CHAPTER 45 - Little Vacation. Part 4.
(Pov - Faye.)
Number 74... I still remember your smile. Everyone advised me to forget about you, but I will never be able to get you out of my mind. Shadow didn't steal my legendary ghost, he stole the love of my life, the most important person in my life... I will never forgive him.
"And that's why I made this decision... I'm sorry."
I know you will hate me for this, and maybe you will never speak to me again, but if I can free you from Shadow's clutches, it will be worth it.
I want you to be free again. Please forgive me for what I'm about to do.
"Forgive me."
If only I had been stronger... If only... No... The "what ifs" don't exist. I was weak in the past, but now, thanks to the wooden doll, my power has increased. I will be able to fight against Shadow, and when I defeat him, I will kill him immediately. I won't make the same mistake Hercules made.
As the eldest son of the Fate clan, I inherited the legendary ghost number 74 when I turned 7 years old.
"Now kneel before your new master!"
And my personality wasn't the best. Being the eldest son, and also because my power was one of the most powerful, my arrogance didn't allow me to see people as individuals. I considered everyone as mere insects.
Number 74 kneeled without hesitation, not because she was afraid of me, but because it was the only thing she knew how to do: obey the orders of her masters.
After more than 200 years of slavery, her hope of being free disappeared, and she accepted her fate. Her face reflected nothing. She felt no sadness or hatred for having a new master and not being liberated; she simply felt nothing.
No matter how much I insulted or belittled her, she showed no emotion, and that infuriated me.
I decided to stop paying attention to her and simply focus on my training.
How did I fall in love with her? I don't know... One day, while I was training with her, a bird decided to perch on my shoulder, and for the first time, I saw an emotion in number 74. She found it adorable that a bird was on my shoulder. I tried to kill the bird, but I decided not to. Why...? I don't know... I had no friends because of my arrogant personality; everyone stayed away from me, and no one spoke to me. Number 74 was the only person who didn't hate me and was always willing to listen to me. I think I simply didn't dare to kill the bird because it would make number 74 sad.
She was the closest thing I had to a friend, and... Well... Seeing her happy made me... happy... It made me feel strange... I really don't know how to explain it.
I started treating her better. The reason? I wanted to make her happy.
I was an immature child, but still a little boy. When I didn't talk to number 74, I felt lonely. My parents worked all day, and I had no friends. Number 74 was the closest thing to a friend, and she took care of me. When I realized that she would be the closest thing to a friend I would have, I decided to treat her better and make her consider me a friend. At first, I told myself that I would treat her better just to strengthen our bond, which would allow me to better use number 74, but I only said that because I didn't want to admit that I wanted to have a friend.
Over the years, I managed to make Number 74 smile again. It was very difficult, I admit. The previous owners treated Number 74 as an object, but I treated her like a person. I fed her delicious food, taught her how to draw, play video games... I taught her to enjoy life. After many years, Number 74 started feeling like a person again, not an object.
After many years, she considered me a true friend, and I... I fell in love with her. It was inevitable, considering she was my only friend.
I told her how I felt, and she agreed to be with me forever... But I could never kiss her. She was too shy for that and asked for time to get used to being with me. I accepted because all that mattered to me was having her by my side... But he ruined everything... He ruined my life.
"Yes, yes. I know you're angry because I stole your legendary spirits, but I found out you have another one. You have the legendary spirit Number 74, so I want you to hand it over. Will it be the easy way or the hard way?"
Shadow forcibly entered the organization's headquarters and threatened to kill the people in the city if the holder of the legendary spirit Number 74 didn't appear.
In the past, I didn't have the opportunity to fight him because I was prohibited, but now it was inevitable that I would fight.
With an arrogant attitude, I entered the battlefield, too confident because Number 74 could even protect me from atomic bombs, but...
"That was disappointing."
I was completely defeated by Shadow. My power only allowed me to defend against attacks; the spirits I could control were easily destroyed by Shadow's legendary spirits, and my attacks were so weak that they didn't even scratch him. Despite having one of the most powerful legendary spirits, I was no match for Shadow. His spiritual power was at a superior level. I couldn't even scratch him... I couldn't protect her.
The other members were defeated by Number 31, and Shadow defeated me. Number 74 accumulated more damage than I could protect her from and was defeated. A simple little boy defeated all of us. We had weapons capable of harming legendary spirits, but Number 31 was more powerful than before. The influence of Shadow's power made her stronger, and combined with her speed, we couldn't defeat her.
"Well, with your permission, I'll take your legendary spirit."
Shadow placed his hand on my chest and took control of Number 74 from me. When a bearer loses their legendary spirit, they die, as their heart explodes.
