walking past the stove and around the line where the food is being plated he comes across the kitchen to where they are standing. His mother's eyes light up, “Xiaoming this is Song Sara the blogger who gave us the nice review and brought more customers to the cafe..”

   Sara smiles up at him, “It is my pleasure to meet such a talented young chef!”

   It takes him a minute to recover this girl with his mother is extraordinarily beautiful. She is wearing light makeup and her face has a clean and innocent appearance. Yesterday his mother wanted to show him the blog but he said he was too busy not wanting to insult her. Wang Xiaoming thinks food blogs written by anyone who isn't a professional are overrated and amateurish. “Thank you let's step over here out of the way they will be rushing by in a minute with the orders.”

  Sara gushes, “ Your Roasted Salmon with Shitake Syrup was amazing when I tasted it last week. I had the same dish at The Winter Palace Restaurant and it was bland and not as colorful as yours. They way you added fresh sliced jalapeno and lemon gave it an added layer of flavor. Seriously it melted in my mouth”

    He gazes at her sparkling blue eyes and she has cute dimples when she smiles. Living in Paris for four years he saw many beautiful women and even dated a super model but this girl's natural beauty is breathtaking. She seems innocent and fresh not realizing how charming she is. He listens to her raving about his dishes with a twinkle in her eye of a person who truly loves food.

   His mother watches her son staring at Sara and she smiles he always has such a serious look on his face and right now he seems relaxed. She knew when she met Song Sara she was special with her honest and straightforward personality.

   “Miss Song I'm glad you enjoyed my dishes, so my mother said you have a food blog?” He is accustomed to being praised he was recruited by several five star Michelin restaurants but refused. There have been several interviews with him as an up and coming chef in several food magazines, somehow the way this girl's face lights up with sincerity while she is praising him is making his heart soften.

   His mother stares at her tight lipped son, is he making the effort to make conversation? This is great!

   “I do as a matter of fact I was wondering if I could do a little follow up piece with a few pictures in the kitchen? When your mother invited me back to meet you it dawned on me it would be a good opportunity to do a second piece. Seriously I love your mother's restaurant particularly the patio area, the flowers in the garden surrounding it is amazing, of course as is the food.

   “...” He assumed the little blogger asked his mother to see the kitchen. He playfully teases Sara, “My food gets second billing to my mother's garden?"

    Sara blushes and he thinks she looks adorable, why not let her take a few pictures how many people does he know that would read a little food blog. “If you don't mind me approving the ones you use. “

    Sara waves her hands,“Of course not! I'm not a professional so your concern is warranted.”

   Wang Xiaoming has a faint smile watching her exaggerated reaction, “Okay go for it.”

   He watches Sara taking pictures with her crappy outdated phone he wants to laugh. How can the camera on that phone of hers take decent pictures. He turns talking to his mother, he will just let her have her fun then not approve any of the pictures. Obvuiosly his mother is very fond of the girl.

   “Xiaoming,what do you think of Song Sara?'

   “Mom, stop. I told you I'm not looking for a girlfriend I have to focus on my career as soon as a I find a suitable space for sale I am going to open my own restaurant. This is a good time to remind you no Matchmaking dates either.”

   Sara sees Wang Dongyu talking to her son and takes a couple candid shots, what a good looking mother and son pair. “Finished!”

    They both turn at the sound of her sweet and melodious voice, Wang Xiaoming says, “Do you want to have a dessert and some coffee? I can get away from the kitchen in about a half hour and look over the pictures you took.” He is surprised himself he wants to see the pictures, she looked so focused and intense as she walked through his kitchen.

   Sara frowns looking at her watch free dessert sounds awesome but she needs to leave,”I could send them to your email and you could choose, I have to go bake a cake.”

   Wang Dongyu knows from Sara's blog she wants to open a bakery so she isn't surprised but Xiaoming is curious.

   Sara hesitates then says,“Do you mind giving me your email address? I don't want to seem forward but that way you could check them out and tell me which ones you like. I thought I would use about five. I could also send a draft of my blog post about the restaurant if you want to see it before I post it.” Normally she just posts what she wants but he seems rather stiff and she likes his mother.

   He doesn't think giving out his email is a big deal but he appreciates the courteous way she asked. “I'm going to get back to work, my mother can give it to you.”

   “Thank you.”

   Sara and Wang Dongyu leave the kitchen and go back to her office Wang Dongyu writes down his email for Sara, “Here is Xiaoming's email I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures too.”

   “If you have a minute we can scroll through them I took a couple of you and your son I can send to your phone if you want. You two are very photogenic.”

   Wang Dongyu feels her cheeks getting red, she was considered a beauty when she was young but after-Xiaoming's father died life was hard. She has a faint smile listening to Sara such an unpretentious girl she likes her more and more every time she sees her.

