CHAPTER 46 – Little Vacation. Part 5.
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CHAPTER 46 - Little Vacation. Part 5.

(Pov - Yuki.)

The sun, the smell and sound of the sea, delicious food. Ah...

"This is the life!"

Fufu. I feel like a wealthy show-off! Is this how it feels to have money? Awesome!

Well, I'm still poor. Saik gives me an allowance of 50 dollars a week, but that doesn't count as being wealthy. It's more than enough for a beautiful ghost like me, but it exceeds my annual budget!

Coconuts, fish, seafood, wine, meat, sauces, and lots of sweets!

A huge feast just for me! Being Saik's friend really has many benefits!

I won't waste this opportunity!

But first...

"Cough, cough... Alright... Let's search for treasures!!"

I'm a ghost, I don't need to breathe! Thanks to Saik's power, I can feel things and digest food, but I'm still a ghost! Even if I behave like a normal human being, that doesn't change the fact that I'm a ghost. And ghosts don't need oxygen!

I'll search for treasures, become a millionaire, and get my mother out of prison!

... Wait a moment... Millionaires... Millionaires!

"Maria, Maria, Maria! Convince Nergio!"

"Convince him? What are you talking about?"

"My mother is in prison! I want him to use his influence and money to get her out of prison!"

"... I'm sorry."


Why is she looking at me with such a sad expression? Did something bad happen to my mother in prison?!

"Your mother has too many charges against her, she's serving a life sentence. There's nothing we can do, and the prison is maximum security, it's impossible to get her out without using brute force. And if we use brute force, we could die. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry... Saik told me something similar."

It's impossible to get my mother out of prison... Why did she do all those horrible things? Was it for money or fun? Was my mother sick?

No... My mother was a loving and kind woman, or at least she was with me.

She must have had her circumstances.

Ahhhhhhh! It's better not to think about it!

I'll follow Saik's advice and continue with my life. My mother would be sad if I don't enjoy my new life. I really want to go see her, but... I don't know if I have the courage to see her again.

After finding out everything she did, I'm afraid my perception of her might change.

I want to remember her as a beautiful and loving mother, I don't want that to change.

"By the way, Maria..."

I better change the subject, I don't want to keep thinking about it. I'm on vacation at the beach, I should enjoy it!

"Is it true what Saik told me?! Did you defeat a demon with your own hands, and that's why you don't have a face?!"

"Eh...? Ah, yes... The crater thing?"

"Yes! How did it feel to defeat a demon?! Saik already told me the whole story, but I want to hear it again!"


A real demon... It sounds so chilling, but cool!

Will I ever meet a demon? I hope not... Can Saik defeat a demon?

Saik is a mystery to me, so I don't doubt he has more secrets.

"That damn long-haired guy broke Ray's nose, and you don't want to help us kill him?!"

... Long-haired guy?

Two men are walking along this abandoned part of the beach. This place is supposed to belong to Nergio's family, they shouldn't have crossed the rope. What are they planning to do?

One of them is arguing with someone on the phone, almost shouting.

"He's with two other guys and two beautiful young girls. You can have the girls, we'll settle for those stupid guys... His name? I think one of them called him... Sak...?"

No... Please, God, don't let Saik get into trouble again.

"No, wait... Saik! Yes, his name was Saik."

That idiot got into trouble again! A-and this time it's very serious. They're planning to kill him!

I have to do something! Should I confront them and scare them off?! Should I look for Saik and warn him?!

Ahhhhhhh! This problem is on a much higher level than the problems Saik and I face at school! What do we do?! How can I prevent them from killing him because of his stupidity?! He's an idiot by nature, they should forgive him!

"Don't worry, Yuki. Just watch and observe."


Maria floats towards them. What will she do?

"Do you know the difference between demons and ghosts? The only difference is that demons can't reason, their only instinct is to cause harm. And that's the only difference."

What does she mean...? Huh?! Did she enter that man's body?! Uwaaaah! That man fell to the ground! Did she kill him?!

"Hey, what are you doing?! Get up!"

She left the body and entered the other man. Ahhhhhhhh! The man who was on the ground got up! I don't understand anything!

M-Maria left the body and quickly approached me.

The men left... What did she do to them?

"W-what did you do?"