I managed to survive because, with her last energy, Number 74 protected my heart and prevented it from exploding.
"Thank you."
I passed out from the damage my body suffered.
Shadow stole my only friend.
Shadow stole my first love.
Number 74, no matter what it takes, you will be free again.
"Just wait a little longer."
(Back in time.)
(Pov - Saik, at 7 years old.)
"I'm done with my part, Shadow!"
I looked at the people around me. Indeed, number 31 is insane.
"Did number 4 corrupt your mind, number 31?" I asked.
"Huh? No, of course not, I feel fine. Why?" she replied.
"I see... Sometimes I forget that the legendary ghosts are crazy."
Number 31 killed many of the members, destroying their heads. Their brains are on the ground. It looks so disgusting. Their heads are open and their insides are outside. How gross... Ah...
"A pregnant woman?"
"I didn't realize, I'm sorry."
She also killed a pregnant woman. The baby won't survive unless it's taken out immediately.
"Number 31, take control of the lifeless body of that woman and make sure the heart keeps pumping blood."
I turned to the old man, the leader of this organization.
"Decapitate the head completely and close the wound with fire."
I forgot what it's called.
"Number 31, accelerate the growth process with your speed power. Hurry before it's too late."
"Right away!"
She entered the body of the pregnant woman.
Well, I guess the baby will survive.
"Huh? Did you say something, old man?"
"Why are you doing this?"
"I'm not evil, I told number 31 not to kill the members unless necessary. I just needed her to distract them so I could fight that boy in peace."
"No, I mean... Why? Why are you doing this? Why are you so determined to have all the legendary ghosts? You say you're not evil, but you kill even to obtain the legendary ghosts... It doesn't make sense... Why go to such lengths? Do you really want to bear the burden of innocent lives?"
"Ah, I'm too lazy to explain my reasons and way of thinking, I don't have time for that. I'm hungry. Number 74, come out."
She came out of my body and raised her hands with a big smile on her face.
"Good evening! My name is number 74, nice to meet you! Oh, are you my new master? So adorable! You look so cute in that black suit!"
"My name is Shadow, pleased to meet you."
"Can I hug you?"
"Well... I suppose so."
"Thank you!"
She hugged me tightly... Huh?
"Number 74, what are you doing?!"
"Why are you doing this to our son?!"
Ah... I think those two are the parents of this boy. Were he and number 74 really lovers? I thought they were just very good friends.
Ah, right, why is number 74 kissing me on the mouth? Feeling her tongue inside my mouth feels weird. My parents kiss like this, it's an adult kiss, right? Why is she kissing me? I'm a little boy. This is illogical, and even illegal.
"Hey, stop it!"
Number 31, who was inside the pregnant woman, pushed her. She's talking because she's a ghost, she doesn't need a real head to speak. I admit it's somewhat scary and disgusting to see a decapitated woman standing in front of me and talking, but it's also interesting.
"He's 7 years old, you damn pedophile!"
Well, I gave my first time to number 31, but considering that I deceived her about my true age, I can't call her a pedophile. Number 74 was kissing me without knowing my age, but it's very obvious that I'm a little boy. Why did she do it?
"Uh? Did I do something wrong? Shouldn't we give our master a kiss? I've read in many light novels and anime that the rituals of human-shaped familiar spirits end with a kiss on the lips. I'm somewhat like a familiar spirit, right?"
"That's just fantasy. The kisses in those kinds of stories are only to add a woman to the protagonist's harem. You know, the protagonist summons a spirit and kisses her so that she falls in love with him and all that. It's stupid and unnecessary. Besides, what kind of woman would fall in love with a man who summoned her to be basically a slave? It doesn't make sense. That's why I hate those kinds of novels; they're illogical."
"I'm sorry, master, I didn't know. But at least I gave you my first kiss, master! Hehe. That will give me some advantage."
"If you want privileges, like having days off and food, you have to do your job well and behave. It's not necessary for you to be my girlfriend or something like that; I'm not interested in that. I won't take advantage of you, don't worry."
"Does that mean I can watch anime and read manga if I do my job well protecting you?! Is it not necessary for me to fall in love with you and give you my body?"
"It's not necessary; I won't take advantage of you."
"Yay! Master, I hit the jackpot with you! Thank you! I prefer freedom, but being with you won't be so bad."
"Come back."
She returned to my body.
"Tsk. That girl has a loose screw," said number 31, crossing her arms.
Ah, it's so weird to see her like that. I think I'm going to vomit.
"Why is she behaving like this? She didn't even act this cheerful with Faye," said the boy's mother.
