CHAPTER 40 - Second Special Exam. Part 5.
I arrived at school. I would say it will be a normal day like any other, but the stares I was receiving from students had become more intense. Well, after all, I managed to make Akito step down as vice president. From what I investigated, Akito was quite important to students in classes A and B. Thanks to him, students were in those classes. He made sure the best students moved up. For students in classes C, D, and E, it was an eternal competition. If they proved worthy of being in class B and A, Akito collected positive points so they could change classes.
But now that it's no longer allowed to give positive points, Akito has lost too much importance, especially after being dismissed from the student council. He is now a simple student in class A. A student who has me as his enemy.
Well, for now, I'll focus on making the trio of idiots less idiotic.
"Saik, Saik, they really hate you."
Second and third-year students hate me. Why? Those students who were in classes A, B, and C hate me because class points will matter more now. Positive points will only be used to reward students for their efforts. With those points, students can buy exam answers, protection points, and can change classes. Positive points reward individual effort, but class points will reward group effort. Classes need to be united in groups and, of course, have a trusted leader. Why is a leader needed? To maintain order, propose ideas, blah, blah, blah. Without a leader, keeping a class united will be difficult, and different factions will form. A leader is needed, someone who has the trust of others, is neutral in problems, and focuses on giving and collecting ideas.
Who is the leader of class B? Of course, it's Ram, not Saoto. Saoto will be the figure who attracts attention, someone who receives the trust of others, but Ram will be the true leader, the brain of the class. Ram has what it takes to make strong but safe decisions. If it's necessary to sacrifice someone to move forward, Ram will do it. Saoto wouldn't do that; he's too good, and that's bad. If he infects others with his idea that we are all equally important and that we must make sure no one is expelled, our class will be in trouble.
I don't care what Saoto says or does; I won't give away my protection point, and I'll make sure Sylphie doesn't give it to him either. But if Sylphie gives Saoto the protection point, ignoring what I said, I'll stop talking to her and change classes, breaking the promise I made to Noel. I'm someone who keeps my promises, but I won't waste time with people who can't say no.
"Eh? Saik, where are you going? We already passed your classroom."
"I have to visit someone."
I have a question.
I arrived at the student council room and knocked on the door.
"Come in."
The secretary's voice.
I entered the student council room and received a hostile look from the secretary, whose name I don't like. "Katarina." I don't like it; I'll call her "Kat"... No, better not. If I call her by nicknames, she'll think I consider her someone trustworthy. They are my enemies; we will be enemies.
Katarina, the big guy, and the president are the only people in this place. That guy is looking at me with that bored expression, but I feel like he's a little curious about me. The president just greets me kindly with her hand, it doesn't even seem like we're enemies. And the ghost following the president hides behind her, trembling in fear. Well, I'm used to ghosts being afraid of me. Most ghosts can't differentiate me from other humans, only ghosts in this world corrupted by negative feelings can feel my presence because they are more sensitive to human emotions. She can differentiate me from normal humans because my body is very different from the bodies of normal humans. When I say my body is rare, I mean it literally. I could kill her, but I'd rather avoid suspicion, considering that I'm being watched.
"Good morning, Saik. What brings you here?"
"I would like to request information. As members of the student council, you are required to give me that information."
"And that aggression?"
"I'm preventing you from denying me information, considering that your secretary is looking at me with hatred."
"Former secretary. Let me introduce you to the new vice president. I suppose you already know her. She's Katarina, in class 2-A."
Ah, they've replaced Akito, huh? A superior second-year. I see. She's also in class A. I wonder if all student council members are in class A. It seems like being in the student council guarantees a promotion to class A, or maybe the student council recruits students from class A to maintain their status.
Well, whatever. I don't care about that.
"T-That ghost scares me, Saik."
Don't worry, Yuki. She's afraid of me, not you. Nothing will happen.
"I would like to know the situation of the second and third-year classes regarding the new class points. You are used to the positive point system. What is different now that the class point system is applied?"
"Heh. Are you planning something again?"
"I need the information to plan new strategies to expel Akito. Now that I'm prohibited from betting, I need other ways to do it."
"Akito was publicly humiliated and was dismissed as vice president. Will you still pursue your plan to expel him?" said Katarina.
"The humiliation had nothing to do with me, and I don't care that Akito was fired. I promised to expel him, and I will."