"I turned them into mindless zombies. Their memories will be erased. They'll return to normal in a few minutes. Then I'll find the person they were talking to. Don't worry, your friends will be fine. Even if you don't realize it, they're being protected at all times."

"Mindless zombies..."

...Wow... That's amazing!! Can ghosts do more than just pass through walls and spy on people?!

"Can I do that too?"

"I think so, but you're still a weak ghost, Yuki. I don't recommend it. You might disappear if you try."

Uwaaaah! I better not do it! I-I'm fine with being a beautiful ghost girl.

But it scares me that ghosts can do the same things as demons. If that's true, why hasn't the existence of ghosts been confirmed? After all, if ghosts can take control of a person's body, why hasn't anyone noticed that...? Ah... Oh... I see. I think Maria's words were more of a warning than advice. If a weak ghost tries it, they disappear.

When I became a ghost, I tried to hug my mother. She cried and mourned my death, and I didn't want to see her cry. I wanted to hug her and tell her that I'll always be with her, but I couldn't touch her. I couldn't touch anything. I had truly become a ghost.

I had some knowledge about that, so when a police officer entered the house, I tried to possess his body and take control, but I was thrown out and felt immense pain when I entered the body. The body expelled me when I tried to take control. I think I was lucky not to disappear because of that foolishness. I never tried it again.

But María can do it! She even fought against a demon and won!

"Tell me how you defeated the demon, please! With many details!"

"Oh, right, the story... Sure, listen."

(Pov - María)

Damn it! I really wanted to kill them with my own hands, rip out their guts, and destroy their hearts! But I had to control myself. Saik warned me that if Yuki got scared of me or did something that frightened her, he would stop talking to me. Kya! Saik is such an overprotective guy! I love his paternal side!

I never imagined seeing that side of him. Considering how he was in the past, to behave like a father... No, not like a father... To behave like an older brother, it feels strange to me. I mean... Well... We're talking about Saik, the guy who saw a woman being raped, a woman screaming in pain and begging for help, and he just stood there, watching, waiting for his chance to fight. He's completely insensitive, that's why I was surprised to see his sensitive side.

The current Saik is very different from the Saik of the past. The deaths of his parents must have had a significant influence on that change.

I had fallen in love with him simply because he saved me, a foolish reason, I know, but he was a hero to me. And now that I know his sensitive side, I love him even more!

Ah, I better stop wasting time thinking stupid things. Yuki is listening to me while I tell the story of how Saik defeated that disgusting rapist.

I'm pretending that I was the one who defeated him, but the real hero was Saik. He doesn't want Yuki to know about the legendary ghosts or his past. I must respect his decision.

"And then, Shadow saved me, preventing my soul from being destroyed."

He looked so cool! Every day, the image of Saik hugging me and protecting me with his body appears in my mind! Ahhhhhhhh! I must find a way to come back to life! Saik is getting older every day, I'm losing my chances to be with him! But the experiments keep failing. I'm getting desperate!

"Shadow? Who is Shadow?"

Ah... I'm such an idiot! I couldn't help but mention him!

W-well, I shouldn't get nervous. She doesn't know Saik's identity as Shadow, so I'm safe.

"He was a man who traveled the world killing demons. May he rest in peace."

"Did he die?"

"Yes, the demon killed him."

"I see... Was he your friend?"


How can I tell her that before that event, Saik and I were natural enemies and were always fighting each other?

I have to lie.

"Yes, he was a close friend of the family. But he died with honor!"

Although, yes, he almost died for real. It's something I will never forgive myself for. If it weren't for Hercules taking pity on Saik, he would already be dead. And because of that pity, Saik became more... savage.

(Back in time.)

I am part of the Alvanem Rosa family. My family belongs to a long bloodline of protectors of the intermarplasmal reality, or in easier words to understand, we prevent normal humans from finding out about the existence of certain events and creatures. Fairies, Orcs, creatures from other planets, and many more. Ghosts are included on that list.

Each species lives in a different dimension, but sometimes, a rift appears in those dimensions, causing different creatures to invade this world. This world is connected to 13 different dimensions, 616 different identified species, and that number has not increased. It is impossible for there not to be more species, but for some reason, we have not identified any other species. 616 is a very precise number. It's foolish to think it's the devil's number and all those ridiculous things; that number must have another meaning.