"I erased her memory. All memories from the last 250 years disappeared from her mind. If she remained attached to that boy, her performance would decrease... Oh, look at the time, I must go to sleep. My stepfather will be mad at me if I wake up late again."
A lie, I don't have a stepfather, but it's a way to prevent them from discovering my identity.
"Goodnight and "adiós"."
I said goodbye in Spanish, just to be classy. I'm taking Spanish lessons, so I do this to show off.
I jumped and prepared to leave, but I felt a bad premonition.
I turned to my right and received a strong blow to the face.
Number 31's warning came too late.
I rolled on the ground and crashed into a statue of a dog. The statue broke, and the dog's head fell onto my right shoulder. I-it hurts too much. Who hit me? That strength isn't normal, I don't even have that much strength.
"I'm sorry, Shadow, but I won't let you go."
That strength... That white clothing... It's him.
"...I've heard stories about you. You're Hercules, aren't you?"
I wiped the blood from my nose.
"The so-called hero."
(Present time.)
(Pov - Saik.)
Millionaires' food is delicious. A cut of this meat is worth over $1,000 because it comes from a cow that lives better than an average person, and I'm eating it all by myself.
Having a millionaire student has its great advantages. Regular Saik can't afford this kind of luxury. I have to settle for instant meals because they're more economical.
Well, I'm exaggerating, I still have a lot of money left, but it will run out in a year. I need to find people who want to buy some of my drawings.
"Ahem... Master, they're here."
I stopped eating the feast Nergio prepared for me alone and turned to look at him.
A girl my age and a little boy around 8 years old. Perfect.
"Eh? Is he really Shadow? How old is he?"
"I'm 17, miss. I suppose you already know why you're here, there's no need for me to repeat it. I ask you, please, to treat me like a normal person. Don't call me Shadow, just Saik. Don't treat me like some kind of monster or anything like that. My name is Saik, a high school student who just wants to study. I hope you treat me as if I were a normal person, please. Let's get started."
Ah, I hope Sylphie doesn't misinterpret my actions. I really don't want her to force me to do something drastic, like changing classes.
I can barely stand Naok and the others around me, if Sylphie keeps looking at me as the opposite sex and not as a friend, it will exceed what I can endure, and I will change classes.
Sylphie will set aside those feelings when she manages to make Naima fall in love with me, but I'm still not sure if I can achieve it. Naima is not like Sylphie, she is sociable, she won't fall for a man just because he treats her well. How can someone like Naima fall in love? I don't know, but I will try.
(Pov - Kaeyko.)
W-well... This spirit is really like a real dog. It behaves like a real dog.
I went out for a walk, with the purpose of confirming completely that only I can see it. And yes, it's more than confirmed, only I can see it. I walked among people with a floating dog over my head, and I didn't attract attention.
Why did this spirit become attached to me? I don't know. Is it a coincidence? Most likely. I've never had pets, so it can't be about a dog from my childhood. I think this spirit lived in the apartment, that's the most likely explanation, considering that I don't come from a special family that can see spirits and I didn't have pets in my childhood.
Could the people who lived in this apartment also see it? I'm curious to ask about it, but I don't want to be considered crazy. First, I'll do a little research on dog spirits.
Ah, little dog, you're scary, but at least you're harmless.
"Should I give you a name?"
I suppose I should, as it started jumping and wagging its tail when I said that.
Is it male or female? I checked its private parts, but it doesn't have any. Do spirits not need their private parts, or is it a genderless spirit? Well, I'll consider it "genderless."
A neutral name... Hmm... Ah... I can't think of any... What if I give it a name similar to mine? Maybe that way it will become attached to me and set aside its hidden plans to kill me while I sleep.
I still don't trust this spirit. I mean, who would trust a spirit so quickly? I don't know if it's an evil or good spirit, but I won't let my guard down.
A name similar to Kaeyko... Hmm... Kaey? Yes, it sounds neutral.
"My name is Kaeyko, and your name will be Kaey. A short and easy-to-remember name. Do you like it?"
He/she started barking and jumped on my face.
... Okay... Well, I admit it, I saw death up close. I thought he/she wanted to devour my face, but he's/she's just licking me. I hope this is his/her way of showing affection and not him/her savoring his/her future meal.
"Well, Kaey, we will be friends from today onwards. Please treat me well."
I really hope you treat me well and don't kill me.
Wow, my first friend is a spirit... Ah, did loneliness drive me insane? I don't know. I'll keep this a secret; I don't want to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital.
I have one final test left, but I'll do that on Monday.
Well... I have a spirit pet... Doesn't sound good at all. Am I close to death, and that's why I can see a spirit? I'll go to the hospital later; I don't want to die so soon.
(Pov - Saik.)
