The sun was setting as the truck sped down the road. The driver was tired and not paying attention. Suddenly, a child ran out into the road to retrieve her ball. The driver slammed on the brakes, but it was going to be too late.
Ben, the 19-year-old teenager walking home from school, could see the child in the road and the truck coming towards her at dangerous speed. He didn't know what to do but he knew he had to do something. He leapt towards the child and was barely able to push her towards safety.
While the child was safe. Ben was not. The truck hit the teenager, sending them flying through the air.
Ben was rapidly bleeding from the head.
What would have been a normal day for Ben, walking home from school ended with him getting hit by a truck. As he bled out, all he could think about was what would happen to his sister and mother. His father went to buy milk from the store one evening. That was 10 years ago.
As he could hear screaming and horns in the background, he finally blacked out.
Ben woke up in a strange place. He was in a white room, with a woman sitting in front of him. The woman was beautiful, with long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. Her breasts were particularly prominent in her white dress. On her head she was wearing a golden leaf headband.
"Hello, Ben," the woman says in a calm manner. "My name is Athena, and I am the goddess of wisdom. I have brought you here because I have a proposition for you."
"What is it and where are we?" Ben asks.
Ben was very confused, one minute he is on the floor and bleeding out, next minute he is in this white room with this strikingly beautiful goddess.
"I am going to send you to the One Piece world," Athena explains. "It is a world full of adventure, danger, and excitement. You will have the chance to meet new people, explore new places, and become a great hero."
"That partly answers my question but who are you and why am I here?" Ben questions the lady.
“Like I said, I am Athena and you are dead,” Athena replies in the same calm manner.
Ben was speechless.
"You are special," Athena says. "You have the potential to be a great hero. I will give you a gift to give you strength to succeed. And I believe that you will use your powers for good."
Ben thought for a moment. "What's the gift?" he asked.
Athena smiled and says, “Something special, I have been working on, however it is something you will have to figure out.”
Ben thinks for a minute. He remembers those isekai stories where the protagonist gets an overpowered ability or skill to help from a beautiful goddess. Ben smiles and thinks is his chance, however, there is always some catch.
“This sounds good, too good,” Ben replies in a suspicious manner.
“I assure you this will be for your benefit,” Athen replies.
Ben was not particularly satisfied with her answer but no risk no reward.
“I'll do it,” Ben says.
“Very well,” Athena says while smiling.
Ben sees a white light appear from behind her and he blacks out yet again.
Unknown to the goddess and Ben, someone had modified the gift.
Cheesy. Especially the last line. And Athena is the goddess of wisdom in military victory. Not just wisdom in general. She should always be depicted as a warrior.
I could really do without any mystery at all. That kinda ruins it. Just drop him into the world without explanation would be 1000x better than the dialogue written and the bad mystery hinted at the end. Don't add anything extra. Just write the story of him having fun exploring and doing good. The mystery ruins the adventure and taints it all.
Noted. The mystery element will be an ongoing secondary plot point. There will be some changes to the original plot in terms of having extra elements but they would be more additions. The first major arc should give a flavour of what those additions would be.
@Pop12 bro that man is smoking something, Mystery is crucial to One Piece, just as much as Fun and Action is. Without the Mystery of the world and what the One Piece is, the show would be completely different.
@Drew_the_Ghost if it's a mortal mystery. Not some muktiversal godly mystery. It either make the gods incompetent, or not really gods at all.
@Chaddts The story will be focused on One Piece. The other elements and plot points will supplement to enhance the One Piece story.