Chapter 496: Cave Zone
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The crisp air of the autumn forest rustled with the sound of falling leaves as Raki, Kalifa, Marianne, and Hina walked down the path. They saw the vibrant shades of orange, gold, and crimson leaves on the ground.

“Lots of leaves falling,” Raki said, brushing a stray leaf off her shoulder as it floated lazily down from above.

Kalifa adjusted her glasses and nodded. “It is for sure but considering we were just in a rainforest, it is strange,” Kalifa responded.

“This entire place is very strange,” Hina commented. She had been to many different islands however this was one of the most different ones.

Marianne skipped a step ahead, catching a red leaf mid-air and twirling it between her fingers. “It’s pretty, though,” she said with a small smile. “Almost peaceful,” she added.

As they pressed deeper into the forest, the trees began to grow closer together. The air felt heavier, cooler, and tinged with a faint, earthy scent. Eventually, the dense foliage gave way to a clearing, revealing the dark mouth of a cave. The entrance was wide and foreboding, framed by jagged rocks. A faint, cool draft emanated from within.

“This looks like a cave,” Kalifa remarked as she touched her glasses.

Marianne tilted her head, peering into the dark void. “Looks spooky,” she commented.

Hina stepped forward, her boots crunching against the gravelly ground. “This cave seems different,” Hina said. She trusted her gut feeling.

Raki placed a hand on her hip, her wings twitching slightly as she glanced up at the rocky ceiling that loomed over the cave's entrance. “Doesn’t look too welcoming. Guess that means it’s the right spot,” she remarked.

As they stepped inside, the temperature dropped noticeably. The walls were damp, glistening with moisture that dripped from stalactites above. Their footsteps echoed against the cold, uneven floor.

“Hina, how are you finding it on the ship so far?” Marianne asked.

“It is different, as a Marine Hina should hate it but Hina does not,” Hina responded. Hina looked at Kalifa. “Being an ex-Cipher Pol agent, it must be different for you as well,” Hina added.

“It is different but I made it by choice,” Kalifa responded. “You have not yet,” she said.

“Do you think Hina will join?” Hina asked her.
“The question is not if it is when,” Kalifa responded.

“She is right there. You can't deny there is something about Ben that brings us all together,” Raki remarked.

“He is the best,” Marianne said. Kalifa and Hina both nodded.

The group continued forward. The cave grew darker. The path twisted and turned, revealing narrow corridors that seemed to press in on them and larger chambers with towering rock formations.

“Feels like we’re walking into the belly of a beast,” Raki said.

“There is something on those walls,” Kalifa spotted. “These symbols... They’re ancient,” she added.

They looked to see a monster with a roundish shape. It looked like a robot. It had three arms, with one extending from the middle of its middle. It had a tube on its back.

“Shushibaruba,” Marianne remarked.

“This was the monster which you had previously fought,” Raki said.

“Yes, he was strong,” Marianne said. She added, “Any maybe evil.”

“Hina thinks what is it doing here?” Hina asked.

“We should let Captain and the others know of this,” Kalifa said. They all nodded.

“Let's keep going,” Raki said. “Whatever’s down here, we can handle it. Let’s see where this leads,” she added.

As they ventured deeper, the cave opened into a massive chamber. The ceiling stretched so high it disappeared into darkness, and a large pool of water sat still and silent in the center. Strange, faintly glowing mushrooms grew along the walls, casting an eerie blue light. At the far end of the chamber, they heard noises.

“I can hear something,” Marianne remarked.

“We are not alone here,” Raki added. They went ahead.

Then they heard a sudden clang of metal and the shuffling of movement. Emerging from the shadows was the Sword Soldier, holding a sword. Its glowing red eyes glared at something. That something was the rabbit creature. It had a large hammer on its hand.
“Looks like we’re not alone like you said,” Kalifa said.

The Sword Soldier swung his sword down.

The rabbit creature lunged forward, its small legs propelling it upward. It swung its hammer and countered the sword.

The rabbit creature then headbutted the Sword Soldier. The Soldier was sent hurtling backwards. It crashed into a weakened section of the chamber wall, dislodging a massive pile of rubble that came tumbling down with a deafening roar. Dust and debris clouded the air as the Sword Soldier was buried beneath the rockfall. Its metal limbs flailing for a moment before going still.

Raki shielded her face from the flying debris. “That little guy is strong,” she remarked.

Marianne looked at them. “The little rabbit is cute and strong,” she remarked.

The rabbit creature looked at them. “Popora will protect everyone and everyone who wants to set it free,” Popora said.

Popora charged towards the girls. He swung his hammer towards the girls.

“Iron Body,” Kalifa said as she hardened her body. Her muscles became hard as steel. Popora hit Kalifa however the hammer bounced back, Kalifa did not feel any pain.

Popora jumped back and looked at the girls. “I will not let you succeed,” he said as he ran off.

“Wait,” Marianne said, however Popora disappeared into the cave.

“Hina thinks it is interesting,” Hina remarked.

“I wonder why it said that,” Raki said.

“It seems to think we are his enemies,” Kalifa said, touching her glasses.

“But it also fought the robots we are fighting,” Raki said.

“Maybe we have a common enemy,” Kalifa suggested.

“We should find more about them,” Marianne said.

They all nodded. “We should let him know about this,” Hina said.

“Already not calling him by his name,” Raki teased. “It happens,” she added.
Kalifa sighed. She knew Raki was right. There was something about Ben for sure.