Number 31 is already in position. Ah, these were supposed to be peaceful and problem-free vacations, but fate keeps trying to ruin my normal life.
I just want to be a damn normal student, that's all. Ghost goddess, stop ruining my peaceful life.
I... I just... Ah... I really just want to have a normal life and kill myself after graduation. My only goals are to graduate as the top of my class and get a girlfriend.
I recently discovered that teenagers have a strong sexual desire. I'm starting to feel curious about that topic, so I think it's normal. I'll add losing my "human virginity" as an extra goal. I'll do it with my future girlfriend, and if I don't get a girlfriend, I'll do it with a prostitute. I would do it with number 31, but I want to do it with a living woman. I want to confirm if it feels different or the same as doing it with a ghost.
If I ask Sylphie for that favor in the future, and considering her stupid mentality of considering herself a burden, it's very likely that she'll end up accepting. Damn stupidity.
Sylphie, don't worry, I won't take advantage of you, nor will I let others take advantage of you. I'll make you an independent woman. It's a hassle, but I promised your father, and my family taught me to keep my promises... Well, I think I promised that to Yuki... Ah, it doesn't matter.
Sylphie, as long as you don't betray me, I'll continue to protect you... But if someday you betray my trust, you'll force me to make a drastic decision.
"What?! Saik, you've become a pervert!"
Yuki, who was lying on my lap, showed me the screen of her phone.
"What's wrong with it?"
"I thought you only drew cute things!"
"+18 content attracts more."
I used to randomly draw things like kissing couples, adorable animals, even monsters created by my mind.
I tried drawing number 31 naked (obviously, I changed many of her physical characteristics), and I think it turned out... passable? I guess.
Well, the important thing is that I gained new male followers.
They asked me to draw her having sex, but I refused. I have no reference, and if I ask number 31 for help, she'll have an excuse to ask for sex.
I think I'll just focus on drawing nudes and monsters.
"We're really broke, huh? Please don't sacrifice your humanity, don't draw furries."
What is a furry? And what does it have to do with my humanity? I sense it's best not to ask about it.
"I won't, don't worry."
Because I don't even know what it is. I'll investigate later. If it's something that would make me a lot of money, maybe I'll do it.
"And yes, we're broke. I'm desperate, and I don't want to work at a convenience store or a supermarket either. I prefer to work as an artist. I don't like admitting it, but those who draw this kind of stuff make a lot of money."
After buying all the furniture for my house, I had enough money left to survive for one or two years, but that time decreased because I also have to feed Yuki.
"Well... At least it's an honest job... Can you draw me?"
"Yes, but I won't upload it to the internet."
"Why not?! That's not fair, I want people to call me cute too!"
"Do you want some ghost hunter to discover that I could see you? It's too risky."
"Ah, yes, you're right."
Better safe than sorry... This feeling...
"It's nothing, Yuki."
Ah, I really don't understand why life doesn't allow me to have a normal life... Huh?
Ah... This is... How should I react?
"Hey, Yuki, what are you doing?"
"I'm raising money to donate to an orphanage."
"Huh? Really? I would give you something, but I don't like donating money. Can I donate clothes instead? I've seen firsthand how donations get diverted and pocketed by politicians and important people. I never donate money for that reason."
"I was just kidding! It's pretty obvious that I'm caressing your abdomen... And about the money, are you serious?"
Ah, it's a joke... Now that I think about it, it makes a lot of sense.
Yuki is caressing my abdomen with her hand. Does she like muscles? I'm very proud of my body, so it doesn't bother me.
"Yes, that's true. My mother volunteered at a specialized clinic for people with cancer, and the higher-ups at that hospital would steal part of the donations they received."
"Damn!! And nobody did anything?"
"I think they were discovered because they ended up dead. They were found dead. I have a theory that some kind-hearted millionaire got furious when he found out his donation had been stolen and ordered their deaths."
"...Hey, Saik, I'm afraid of wealthy people."
"Don't worry, Yuki, we'll be fine. No millionaire would be interested in someone like me, so we'll live in peace. You don't have to worry about them wanting to kill me."
That's a big lie, many people want to kill me, but I won't tell Yuki.
"And what about Nergio?"
"He's a special case, he was a friend of my mother, that's all."
"I see."
I'm the one who killed those people. When I found out that the money my family donated had been used to buy a beach house, I got angry because they took advantage of my parents' kindness, so I changed their wills before killing them so that all the money and material possessions they had would be donated to charity.
No one takes advantage of my family and gets away with it.
"Hey, Saik, I think you shouldn't wear contact lenses for too long. I read online that it could be bad for your eyes."
"I know. I have to put on my glasses. Will you accompany me to the crater?"
