CHAPTER 47 – Hercules. Part 1.
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Volume 6 Beginning. Thank you for continuing to read. I would greatly appreciate your comments. This novel is school-based, and there won't always be fighting arcs. I hope you understand.


Saik: He is a boy whose life hasn't been easy, but his own decisions were responsible for everything that has happened to him. He is an expressionless boy, unlike his past self, who was a more cheerful boy and expressed his feelings better, even crying out of fear in certain situations. However, the current Saik hardly cries about anything. The last time he genuinely cried was at his parents' funeral. He has the ability to see ghosts and has legendary ghosts under his control, which he captured himself. He was responsible for defeating the 100th legendary ghost and saving the world. Currently, his only goal is to have a normal school life and graduate as the top student in his class.

Yuki: A ghost girl who was murdered by a man, whose motives remain unknown. She is Saik's only friend and wants to help him achieve his goals, although she sometimes helps more than she should, which makes Saik feel somewhat uncomfortable. She is outgoing by nature, although she was a lonely girl when she was alive.

Alvanem Rosa Family: They are one of the most powerful families in the world, both in terms of power and wealth. They maintain a high public status so that no one suspects their actions in protecting the world. They are the protectors of the intermarplasmic reality. While ghost hunters take care of ghosts, they deal with eliminating monsters from different dimensions. The family consists of 15 people, including Rosemary's grandchildren. They used to be 18 members, but three of them died fighting against the possessor of the 58th legendary ghost. They have the help of hundreds of people around the world, but those individuals don't even possess 2% of the power of the Alvanem Rosa family members. Therefore, when the situation requires it, they personally go to fight.

Nergio Alvanem Rosa: He is a businessman who secretly works as a monster and fantasy creature killer. His job allows him to travel around the world and fulfill his mission: protecting the world. He considers Saik his master because Saik proved to be much more powerful than Nergio, earning Nergio's admiration. He has an 11-year-old son and is a widower.

María: She is Nergio's sister. She has a strong and somewhat rude personality, but she acts very kind and submissive towards Saik, a big mistake. Saik doesn't take her seriously because he is only attracted to women with strong personalities who don't change themselves just to please someone.

Rosemary: The matriarch of the Alvanem Rosa family. She manipulates information to ensure that her family's actions never come to light. Even the ghost hunter organization doesn't know that the members of the Alvanem Rosa family can see ghosts. She respects Saik a lot, but she also fears him, so she avoids any problems with him.

The wooden doll: A ghost corrupted by negative energy. She greatly admired Hercules, so she wants to see Saik dead because he killed him. She has planned a way to kill him for years and doesn't plan on losing.

CHAPTER 47 - Hercules. Part 1.

(Pov - Yuki.)

Shadow... Wow... That guy looks so cool in that black outfit... Wait... Shadow?

"Maria, didn't you say Shadow was dead?"

"She probably said that because she still hates me. You'll never let go of that hatred, huh?" Shadow said.

Wow... His voice is so... masculine. He really looks like an anime character!

"Tsk. Yuki, we need to leave. I'll take you to a safe place."

"Eh? Why? He already destroyed the doll."

"No, this is not over yet. Let's go."

"Ah, yeah, sure. Let's go."

I looked at Shadow one last time... Is he a real demon hunter? How will he fight...?

Huh? Is he... smiling at me?

"Don't worry, girl, everything will be fine."

"... Yes, thank you."

I hurriedly walked away with Maria... He smiled... Wow... His mouth reminded me of Saik, but he smiled, something Saik would never do... But why do I feel strange?

(Pov - Saik.)

Well, I doubt Yuki suspects me. Maria doesn't hate me, Saik, but pretends to hate Shadow, that should be enough. And I faked a smile. Saik never smiles, so I don't think Yuki will suspect Saik.

At this moment, my legendary ghosts are fighting the monsters of this wooden doll. I have two minutes left.

"So, how long will you keep pretending?"

"Hehe... Haha... Ha... Hahahahahaha!"

A black vapor emerged from the remains of the wooden doll and began taking humanoid form. So much negative energy... Did it cause so much harm when it was alive?

That human form... I don't know it.

"Is that so? 'I will never allow you to harm her' Is that so?! Hahahahahaha! Is the great Shadow caring for someone else?! Is the selfish Shadow willing to fight at a disadvantage just to protect his friend? This must be a joke. The Shadow I know would let babies die without feeling any remorse... Did the deaths of your stupid parents really change you?"

"Considering their great academic achievements, it's impossible for you to call them stupid."

A girl of about... 7 years old? Maybe 8.

She has quite dark skin, almost black. A very dark skin color, something rare to see in this country. It's cold in this country almost all year round, it's only hot in some parts. The predominant skin color is white. It sounds very racist, but it's a reality. It's because of some unfortunate events that happened in the past.

