CHAPTER 39 – Second special exam. Part 4.
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CHAPTER 39 - Second special exam. Part 4.

My delicious lunch is running out of time. I won't show any mercy. I'll enjoy devouring his body without any mercy. Ah, I'm bored, aren't I? I miss Yuki. I got too used to her presence. I like being alone, I'm not complaining, but I'd rather be with Yuki... Ah... Well, I'll enjoy the food as much as I can.

I took a bite of my triple bread sandwich with sausages instead of ham. Ah, and I can't forget the chocolate drink. I think I should stop eating so much at school, they'll soon suspect why I don't gain weight despite eating so much. Well, my only excuse is to say that I exercise a lot, although that will be unbelievable considering that my muscle mass doesn't increase.

I'll think of something later, for now, I'll enjoy my meal in peace...

"I already told you no! You're disgusting!"

Ah, that's Naima's voice. She almost shouted. Mmm... On one hand, I want to see, but I don't want her to think I'm a gossip.

I closed my eyes. I won't see, but I'll listen.

"C-can't we start as friends?"

Ah, I see, someone confessed to her. I'm not the only one with that plan, huh? Well, Naima is quite popular, she has many friends in other classes (although most of her friends are just as rude as she is). She has a high rank in popularity. And she's pretty. It shouldn't surprise me that many guys are after her... Well, not many really. Her personality drives men away. No one wants a girlfriend who's as rude and violent as Naima. Ah, and there are also rumors that she stays away from men and doesn't talk to any man. She has no male friends, which decreases her popularity with men but increases her popularity with women. But that's not true, she doesn't talk to boring people, she doesn't care if you're a man or a woman, she'll only talk to you if you're interesting. How am I so sure of that? Well, because of this.

"You disgust me, stay away from me!"

Ah, she punched that guy in the face. Bad move, Naima. I feel the guy's anger all the way here.

From the guy's tone of voice, he's a pervert. I can feel his lust. That's disgusting and boring for Naima, it was obvious she wouldn't be interested in someone like him.

"You damn bitch!!"

Wow. He tried to hit her, but she caught his fist and kicked him so hard in the groin that he was left crying on the ground.

"Tsk. I'll go wash my hands."

... Well... Ah...

I opened my eyes.

"She's perfect."

She knows how to defend herself and she's not intimidated... Wow... I'm really starting to...

"H-hi, Saik."

Ah... Sylphie. How did she find me? My secret spot is not so secret anymore... Ah, right, I've eaten here with Sylphie before.


Sylphie is a nice girl, but honestly, I can't see her as a woman. I'm not attracted to her... Or am I afraid she'll betray me? If only she weren't so shy.

"How did it go in the student council? Are you in trouble?"

"No, on the contrary, I achieved one of my goals. I managed to get the vice president expelled from his position. Akito is no longer the vice president of the student council. One step closer to getting him expelled."

"Really?! That's awesome! C-congratulations, Saik! H-how did you do it?"

"It was actually quite simple."

I talked to Sylphie during lunch hour. Well, at least I didn't get bored while eating, but I prefer to eat with Yuki, it's more fun to talk to her.

I don't feel as comfortable talking to humans.

We went back to our classroom and classes progressed without any problem. The only difference is that my classmates found out that I managed to get Akito removed from his position as vice-president, so I felt a lot of eyes on me during class.

But oh well, I'll do what I always do, ignore all that.

The end of the day came and I was about to escape while Ram packed her things, but unfortunately, she knew my intentions and spoke to me.

"You're not planning on escaping your duties, are you?"

"No, I was just going to go home and sleep."

"That's escaping your duties."

"No, it's just forgetting about my duties."

I went back to Ram and sighed.

"Alright, let's study. Bell, call Evelyn and Naok. We don't have much time."

Ah, how lazy.

I approached Sylphie and yawned. I'm sleepy. I was planning to sleep for an hour, but oh well, can't avoid being taken advantage of.

"Hey, Sylphie, Naok, Bell, and Evelyn will join us. I hope you don't mind."

"N-no, it's okay."

Studying... Ah, my old enemy, but my new friend. Life is a mystery.