"It's just a hole caused by a meteorite, it's not a big deal. I'd rather go to the aquarium!"
"Well, it wasn't caused by a meteorite though."
"Maria caused it when she fought a demon."
"What?! Seriously?! Tell me the whole story, please!"
I don't like hiding things from Yuki. I was the one who fought that demon, but I'll keep that a secret and say it was Maria.
"Never mind. Well, I'll tell you the story."
Stop bothering me, idiot.
(Pov - The Ghost Goddess.)
"Well, well. Your control is simply beautiful. It doesn't surprise me that you were able to defeat the legendary ghost number 100, something I couldn't do."
You don't allow me to look at you, huh? Such a shame. I'll repeat it, I'm not interested in you as someone of the opposite gender. I love shy boys, they're more adorable, and you're too cold and straightforward with your words. I just want to know more about your power.
A simple 8-year-old boy achieved something I couldn't.
A simple little boy became Shadow, a being that managed to capture the legendary ghosts.
You truly interest me. With you by my side, we will become true Gods. People will have no choice but to do as we command and worship us. We will do whatever we want with people.
"We can even take over more worlds."
And take over hell itself.
"Hehe. Countless adventures await us, Saik."
And I hope you don't make the mistake of rejecting me.
(Pov - Saik.)
I met with Sylphie to visit the crater together. I have a small theory I want to confirm in that place, that's why I want to go.
I didn't inherit anything from my parents. I'm only somewhat attractive because my mother was beautiful... Or that's what the women I know have told me.
Beauty means nothing to me. I'm not attracted to beautiful women. I could even fall in love with a morbidly obese and bald woman, as long as she meets my only requirement: that she's someone who won't be intimidated and won't betray me. If she meets that requirement, she can make me fall in love.
So far, the only people who meet that requirement are Naima and number 31, but number 31 is out of the question because she's a ghost, that's why I want to make Naima fall in love with me.
Well, as I was saying. I only inherited a part of my mother's beauty, and that seems unfair to me. Why didn't I inherit her intelligence or her personality? My parents were incredibly talented individuals. They were both highly respected in their jobs. I wanted to be like them, but I wasn't born with the necessary talent.
My mother, in particular, was a kind woman with a pure heart. She provided free medical consultations to poor people and even gave expensive medications to those in need. My mother was so kind that it feels strange to me, being her son, that I am so selfish. I don't care about being selfish, and that's the problem. I don't care about being selfish. Why am I like this? I have confirmed that I am indeed her son, I wasn't adopted. Why am I so different from my parents? That's something I will never understand.
But now that I am more mature, I will be able to confirm whether it's true or not about my selfish personality. In the past, I didn't feel anything when all those people died because of me, but now I'm a teenager, no longer a little child. Will I feel even a little sadness or remorse? I hope I can feel that, because it would mean I resemble my late mother a little.
I just want to be someone like her... Someone worthy of being her son.
"Sorry for making you wait. I was finishing a drawing."
"N-no worries, Saik... Oh, yes, here!"
She offered me some kind of ring.
A black ring, huh? Why is she giving it to me? She already gave me a light novel for my birthday. Why is she giving me this? Well, at least it will match my black bracelet.
Wait, Saik, don't you realize what a ring means? Is Sylphie skipping too many steps and proposing to me? Ah... Ah... I think normal students don't get married. College students do, but not high school students.
I'm sorry, Sylphie, but I can't marry you.
"I'm sorry, Sylphie, I'm too young to get married. I have to decline the ring, I'm sorry."
"Eh...? N-no, you're misunderstanding! I-I just thought it would look good on you!"
"Ah, I see."
Could this be the famous gift that friends give each other without any specific reason? The only gift I received without any specific reason was a lollipop that Rossy gave me in middle school. Well, she called me a perverted idiot afterward and slapped me. I didn't hit her back because I was going to visit her mother that day and didn't want any trouble.
Ah, wait, that's right, I did the same thing Tanya did. Rossy had already licked that lollipop, and since I put it in my mouth without caring, she got mad because she found it disgusting.
Ah... I see... Now that I understand women's feelings more, I can realize that she hit me because I was disgusting... Ah... Well, it's also her fault for offering me the lollipop.
"Then I'll gladly accept it... Ah..."
She has an identical ring. Could it be that they are engagement rings and she's tricking me into marrying her...? No, I don't think so. Sylphie doesn't have the malice to do that.
"You have one too. So we'll match, right?"
"T-these... These are friendship rings. I-I hope you don't mind."
... Friendship rings...? What's that? Does it mean our friendship improves by wearing them or something?
Sounds very strange... Well, ignoring that, I think I'll buy two more rings for Yuki.