Why does a girl like her have so much negative energy? It's impossible for someone like her to have that much.

She looks so... innocent.

"I'm still the same as always, just smarter."

All the studying has been worth it.

"One minute left and there are still 25 monsters remaining, and they're the most powerful ones. What will you do?"

"... I have no other choice. It's what you wanted, right?"

"Hehe. Go ahead, use it."

"I will use... my own soul."


It's your turn, number 97.

"Mother, hold on a little longer! Saik will definitely defeat them!"

Rosemary, special power: "World Control." Her power allows her to know the locations of invading creatures from different dimensions, and she can prevent those creatures from being seen by humans and from touching anything in this world.

At this moment, she is using all her power to prevent the monsters from being seen by other humans or causing damage to the city, but she has a limit, and she's about to reach that limit.

While Rosemary fights with all her might, the legendary ghosts are doing their best.

"I won't give up!"

Legendary ghost number 93, the ghost of physical strength. A huge, muscular man wearing Roman gladiator attire.

He is fighting with his own fists against a giant ice wolf that freezes everything it touches. Thanks to Rosemary's power, the ice doesn't actually affect objects or people, but it does affect the legendary ghosts.

Several of them are completely frozen, and although number 93 is breaking the ice with his immense strength, he is becoming weaker and slower. As a result, his punches are getting weaker, giving the advantage to the wolf.

The wolf unleashes a blast of icy wind, momentarily halting number 93's punches, giving it enough time to strike with all its might.

Its claws tear through number 93's chest. He tries to keep fighting and attacking, but the pain, combined with his frozen legs, prevents him from moving as he wants.

"I... I'm sorry, master..."

The wolf, realizing that number 93 no longer has the energy to fight, stops attacking with its claws and tries to devour him. A mistake it will regret.

[Saik's Blessing, received. Activating Berserker mode.]

The wolf tries to devour him, but its own teeth can't withstand the impact and shatter.

Startled by what just happened, the wolf retreats from number 93, while he smiles and a black aura surrounds his body.

"Hehe. No wonder he's my master, master. You're right, I shouldn't give up!"

He leaps towards the wolf, and an intense exchange of blows begins once again.

The legendary ghosts that were frozen break free from the ice.

"Heh. The master is still as powerful as ever," said number 89, the legendary ghost of fortitude, an old woman with an enviable body that would excite any man.

"Woof!" barked number 95, the legendary ghost of loyalty, a ghost dog of the Onka breed (Akita breed).

"Yes, I agree with you, 95. Our master warms me up too," said number 91, the legendary ghost of plants. A flat-chested girl with hair made of leaves, tanned skin, and completely black eyes.


"Ah... So, it's just me he warms up. I guess being warm doesn't let me hear well."

"You three, stop chatting and do your job. Do you think the 5 minutes will last forever?" said an old man... Well, not exactly an old man.

The three looked up to see the small baby floating above them, crossing his arms. Legendary ghost number 97, the ghost of time, whose voice was that of an old man, contrary to his appearance.

"Don't waste any more time."

"97...? That means our master used his spiritual power again," said number 89.

"I wish that were true, but I'm afraid not."

The three shivered upon hearing that, as they know perfectly well what it means.

"D-Does that mean he's using his own soul again?" said number 91.


"Woof... Woof, woof!"

"I agree with 95! Why did you let him do that?!" said an angry number 91.

"Stop wasting time! Every second lost is a second wasted! Stop wasting time!"



"Damn it."

The three went their separate ways to deal with the remaining 7 monsters. They didn't need to fight the wolf since it was already practically defeated.

Number 93 was pummeling it with his own fists.

"I feel incredible!"

Number 97 simply closed her eyes and sighed.

"Is it really worth sacrificing so much, master?"

(Pov - Saik)

"What... What are you doing?"

My body burns with fever, my ears and nose won't stop bleeding, and I've lost count of how many times my heart has stopped completely.

To say that it hurts a lot is an understatement compared to the true pain I'm feeling, but...

"I can endure it."

"You... You're a true monster."

Moving a single muscle hurts. I feel like I'm fracturing my bones just by standing. The pain my legendary ghosts are feeling is absorbed by my own soul. If I want the Berserker mode to keep working, I can't let my legendary ghosts exhaust themselves from the damage they receive.

I don't know if I can keep going like this, but I have to try. I have to win, no matter the cost.

"Eh? I-impossible... Impossible! Were all my monsters defeated...?! It can't be... Y-you... Did you use legendary ghost number 97?"

"Yes. I suppose you didn't plan for that, did you? You thought you could force me to use my spiritual power?"