Ghosts should live in paradise or in hell, but for mostly selfish reasons, their souls stay in this world, condemned to be here until they fulfill their unfinished business.

My family is responsible for eliminating the invading creatures, even the ghosts. Creatures from other dimensions could disrupt this world, and we don't know how dangerous it could be to leave them alive. We don't communicate with them; we can't.

Our ancestors left us with the task of eliminating these threats as an inheritance because they could destroy the world. The rules are simple: No dialogue. No wasting time. Always kill.

I have killed fairies as adorable as a puppy with my own hands. Regardless of the circumstances, we must obey the rules.

For my family, legendary ghosts were a global problem. A single legendary ghost, even the weakest one, could turn a person into a dangerous serial killer or worse, the next Hitler, someone capable of gaining control of a country and starting wars.

But we had a problem: the ghost hunting organization known as "Black Air." That organization did the same thing we were trying to do: find the legendary ghosts. But they wanted to capture them to use them, and we wanted to destroy them.

Unfortunately, we are not specialized in ghosts because they are a low-level threat. Disguised orcs and demons are the most dangerous for us. We leave the ghosts to the ghost hunting organization.

Five hundred years ago, the first registered legendary ghost appeared, and as far as we know, when one is destroyed, another legendary ghost takes its place. We wanted to capture them and find a way to destroy them forever, but we were not lucky. The ghost hunting organization found many legendary ghosts, and we only managed to find one, the 58th legendary ghost.

It was our chance to get our first legendary ghost, but the possessor was more dangerous than we thought.

A combination of an orc and a human.

And that possessor was not our only enemy at that time.

"What are you doing here, kid...?! This power... Are you the famous Shadow?" my brother said, surprised to see Shadow, watching as the possessor of the 58th legendary ghost brutally violated a poor woman.

Shadow just stood there and took notes with a small notebook.

"Am I famous? I didn't know. I'll give you my autograph later, let me finish analyzing this creature."

"Get out of the way!"

I pushed Shadow aside because I couldn't bear to see any more of what the possessor was doing.

At that time, I had a beautiful face, a face I lost because of being an idiot.

I tried to fight him, but I was defeated. My family couldn't defeat him, not even Shadow.

Fortunately, Shadow didn't manage to defeat him, but he left him quite injured, forcing him to flee.

"Ah... I can't go home yet... Could you invite me to rest? I'm hungry and thirsty."

"Of course not, you idiot! Why didn't you help us fight if you're so powerful?"

"Sorry, girl, but I'm a loner. Besides, if I helped you, you could betray me. After all, you want to steal my legendary ghost."

"It is our, we found it first!"

"Do you see? That's why I didn't want to help them. By the way, you're very adorable, girl. Would you like to be my friend? I don't have friends my age. I'm also 8 years old."

"I'm not a little girl, you idiot!"

"I like you, you have a lot of energy. My name is Shadow."

He extended his hand to me, and I bumped it. I didn't trust him at all at that time. He was a mystery to me, and he acted differently, not like a child his age.

"Don't touch me, you disgusting!"

"Well, let's go to your house, I'm hungry."

"Of course not!"

"Of course, yes!"

Nergio took him by the hand and shook it.

"Hello, my name is Nergio! Please be my master!"

"What are you doing, you idiot?!"

"If you give me food and lemon water, I'll consider it."

"Of course, master! Let's go!"

"Don't make decisions on your own, stupid!"

Ignoring my complaints, Shadow and Nergio left together for home. My mother warned me that Shadow's power was stronger than ours, that I shouldn't try to kill him because I am a ghost, and he could destroy me if he wanted to.

And in my own house, Shadow acted as if he were a member of the family.

"Get out of here!"

"But my favorite cartoon is about to start."

"Get out! You've been here for a week! Don't you have any shame?"

"I don't know. Come, sit with me, don't be shy."

"Get out!"

"I don't want to. I'm waiting for the possessor to return, I can't leave the city. And Nergio treats me very well, I don't want to go. Don't worry about me, Number 31 has control over my babysitter's body, my parents don't know I'm not home."

"I don't care about you, I hate you! Get out of my sight!"

"Do you feel anything for me?"

"Of course not! What nonsense are you saying?!"

"That means you don't hate me, as hate is a feeling. One step closer to being friends."

"Ahhhhhhh! I can't stand you!"

I tried to hit him, but obviously, I couldn't. My fist went through his face.