"Wow, Saik, so sadistic! I love that side of you, although it also scares me," said Yuki.
The president remained silent for a few seconds and approached me.
"The total positive points we had were transformed into class points. We still have the same advantage we had before. The only ones affected were the first-years, as they were all given the same amount of class points, although that equality disappeared when they were given class points for the special exam. The first-years are still new to the school, so the system change did not affect them as much. For us, who are used to the positive point system, this new system is more annoying, but it also allows us to have new experiences. A new system means new special exams."
I see. Mmm... I sense that those who are used to individuality will have trouble adapting to the group system. From what I've seen in Ludius' training sessions, Akito is very used to playing alone most of the time. How do I know? I asked Ludius, and I realized it by the way the others play. When he missed class, the others, in Ludius' words, played the same as always, and it wasn't noticeable that the captain was absent. I won't deny that Akito is intelligent and a good soccer player, but only individually. He is not capable of playing as a team.
"Yes... I see..."
That could work.
"Thank you very much, Madam President. See you."
"Akito is still a student in my class. I don't care what you try, I will do what is necessary to prevent his expulsion."
"Yes, I know. If I manage to expel him, it means that you failed as a leader, and that's exactly what I want to achieve."
"Well, well. Two birds with one stone, huh?"
"Exactly. Goodbye."
I left the student council room.
"Wow... Wow... Saik, you're amazing! You're challenging the person who controls the second and third year groups, and you do it without hesitation. Great! Let me help you, it sounds fun!"
"Of course you'll help me. We're a team, after all."
"That's the spirit!"
Akito, I don't hate you, and I don't care about you. You've suffered enough, anyone would think so, but I don't care. I gave you a chance, but you didn't take it.
"There's no turning back now."
The first classes went smoothly. During lunch, I ate with Sylphie and the rest. Naok, Ludius, and Bell stuck to us like flies, but I can't and don't want to complain. I want to turn Sylphie into an independent person, make her friends and reduce her shyness. I also have to do something about her low self-esteem. Making her intelligent is the first step.
Yuki gave up eating at school, so she eats secretly behind me.
Another day of classes went by, nothing interesting happened... Well, something did happen. Evelyn has been flirting with me, but I don't pay attention to her. She thinks I'm a millionaire and approaches me with dark intentions. I ignore her flirtatious attempts and pretend I didn't see her. Ah, and today I met a side of Sylphie that I didn't know: jealous/angry Sylphie. The looks she gave Evelyn were of fury. She hid it very well, I think I was the only one who noticed. Sylphie acted normally, but she was clearly angry and jealous.
Honestly, I don't care. I plan to fall in love with Naima, so Sylphie must be prepared to give up her feelings for me.
She's not in love with me, she's just grateful for what I do for her. She's confusing gratitude with love... Or so I think. As I've said before, I don't know women that well.
Well, anyway, study hour is over, so I can leave.
Or so I wanted to do, but I have to help a classmate.
Everyone went home, and I lied to Sylphie telling her I would stay longer at the library so she would go without me. If I keep accompanying her home, she might misinterpret my actions.
And when I went into the bathroom to wash my face, I heard the voice of a certain classmate and laughter from some guys.
Yuki and I decided to investigate because he seemed to be suffering, and...
"Saik, Saik, we have to help him."
Ludius is being beaten by some members of the soccer club, led by Akito.
Yuki takes my hand while looking at me with that sad and worried expression. She knows me perfectly and knows that I don't like to get involved in matters that have nothing to do with me, that's why she thinks I won't help Ludius. Don't worry, Yuki, I'll help Ludius. Considering that Akito is also hitting Ludius, this does have to do with me.
"I'll help him."
Yuki changed her expression and smiled at me. Well, I was going to defend him just because Akito was involved, but now that Yuki gave me that adorable smile, I'll do it just to make Yuki happy.
I started recording with my phone and left it on the ground, pointing at them. I'm hiding behind a wall, and Yuki is watching for me, so they didn't notice my presence.
I came out of my hiding place and approached them.
"Hey, bullying is prohibited. You should stop, or I'll have to stop you."
Five guys, including Akito. Easy.
"Look, here we have Saik, the idiot who ruined my life!"
Hey, hey, hey... Well, I guess I can't deny it. I sent 31 to make you go to the bathroom in front of everyone. I can take that action as my fault, but it was your fault to try to blame me for something I didn't do. You lost your job because you're an idiot, but I'd rather accept that it was me. It's more satisfying to think that someone popular lost everything because of me.