"To take all that damage and still be able to speak... There's no doubt you're a true monster."

"Yes... Anyway... Let's finish this... Let's end it."

"... Tell me, why go this far? Is your secret identity really that important? Someone like you could start a new life whenever you want. Why do you keep clinging to being Saik?"

... Yes, I suppose it's true. If I wanted to, I could take on the identity of any student and pretend to be that student, thus achieving the normal school life I want. It would be so easy to do, but it's also something I'll never do. The reasons are very simple. My mother and my father.

The reason I want a normal life is because of them. I always dreamed of being a normal person, like anyone else. I used to envy normal people. I was doomed to always see phantoms, and even though I tried to ignore them, I always felt so comfortable with them that I couldn't help but talk to them. Being with living people made me feel very uncomfortable... I knew that as long as I had my power, I could never have the normal life I dreamed of. I gave up. I was destined to always have this power. In middle school, I mostly kept to myself because I felt very uncomfortable around normal people. I planned to simply become an office worker, be an accountant or something... Honestly, I didn't think about my future because I didn't know if I would have one. With my power, you never know when an enemy might come and kill me.

But... After my parents' deaths, I decided to fulfill both their dreams. I, Saik, in honor of my parents, will become the best student. Saik, their son, will.

That's why I can't let my identity be exposed. I can't tarnish the memory of my parents... And I want Saik to have a normal life, not someone else.

"I'll sum it up for you. I am Saik, a simple normal student who wants to keep his normal life. And I'll be the one to defeat you."

"Heh. With you, there was a possibility that you would do something stupid like this. We were already prepared."

One, two, and three... Three shots, huh?

"Do you really not want to use your spiritual body? Pathetic."

"Faye, huh?"

I touched my forehead... Blood... Right in the brain.

"I would say you were a worthy rival, but you disappointed me, Saik," said the wooden doll, though she is no longer a doll.

Faye placed his hand on my chest.

"Now Number 74 will return with me... huh?"

"So, you only just realized?"

"You must be kidding!"

Slowly, I turn to dust and point my index finger towards the edge of the sea.

"That's the real Saik."

I turn completely into dust and disperse.

"He turned to dust?! Was he a copy?! Shadow had that ability?!"

"The legendary ghost number 19, the Doppelgänger ghost."


"It's the German word for defining the ghostly double or 'evil twin' of a living person... Oh... Well, well... I don't think you'll like this, Faye."

Faye turned to look at the shore.

"What are you...? Huh?"

"Well, it turned out to be an exhibitionist."

Saik was kissing Number 74, while his hand was inside Number 74's underwear. He was pleasuring and kissing Number 74, filling Faye with rage.

Number 74 didn't resist, on the contrary, she showed the most passion. She licked Saik's neck, leaving hickeys.

"Number 74!!"

Faye tried to stop them, but an invisible force field prevented him.

"Oh, guests have arrived. Let's get to action."

Saik lifted Number 74 and placed her against the force field, in front of a furious Faye.

Seeing his beloved in that situation made Faye cry out of helplessness.

"P-please, stop."

Saik slowly began to penetrate Number 74, while she moaned and Faye struck the force field, hoping to break it and kill Saik.


"Well, well, well. This is your first time, isn't it, Number 74? Why don't you tell Faye how you feel?"

"I-I love it, don't stop! I'm almost...!"

"Oh... So soon? I guess that's good."

Number 74 embraced Saik with her arms and legs.

"I c-can go on, master!"

"I wasn't planning on stopping."

"Ahhhhhhh!!! I'll kill you, Saik!!!"

A large amount of negative energy surrounded Faye, transforming his body into a creature similar to a pig. A massive Orc.

"Well, well. The result was perfect. Faye, it's all yours."

He destroyed the force field, frightening Number 74.

"I-I'm sorry, master!"

Saik didn't stop his movements; on the contrary, he continued having sex with Number 74, completely ignoring Faye.

"Danger turned me on even more."

"You knew I loved her... I still love her."

"Even though she's having sex with another man? You still love her? Wow... That's really pathetic."

"Give Number 74 back to me... She's mine!!"

He attempted to strike Saik, but someone landed in front of Saik and stopped Faye's fist with their hands.

"Sorry for the delay, Master. The Shadow Paradise is ready to act," said Nergio, wearing the organization's suit with a big smile.

Over 100 members of the Shadow Paradise emerged from the ground.

"I entrust Faye to you."

"Do you need assistance?"

"I will fight her. Use the other members to defeat Faye. Go."

"Yes, Master."

"Ah, yes. Number 74, help Nergio."

"Yes, master!"

Number 74 turned into a white sphere and entered Nergio.


"It's mine!!"