(Pov- Kaeyko.)

"Y-you shouldn't have done that! You're bleeding!"

"Don't worry about it."

I got myself into trouble again. They were making fun of Dulce just for being overweight. Tsk. Such nonsense. But aggressive people will always find something to mock others about.

At least I protected her honor. Dulce has been kind to me, and I won't let anyone take advantage of her.

"T-thank you for helping me, Kaeyko."

"It was nothing."

Dulce began wiping the blood from my nose with a handkerchief.

"You should go to the nurse's office."

It's not necessary. My body heals quickly. I think it's because of my good nutrition and because I exercise constantly. Having a healthy body has its advantages.

"I'll be fine, don't worry. Let's go."


Dulce and I left the school. Being accompanied doesn't feel so bad. Well, I feel comfortable because I know Dulce is a good person, but I really prefer not to relate to anyone. I don't trust people.

"So... Are you ready for the exam in the Capital?"

"It's not that difficult. I doubt the school will let us go without studying for three weeks, so we'll receive a couple of hours of virtual classes and only work for 5 hours. I don't think the school will make us work 8 hours, let alone give us a hard or complicated task. The island test will assess if we are capable of making decisions that help us survive. The camp test will evaluate teamwork. And the Capital test is a mix of both."

"Yes, I think the same. Fortunately, I also got the Capital. I couldn't survive on the island. And I'm not very sociable, so it would be difficult to be in the camp."

Not sociable? You talk to me without any problems. That's strange.

Dulce is an intelligent girl. I hope to have her help in the Capital.

And I don't know why they make fun of her, Dulce is pretty... Well, at least she is to me.

(Pov-- Saik.)

Ah... Sylphie, with all due respect, you were an idiot when I met you. It took a lot of effort, but you stopped being an idiot and now you're... Mmm... I'd say you're average. You still have a long way to go to be intelligent. You have talent for drawing, if you dedicate yourself to graphic design you won't need to be as intelligent in math or history. Your intelligence is based more on the arts.

But these three idiots... Naok, Bell, and Evelyn... These three idiots are true idiots.

"For the fifth time, put that damn phone away and pay attention," said Ram, tired of Evelyn's attitude.

"Tsk. You're a nuisance, idiot."

Evelyn, in particular, is the leader of the idiots. A group of troublesome girls. Well, I'm not sure if she's the leader, they all act the same, but I'll consider her the leader for being the biggest idiot.

And she doesn't smell of innocence. She seems like the type of girl who doesn't care about her future and just wants to have fun. I wonder if she's a virgin. I mean, she acts like a slut... Or at least I think so. I don't know how easy girls act. I shouldn't judge people by their appearance. Maybe she looks like an idiot, but deep down she's a pure and innocent girl.

Well, I doubt it. Tan skin, blouse unbuttoned, bra visible, and considering her breasts are very large, that's just distracting Naok and Bell. Ludius decided to join us to study, but for some reason, he's not distracted by Evelyn's breasts. Well done, Ludius. Breasts are temporary, studying comes first.

And Sylphie is looking at me. She probably thinks I'm looking at Evelyn's breasts. I've seen naked breasts since I was 7, something like that doesn't surprise me.

And Naok and Bell's performance is so low, it's pathetic. Naok is a nice person, I admit, but he gets distracted very easily and doesn't even memorize a simple line he just read. Bell is the same case, but only because he's distracted by breasts.

How do I get these idiots to study?

"Give me that damn phone."

"Eh? Why would I give it to you?"

"It's a distraction. Give it to me."

"Tsk. I don't even know why I agreed to be here. Bye."

She got up from her seat.

We'll lose 50 class points for each expelled student. Giving positive points is prohibited. I promised Sylphie that I would help her get to class A, but if the situation continues like this, Evelyn will be expelled and our efforts will be in vain, we'll be at a disadvantage.

We'll be in class A if our exam results are good, but we could even go down if we fail.

I can guarantee a 100 on my own, but Sylphie would barely reach a score of 60, and Naok, Bell, and Evelyn are worse than her.