"Thanks, it's quite an honor to be the one who ruined your life. Well, not really, I don't care."
It's true, I don't even care about what happens to others. As long as I'm okay, others don't matter to me.
I looked at Ludius on the ground, blood on his lips and vomit. They hit him in the stomach, huh?
"Ludius, face or stomach? Pick, please."
"Mmm. I think it'll be both."
I stood in front of Akito.
"Well... I guess you hit Ludius for being my friend."
Well, I have to admit that I don't consider anyone a friend, only Yuki, and a little bit, but very little, Sylphie.
"You know you can't beat me, that's why you hit him, huh? That's very pathetic, even for you, Akito."
I extended my hand to them.
"Well, why don't we talk it out? I don't want to hit and humiliate you."
"Is this guy okay in the head?"
"We're 5 against 1. Don't feel so confident, idiot!"
One of his friends tried to hit me in the face. His speed is so slow for me that I could dodge it without any problem, but...
I took the hit and fell to the ground.
"Hahahaha! So easy?!"
They started laughing at me, not knowing that I did this on purpose.
I slowly got up.
"Can't we just talk it out?"
He hit me again, this time in the stomach. He hit me again in the face, and I fell to the ground.
"Are you serious? I expected more from you."
"Let's finish him off."
They fell easily, huh? You still disappoint me, Akito.
"Well, my turn."
I pushed myself up with my arms and body and got up from the ground.
He tried to hit me again, but his movement is so slow that I don't have to make any effort to dodge it. I dodged it, took his arm and pulled him towards me. I headbutted him in the face and kneed him in the stomach. Mmm. I kneed him again, just for revenge for the hit.
Two others tried to hit me at the same time, I moved forward and dodged their hits. I raised both arms and gave them hard blows to the head.
The three fell to the ground. One of the ones still standing started throwing senseless punches, he's desperate, so I took advantage and kicked him in the stomach. He tried to fall to the ground, probably to pretend he can't take it anymore, but I didn't allow it. I took his left arm and pulled him towards me, while he was almost on the ground. Thanks to the fact that I grabbed him when his head almost touched the ground, I could pull him towards me and hit him in the face with my knee, breaking his nose.
I exaggerated with my strength with the boys I hit in the head, so there's no need to hit them anymore.
Only Akito is left standing.
"Okay, it's your turn now."
I looked into Akito's eyes and he started to move away from me. I feel his fear.
"I-it's impossible."
Two of these guys were very, very strong. He was too confident because of that.
"This is for Ludius."
One, two, three, four, five, six, and seven.
Seven hits to the face, stomach, and chest.
He fell to the ground, groaning in agony.
"I won."
I turned to Ludius, who was trying to get up from the ground.
I offered him my hand.
"Sorry for getting you into trouble."
"No. It's not your fault. Thank you very much for defending me."
He took my hand and got up from the ground.
"Wow... I couldn't even handle one, but you defeated them all."
"As long as you know how to dodge, this is pretty easy."
"Now we're going to get into trouble."
"They hit you first, I came and they tried to hit me too, I tried to talk, but they didn't want to, so I had no choice but to defend myself. We're the victims, don't worry. By the way, why did they hit you? Just because you're my friend?"
"No, Akito wanted me to take you to a secluded place so they could hit you. I refused, so they hit me instead."
Wow... Ludius is the type of person who wouldn't betray a friend. I think having him on my side is a good idea.
"Let's go to the infirmary."
"Yes, thank you very much."
Ludius leaned on me. He endured quite a beating. I'll buy you a dessert later, Ludius.
I went back to Yuki.
"Well done, Saik! You were amazing! Those idiots won't dare mess with you anymore!"
I hope so.
I picked up my phone and saved the recording. It won't serve me for extortion, but at least it will serve me to defend myself if they accuse me.
Fortunately, Ludius didn't suffer anything serious, he will only be sore for a few days. The others were unconscious and are resting in the infirmary. Obviously, the teacher scolded me, but I showed her the recording and neither I nor the class will receive any punishment. It was in self-defense, I even tried to talk it out, so it was justified. They will be in trouble. Three of them are in Class A and two are in Class B. Class points will be affected by Akito and the others' behavior.