    Sara opens up her phone and scoots a chair nest to Wang Dongyu. As they look through the pictures she thinks Sara is talented even with a cheap phone her pictures are vibrant and catch the atmosphere in the kitchen. Sara says, “Oh wow this picture of the two of you is great.”

    Tears form in Wang Dongyu' brown eyes her handsome son smiling down her he looks exactly like his father when they first started dating. Sara notices the misty look in her eyes. “If you want give me your WeChat and I will send this one to you.”

   Wang Dongyu's hands are trembling at the flood of memories coming back to her. She casually runs her finger across her eyes, “Thank you Song Sara, that is very thoughtful of you.”

   They are both still looking at the picture Sara says candidly,“You can see how much your son loves you, it is in his eyes when he looks at you. He has a nice smile too, when I first saw him as we walked into the kitchen he had such a serious expression.”

   “He has always been a serious person even when he was young.”

   Sara thinks he did have a grumpy old man expression in the photograph when he was a young boy she saw when she first came into the office.

   “Well I need to scoot I'm going out with my friend later so I need to bake that cake. Tell Wang Xiaoming I really enjoyed watching the activity in the kitchen. I will send him those pictures.”

   Wang Dongyu stands up to walk her out Sara tops her, “You don't need to walk me out. Thanks again.”

   After she leaves Wand Dongyu stares at the picture Sara sent to her WeChat talking to herself she mutters, “Someday Chao I will tell Xiaoming about you.”

   Sara leaves the cafe thinking about Wang Xiaoming he is obviously very talented and handsome, he seems like a very filial son to set aside his plans to work in his mother's humble cafe. When she gets home she throws her bag on the floor by the couch then flops down. So tired! She dozes off and is awakened by Han Bi when she gets home from work.

   “Sara wake up! In that position you will hurt your neck.” She nudges her shoulder.

   Sara hears her room mates's voice, she pushes her hand away and turns over on the couch. Not opening her eyes she mutters, “Go away I'm having a good dream... “

   Bi humphs..this girl she can sleep soundly anywhere, “Don't you need to bake a cake before we go out later?”

   This wakes Sara up she rolls over falling off the couch. “Ouch!” She rubs her butt, as she stands up Bi laughs at her friend. Sara's hair is messy and her white blouse is halfway out of her skirt, what a mess!

   Sara rubs her eyes, “What time is it?”

   “Almost seven thirty CEO Fang had some additional work for me and I missed the six o'clock train.”

   “I don't know if I can go with you to that Club then. Aren't you meeting your coworkers at nine?”

   “You have to go! I heard CEO Fang will be there tonight, it is his friend's birthday. I need you for moral support if I see him.” She drags Sara towards the kitchen, “Hurry up and start making the cake now. You can meet us there.”

   Sara walks into the bathroom to wash her hands and pull her hair up. When she comes out Bi is sitting on the couch looking at her WeChat. Sara has said no the last few times Bi has asked her to go out with her friends, Sara doesn't want to say anything but she really doesn't like those two women. But she knows how big of a crush Bi has on her Boss she should go just to prevent her from doing anything foolish. I guess I could bake it tonight then ice the cake in the morning.

    As she gets the ingredients out to bake the cake she agrees, “Okay I will go I can't have you getting drunk and throwing yourself at your Boss.” She laughs, “ I need you to keep that job rent is coming up soon. I will need to meet you there though after I put the cake in the oven I am going to work on my food blog.” She is excited she had a tour of the Plum Blossom Cafe and can upload some pictures if the owner's son approves them.

   “You have to get there by ten CEO Fang was taking to his friend on the phone and said that is when he will be at the Club.”

  Sara wonders if Bi's boss likes her too, why would he always keep her working when everyone else has left the company? It is a little suspicious Fang Yunxian would say the details of his evening as he was standing right by Bi's desk.

     She affectionately looks at her close friend's face, Bi is a classic beauty, not only is her face beautiful but she is tall with long slender legs and a curvy figure, her designer clothes always accentuate her alluring looks.

     Sara was surprised as the Young Miss of the Han family after they graduated Bi would become a secretary considering she has a degree in fashion design. But she soon learned it was because Bi likes Fang Yunxian.

   Teasing Bi she giggles,“Do you eavesdrop on all your Boss' calls?”

   Bi blushes then takes a pillow from the couch throwing it towards Sara, “I wasn't eavesdropping! He was on his cell right by my desk while he handed me some paperwork.”

   Sara dodges the pillow her lips curled up in a smile shouting, “ Childish girl! How old are you anyway Han Bi!”

   “Older than you brat by two months so you need to listen to your elder sister and hurry up with that cake!"