I could use a legendary ghost, but no, I won't cheat. I'm trying to get to class A without having to use them. I'm becoming intelligent. I use the legendary ghosts to maintain my position as the best in the class, but in the future, I won't need to use them anymore. I promised my mother that I would be the best, and that's what I'll be.

I'll be the best and I won't cheat.

Ah, I must do something drastic. I'll sacrifice my free time.

"Beach, a 5-star hotel, and elegant food," I said.

Evelyn stopped and turned to me.

"What are you saying, weirdo?"

"If all of we pass the exam with more than 60 points, I'll take you on vacation to the city of Solerk92."

"V-vacation?" said Sylphie.

That city is one of the most important tourist destinations in the country. The city is rich in history, and its traditions and customs attract a lot of attention from foreigners and nationals alike. Beach, the largest aquarium in the country, an amusement park, museums, blah, blah, blah.

I've visited it before with my parents and alone. That's where legendary ghost number 58 lived. I remember I destroyed part of the beach, and people thought it was caused by a meteorite.

Ah, that ghost broke my face, but I came out victorious in the end.

"Tsk. Are you trying to convince me with that?"

"Do you know the 'Alvanem Rosa' hotel?"

"What...? Haha. It's impossible for you to get a reservation there. They only receive millionaires and famous people."

That hotel is very, very expensive. Why? All its services are 5-star quality. Elegant food, includes a tour guide, among other things that rich and elegant people like.

So many famous movies have been filmed there that it has become another tourist destination in the city.

"I can get the reservation. I'll pay for everything."

"Y-you're lying."

"Let me make a call."

I took out my phone and searched for a number... Mmm... Here it is.

I hope he remembers me.


I put it on speakerphone.

I doubt this idiot will say anything problematic while we're on the phone. We can talk without problems. He'll go along with me.

"Hello. Yes, I'm Saik, Dr. Norsai's son."

My last name. My name is Saik Norsai. Norsai, even though it's short, I like my last name, but I prefer Saik.

"Yes. I haven't heard from you in years! And I'm so sorry for your parents' deaths."

"Don't worry, thank you. Can you say your full name? My classmates don't believe I know you."

"Oh, sure. My name is Nergio Alvanem Rosa. Nice to meet you."

Everyone's surprised faces are amusing. It's always good to have contacts.

"I need two rooms in your hotel. We'll go next Friday and leave on Sunday night. We'll have a little vacation, and we need a hotel. There are four boys and three girls."

"Oh, of course! No problem. And don't worry about the price, it's free."


"Your mother helped me in the past, now I'll help her son."

Nice lie.

"Thank you. Send me the reservation to my number."

"Give me a couple of minutes."

"Thank you. Take care. We'll see each other soon."

"Yes, I'll be waiting for you."

I hung up.

"Well. I got reservations, and they're free. Of course, if you don't believe me, they'll soon send me the reservations. On the hotel's website, we can confirm our reservations."

"S-Saik, who are you really?" said Ludius.

"Getting reservations so easily and without paying anything... Are you some kind of millionaire?!" said Evelyn, with dark interests behind those words.

"No, my mother was an important doctor, she had important friends. I'm just taking advantage of the kindness of those friends. I'm poor, my parents were the rich ones, not me.

"B-but... Is it okay for all of us to go?" said Sylphie.

"Don't worry, Sylphie. We'll all go... Well, all those who pass the exam with more than 60 points. The one who fails, not only will be expelled, but also won't be able to enjoy a short, but relaxing and fun vacation. So, Evelyn, will you go or will you stay to study?

Evelyn hesitated for a few seconds, but finally agreed to stay and put away her phone.

"Alright, let's study."

(Pov- Nergio.)

Ahhhhhhh!! The master is coming!! I must not disappoint him!

I must meet his expectations. I won't let him down! Master, he will be proud of my results!

"I don't care that Prince Kai wants those rooms, they're already reserved for my guests! I won't change my mind!"

I hung up the call. My master is the most important person in the world to me, I don't care if some shitty prince wants those rooms!

Master, how much will have changed?

(Pov- Ram.)

Everyone packed up their things and left, except for Sylphie and Saik, who are still here.