"I don't mind, don't worry. Thank you very much."
I put the ring on my right ring finger... Mmm... Ah... I don't feel anything magical or anything like that... Are they just ordinary rings? Sylphie, I think you got scammed.
I won't say anything else about it, but these rings are nothing special... Ah, do they have any metaphorical meaning or something like that? Well, I don't know, and I don't care to investigate.
"It's almost two in the afternoon, we better start walking."
"Yes, let's go."
Sylphie and I started walking toward the crater.
It's about a 10-minute walk, not too far. I hope we don't run into too many couples; it'll be uncomfortable.
"By the way, Saik, y-you look quite good in casual clothes. Seeing you with glasses is a bit strange, but I guess wearing contact lenses can be annoying."
"Thank you, Sylphie, although I find it lazy to have to style my hair."
I'm wearing a casual outfit that Nergio prepared for me. He told me that with this clothing, I would look more like a normal person. I don't know whether to feel offended or grateful for that comment.
A red shirt, black pants, and white shoes. I think it's pretty ordinary. I prefer black clothes, but it's fine.
Ah, right, I think friends support each other. She told me I looked good, so it's my turn.
But to be honest... Mmm... Her short black hair, prominent large breasts, combined with that black dress... Black... Ah... Could she be imitating my way of dressing? Lately, I've seen her wear a lot of black. She painted her nails black, and her earrings are heart-shaped and black... Ah, I guess it's just my imagination. She's not crazy enough to be obsessed with me. It's just a coincidence.
"I-Is something wrong, Saik?"
Ah, she noticed that I was staring too much. Wearing glasses and styling my hair have their disadvantages.
I made her very nervous; she probably thinks I'm sexually harassing her. Don't worry, Sylphie, I'm just looking at you to say something nice about your outfit.
"You look beautiful in that dress, Sylphie. Black really suits you."
... Ah... Um... She stood still and just stared at me. Did I say something strange? No, I said something nice. My mother taught me to treat women with respect; I didn't say anything bad.
Sylphie's face looks strange. She's not trembling with nerves; she's just staring at me. This got awkward.
"Ah... Did I say something wrong, Sylphie? I'm sorry; I just said what I thought."
"Ah... Th-this... Ah... Do you really consider me... b-beautiful?"
"As someone of the opposite gender, I think you're beautiful, although personally, I don't care about beauty. Your appearance is beautiful, but being a good and kind person is what matters most about you. And judging by your reaction, you don't see yourself as beautiful, do you?"
"W-Well... I... Y-You... You..."
... "You"?
"Saik... I... I..."
What? Why is she acting so strange...? Ah, could she be going through those sensitive days that women have? I read on the internet that women behave strangely when they have their period. Is that what it's called? I think so.
Sylphie is probably experiencing those symptoms, that's why her face is red, and she looks very nervous. Didn't she put on a sanitary pad?
But it doesn't smell like blood. Could it be something else?
Sylphie took a breath and approached me. She seems determined to say something, her nervousness no longer reflected in her body. She's controlling her nerves to say something. What will she tell me...? Ah, shit, I'm having a bad feeling.
"S-Saik, I am...!"
"Saik?! Is that you?!"
Ah, thank goodness, this was about to get very awkward. What Sylphie said seemed like a confession. I have no experience with that, but I read a similar scene in novel number 31.
The members of the "Shadow Paradise" arrived.
A girl my age and a little boy around 8 years old are perfect for what I'll do.
"Ah... Hello? Sorry, but I don't know who you are."
"I'm Hana, and he's my brother, Yurem. Don't you remember me? Well, I'm not surprised, it's been more than 5 years since we last saw each other. I used to be your mother's patient."
"Ah, I see. Hello."
"And how is your mother?"
"She's dead."
"I'd rather not talk about it."
I turned to my left. The bad feeling from before wasn't about Sylphie, it's something else. Negative energy... Too much negative energy in so many places in the city... 68 different locations? That's a very exact number... Hercules? This definitely has something to do with that idiot.
Ah, what is she planning to do?
(Extra - Legendary Ghost number 6, the ghost of friendship.)
(Pov - Saik, 6 years old.)
Ah, elementary school, such a boring place that it's comfortable to sleep in class. Can you blame me for sleeping in class? Blame the teacher for being so boring.
"This must be a joke. Wake up, idiot!"
Who's shaking me?
Ah, it's this crazy girl.
"Hey, Rossy, usually I'm woken up with affection. Don't wake me up so roughly, crazy!"
"You fell asleep in class again!"
"No, no, no, I wasn't asleep, my brain was resting, that's all. The rest of my body was functioning normally."
