Chapter 14; Advent Mogarellia
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Izuna took a letter offered to her by Lusviel Mogarellia with an approved seal from the Majesty herself. It turns out her worries are for naught—it was an outdated development procedure. An order that enables any entity regardless of any allied race or converted whose age is in question with remarkable skills or magic can legally allow to cultivate the students who failed at Advent Mogarellia.

In other words, this is not official unless Izuna met her students already. Still, once the Queen judged Izuna's capabilities as acceptable and accepted Izuna's oath she made at the sky garden, it would become an official procedure immediately; This was known in Advent Mogarellia as "pre-decision."

Located on the peak of wetlands, Advent Mogarellia is a spherical shaped architecture. It was enclosed by 10-meter tall perimeter walls surrounding the institution, with two entrances of the front and the back gate.

As soon as Izuna arrived at the Advent Mogarellia, the walls transformed and revealed a floating arena at the center. The daily mage all-terrain practice begins.

This red-haired mage pointed his finger at a precise location. It blasted the whole area around his opponents. Chunks of cemented rocks were sent flying at high speeds. All of his opponents dropped as if they were flies.

A hooded mage jumped into the air and materialized a spear out of magic. He imbues it with immense power and threw it to the red-haired mage. It was a distraction to keep the red-haired mage to see his other opponents sneaking up to him.

The red-haired mage barely managed to evade. He then took the spear and jumped to fight the hooded mage head-on, but there were explosion spells planted mid-air. He was sent back into the ground again and fought in close quarters with the enemy reinforcements.

Enormous shock waves and the blast resonated from their attacks. This fight was free for all. Everyone is their enemy. Even if this is a practice, it seems like they intended to kill each other. They're quite confident to handle each others' with their passive defensive shields. 

Izuna watches them go while thinking about how old they look. For some reason, she suddenly realizes, everyone is in their late twenties to sixties. Surprisingly for a famous magic institution, there are little to no young mages around.

The defeated mages from the arena were sent to the spectators' stage.

"So this the famous Advent Mogarellia… Boo! Gloomier than I thought. Where's the flashy architecture!? Like the ones I saw at the general assembly room." Izuna said as she sat nearby to the spectator's stage.

She thought that this place would be more fantastical, but it turned out to be the most generic archaic magic academy. Everything is built to be practical and more effective since it runs from an old source of magic, Aether.

Izuna's dissatisfaction is not the cause of the architecture of Advent Mogarelia but rather the easily predictable moves of the mages and their excessive chivalric behaviors.

The old students gave a short gaze to Izuna and smiled. To them, for a young girl wearing the heroes' insignia was impressive that they accepted her not as a demon but as one of the humans.

Maids and Butlers descended from the stairs and offered some refreshments to the tired mages. One of the servants offered Izuna some cookies with the shape of cartoonish King Nicholas.

"Perfect!" As she munches the cookies with a cup of Evanslei's most famous special drink, she finally begins thinking about what comes next.

"Just what I need…"

A little sigh slips out. She remembered that she's about to attend a long briefing session on how to start as a mage instructor and tactical operator in training.

"Wait! I should be going to the Headmaster's room!"

The only way to descend and navigate through various rooms is to take the spiral staircase that almost spans the full radius of the architecture. Once Izuna reached the 5th level, she finally managed to use one out of sixteen available elevators.

"This is no different from an office meeting. I can do this!"

Despite Izuna's carefree and obnoxious behavior, she couldn't handle the five-hour briefing session in the Headmaster's room. But even the physical fatigue of navigating around the institution is nothing compared to her worn-down mental state.

This wordy gentleman has droopy ash-grey eyes. The first thing you notice at him is his deeply-tanned skin. He fixed his luxurious, straight, apricot-colored hair is shoulder-length and is worn in an attractive style. Even while sitting, he appears to be tall and has an athletic build. His wardrobe is dignified and is entirely purple. He is no other than the Headmaster himself of Advent Mogarellia, Lusviel Mogarellia.

"You make me curious, young Izuna. You are neither human nor a demon. This is the first time that happened here. Can I see…"

He was interrupted by a woman beside him, the assistant Headmaster, Heliace Mogarellia. This innocent woman has slanted beryl-green eyes. Her dress is utilitarian. You can see her bulging muscles from her outfit alone, and she looked more fit than Lusviel.

"Headmaster, ah, ah, ah~ don't do it this time. Don't you think today's events might be stressful for her?" Heliace continues to tighten her grip on Lusviel's wrist.

"Says the one who's been hugging her the whole time." Lusviel replied as he shook his wrist off. Heliace let go of it and hastily moved towards Izuna and hugged her.

"I don't really mind it." Lusviel said as she rubbed her face against Izuna's soft cheeks. A second later, Izuna replied the same.

The dress that Izuna wears was crafted by the famous dressmakers from the Evanslei's royal palace. The unique ribbon she wears complemented her outfit, and her overall appearance was truly a feast in Heliace's eyes. 

"Why are you even replying in her stead." Lusviel sighed discreetly so that this scene won't turn disastrous due to Heliace's pervertedness. Lusviel opened his portable case and swung his pendulum. A massive doorway materialized, and it has features of what you commonly see in old books.

"Let's get back to work." Lusviel opened the door and it showed the other side of the door. It was connected to the Evanslei's royal archives, and Bancroft's sister, Eura, is waiting for them.

"Ehh~ That's lame." Helias looked pressured as she quickly took the odd briefcase at her side. She was about to leave Izuna and gave her a flying kiss. Lusviel groaned since Helias is taking her time too much.

Wait! Since when NPC's became so lovey-dovey with the protagonist!? Ack! This sounds suspicious. Izuna thought.

"Goodbye, cutie Izuna~," Helias said as she gave Izuna another flying kiss.

Izuna is left alone in the Headmaster's room. She was free to go but decided to look around.

I wonder what is Gevanni up to now? I haven't seen him do things alone… maybe I should try stalking him someday and catch him doing embarrassing stuff. Hehehe~ Izuna thought.