I wanted to talk to Saik alone, but I doubt Sylphie wants to leave the boy she likes.

It's very obvious that she looks at him with love in her eyes. Well, I don't blame her. She is a loner and fell in love with the first person she considered a friend. She's a pretty easy girl.

"Saik, you did a good job today. You managed to get the trio of idiots to study."

"When people are offered a reward if they achieve a goal, the juicier the reward, the more effort they will make to get it. I just gave them an incentive."

Yes, even I, who am sure I will pass the exam with over 90, worked twice as hard studying as I usually do. Why? Because I want to go on vacation. That hotel is not just a tourist destination, it's a place that few people in the world can afford. And we got free reservations. What kind of idiot wouldn't take advantage of this opportunity?

At first, Saik refused to help, and when he agreed, I thought he would help without enthusiasm because he felt obligated, but not only is he giving them a reward for their efforts, he's also helping them study. His way of teaching is simply amazing. Even an idiot like Evelyn understood him. Saik would be a great teacher.

"I didn't make a mistake with you, Saik. You're someone cold, but you'll be a great ally. I hope to count on you in the future."

"I'd rather not. It's too much hassle."

"Fufu. Whether you like it or not, I'll count on you. Goodbye."

Saik, a boy who surpasses me in everything. A difficult challenge. I don't know if I'll be able to catch up to you, but I won't give up.

(Pov- Sylphie.)

I-incredible. Saik got reservations at such an expensive and elegant hotel, just so we can study and work hard.

W-wait... Now that I realize it, if I pass the exam, I'll go on vacation with Saik and the others... Vacation with friends... This is the first time this has happened to me.

My life really changed when I met Saik... Wait... We're going to the beach... S-Saik will see me in a swimsuit!

A-and I think I gained a little weight. I have to exercise when I get home!

"Hey, Sylphie, I'll stay here a little longer, you can go without me."

Ah... I really wanted to accompany Saik, but I have to make dinner.

"S-sure. See you tomorrow, Saik."

"See you tomorrow, Sylphie."

I packed my things and got up.

Saik will keep studying... Saik seems perfect, a prodigy, but he works hard to achieve what he wants. A guy who fights to reach his goals... I really like that side of him.

... I really like Saik, huh? I'm not ashamed to admit it anymore.

(Pov- Saik.)

"Hey, number 31, you know what to do."

Number 31 appeared in front of me and sat on the table.

"Hehe. And my pay?"

"What do you want? A kiss?"

She put her right foot on my face.

"I want you to lick my foot."

I licked her foot and she turned completely red.

"Uwaaaah! Did you really do it?! You didn't even hesitate!"

"I'm in a hurry."

"Hehe. You're not shy at all, honey. I love it!"

She disappeared. Well, I'll stay a little longer so as not to raise suspicions.

But I won't study this book, I already memorized it. I need another one.

I got up from my table... Hmm... No... I already read those... Oh, it's her.

The blind girl is trying to reach a book. She memorized the locations of the books, huh? It surprises me.


I lowered the book for her and she took it with her hands.

"Thank you very much."

Oh, it's the novel "Dark Summer". A book that tells the story of Joe, a little boy who has to survive with his little sister. They travel throughout the country in search of their father. A dark story. The mother cheated on the father, as she slept with men for money and pleasure. Her greed reached its peak when she sold her own daughter to an older man. The man was about to steal the little girl's innocence, but Joe arrived and killed the man with a rock. It's one of the few books that made me feel empathy for its characters.

"Excellent taste, although the ending is quite sad."

I tried to walk away, but she took my arm.

"Wait. Have you read it already?"

"Yes. Why?"

"It's the first time I meet someone who has read it. Can we sit down and talk about the book? I don't know anyone else who reads books and I would like to talk to someone about this book."

Sharing and discussing books is something that some people enjoy doing. I don't feel any ulterior motives in her words, she just wants to talk about the book with someone.

"You already read it? I don't want to give you any spoilers."

"Yes, more than three times."

"Then let's sit down."

(Pov- Yuki.)

Ahhhhhhhh! I'm hungry! Saik, you're taking too long to get home!