With his other fist, he tried to attack Nergio, but a shield appeared out of nowhere, protecting Nergio.

"Finally, my master lent me one of his legendary ghosts... And I won't disappoint him!"

Nergio jumped and hit Faye in the face with the shield, sending him flying.

The other members followed him, leaving Saik and the wooden doll alone.

"Hehe. You managed to get rid of Faye and my monsters... So, how do you plan to defeat me?"

Saik put on his clothes again and sighed.

"Well... I'm ready."

His Shadow suit appeared on him.

"I just want to know one thing... Why did you turn evil? Your negative energy makes no sense."

"Do you think I'll tell you my story to buy time?"

Saik immediately appeared in front of her when she blinked, trying to hit her, but she covered herself with her arms and flew away from Saik's force.

"I just wanted to socialize a bit," Saik said... smiling.

A quite unexpected smile, surprising the wooden doll.

"Are you... smiling?"

(Pov- Sylphie.)

Saik is taking too long in the bathroom. Is he doing something else?

And the girl and her little brother had to leave... I feel lonely... Well, I'm used to it already.

"Hey, girl, what are you doing all alone?"

Oh no. Why does this always happen to me?

Since Saik protects me at school, no guy tries to bother me... W-well, I also think it has to do with the rumor that we're a couple. After Saik expelled a student from the 3-A group, no one wants Saik as an enemy, and since they think I'm his... g-girlfriend, no man tries to flirt with me out of fear of Saik.

But right now, I'm alone, in an unknown place where no one knows Saik. I'm defenseless again!

W-well... The protection I have with Saik really makes me feel very safe. I'll thank him with a slice of cake! Saik loves strawberry cake. Should I buy one or make it?

"Did you have a fight with your boyfriend?"

Boyfriend...? Ah, I wish Saik were... Ahhhhhhh! Sylphie, you have to wait more! Saik might reject me if I confess my feelings to him right now. I have to wait a couple of months at least!

"Why don't you come with me? You'll have a good time."

"Hey, that sounded gross. Should I call the police?"

That voice... Saik...! S-Saik with glasses... So cute!

"Oh, the mister boyfriend has arrived."

... Huh? Saik... took my hand?! His hand feels so good. So warm... So... hot?

"S-sorry for leaving you... alone... Sylphie..."

Saik's voice sounds strange. It's the first time I hear him stutter. And his hand is very hot!

"Hey, Saik, I think... Saik!"

"Don't worry, Sylphie... L-let's keep looking at the... crater."

S-Saik almost stumbled. His body is trembling. Saik is definitely sick!

"L-let's sit down."

"Are you tired? S-sure, let's sit down."

Are you trying to be strong? Don't worry, Saik, I'll never see you as a weakling! I know perfectly well that you're a strong guy! You're the strongest person I know!

We sat together on a bench, and I offered him one of the orange drinks I bought.

"You need to hydrate."

"Thank you very much."

He took it and started drinking... Saik is sweating a lot... Saik...

I put my hand on his forehead. H-He's burning up.

"Saik, we need to take you to a hospital."

"No... No... I hate hospitals... I don't want to go to one... I'll be fine, this always happens to me."

It's true. He said the same thing in the past.

"We need to take you to a hospital!"

"It's not necessary, this happens to me from time to time, I'm used to it."

Saik... Why do you refuse to go to a hospital? If this happens to you often, it must be because of some illness.

"I'm sorry, Saik, but I'm calling an ambulance."

"You won't. I know you care about me, but I assure you I don't have any illness."

"But it's not normal. A doctor needs to examine you. Why do you refuse to go to a hospital?"

"... My mother was a well-known doctor. You can look her up on the internet, there's a lot of information about her... Dr. Sam Norsai... She was one of the best doctors in the country, and even she didn't know why I had a fever. I stopped worrying about it because many studies proved that my body simply heats up to get rid of bad fat. That's one of the reasons why I eat a lot and don't gain weight. I'll be fine, Sylphie. I just need... rest..."


He... Did he fall asleep? S-Saik rested his head on my shoulder. Although I feel his fever on my shoulder, I-I think I'm also getting a fever. M-My face feels hot.

"I'm going to sleep... I won't faint... I just need to sleep a little... Just a little."

"Y-Yes. I-I'll take care of you."

"Thank you... so much."

Poor thing. Having to live with that... Don't worry, Saik, I'll take care of you. I'll take care of you as many times as necessary. Just rest.

... Maybe... I-I've never done this before, but I have to do it. My shoulder is very uncomfortable.

Carefully, I put his head on my lap... This is the first time I'm doing this... My first time... Oh, that sounded weird.

... He looks so adorable sleeping... I'm still worried about his fever, but I'll trust Saik's words.