On the other hand, I received 5 positive points for a contribution to society, defending someone defenseless. Well, considering I have 52,032 points, those 5 points won't make me feel any more or less.
I want to expel Akito, but I also want the president to come down off her high horse. She's in Class A. I don't know if I can achieve it, but I'll try to get her to drop down to Class B. I'll help Classes B and C from the shadows to make it happen.
"Do you live far away, Ludius?"
"Don't worry, my family's chauffeur will come for me."
Oh, right, Ludius comes from a wealthy family. With a private chauffeur and all that. I don't feel like walking. Would he take me with him if I ask him?
Well, better not bother him. I'll go to the cinema to buy a ticket for a movie. It will premiere in a month, but I prefer to have the tickets now, I want to see it on opening day.
"They've already come for me. Thanks again for helping me, Saik."
"I should thank you for not betraying my trust. Well, even if you had, the outcome would have been the same."
Akito and the others would have had the same fate, the only difference would be that I would distance myself from Ludius and probably make sure he was expelled. Having a traitor in the class is not a good thing.
"See you tomorrow."
Ludius offered me his hand. This greeting... Ah... Oh, I remember now. Friends bump fists when they greet or say goodbye. How modern. Although my mother always told me to greet with a handshake and be respectful. Mmm... Well, I guess I can leave that kind of behavior to people closer to me.
"See you tomorrow."
We bumped fists and Ludius smiled at me.
He got in the car and drove away.
"Ludius turned out to be a reliable guy, huh? For someone like you, who doesn't trust others, this is a relief, isn't it?"
"I can't deny it."
For future special exams, having Ludius' help would be good. He's smart enough for me not to worry about his results, and he's also someone who doesn't betray his allies. I hope he stays that way in the future.
Well, better not think about that for now. I'll go. I started walking, heading towards my house, to enjoy a delicious meal.
"Hey, hey. Look, brother, it's Saik."
"He's taller in person, sister."
"Twins?" Yuki said.
I wonder if Yuki would like lasagna shaped like pizza. Pizzagna. Combining two delicious foods sounds twice as delicious. I think I have everything I need at home.
"Hey, hey. I think he's ignoring us, brother."
"That's not very polite of him, sister."
"Hey, Saik, why are you ignoring they?"
Oh, right, I have to get to the cinema to buy my ticket... Ah...
"Are you planning to mug me? I thought I was in a safe area of the city."
"Don't ignore us, we just want to talk to you. Isn't that right, brother?"
"Yes, that's just what my sister said. We just want to talk to you, Saik."
They hugged my arms. Ah, how annoying. I wanted to avoid this. The Keeno twins, the leaders of class A. They managed to score 100 points on the entrance exam, surpassing Ram. Ram was elected as the representative because the Keeno twins, like me, refused to give the welcome speech.
The appearances of these twins are almost identical. Both have blonde hair, only the girl has it long. Their eyes are blue and their skin is as white as snow. Are they foreigners?
"Ram and Saoto are the class leaders. Why are you talking to me? Do you really want to mug me?"
"We just want to talk to you."
"You were the only one who managed to get a perfect score on the entrance exam, but that's not all. You managed to expel two third-year students and on Monday you managed to get Akito, whose reputation made him look like a perfect guy, fired from his position as vice president."
"I feel harassed."
"You achieved so much in such a short time."
"Did you think you wouldn't catch our attention?"
"I didn't even think about you two."
Tanya is a girl who uses blackmail to achieve her goals. How will the Keeno twins act? To be honest, I don't care.
"I'm sorry, I have a date with a girl named solitude. Goodbye."
I freed myself from their arms and walked away.
"Our class has 189 class points. Class C has 181. Class D has 197. And class E has 170."
"We admit it took a bit of work to get everyone under control, so we didn't have as much time to get positive points."
"Congratulations on getting the 100 class points in the previous special exam."
Ah, they're following me. I just have to ignore them.
"They are very annoying, Saik."
They really are.
"We investigated every student, and you're the weirdest of them all. Don't you agree, brother?"
"Yes, sister."
Damn rich kids. What gives them the right to investigate me? That's harassment.
"Your grades were below average before high school. How did someone with that history manage to get a perfect score?"
"We're not saying you cheated. Considering everything you've achieved, saying you cheated would be disrespectful."
"But we're curious as to why you decided to show your true potential in high school and not before."
"It's rare for a prodigy like you not to..."