"You were about to hit a little boy. Aren't you ashamed? If you claim to be an adult, act like one. Shouldn't adults be an example for little children like me? As an adult, you're disappointing. I can't even see you as one."

"Ahhhhhhh! You drive me crazy!"

He even ate with us at the table as if he were part of our family.

"Could you pass me the mustard?"

"Here you go, master!"

"Thank you very much."

"Ahhhhhhh! When will he leave?"

"Maria, don't disrespect my master!"

"Although it's not like it bothers me, on the contrary, I think I like it. It's very adorable when she gets angry."

"Mother, do something!"

"Shadow, would you like some chocolate ice cream?" my mother said.

"No, thank you, I don't like the sweet taste. I don't like sweets in general. I prefer salty foods like pasta and salads."

"It's very strange to meet a child who doesn't like sweets."

"My mother loves sweets. I will never understand why the sweet taste is so popular."

"I think it stimulates a part of the brain or something like that."

"Personally, I prefer the greasy flavor. Burgers and pizzas in general, master."

"I have to avoid it for my diet, but I also like burgers."

"Ahhhhhhh!! They already made him part of the family!" I complained.

Every day it was the same. Shadow and I argued... Well, I argued with him, and he simply responded in the most polite way possible, which frustrated me even more. I couldn't achieve my goal of kicking him out of the house.

Another week passed, and Shadow didn't leave, until "he" returned.

Unfortunately, we weren't the first to find out.

"Master? Why?"

"I'm sorry, it's nothing personal."

"Ahhhhhhh! I told you so!"

It had all been an act by Shadow. He gained the trust of Nergio and my mother so that they wouldn't suspect him and he could take them by surprise. I let my guard down like a fool, tired of waiting for him to attack.

Nergio considered him a master, and my mother thought that he, being a little boy, wouldn't have the malice to betray us. They were very wrong. Although Shadow was a little boy, he was quite mature. I was surprised that such a young child was so accustomed to seeing things like rape and death. I think that's one of the reasons why he is so insensitive and cold towards people.

Shadow caught us off guard and defeated us with his spiritual power, draining our energy and leaving us unable to move... Or so he thought.



Shadow wasn't the only one who knew how to use his spiritual power. We could do it too. We used the energy of our souls to move and attacked Shadow at the same time.

We placed our hands on his body and placed a curse on him. A curse that would kill him in 24 hours.


[Curse detected.]

[Curse effect: Will die in 24 hours.]

A status hologram appeared in front of him. We were surprised to see that because we had only seen status holograms with fairies, they could use them.

"A curse?"

"In your face, idiot! I hope you don't enjoy your last hours of life! I hope you rot in hell!"

"It's too powerful... I can't remove the curse. It's stuck to my soul... You... You will regret this."

One of his abilities was the use of shadows. He used his own shadow. He entered his shadow and disappeared, like a true monster.

I thought we had gotten rid of him because we didn't see him for over two days.

When we found the possessor of legendary ghost number 58, all the members of my family went to fight, but we were separated. More than 20 orcs had appeared in the city, and we split up to defeat them. That was his strategy to kill us one by one.

One of my brothers and two of my nephews were killed by that monster, and I was going to be his next victim.

When he found me, I confronted him with everything I had, but I was no match for that monster.

He punched through my chest and started to destroy my soul. I thought it was the end for me, but someone unexpected came to save my life.

Shadow landed heavily on the possessor and used his spiritual power to prevent my soul from being destroyed.

He hugged me tightly while using his power on me.

"Yes... Perfect. I arrived just in time. One more second and... Well, you know. You would have been left without a face, but I guess it's better than being without a soul."

"W-what...? Why?"

He walked away while hugging me. At that moment, I felt so confused, but also strange. The hatred I felt, I couldn't feel it anymore.

"That man still has too much energy. Ah, yes, responding to your question, if your soul suffers damage, your spiritual body is altered, that's why you don't have a face. I'm sorry, I did my best to fix it."

"No... I mean... Why did you save me?"

"Well... To be honest, I still want to be your friend. I didn't lie when I said I wanted to be your friend. I don't have friends my age; I can't relate to normal people. I thought having a friend like you, someone who understood my situation, would make me feel... normal... Sorry, I think I said something strange."

He carried me in his arms.

