Ben, Tashigi, Robin and Kaya walked through the forest. There were many leaves on the ground.
Robin walked next to Ben and held his hand. Kaya walked beside him as well. Tashigi stayed behind.
“You are being affectious,” Ben teased Robin. He then held Kaya`s hand. She accepted it. Ben thought their hands were soft.
“Ben we saw the flashback,” Robin responded. She did not try to beat around the bush.
“I know,” Ben responded.
“You did not tell us much about your past,” Kaya said.
“I came to terms with my new life here with all of you,” Ben said. The girls looked at him. Ben could see they wanted to know more. “The woman you saw was with my mother. She had endured a lot for me and my sister. She worked multiple jobs at times to put food on the table. My little sisters took up responsibility early, looking after the house, cleaning and cooking. She was amazing. I am proud of them both,” Ben explained.
Robin and Kaya leaned on him slightly. “Ben, would you go back if you had a chance?” Kaya asked.
Ben smiled as he was about to respond, Tashigi shouted, “There is something up there.”
They all looked to see ruins of a forgotten civilization. There were massive stone structures jutted out from the earth. It was a small village with uneven cobblestones. There were temples, and homes like structures. These buildings were somewhat tall and rectangular. Some of the buildings had collapsed entirely, their rubble scattered like jagged puzzle pieces.
“It looks like a small ancient village,” Kaya remarked.
“We should check this out,” Ben said. They all headed to the ancient village and walked towards it. As they arrived, only a few buildings were there.
They quickly found themselves in the heart of the ancient place. They saw the ancient temple.
“What kind of people lived here?” Tashigi murmured. She touched one of the carvings on a nearby wall, running her fingers along the cold, rough stone.
Robin looked around. “A civilization advanced enough to create structures like this but one that ultimately fell to ruin,” Robin responded.
“Do you think of war or natural disaster?” Ben asked.
“Maybe,” Robin responded. She looked on the side of the temple`s wall and there was writing.
“This looks like an ancient language,” Kaya remarked. She looked to see there was a lot of text there.
“From the Void Century?” Tashigi asked. She knew Robin could read this from her talks with the girls.
“Yes,” Robin responded. “It says, A thousand years ago, the island was home to a small yet flourishing civilization, nurtured by the wisdom of an elderly sage and the power of his magical orb. This sage, with his profound knowledge, sculpted Popora from clay and imbued him with life to serve as a protector for his people. However, as time passed, the island drew the attention of outsiders, sparking fear and mistrust among the inhabitants. Their growing paranoia turned to anger, and they demanded that Popora be transformed into a weapon capable of annihilating the invaders. The sage refused. But his defiance came at a cost. The magical orb was stolen, and despite his grave warnings, it was used to animate an idol representing the island's ancient guardian god. Corrupted by the hatred and fear of the people, the orb's magic twisted the guardian into a monstrous entity. The creature destroyed the island in its rage. The sage, with all his power, was unable to stop the beast. In a final act of desperation, the sage sacrificed his very soul to cast a sealing spell, imprisoning the monster deep beneath the island. Popora, heartbroken, was entrusted with the solemn duty of maintaining the seal for as long as it would take until the creature was gone,” Robin read out.
“Interesting so Popora is that bunny creature,” Ben remarked.
“He has been protecting this land from the threat,” Tashigi said.
“The quest does talk about an Evil Guardian,” Ben said.
“It does make sense,” Robin said.
At that moment, a faint light appeared behind them. They all turned. The light began to coalesce, gradually forming a distinct shape. As it grew brighter, a figure started to emerge. They could see green and gold armour. The light went away.
They saw an armoured looking character. The figure had a powerful, bulky upper body with vibrant green arms and muscular features. He wore golden armour. Its chest had brown markings that resemble magical runes. The head of the figure looked like a tall golden pyramid. It looked smooth. The lower body was disconnected and floated. It featured a golden bowl and a glowing blue crystal suspended below it. “Green General,” Green General said.
There was a glowing light behind Green General. It started to form the shape of a human. The light got brighter and then disappeared in an instant. There were 10 Marines behind him. Two of them had shields.
“Looks like we have company,” Ben said. “Let's take them out,” he added.
“Rocketman,” Green General said as he transformed its arms into a train and charged forward while making a train noise.
“Is that a train?” Kaya remarked.
Ben and Kaya changed into their hybrid and beast forms respectively. Kaya took to the sky. Ben grabbed Robin and Tashigi by their waist and flew upwards. They dodged the attack. General General crashed into a wall nearby. The wall collapsed.
“Those two have shields,” Robin remarked.
“Angel Volley,” Kaya said as she formed white orbs around her wings. They were small but grew in size to a tennis ball. They had a white glow. She then fired a barrage of angelic energy orbs towards the Marines. The 8 Marines got hit from the barrage. Some were hit in the chest, some hit in the face while others got hit in both places. They all dropped their swords and turned to light.
“Wow the orbs took them down,” Tashigi remarked. She thought those orbs were very lethal. A barrage can take down a group of Marines so easily. She saw the two Marines with shields blocking the attack. The shields were damaged for sure. She felt Ben`s arm on her waist. “You always know how to take advantage of the situation,” Tashigi said.
“Our Captain sure does,” Robin agreed.
“Captain?” Tashigi said.
“I will let you both down,” Ben said as he flew down. He dropped the girls and flew towards General General. “Demon's Inferno Fist,” Ben said as he channeled his energy into hand . He ignited the energy and released black fire as a result. His fist had black flames and he punched Green General in the face. The helmet bent as Green General was sent flying back and crashed into a wall. Derby fell onto him.
Tashigi looked at the Marines with shields. She saw one of them was charging towards her. “Mystic Beam,” Tashigi said as her sword glowed an intense green. She fired a concentrated green beam of energy from her blade, cutting through the battlefield. It went towards the Marine with a shield. The Marine with a shield raised it. The beam hit the shield with force. The shield was already damaged from the orbs which
Kaya launched. The metal broke and the beam hit the Marine. The Marine went flying back and landed on the ground with a big thud. He turned to light.
“Seis Fleur,” Robin said as she sprouted six arms on the Marine`s body with the shield. Robin smiled. “Clutch,” she added as two arms grabbed his legs and made them fall backward. Another two pairs of arms held his back and the last pair grabbed his upper body. The pairs of hands on the upper body and legs pulled, cracking the pirate`s back. He turned to light as well.
The Green General rose from the rubble, sending piles of stone scattering in all directions. Kaya soared above him. “Giant Angel Heaven’s Arrow,” Kaya said as she summoned an immense, radiant projection in the shape of an arrow. She channeled every ounce of her strength and willpower into the attack and hurled the colossal arrow downward with incredible speed.
The Green General had no time to react. The giant arrow struck with immense force, piercing through his armor. The impact reverberated across the battlefield as the armor splintered, revealing a massive crack that spread rapidly across his frame. Then, in an instant, the crack erupted. A deafening explosion tore through the air, engulfing the area in a blinding cloud of dust and light. The ground quaked, and fragments of stone were hurled in all directions. As the dust began to settle, faint traces of light shimmered where the Green General had stood.
“Good job all,” Ben said as he flew up. He looked around and saw an altar. “I see an altar there,” he said.
“Ben, there are materials we should collect,” Robin said. The group got 5x Royal Jelly and 5 Healing Powder.