"Don't finish that sentence."
I stopped and turned to look at them. I won't let my damn effort be belittled.
"I'm not a prodigy. I wasn't born with the talent of intelligence. Everything I've achieved is thanks to all those hours of studying. It's thanks to all those nights that I didn't sleep because I was studying. I'm not a prodigy, don't belittle the effort of others by calling them that. Goodbye."
I continued on my way.
"You're not a prodigy, huh?"
"I see... Sister..."
"I know. Goodbye, Saik."
They both kissed me on the cheeks... Both... Ah... Well... They're definitely foreigners.
Don't invade personal space like it's nothing.
They both turned around and walked away from me.
"Fufu. You're not only popular with women, but also with men. Hahahaha!"
Keep laughing, Yuki. Every laugh is one less candy for you.
... Someone is following me... Who is it?
"Saik, you've really earned a lot of enemies. The Keeno twins, Tanya, Akito, the entire student council, and I even think Saoto counts as an enemy too.
And also the Ghost Goddess and her servants. I had more enemies in the past, enemies who could have killed me, so the fact that I have enemies doesn't bother me much. The Keeno twins, Tanya, and Akito are insignificant problems for me. Saoto is just an idiot who thinks it's possible to advance without sacrificing anything or anyone. The president is the only problem I have at school. She has the power to expel me. The president controls the student council and the second and third-year groups, and soon also the first-year groups. I heard that some first-year students joined the student council. I'll have to be careful.
"Wait, Saik. Do you smell what I smell? Tacos!!
Foreign food. Tacos... My Spanish isn't as good as I'd like it to be.
Tacos, huh? Meat in a corn tortilla. I'll eat here. If I like them, I'll buy some from Yuki. I won't waste money on food I don't like.
I entered this food establishment and sat down at one of the tables.
I took the menu... Mmm... Ah...
"Mmm... Taste that red meat and then buy 'tacos de carne asada.' Se ven tan deliciosos!"
Wow. Yuki's Spanish is very good.
"Your Spanish is good, Yuki."
"Fufu. My mother wasn't just beautiful, she was also very intelligent! She mastered more than 5 languages, and she taught me Russian and a little Spanish."
She's not that smart if she got arrested. I would never have been arrested.
I thought Yuki's mother was a bad mother, but Yuki only speaks good things about her. She must have been a great mother. Mine isn't far behind. Despite having a son like me, she always loved me.
The waiter came to us and I ordered our food.
"I hope it doesn't disappoint me."
"Hey, you didn't buy from me!"
"Let me taste them first. If they are good, I will buy more to take home."
The person who was following me entered... Ah, it's Hanako. And that perverted ghost is with her.
"Oh! H-hi, Saik!"
She approached me. Please don't do anything weird to me, perverted ghost.
"Hi, Hanako. Are you alone?"
"Y-yes. I don't have many friends, so I always come to these places alone."
"I see."
She said that so I would feel sorry for her and invite her to eat with me... Or so I suppose, and it's quite likely that that's what it is. Her movements are very strange, I don't know anything about what she's planning.
"Would you like to sit at my table?"
"Can I?! Thank you very much!"
She sat across from me. Wow. Her breasts bounced when she sat down. Is having big breasts uncomfortable? If I were a woman, I wouldn't like to have big breasts, it would be uncomfortable. I couldn't bear the lascivious looks of men.
Surely she hates that, so I have to make sure not to make her uncomfortable.
I combed my hair a little and exposed my eyes, so she could see that I wasn't looking at her lasciviously.
"Why are you combing your hair?"
"So as not to make you uncomfortable."
"Do you feel uncomfortable with a messy guy?"
"Nope, I don't feel uncomfortable with you. After all, we both have the same hairstyle," she said, smiling.
Ah, right, Hanako's hair covers her eyes.
I messed up my hair.
Hmm, Hanako's smile is pretty cute.
We're a couple of teenagers who are too lazy to fix their hair, huh?
"And to think there's another weird person who doesn't like to fix their hair. Is it becoming a trend?" Yuki said.
I doubt it. There must be another reason.
"Why do you cover your eyes? I do it simply because I'm too lazy to fix my hair, but I like having long hair. What's your reason?"
"Well... um... I..."
I sense sadness in her. Could it be some kind of trauma? I hope I didn't make her uncomfortable with my question.