"W-what are you doing?"

"I'll take you to a safe place. Being close to that beast is dangerous for a ghost. You could disappear."

"It's your chance, finish him off!"

"It's not my chance, he's pretending to be injured. I'm not so easily deceived."

Shadow ran away, and I couldn't help but hug him. I felt so strange. It was something I had never felt before.

I no longer hated him. Why are my feelings so easily changed?

Shadow took me to my mother and my brother, and he was about to go and fight.

"Master, how did you manage to survive?"

"Ah, yes, I hope you're not mad. I went through your secret documents while living with you. Thanks to those documents, I discovered that the ghost hunter organization had the legendary ghost number 74 under their control. I thought that with that protection, I could protect my soul, so I went to their base and got it. Ah, and I also got the legendary ghost number 68. Two more ghosts for my collection."

"Wait... Number 68...? That's... That was the legendary ghost of..." My mother said before being interrupted by Shadow.

"Don't say his name."


"Don't say his name in front of me. Do you understand?"

"... Yes. Understood."


And he ran off to fight the possessor.

I knew very well that he was just a little boy, but I stopped seeing him that way after that day.

And no, it's not because my feelings for him changed, but because of what he did.

Defeating the possessor and destroying a good part of the city in the process.

Even knowing that he was responsible for thousands of deaths, he didn't care. He didn't feel guilty. He didn't feel anything for all those dead people... And I loved that!

I don't know if it's some fetish of mine or my personal taste, but I love the sadistic side Saik has. But knowing that a little boy like Saik was so insensitive to death makes me somewhat sad. Saik couldn't enjoy his childhood because of his own power.

"I thought that having a friend like you, someone who understood my situation, would make me feel... normal." With those words, he made it clear to me how lonely Saik felt. For people like Saik, the power to see ghosts affects them psychologically. It's difficult for them to socialize with people because they are very sensitive to negative emotions like sadness, jealousy, and anger. Saik felt different from people his age and distanced himself to avoid feeling like a weird kid.

Saik just wanted to have a friend, someone he could trust. Due to our past, Saik and I are close, but I don't know if we are friends. He kept his distance from me for a long time. But now I know that he managed to find the friend he always wanted to have.

"Ahhhhhhhhh! I give up! I only found trash at the bottom of the sea! I didn't even find a beautiful mermaid! How disappointing!"

Yuki... Without a doubt, she became Saik's best friend. A trusted person for him. How do I know? By the way Saik looks at Yuki. Friendship, a feeling that Saik never understood in his childhood, he is now experiencing it.

After the deaths of his parents, Saik was devastated. Yuki must have been a great emotional support for him. Yuki became his little younger sister, something that Saik always dreamed of having. He once told me that he dreamed of having a younger brother or sister who would be just like him, or at least a friend with whom he could share his pain, someone who would understand what he felt. I'm really glad he met someone as sweet as Yuki.

But there's something that worries me. Yuki feels more than just friendship for Saik, I have no doubt about that, but it's not love. This feeling I have never felt before in a person. It's a strange mix of friendship, love, and trust... I don't know how to define it.

Yuki wants Saik to be happy to repay what he does for her, but there's something hidden in her actions that I can't understand... No... Rather, I refuse to understand.

Sylphie is in love with Saik, but I don't see her as a rival. Saik doesn't even feel friendship for that girl.

"You are my only rival, Yuki."

I hate to admit it, but you are the only person I know who could make Saik fall in love.

You don't admit your feelings because you know perfectly well that Saik would reject you with your body. Having the appearance of a little girl is a great disadvantage, I understand you perfectly.

Fortunately, Saik is not a sick person who gets excited about little girls, although that is unfortunate for us, ghosts condemned to never age. I wish Saik would take into account that I am not a little girl mentally, but as long as he keeps seeing me as a little girl, he will continue to treat me like a little girl.

That's why I'm working on finding a way to come back to life and age again.

And when I come back to life, I'll have a chance with him.

(Pov - Yuki.)

Ahhhhhhh! I can't find anything at the bottom of the sea!

Just rocks... and more rocks. But I admit the view is beautiful. Has my vision improved now that I'm a ghost? I can see everything more clearly. Wow... the ocean floor is so... huh?

That thing is... is it really...?!