"I hope you recover soon."

Well... Ah... I don't know what to do. I'd like to watch him sleep more, but I don't want to seem like a stalker... I know! Saik told me his mother was beautiful, I want to meet her.

I took out my phone and searched for Saik's mother on the internet... Yes, I found her... Wow... She really was a very beautiful woman... And her eyes are just as beautiful as Saik's eyes. He inherited that from her.

She was really beautiful... And she has won many awards and honors... She was a very important woman in her field... No wonder Saik knows millionaires and his house is gigantic, he was rich, although he had already told me before. He told me that he sold everything and decided to start a new life in another city. Leaving everything behind must have been difficult for him.

Ah... Ahhhhhhh! Let it be clear that I fell in love with him before knowing he was wealthy! I'm not after his money! I'm poor but honest!

Well, I better not think about that.

Wow... So many awards and recognitions. So many donations... She was even a model! Saik's mother was incredible!

... Huh?

There's a video on the internet... "The rude son of Sam"?

I opened the video. It's from about 8 months ago.

"Saik, Saik, please answer some questions!"

The reporters are harassing him. How rude! They don't even respect the privacy of a boy who lost his parents.

"Ah, I'm hungry. I want a piece of cake."

"Now that you live alone, what are your plans?"

"What will happen to your mother's foundations?"

"Although I also feel like having a hamburger... Better both things."

Saik is not paying attention to them and continues with his life... He's ignoring them... That's not rude, it's common sense to ignore annoying people!

Saik sat on the floor and started playing with his phone, ignoring the reporters.

I fast-forwarded the video, but it's still the same... An hour later, they got tired of waiting for answers and the video ended... He was never rude! If he didn't want to answer them, they should have respected his decision and not kept insisting!

"It must have been a very painful moment for you, Saik. I admire that you held yourself together. If I were in your situation, maybe I would have hit or insulted them... I think I admire you even more."

A-and I fell even more in love with you, but I won't say that out loud!

(Pov - Ram.)

... I'm bored of being here already. The aquarium is huge, yes, but it's the only different thing. I'm tired of seeing fish.

But I can't leave yet, the trio of idiots is still wasting time. I would go back to the hotel alone, but someone has to take care of these idiots. If they do something stupid, I'll be affected too. I have to keep an eye on them.

Ah, I received a message. It must be important, no one sends me unimportant messages.

[The special exam will begin on Wednesday, October 1st, and will end on Wednesday, October 22nd. As mentioned before, the students who reach the end of the exam on the island will receive 100 class points each, the ones from the camp will receive 50, just like the ones from the Capital. The amount of points they will receive will depend on the number of students who didn't withdraw. They will have online classes, so they won't lose any class days. There will be tests between classes, where they will compete for positive and class points. We remind you that if you do something illegal or cheat, you will be expelled.]

I see... It was obvious that they would still give us regular classes, I didn't expect them to actually give us three full weeks without studying. But these tests between classes interest me a lot. We could increase our class points and move up to Class A.

It is an opportunity we cannot waste.

[There will also be a special test with a participation limit. Those students who want to take the risk of being expelled but gain 1,000 class points and 5,000 positive points, please leave your full names. We won't reveal yet what it will be about; you will decide whether to take the risk or not. Limit of one student per group, and all school groups can participate.]

1,000 class points and 5,000 positive points? That's too much, it means the risk is very high. If my hypothesis is correct, it means that most of those who participate will be expelled.

Ah... I'm really interested in participating, but the risk is too high. If only I knew what the special test entails... Huh?

[Saik Norsai. Group 1-B.]

Ah... I should have expected this could happen. Saik is the right one to participate because he has a protection point, so he can participate without any risk. Knowing Saik, he might win, greatly benefiting the class.

[Fanny Almenda. Group 3-A.]

The president will participate... A special test... The president didn't hesitate to participate... Maybe she's participating because Saik is participating... I knew a competition between them would happen someday, but that day came too soon.

Saik vs. the president... Who will come out as the winner?

"Thank you for waking me up, Sylphie. I owe you one. Ah, I almost missed a great opportunity... Would you like some sweets or want me to do your homework, my heroine?"

"You're... exaggerating. And don't worry, you don't need to pay me anything, that's what friends are for...! Hey, Saik, are you sure about participating? The president is participating."

"That's why I'm grateful you woke me up. It's my chance to confront the president and see her abilities... Ah, by the way, your thighs are very comfortable, Sylphie."

"T-thank you...! Huh?! Saik, your nose is bleeding!"

"Ah... Did I think of something perverted? Not that I recall... Could it be that there's a very perverted side deep within me? I'm sorry, Sylphie, I think I'm a pervert. Sorry for disappointing you. I'm a disappointment to my deceased family."