"If it's something you don't want to talk about, don't worry, I understand," I said.
"No... you're my friend... right?"
"If you consider me a friend, then yes. At least I can say that you're not my enemy, like the student council."
She smiled and nodded quickly.
"Y-you're my friend, I can trust you... I... I had an accident when I was a little girl. I look disgusting."
She lifted her hair and showed me her eyes. She has many scars on that part of her head and her left eye is blind. Burn scars. She probably had an accident with some acid when she was a little girl.
"Oh, I see. You're a woman, your appearance is very important to you, but... how can I put it...? You look just as beautiful."
"Beautiful? Aren't you disgusted?"
"Why would I be disgusted?"
"They're ugly... they make me look ugly."
"I'm the type of guy who doesn't care about people's appearances, so my opinion doesn't matter much, but at least to me, you're not ugly."
"...Really? You're not just saying that out of pity?"
"Like I said before, I only care about people's personalities. Their appearance doesn't matter to me at all."
That beauty or style stuff, it doesn't matter to me. Why should I care about something so superficial? I only care about people's personalities, that's all that matters to me. People's appearance doesn't help me know what they're like, their ideals or their personalities.
"You shouldn't care about what others think of you, only what you think of yourself. Don't let what others think influence your life. If you live your life worried, always thinking about what others think of you, you won't enjoy it."
"Yes, I know... But sometimes I can't help but think about it, what others think of me."
"You're a good person, Hanako, and that's all that should matter to people."
"... Do you think I'm a good person?"
"I don't know, but you're very kind to me. I don't know you well enough to say that you're a good person, but at least I know that you don't approach me with malicious intentions. Just remember what I told you, you should only care about what you think of yourself, paying attention to negative comments will only make your life more painful. Enjoy life."
"Enjoying my life..."
The waiter returned with my food. It smells delicious. And the tacos are big. Wow, should I start Taco Tuesdays? If I like them, I will.
I will ignore the ghost that is touching my crotch and enjoy my food.
"Saik, you're not going to say anything to this perverted ghost?!"
No, Yuki, I can't do anything... Not yet.
But I will soon. Step by step.
(Pov- Hanako.)
"An-and then, my cousin fell and dirtied her new dress! Ah, it was so satisfying.
"If what you're saying is true, and considering how much she looks down on you, even I felt a bit of satisfaction hearing that story."
Talking to Saik is much more fun and relaxing than I imagined. He doesn't look at me with lust, like most men who see me, and he doesn't treat me badly, like most of my family. In the past, I showed my scars to many people, and they all disgusted me, except for Saik, who didn't care about my scars. It was nothing to him. He doesn't look at me with lust because he doesn't care about people's appearances. I should feel bad about that, because my body is one of my strong points in femininity, but I feel pretty good. Saik is a guy who will only be attracted to someone for their personality. I must be a nice person to make him fall in love!
I wish I could say that only his personality and kindness matter to me, but no, I'm very excited to see his muscles. But I promised myself to be a pure girl until marriage...! Or at least until I'm sure I'm with the right person. Saik is fun, kind, and easy to talk to. He doesn't treat me badly or look at me disgustingly. He's a good man. When I ask for advice, he gives it to me without complaining. He listens to me... I really like him. I barely know him and I've fallen in love with his appearance, I know, but I can't help it. I like him, I like him a lot.
I like him more than Shadow.
Shadow and Saik are completely different, but both of them listened to me and gave me advice, they made me feel like a normal person and not useless.
But, unlike Shadow, Saik didn't kill my parents. I stopped having those romantic feelings towards him when Shadow killed my parents. I thought I would never fall in love again until I met Saik, the first guy who made my heart race just by looking at him.
Love at first sight exists, I'm sure it exists! Using my feminine charms on Saik won't work. I must make him fall in love with my personality! What kind of girls does he like? Smart or shy...? Shy...
Sylphie... She's a problem I have to solve. After the second special exam, I'll make my move. Two birds with one stone.
Ah... W-wait, I just realized something. I'm having dinner with Saik! He doesn't consider this a date, but I'll pretend it is! Eating with Saik is quite nice, I wish I could have more nights like this in the future.
"Hey, Saik, do you believe in ghosts?"
I'm sorry, Saik, I just want to confirm it. The only person I've ever fallen in love with is Shadow. You remind me too much of him, I just want to confirm that you're not really Shadow.
