Chapter 66
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With a mental ‘stop!’, I’m left with a list of things with only having ‘nox’ as part of their names in common. I swipe the window away. It’s already told me what I need to know.

Here’s the mistake I’ve been making since the start. I’ve been thinking of it as “The Nox”. I could blame Xander, since he’s the one who said it, but I’ll blame the lack of context for that. Once I considered Aaron might have been using it to hide the place’s real name, though? I should have known better than to just keep thinking of it that way. Or of using it at all. The only reason Aaron would have had to keep the name similar was so someone could find the place if he wasn’t there to show it to him.

But that was an assumption on my part.

It doesn’t matter that I now think I was right. I should have broadened my search right then and there. I might have found the answer before those two drugged me.

Okay, let’s start with this search with a query to the library.


Geography: titles that include ‘nox’ in them.


Even steeling myself for it, the list of titles is extensive. Now to see if I can shorten it.


Geography: titles that include ‘nox’ in them, in what used to be Illinois


And that returns nothing.

It’s what I was worried about. The search function of the library isn’t that of the system. But now for something I don’t know how many people realize can be done. Although I’m about to find out if it can be done here. Base isn’t the system, but I don’t know if the interfacing possibilities are the same.


System, list the titles of geography books in the inventory of the library I am currently in that have ‘nox’ in the title.


The list it returns contains three more titles. I don’t bother tracking them down, this was about confirming the system can interface. Now to make use of the system’s smarter way of processing things


System, list the titles of geography books in the inventory of the library I am currently in that have ‘nox’ in the title that are located in what used to be Illinois.


I grin as I look at the twelve titles. This might not work. Just like I had to get the library to list books that had “The Nox” written in them, to get anything. It’s possible none of those titles have the place I’m looking for in them. Although the one about Knoxville, Illinois, looks promising.

I take out the map from the journal and nearly have the stylus on it to draw a line from Indianapolis. I can’t write on Aaron’s map. I take a blank page out and copy a rough version of it. Then put the line across for Indianapolis, one more for Nashville, and one down where St-Louis is located. That’s my search area.

“I swear, Aaron,” I mutter as one detail occurs to me. “If you lied about where that place is located, I am going to find a way to bring you back to life so I can kick your ass.”

Now to work out if this Knoxville, Illinois, is within that zone.

There is no Knoxville in Illinois marked on Aaron’s map, although there is one east of Nashville. It looks to be on the line for Nashville, so it is in the list or not? It’s the only location with ‘nox’ in it, but half the other points just have been abbreviated to initials.

Now isn’t the time to get discouraged or distracted.

I pull that book from the library and I’m fortunate enough that I find a map flipping through it. And with locating Springfield on it and on Aaron’s map, I can place this Knoxville north of Indianapolis, so I don’t have to bother with this one. With the map, I find a list of cities in the state, and I locate those from the other books. Three of them are south of Indianapolis and east of St-Louis. I note them down to investigate once I have all of them.

I move on to Indiana. Only four books. One has a map and Knox is on it twice, both north of Indianapolis, so I don’t have to worry about it. One city is south, so I’m up to four.

Kentucky is next and with it entirely in the search zone, I get a lot more results. It adds twelve names.

Nashville is sufficiently north in Tennessee that none of the cities that come up fit. Same with North Carolina.

Then, I go for the states that were at the edge of my search zone since they’re going to be easier to rule out. It gives me fewer states than I expected, just West Virginia and Maryland, of which so little is south of Indianapolis I almost decide to ignore it completely, but I still do the search and don’t even get one result.

Doesn’t mean there aren’t any cities that fit my criteria, but I’ll deal with that if nothing else works.

I’m writing down names from Virginia when someone approaching registers. I drop the book and equip my sword as I raise my hand, and mentally curse myself for not paying attention to my surroundings. That’s how I ended up poisoned last time.

The woman steps back, raising her hands. She dressed like the others working here. “The library is closing for the day,” she says.

“Already?” Without clocks and no light from outside, I can’t tell the time. Although, now that I’m not focused on my research, my stomach is complaining.

I look at the empty seats. I’d have expected Brandon to be back before now.

“Thanks.” I stand and send the books to the library’s inventory. “I can see myself out,” I tell her when she doesn’t leave.

“I have to escort you. We can’t have anyone hiding to remain behind.”

The papers go back in the journal, that and the stylus in my inventory. “Keep your distances, then.” No point arguing. Although I almost do when she leads me toward the main entrance, instead of the side one. I guess that Brandon’s warning about it only counts with getting in.

I pull the hood up before stepping outside, then go around the market to reach the road. I feel the urge to equip my sword anytime I pass someone. I imagine eyes on me the entire way, especially once the club is in sight.

I make it inside without being accosted, and the tension leaving my body is almost painful. I head for the bar, since I don’t see Brandon, Helen, or Silver.

“Do you know where Brandon is?” I ask Malcolm once he’s done handing the server drinks.

“He came in earlier, said to tell you that if he wasn’t back for dinner, he’d found someone for company.”

Of course he did. “Thanks. Did he tell you about us being followed right out of the club yesterday?”

He nods. “I’ve had people patrolling. They’ve had to give a few reminders that the club and its patrons are off limits. It won’t protect you once you leave the area, but it means you can walk to the buildings around here without worrying about being jumped.”

I head to the rooming house across the road and still imagine being watched. It distracts me from the fact I don’t know which room Silver and Helen are in until I’m inside, but then I see them at a table in the foyer.

“Brandon’s not with you?” Silver asked.

“He had things to deal with,” I reply. “Let Malcolm know he might not be back until late.”

“Is he okay?”

Helen snorts. “Knowing him, we won’t be able to shut him up about his conquests when we have breakfast.”

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If you want to watch me write, Every Thursday, I work on this story on my Twitch Follow me on Twitch to Twitter to be notified of the times:

If you want to read ahead, as well as get access to bonus information, My Patron,, is multiple chapters ahead even at the lowest tier, and the support helps ensure I can work with a minimum of real-life interruption.