"This has nothing to do with being a pervert! You're losing too much blood! It won't stop bleeding! Kya! Even your ears are bleeding!"

"Ah... Could you call Miss Rosemary for me? I need... a doctor."

Saik closed his eyes, and Sylphie's tears began to fall on his face.

"Hold on, Saik!"

[Hey, Saik, your fight with the president is happening sooner than I imagined. Are you ready?]

"Hahahahahaha! Look, everyone is going in circles!" Naok said, laughing.

"Circles?" Ram said.

Ram looked at the fish and confirmed what Naok said. All the fish were swimming in circles without moving from their positions. It was a strange behavior, and Ram knew it well.

"Could there be something strange in the water?" Ludius worried.

The ceiling broke, causing debris to fall on a woman and an innocent little girl, instantly taking their lives.

"Damn it!"

Everyone moved away from the scene as the culprits got up from the ground.

"This can't be possible! You're not supposed to be this strong! How can you keep fighting?!"

Both the wooden doll and Shadow were in pain and exhausted, but they remained standing, showing no signs of giving up.

"In my family, we never give up, and if I have the chance to defeat you, I won't give up until I achieve it," said Saik.

"That doesn't answer my question!!"

The negative energy touched the lifeless bodies of the mother and daughter, forcing their souls to return.

Their bodies began to transform, becoming almost like zombies.

"Are you serious? Your negative energy never ceases to amaze me."

The wooden doll noticed the presence of Saik's classmates and smiled.

"This is for Hercules. Shadow's real name is Wolfstein!"

"Huh? So what? It's not like I have legal papers. I'm even undocumented in this place," said Shadow, going along with it, as he didn't know why she called him by a different name.

"My Goddess... Why? Why do you betray me?!"

She lunged at Shadow, and a new exchange of blows began.

Unfortunately, the police arrived at the scene. And unfortunately for them, they were the same police officers.

"Hands up, you're...!!"

The zombies pounced on them, decapitating two police officers with their bare hands.

The shots began, but they didn't harm the zombies.

"We need backup...! Ahhhhhh!"

The police officers were no match for the zombies; they had no chance. But two people arrived to change the situation.

"Tsk. What a nuisance."

"Mother, the witnesses were captured."

"Very well... Let's finish this."

Andrea and Wilson Alvanem Rosa. Daughter and grandson of Rosemary.

The zombies tried to attack them, but they simply evaded their attacks and hit them in the stomach.

The zombies went flying, and Andrea savored her victory.

"They're more resilient than we thought, son."

"This will be fun."

Andrea snapped her fingers, and over 50 members of the Shadow Paradise entered the aquarium.

"Let's finish the job."

"Ah... How can I put it...? This is quite disappointing, brother."

"You're right, sister. What do you think, Mike?"

"Tsk. Did that bitch really spend years preparing her attack? This doesn't make sense."

"Fufu. Let's not forget that Saik is an unpredictable guy."

The minions of the Ghost Goddess were observing through a hologram as the wooden doll and Shadow exchanged blows, and it didn't seem like they would stop soon. Both were fighting with their fists alone, without any other powers. A simple bare-fisted fight to the death.

Surprisingly, Shadow was enjoying it. The big smile on his face didn't fade away.

"I never expected a little girl like you to put up a fight! You're amazing! Do you have any other hidden tricks?! Come on, tell me your sad story, or at least think about your beloved Hercules! That will help you fight with all your power! Don't underestimate me!"

"You don't deserve to mention his name!! Shut up!!"

The negative energy emanating from her increased, surprising Mike.

"Well... That girl really had a great hidden power. Why didn't she attack Saik herself, without dividing her power with her monsters?"

"Because Saik would have killed her without any problem," said the statue of the Ghost Goddess.

"Saik's legendary ghosts still haven't returned to his body; they were weakened too much."

"But they won. And from what I see, Saik and that brat are evenly matched... A 1 vs. 1 fight, with Saik at full power... Yes, Saik would definitely win, brother."

"I admit that this exceeds my expectations. What do you think, Star?" said Mike.

"Hehe. I just think that I request the next turn to fight Saik," said Star, while licking her lollipop.

"You already have Kaeyko, leave Saik to my sister and me."

"Don't forget that I challenged him first, it's my turn!" roared Mike.


With a single word, the Goddess of Ghosts silenced her minions.

"I warned you, if you try to fight Saik before the time limit I gave him expires, I won't help you even if you ask for it, and I will eliminate you if Saik tries to capture you alive."

"You won't interfere if we want to fight, right?" said Mike.


"Then why did you interfere earlier when she tried to reveal Shadow's identity?"