"Well... 50/50? I like the idea that ghosts and all that exist, but there's no proof confirming their existence... Oh, now that I remember, when I was a little kid, I had imaginary friends, so many that my parents were worried and took me to specialists, you know, psychologists, doctors, blah, blah, blah. Thinking that those imaginary friends were actually ghosts gives me chills. They say that little kids see things that adults can't. That sounds great, but also terrifying. And you? Do you believe in ghosts?"
"Yes, I like to think that ghosts exist. I really like paranormal topics."
Saik is telling the truth. I knew it. He's not Shadow, they're completely different. Saik is a guy who cares about others, even helping his classmates study. If he were the same Shadow that I knew, he wouldn't care about anyone else and would only think of himself.
I love you, Saik! That's why I want you all to myself. And to achieve that, I must eliminate that bitch.
Sylphie, my only rival. I wish I could give her a slow and extremely painful death, but out of respect for you, I'll give her a quick death.
(Pov- Saik.)
We finished eating, and after they gave me my food in a bag, Hanako and I left the restaurant. We started walking together, so I guess she's heading to the station to catch the train or bus. Does she live far away?
"Hey, Hanako, do you live far away? I don't like the idea of you walking alone at night."
And because if you get kidnapped or raped, I'll get in trouble. I'd rather avoid that.
"N-no, don't worry, Saik! My family's driver will pick me up in a couple of minutes. But thanks for worrying about me! Do you want me to take you home?"
"I live nearby, don't worry."
Another wealthy person. Well, I already knew that. Ah, I'm surrounded by rich people. At least they're not like the wealthy people I knew before, they were very arrogant and annoying. They even dared to blackmail my mother! The damn politicians wanted to sleep with my mother and blackmailed her with killing her or hurting me, her son. My mother refused because she also had her connections and influences, she was sure they wouldn't do anything to her. Ah, my mother was a faithful and incredible woman. The perfect wife. My father was too lucky.
Well, just in case, you know, better safe than sorry, I killed those politicians and used the legendary ghost number 58, the ghost of sexual pleasure, to have them violated before they died. That ghost is disgusting, that's why I never use it, but I admit it was satisfying to see them suffer while being penetrated.
No one threatens someone important to me and gets away with it. No one.
Although that legendary ghost was too powerful for me. If Nergio hadn't told me his weakness, he would have killed me. That's why I took Nergio as my student, for helping me. Ah, and also because he's a millionaire, I knew I would someday need the financial help or contacts of a millionaire like him.
I planned to invite my family to go on vacation to the beach and stay at Nergio's hotel, but that's already impossible.
While I was thinking about that, I was talking to Hanako. While we waited for her driver to come, we used the time to play.
"Don't you have any food left?"
"No, sorry, but I have life potions left."
"I already have plenty, I don't need them."
Cristal also joined us while we played. The maximum number of players is 5, we still have two spaces left. It would be cooler to play with more people. I prefer solitude, but in this type of game, I prefer playing with more people.
"S-Saik, that perverted ghost is licking your face."
I know, Yuki, but I'll endure it. I have to endure it.
This ghost is not normal... Nothing normal. She can touch me, feel me, but I can't. This ghost is powerful.
After 20 minutes, her driver arrived and a grotesque ghost tried to scare me.
"Pff. Hahahaha! I'm used to his horrible face now, it doesn't scare me anymore. But he killed me once! Saik, I hope you'll eliminate him someday! You have to avenge my death!"
That's what I have planned, but not now.
"T-thank you very much for everything, Saik. S-see you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow, Hanako."
She smiled at me and got into the car.
Well, the ghosts are gone too. I don't detect anything... Alright, I'm sure.
"Ah, damn it. That ghost wouldn't stop harassing me."
"Don't lie to me, you were enjoying it!"
"No, actually, it didn't matter to me. Although I admit I felt a little uncomfortable."
I started walking and Yuki sat on my shoulders.
"Well... Another girl approached you. Should I add her to the harem?"
"I don't have a harem. She's just a lonely girl who wants friends."
And also a traitor.
"Ah, you're quite cold, Saik. I love that about you! Although I also hate it. I want to see you smile!"
"You want me to smile? Well, okay..."
"Don't you dare smile just because I told you to! I want a natural smile!"
"Ah... Then be patient. Someday I'll smile naturally."
I hope so, although I doubt it.