I approached her as quickly as I could. My vision doesn't deceive me... Oh, no, it does deceive me. It's just a piece of cardboard from an advertisement with a mermaid on it. I thought it was a real mermaid... Wait... I'm a ghost... As far as I know, only a very small part of the sea has been explored; the bottom of the sea remains an unknown place for humans. And since I'm a ghost, I don't need to breathe, and I don't think the pressure of the deep sea will harm me... It's a golden opportunity! I will investigate the depths! I will reach a place where no one has gone before!

I hope to encounter a mermaid or at least a sea monster. It would scare me, but I'm a ghost! Hahahahahaha! I'm immune to their attacks, monsters! You won't be able to touch this beautiful body made by my beautiful mother...! Oh, and also made by my father, whose name and face I don't know. I hope he's dead and rotting in hell for abandoning me... Well, my mother only told me that I didn't have a father, but she never told me if he abandoned me or died. She always avoided the topic when I asked her... Well, it doesn't matter! Time to investigate!

Hehe. I'll become rich if I capture a mermaid or sea monster and sell it. Mother, I'll hire the best criminals in the world to destroy the prison and rescue you...! Huh?

S-something is touching my waist... S-something strange.

With fear, I lowered my gaze... Ah... Ah...

"Hahaha. Look, brother, a ghost girl."

"Poor thing, she must have drowned."

"I wonder what her soul tastes like."

"We must find out."

Kya!! Ahhhhhh!! Humanoid phenomena with tentacles instead of arms and legs! R-red eyes and horns! They have horns! They're definitely demons!

"To eat."

I don't want to die again! I don't want to, I don't want to...! Ah... Ah! My savior!

Maria appeared out of nowhere in front of us and knocked them unconscious with two punches to the face. My heroine!

She took me by the arm and pulled me out of the water.

"Ahhhhhhh! I almost died...! Again."

"Those demons could see you and touch you."

"Eh...? Ah... That's right... Why?"

"I... don't know... I don't know."

What's happening? Were those two powerful demons or something...? Oh, right... I just met two demons and almost died! I don't want to see another one!



A wooden doll is coming towards us...? A wooden doll?!

"Behind me, Yuki!"

The wooden doll was a few meters away from us, ready to attack us, or so I think, because Maria was prepared to fight, but something else strange happened on this strange day.

Someone landed in front of us, on top of the doll, completely destroying it.

"I warned you. I will never allow you to harm her," said that boy in black clothes. Doesn't he feel hot? It's very hot.

Who is he?


Eh? Maria knows him?

That boy wears black attire and bandages over his eyes. He's like a superhero!

"Who is he, Maria? Do you know him?"

"He is Shadow, an acquaintance."

"Isn't he your friend?"

"No, and we will never be friends."

Ah, it seems like they hate each other. Who is Shadow really? Does he have powers to see ghosts? And what was that wooden doll?!

Ahhhhhhh! I don't understand anything!

(Pov - Saik.)

(A few minutes earlier.)

"Wow, a fall from here would definitely kill a person."

"Be careful, Sylphie. Curiosity is not always a good thing."

The crater... Ah... Well... I still don't feel anything... Nothing, nothing, nothing... Ah, I'm and will continue to be a damn insensitive weirdo. I feel love, I like Naima, imagining her dying makes me feel sad, I definitely feel something for someone, I'm not that insensitive, but... I like Naima, unlike the people who died because of me, I don't know them, I can't feel something for someone I don't know or don't care about.

... Ah, I always tried to deceive myself by saying that what number 1 said was a lie. "You're a selfish person, incapable of doing something without expecting something in return. That's your nature, and it's better to accept it"... Selfish... Am I really selfish? No... I would say I have common sense. Why would I do something that wouldn't benefit me? It's simple logic.

I think... I think I'll never understand my own feelings.

I really like Naima, and we're not even friends. Ah... Is this classic love at first sight? Well, when I first saw her, I wasn't interested. I only became interested when I saw that she is a woman who can defend herself and move forward without help. A woman with a strong personality.

I feel something for someone, so I'm not insensitive. I'm just weird.

... Well... Admitting that I'm in love with Naima makes me feel embarrassed, even if I'm only saying it in my mind. I like Naima. I love Naima. I'm in love with Naima...



Sylphie stumbled.