I feel like a mother going after her mischievous child.

The school is about to close and he's still here. How am I so sure? Because his sweets are still in his locker.

He's probably in the library with Sylphie.

I arrived at the library. Hmm... No... No... I found him!

Oh, he's talking to a girl. A blind girl.

Well, well... They seem to be having a good time... Why do I feel weird...? I don't know.

I approached them.

"The author wanted to give it a realistic ending, but it was so depressing that I simply refused to believe that was the ending."

"Yes, I agree. It was realistic, but such a harsh ending wasn't really necessary. Even if it had a happy ending, the book would still be equally entertaining."

"Yes, yes, I feel the same way."

"What makes this book good is how the protagonist gradually becomes more mature and always comes up with strategies to get out of his problems and keep his little sister safe. And let's not forget that cute sibling bond they had. Not like those incestuous books that are consumed today."

"Yes, yes. That's what I loved about the work. Although it's unrealistic to think that a simple child can evade criminals and even kill them, the characters and emotions they convey are very realistic."

They're talking about a book, huh? I hope they don't take much longer, I'm starving.

I sat on the table and yawned. I hope they don't take much longer.

Although... I still don't know why I feel so weird just by seeing Saik talking so much with that girl... Why do I feel weird? I don't know.

(Pov- Saik.)

I yawned and scratched my arm. Ah, it's already nighttime. I'm running late. I'm so sleepy. I talked with Okaina, the blind girl from class A for a long time. She's quite nice. Her personality is calm. It's relaxing to talk to someone like her.

"What do you want for dinner today, Yuki?"

"I want a hot dog!"

"Me too. One with triple sausage. Bacon. Lots of avocado. Ah, and lots of mustard and ketchup."

"My mouth is watering! Let's go eat!"

"I think there's no bread. Let's buy the bread."

We arrived at the store where Iris works. She's probably already at home... Ah... Wow... There's a strange wooden doll on the counter... But... This is weird.

"Here's the bread, Saik!"

Yes... It's fine.

I took the bread and placed it on the counter.

I paid and left the store. That doll was physical, I couldn't take it with me, but I wanted to. That doll was not normal.

How do I know? Because it's following me.

I stopped and turned back. The doll is on a trash can.

"What do you see, Saik?"

"Nothing, I was thinking if I had forgotten to buy something... Mmm... I don't think so."

We continued on our way. I don't want to scare Yuki.

We arrived home.

"Yuki, wrap the sausages with bacon."

"Leave it to me!"

I went upstairs and entered the bathroom... Alright...

"Now we can talk."

The light bulb went out, and when it came back on, the wooden doll appeared on the sink.

"You're the famous Saik, owner of the legendary ghosts. If the stories I've heard about you are true, I must admit it's an honor to meet you."

"Who are you?"

"I have no name, everyone calls me 'the wooden doll'. You can call me that or whatever makes you feel comfortable."

"So, wooden doll, what do you want from me?"

"You're the famous Saik, the only human who not only managed to get the legendary ghosts before turning 9, but also defeated the 100th legendary ghost. The human without feelings. Not only did you let all those ghost hunters die, you didn't care about their deaths. A human without feelings."

"I told them I wouldn't protect them, they died because of their stupidity."

"I just wanted to meet you. We will meet again soon. It's not a goodbye, but a see you soon."

The light bulb went out again, and when it came back on, the doll was gone... That's two mysterious people who know my identity. A man and a wooden doll. What exactly is the Ghost Goddess planning? Can't she wait for me to graduate before trying to kill me?

Ah... I hate my life.

After dinner, I couldn't bear the sleepiness anymore and lay down on my comfortable bed. Ah... Tomorrow will be another day. I really hope my class reaches Class A. I mean, we have 200 class points currently. According to my research, we're in first place, but that could change with the exam results. I hope my efforts won't be in vain. I even sacrificed my free time for them. I hope it's worth it.

"Tomorrow will be another day."

(Pov- Kaeyko.)

Ah... Having dinner alone is so pleasant. The dinners I had with my family were uncomfortable. My younger sister and mother kept bothering me, trying to talk to me. Their voices were annoying.