"Because she didn't keep her word, and I hate that. Saik successfully passed the tests, and it wasn't fair for him not to fulfill what she said."

"You're fairer than I thought... So, that wooden doll turned out to be a little girl? Did you know that?"


"Why does a simple girl have so much negative energy? She didn't want to tell her story to Saik, so I hope you can tell us, my Goddess."

"I feel the same way. I'm trying to make sense of it, but I can't think of anything," said Star.

"Well, I doubt that exchange of blows will end soon. I will tell you the story of little Nancy, the wooden doll."

(Pov - The Goddess of Ghosts.)

Little Nancy was a young girl who had the misfortune of being born in 1955, at a time when racism was rampant. However, it was such radical racism that people of color had no access to medical care or the right to education.

People of color had to live together in small towns and villages to avoid feeling inferior and to live more comfortably... or so they dreamed.

Senseless hatred reached such a high point that white people would kill people of color out of pure hatred. Their small villages and towns were invaded, and everyone, including children, was murdered. The government completely ignored what was happening because people of color were considered inferior and insignificant.

Little Nancy and her mother were among the few people who managed to survive one of those attacks. They fled to another country in the hope of survival. And although the people in that country had a mixed race background, combining both white and people of color, racism still existed, but it was less radical, which relieved Nancy's mother.

While Nancy's mother sold her body to feed Nancy, the young girl would stay at home, playing with the only toy her father had given her. It was a wooden doll that her father had found on the street.

That wooden doll was the only memory she had of her father, as he had sacrificed himself to buy them time to escape with their lives.

Day after day, Nancy spent her time locked inside her house, playing with her doll, waiting for her mother to come home from work.

Nancy's mother would arrive in the evenings, sometimes crying, sometimes with bruises on her face, feeling humiliated as she had to endure the disgusting fetishes of her clients. But she would wipe away her tears, and a smile would appear on her face when she saw her beloved daughter because she didn't want her to worry about her. Nancy's mother truly hated selling her body; it was not only humiliating and painful for her, but she wanted to be an exemplary mother, a mother with a normal job like any other mother. However, no matter how many times she tried, she could never manage to get a normal job.

Time passed and the situation didn't change, but something in Nancy did change.

She began to hear voices in her head, voices she couldn't understand because they spoke in a very strange language, a language she didn't know. She thought she was going crazy, but she never told her mother to avoid worrying her.

Day after day, it was the same... Until one day, Nancy's mother didn't come home at the usual time. An hour passed, and she still hadn't arrived, causing even more worry for young Nancy.

She didn't want to wait any longer, so she tightly hugged her doll and left home, trying to find her mother.

She walked through the city, and after an hour, she found her... She found her mother's lifeless body being urinated on by a dog.

A car had hit her, leaving her severely injured on the pavement. The driver fled, and no one tried to help her. The drivers ignored her, and the people walking by simply ignored her too because they didn't want to help a woman of color. She bled to death without anyone attempting to help her.

"Mama...? Mama!"

As she touched her mother's lifeless body, the final memories of her mother flooded her mind, filling her not only with sadness but also with hatred towards all people.

"Why do they hate us so much? Why?!"

People ignored her, no one approached to help her. No one came to comfort a poor girl who had lost her parents... No one... They only felt disgust.

"Eww, that black girl stinks. Why hasn't anyone removed that thing from the pavement?"

"...We're not things... We're people!"

Nancy picked up a rock and threw it at the woman who insulted her mother, hitting her in the head.

"Ouch! Honey!"

"You fucking black bitch!"

The boyfriend punched Nancy in the face and continued beating her while she was on the ground.

"Why don't you die too?! Do the world a favor and die, black girl!"

"It's not worth it, honey. Let's go."

The woman spat on Nancy's face while laughing at her.

Nancy could only cling to her doll, trying to endure the pain in her heart. The man noticed that and snatched the doll away from her.

"Look at this thing. It's hideous."

"Give it back! It's mine!"

"You want it?"

He threw it forcefully to the ground and started jumping on the wooden doll, destroying the only memory Nancy had of her father.


The laughter of those two only made her feel worse... And "she" took advantage of that.

The soul of the first princess, Celestia Beleez Roalkon, who resided in the wooden doll, managed to emerge from it, taking control of young Nancy and corrupting her soul and body, merging with her.

Her mind was corrupted, erasing any trace of love, empathy, and kindness within her. All positive emotions were eliminated, leaving Nancy filled only with hatred and rage.

You don't need to be a genius to know what happened next. Nancy eliminated everyone in the city. She single-handedly destroyed an entire city and absorbed all the souls, condemning those people to suffer for eternity.