"Stop playing dumb and move your ass! My mother is waiting for us!"
"No need for that. I can go home by myself."
The last idiot who tried to kidnap me ended up being killed by number 4 in such a grotesque way that I prefer not to think about it.
"None of that. Let's go. It's your childhood friend's duty to protect you!"
... What's a childhood friend? I better not ask about it, I don't have the energy for that.
"Fufu. You looked very adorable while sleeping, Saik."
Number 4 returned.
"Ah... Okay."
I took her hand and closed my eyes.
"W-w-w-what are you doing?!"
"I don't have the energy to use my eyes. Be my guide, and I don't promise to pass on my homework to you."
"It's a deal!"
Hehe. She misheard.
We started walking.
"Guess, guess. Do you know who possesses the legendary ghost number 6?"
I shook my head.
"A porn actress! Hahahaha!"
... Ah... Oh... I recently discovered this thing called "sex." It's something adults do to have children, but they also do it for pleasure... Ah, I think my parents still have sex... How disgusting!
I-I'd better not think about that... Ah... A porn actress is a woman who has sex and gets paid for it. The legendary ghost number 6 is a mystery to me. What power does it have?
"You can open your eyes now."
I opened my eyes and saw Rossy's mother in front of me.
"Oh, Saik, are you growing your hair out? It's very long."
"Yes, I don't like people seeing my eyes."
And because I found out that only I can see ghosts. I can't let people know about my power, it would endanger my family. I stopped talking to the ghosts that live in the school, and I'll start growing out my hair so the ghosts won't know that I can see them.
"Come on, let's go up. I'll take you for pizza."
"Yay! Pizza!"
Ah... My diet forbids me from eating that kind of food. My mother will be angry if I decline the invitation... Well, a little won't hurt, I guess.
We arrived at a fast food establishment. Wow, there are so many video games and machines. They even have a green bear singing on stage. Some kind of robot? Well, it doesn't matter. I have a mission. I'll go to the bathroom and leave. I have 5 legendary ghosts under my control, I think I can defeat the holder of that legendary ghost.
"Let's play!"
Rossy took my hand and started running towards the machines.
She won't let me go that easily, huh?
"Come on, I'll defeat you!"
Ah, let's make it quick.
We played video games for over two hours. Two damn hours!
Even someone like me gets bored of playing, but Rossy insisted and kept pestering me to play together.
Well, at least we got a lot of tickets. It should be enough to get that sword. I know it's a toy, but it looks very real.
Although it won't be easy to get it.
"It's not fair, half of the tickets are mine! We'll pick the doll that can eat! Your mom has a lot of money, she can buy you the sword later!"
"I got more tickets, we'll pick the sword! And a doll is too girly for a tomboy like you!"
"Who are you calling a tomboy, idiot?!"
She started shaking me. I hate...! Ah...
I grabbed the boy who took my tickets that I left on the floor.
"Where do you think you're going? Those are mine."
Rossy let go of me, and we looked up to see this boy. High schooler? He should be ashamed of himself for stealing from a little kid.
"I found them on the floor, now they're mine."
A girl snatched the tickets from Rossy.
"Hey, those are mine!"
"Now they're mine."
"Come on, babe, I'll get you that cute..."
I kicked the boy's legs, and he fell to the ground.
I put my hand on his chest and raised my fist.
"No one steals from me."
I started punching him in the face with all my strength, completely ignoring his screams of pain. 4... 9... 13 punches. I managed to land 13 punches before Rossy stopped me.
"T-that's enough."
"I see."
I retrieved my tickets and took the ones that girl had stolen from Rossy.
"Tsk. Let's go."
"Hey, um, you're... bleeding! Your nose is bleeding!"
He left, and his girlfriend followed him.
"... Hey, Saik, you're... changing."
"I was just defending myself, that's all. I wasn't going to let them steal the tickets."
I handed her all the tickets.
"Go get that doll, you won. I'll go to the bathroom."
"A-are you sure?"
"Of course, don't worry. I'll ask my mom to buy me the sword later."
"... Th-thank you very much."
I entered the bathroom... No, nothing. There are no security cameras, and no one's inside.
I activated my Shadow form and left. No one can see me, so I'll be fine.
I exited the place and started running. According to number 4, the possessor is at a party, in a bar, or... a club? Or something like that, I don't remember exactly what she called it.
After 5 minutes, I arrived at the place... Hmm... It's getting dark. I need to hurry.
A man is guarding the entrance, not letting just anyone in. Many people are waiting in line. How strange. Is it a very important party?
Ah, a couple is entering. I took advantage and entered with them... Ah...
I feel eyes on me. Is the illusion failing?