I took her hand and waist. I prevented her from falling and pulled her towards me so she could stand properly... Ah, Sylphie's face is too close to mine. Her hair smells really nice. What shampoo does she use? I'll ask her later, to buy the same one for Yuki.

"Be more careful, Sylphie."

"Y-yes. Th-thank you for h-helping me."

Huh? I sense nervousness in her... Ah, we were doing so well. Her nervousness returned. What did I do to make her nervousness come back?

I let go of her and continued walking.

My lack of experience with women doesn't allow me to know what I'm doing wrong. I researched how to make a woman fall in love and how to know if a woman feels something for me. I'm not doing anything to make her fall in love, so Sylphie's nervousness must be about something else.

Mmm... Ah... Ah, right. Sylphie is too shy. She probably got nervous because she stumbled in public. It's not a big deal, I'll let it pass naturally.

"I-it's really a tourist spot. T-there are many food stalls and gifts."

Changing the subject, huh? Don't worry, Sylphie, I would never make fun of you for falling... Well, not for any specific fall. I don't find it funny.

... Actually, what do I find funny? It's difficult to make me laugh. I watched some live streams of famous people in that field, and they only made me cringe and bored. Why are they so famous? How ridiculous.

"Brother, do you want a juice?" Hana said.

"Yes, please!" Yurem said.

A juice... I think I'll buy one.

"Do you want a juice too, Sylphie?"

"Y-yes. Thank you very much."

I approached the juice stand... Ah... There are many couples sitting at the tables, sharing a large juice with a heart-shaped straw... So... No... I was going to say "so ridiculous," but imagining myself doing that with Naima makes me feel strange... Is love changing me? Well, calling it love is an exaggeration, I just like it.

Ah, being a teenager is changing me. When I was a little boy, I had many opportunities for romance with many adult women, but I always rejected them because I wasn't interested. But now I'm interested in romance... Well, well.

I stood in front of the stand and took out my wallet.

"Two large orange juices and... Hey, Sylphie, do you want something to eat?"

"Yes, please. Anything will be fine."


Yes, I know, Hana.

"Hehe. Shall we start the fun?"

The woman at the stand is not alive, and inside her is a spirit... The wooden doll.

The woman crouched down and placed the wooden doll on the counter.

"Take it, I'm giving it to you."

"A wooden doll, huh? It's cute."

I took it in my hands.

"Sylphie, do you like dolls like this?"

"Well... Ah... S-sorry, but I think I would be scared to have it in my room."

"Yes, I agree, it's scary, but I like it. I think I'll keep it. Ah, Sylphie, buy the juice, I need to go to the bathroom. Don't worry, Sylphie, Hana will keep you company. I'll be back soon."

Hana understood the hint and nodded.

I walked away while hugging the doll with my arms... Well, we've distanced ourselves now.

"You know I could kill you right now, don't you?"

"Yes, I know, but I doubt you'll do the same as I did to Hercules, right? It would be hypocritical of you to kill me in the same way."

"You're right. I refuse to give you the satisfaction of seeing me being a coward like you. I'll kill you in a fair way, so it's more humiliating for you."

"You're making a mistake, but you'll regret it later... Well, then... What do you plan to do?"

"68 trials. I spent years perfecting my monsters for this moment."

"... Monsters?"

"And they are as powerful as your beloved legendary ghosts."

I don't sense lies in her words... This is bad.

"The trial will consist of defeating them in less than 5 minutes. If you fail, my monsters will reveal Shadow's identity, as well as his evil deeds, his crimes, including the fact that he was responsible for causing this crater. Time is running out."

... It's impossible for me to be in different places in the city, and especially because I don't know how powerful the monsters are.

The only way is to use the legendary ghosts, but... Ah... I see... Is that your plan?

Yes, I suspected it. You can't defeat me as the owner of the legendary ghosts, but you can defeat me without the legendary ghosts.

I really want to avoid it, but I want to maintain my normal life. Besides... I don't want my mother to be remembered as the mother of a monster like me... She was responsible for many acts of charity, she was one of the best doctors, her great reputation is admirable and spotless. I would never forgive myself if I let her memory be tainted because of me.

I have identified the locations... I must do it.

I entered the bathroom... There's someone inside, washing their face.

I entered, closed the door, and sat on one of the toilets.

Legendary ghost number 5, the ghost of silence, do your job.

... Yes, the effect is now activated.