But now I live alone. Nobody will bother me.

"I'm full," I said to myself.

I washed the dirty dishes and lay down on my bed. I have become a complete loner... Well, to be honest, I'm too lonely, but it can't be helped. I have no friends and I hate my family. Ah... Will my situation ever change? I don't know.

Huh? Someone's knocking on the door.

I got up from the bed and opened the door. Oh crap, she almost gave me a heart attack. I'm slowly getting used to Sylvie's presence, but she still looks terrifying.

"G-g-good evening, Kaeyko."

She's trembling too much. She's quite nervous. She's also a loner, but unlike me, I'm a loner because I want to be, and she's a loner because she's afraid to socialize. People judge her by her terrifying appearance. Judging without knowing the person... Ah, I hate that. I think that's why I can talk to her without any problems. I feel identified with Sylvie.

"Good evening, Sylvie. What can I do for you?"

"W-w-well... Ah... I-I have a n-new v-v-video game. Would you like to play a b-bit?"

I see. Trying to socialize, huh?

"Sure. It's still too early."

She smiled at me. She probably thought I would reject her. I don't judge people without knowing them, Sylvie, and I know you're a good person.

"I won!"

"Y-y-you're really g-g-good, Kaeyko."

"Thank you very much."

We've been playing for over three hours. I admit I'm a bit sleepy, but playing with another person is more fun than I imagined. Sylvie is a fun person and it's nice to talk to her. You really can't judge someone by their appearance.

... Huh? I feel a slight shiver run through my entire body... I feel weird.

Ah, it's probably just my imagination.

"Fufu. Kaeyko, you'll be my new toy."

The little girl who tormented Sylvie was burning a photo of Kaeyko, while laughing like any generic villain.

"Don't disappoint me."

(Pov- Saik.)

Tuesday, a new day of class began. The exams will start next week, and we have this week to prepare. Evelyn, Naok, and Bell are the only ones in danger of expulsion. Sylphie, who was originally the worst in the class, surpassed them thanks to me and Noel, who helped me teach Sylphie. She'll be safe.

"I'm thirsty, Saik," she said.

"Me too. Let's buy something to drink."

Yuki decided to accompany me to school today. She said she doesn't want to stop coming to school with me. She'll go to school with Sumi today and with me tomorrow. One day with Sumi, and the other with me. I like the idea because I feel comfortable with Yuki. She knows more about common sense than I do. Her advice on how to talk to others will help me today.

We arrived at the store, and I bought two bottles of lemon water.

I left them on the counter and yawned.

"Good morning, Saik."

"Good morning, Iris. Ah, I'm so sleepy... How are you?"

"I'm fine, thanks for asking. Sylphie already told me you invited her on vacation. Thank you very much, Saik."

"Although I admit I did that to get everyone to study. Of course, you're also invited. It'll only be for a weekend. We can't miss classes."

"Ah, I really want to go, but I have work. But thank you very much for the invitation. Sylphie has been very nervous and studied all night. She really wants to go on that trip."

"I doubt Sylphie will have any problems with the exam. Her results have improved quite a bit. All Sylphie needed was to be in a calm and problem-free environment. Sylphie is a smart girl, and she's proving it."

"Yes... Sylphie told me what you did for her. You protected her from the girls who were hitting her... Fufu. I have no doubt she's in love with you."

"Although I don't want her to be, I just want to be her friend."

"Eh? Just her friend?"

"Sylphie is a good friend, but I can't see her in any other way. I've never fallen in love, and I doubt I ever will. I can't fall in love... I shouldn't... Well, I have to go. See you tomorrow."

"Hey... Saik, if Sylphie wants to go out with you, will you reject her?"

"Yes. My parents told me that I should only go out with someone I like, and I've never liked anyone... And I can't waste time with things like that... But life is a mystery. Maybe I'll end up liking Sylphie, or maybe I'll like another girl. Ah, I don't know... Well, it's too early to think about that."

"Yes, you're still very young. Someday you'll find love. And if you like Sylphie, I'll give you my support."

"Yes, young..."

And I'll die young.