"The possessor's power is preventing us from hiding."
"I don't know... I feel like I can't lie to her."
It's true... I feel more honest... Well, at least I'm maintaining my Shadow disguise.
I walk among the people. The music is very loud, people are dancing and drinking, and I also feel many eyes on me.
"Hey, the costume party is until Halloween! Hahaha!"
"Hey, shorty, come over here and have a drink with us!"
A drink? Sounds interesting. I hope they have apple juice.
I sat at the table with them, and they offered me something that smells very strange.
"What's the costume for?"
"To hide my identity."
"That voice... Are you a little kid?"
"Yes. By the way, I'm looking for a woman named Hinawa. Have you seen her?"
"Oh, yeah, I know her. She's in the VIP room, upstairs, going up the stairs."
I took a sip, but I spit it out. This tastes horrible.
"I don't think I want it. Goodbye."
I moved away from them and started going up the stairs, or at least I tried to. Two men grabbed my arms.
"Hey, who let you in?"
"Number 1 did."
Number 1 emerged from my body and poked their eyes. They let go of me, and I continued on my way.
While they screamed in pain because their eyes were injured, I reached the VIP room. Ah, yes, number 1 went a bit overboard with his strength, he really destroyed their eyes.
"Was that necessary?"
"It will buy us enough time."
"I see."
We entered the VIP room... Ah... Ah...
"You like it, bitch?! You love my big cock, don't you, bitch?! You love it, bitch?!"
"I love it! Punish this bad girl!"
... Ah... Oh... Is this sex? It's more disgusting than I imagined. I avoided watching videos on the internet out of disgust, but now I'm watching it.... Gross.
Do I really have to stick my dick in that thing someday? Yuck.
"Huh? Hey, boy, who let you in?!"
Number 4 appeared behind him and... Huh?
"Hahahahaha! How funny, wriggling like a fish out of water!"
Number 4 cut off his member with a knife.... He will die... Ah... I wasn't planning to kill him... It wasn't even necessary... Number 4 is crazy, I'd better not tell her anything.
The possessor of the legendary ghost number 6 fell to the ground and started crying.
"You... You can see ghosts too?"
"I have a question, why do you sell your body? I'm 6 years old and I find this disgusting. Do you really enjoy it? I wonder if I'll enjoy it too when I grow up."
"I... I just wanted easy money. I-I like sex and money. It's not wrong for me to work doing something I enjoy!"
"I see. Don't worry, I respect that you work doing what you like. Ah, by the way, if you don't want to die, give me the ghost inside you."
"Will... Will you let me live if I do? Do you promise?"
"Of course."
"Okay... Will it hurt?"
"I don't think so. I don't know."
I placed my hand on her face and absorbed her legendary ghost. Ah, that was easy. My whole body hurts, but at least I don't have any physical wounds. I can't lift my left arm, but it's only temporary.
She vomited blood and fell to the ground... Huh?
"Is she dead?"
"I forgot to tell you that possessors who lose their legendary ghosts die because their hearts explode," said number 1.
Ah... I'm sorry. I didn't know. Mother, I know I didn't keep a promise, but I really didn't know.
"I better leave before..."
"Boss! Attention, a dwarf killed the boss!"
"And did you have fun today?"
"Yes! And I got a doll!"
"It was very kind of you to give your tickets to Rossy, Saik."
"Thank you..."
"Is something wrong? You look tired."
"I'm just sleepy."
The traffic light turned red, and many police cars passed by.
"Wow. Did something happen, Mom?"
"I don't know."
... Ah... Hold on, Saik... Hold on.
I arrived home and immediately went up to my room. I took off my shirt and checked my abdomen. Shit, it's still inside.
"You got shot, Saik. It was difficult to prevent the blood from coming out," said number 1.
"I-it hurts..."
"Don't cry, resist, endure the pain. I'll get the first aid kit."
He left, and number 4 turned on the TV.
"Mmm... Let's see..."
She searched the internet for news... Ah, what does she want to watch again? I'm bleeding out, and she's just watching the news.
"Hahahaha! 34 confirmed dead, and you only got shot! You should feel proud, Saik."
"You killed them."
"Nope, I killed 32, you killed two. Tell me, how does it feel to kill again?"
"It hurts."
"It hurts? Ah, and here I thought you were an insensitive monster. Did it hurt to kill a human? Poor thing. Hahahaha!"
"No, the wound hurts. Killing another person didn't make me feel anything."
"Huh? Really?"
"Yes, I didn't feel anything."
"... Wow... You're definitely a weirdo."
"I think... I'm going to... faint."
I lay down on the bed.
6 legendary ghosts under my control, 94 more to go.