"Numbers 1 to 67, come out. Numbers 69 to 97, come out. Number 99, leave."

I will keep 68 and 98, I won't give them the satisfaction of seeing them.

White spheres leave my body at high speed, heading towards their destinations.

Controlling so many at the same time drains my mind, but I must endure it for at least 4 more minutes.

Some of my legendary ghosts are weaker than others. I must make the weak ones team up with the powerful ones to ensure a good balance. I would use the most powerful ones, but time would run out before they manage to defeat all the monsters. Dividing them into equal parts of power is a better idea.

"Ah, yes, I forgot to mention, I'm a special test as well. You have one minute to save your little friend, Yuki."

"... I'll give you a warning. Don't try to harm Yuki."

"Or what?"

"You'll regret making me angry."

"Well, well. Does the coward Shadow care about someone? Hahaha! We'll see!"

She flew away and passed through the wall.

"Number 3, come back."

He/she appeared in front of me and smiled.

" knew you would need me!"

She entered my body and I activated my Shadow form.

"I won't let any harm come to Yuki."

I used the shadows to disappear and left through the shadow of a tourist. No one can see me.

"Master, your energy is being used too much. I can only keep you invisible for a few more seconds."

"It's enough time."

In the distance, I can see that wooden doll flying towards Yuki.

I started running in that direction. Don't worry, Yuki, I will never allow you to suffer again. I promise to always protect you, and I always keep my promises.

(Extra - Legendary ghost number 7, ghost of water.)

(Pov - Saik, 6 years old.)

Fishing day. A day where father and son peacefully fish and socialize.

It was a calm day, but this idiot ruined it.

"A mere child like you destroyed one of my tentacles?!"

We were calm, fishing, until something destroyed our boat and tried to drown us.

I had to knock out my own father so he wouldn't see what I did.

We were attacked by a mermaid. Yes, a mermaid!

I pulled my father out of the water and prepared to fight.

"Who are you, brat?!"

"Ah, right. Sorry about that, I was distracted. Ahem... My name is Shadow, miss mermaid. Could you tell me your name, miss...? Ah..."

"Who are you really?!"

I jumped and dodged another one of her water tentacles.

"Saik, she's the legendary ghost number 7, it's our lucky day." - Said number 1.

Ah, and we didn't even have to look for her. Great!

"Lava monster!!"

I used an illusion to create a large lava monster, and I exerted a lot of energy to make the legendary ghost number 7 feel real heat.

"Do you want a quick death or a slow one?"

"Uwaaaah! My natural enemy! I surrender, I surrender, have mercy, please! I'll do anything!"

"I accept. So, I want you to give me your body."

"Huh? M-my body?"

"Yes, please."

"... Alright, but let it be clear that I'm not a pedophile, I'm only doing this to avoid dying."

Huh? Why is she...? Why did she remove her bra?

"I-it's alright, let's do it."

"Ah... Well... I don't know if you know, but..."

"Saik, pretend like you'll do it and catch her off guard."

Oh, right, number 1.

The illusion disappeared.

"Come, follow me."

She floated towards me and we entered my family's cabin. Was it a coincidence that she was here? I don't know. I think it was destiny or something.

We went up to my parents' room.

"And now what...?"

I gently pushed her and she fell onto the bed.

"W-wait, let me mentally prepare myself."

"Caress her lips."

I caressed her lips with my fingers, just as number 1 told me. I don't know what I'm doing, but it's better not to ask.

"Give her a kiss, just follow my instructions."

A kiss, huh? Is this how my first kiss will be? I've heard about it, but I don't think it matters much.

I pressed my lips against hers and moved my lips just as number 1 told me.

"Now, when you touch one of her breasts, try to capture her."

I did as he instructed.

"Kya! Don't be so rough, it's my first time...!"

She entered inside me. I obtained the legendary ghost number 7, sacrificing my first kiss.

"Well done."

"Couldn't we have captured her by threatening to destroy her?"

"No, there was a possibility that she would realize it was an illusion. Making her nervous in a situation like this was the best option."

"I see... So... Was it lucky to find her here?"

"Not entirely. Legendary ghosts are indirectly attracted to other legendary ghosts. Why do you think we're all in the same country? We feel uncomfortable when we are too far apart."

"I see."

Well, now I have 7 legendary ghosts under my control, 93 more to go.