She was supposedly defeated by the ancestors of the Alvanem Rosa family. She managed to seal her power within another wooden doll, created by Nancy herself, and the ghost of Nancy hid in a cave, living in solitude for years.

"...Until she met Hercules."

The man who brought happiness back to young Nancy.

(Extra - Legendary Ghost Number 8, the Ghost of Laughter.)

(Pov - 6-year-old Saik.)

"Ah... Ahhhhhhhh! I already told you it's not possible! Stop asking me!"

"Don't be mean, Saik, just a little! I want to play on the swings too! Do it for your lovely older sister."

"I won't do it!"

I'm tired of ghosts asking me for favors! Did dying make them forget the word 'no'?

"Tsk. I better eat my lunch."

"Don't be rude! I've been so nice to you, I even showed you my underwear!"

"Why would I want to see your underwear?"

"Stop talking to yourself, you pervert!"

A slap?! Why did she slap me?!

"Uwaaaah! Rossy, you crazy witch! Do you want me to hit you too?"

"Stop talking to yourself, you scare me!"

"Tsk. I better eat my lunch alone."

I ran away from her... Everyone was looking at me weirdly... Well, I don't really care.

"Fufu. Hahahahahaha! Poor thing, he has no friends and they label him as crazy."

"Number 1, I think I hear the voice of a pedophile who agreed to have sex with a 6-year-old."

"Ahhhhhhh! Don't call me that! You threatened me, it's not fair! I'm not a pedophile!"

"You even stole my first kiss. I won't be able to get married anymore."

"Uwaaaah! It's true, my first kiss was with you too! Ahhhhhhh! Disgusting!"

"Yeah, yeah. Blah, blah, blah."

I sat under a tree and opened my lunch... Delicious. Sausage sandwiches with double cheese... Ah, a piece of cake too. Disgusting. Why do they force me to eat sweet things?

"Number 7, do you want the piece of cake?"

"Of course!"

She sat next to me and started eating it... Well, she's eating it slowly and we're far away from everyone. No one will see us.

"So, any progress? My head is starting to heat up, I don't know if I can keep giving you my power."

"Ah, yes, yes! Some of my servants made contact with 8 possessors, but 7 of them are much more powerful than you. It's impossible to defeat them with your current power... And I think they also detected the presence of my servants, so they already know that there is a possessor of the legendary ghost number 7."

Number 7's power allows her to control water. She created small water servants that cannot be seen with the naked eye and spread them throughout the country. I have to lend her my spiritual power so that her servants can continue to exist. My body hurts and my head gets hot, but since it's just about maintaining her servants with spiritual power, it's not as painful as absorbing a legendary ghost or using my spiritual power on myself, besides, it serves as training.

All humans need water, even possessors of legendary ghosts. The servants scattered throughout the country, going from house to house. They would hide, wait for everyone in the house to drink water, and then move on to another house. It took 8 days, but it yielded results. Since humans need a lot of water, the servants didn't have to wait long for everyone in the house to drink water.

"So, who is the possessor that I could defeat?"

"Do you know the comedian 'George Moon'?"

"Yes, although my parents forbade me from watching him. He's an adult comedian."

"He is the possessor of a very weak legendary ghost whose power only serves to be funny. The legendary ghost number 8, the laughter ghost."

... The legendary ghosts are really so different, but also so rare. Even some are useless.

"He won't serve me in a fight, but at least he'll increase the power of my soul. Number 4."

She left my body and greeted me with a military salute.

"Yes, sir?! Is there any job for me?! I'll do almost anything you order, except anything related to sex! My body is off-limits, and I want to remain pure, sir!"

"Why does everyone think I'm a pervert?"

"You almost violated me and stole my first kiss!" said number 7, furiously.

"Ah... Well... I guess I really seemed like a pervert."

Although that strategy worked... I think I'll use it in the future, but I'll have to hide my true age for it to work better.

"Boss, you're nice and all, but I'm the type of girl who just wants to eat and have fun. I'm not interested in men or women! Romance and sex don't interest me, so I recommend using number 2 or number 7 to satisfy yourself."

"Disgusting perverted rapist," said number 7, looking at me with disgust.

"I'm not a pervert! And that's enough, stop talking about that. Number 4, can you defeat the legendary ghost number 8?"

"That useless one who can only make people laugh? Of course, I can."

"Number 7, use your power to suffocate the possessor. Number 4, defeat the legendary ghost number 8 and bring it to me. I'll give you a great reward when you return."

"Ugh. I hope you're not referring to your member, pervert. And I doubt it's big, kid."

"... No, I mean food and sweets, number 7. And I'm not a damn pervert...! Ah... Just go now."

The two flew away, and I looked up in fear. M-my dad came for me.

"H-hi, Dad. What did I do now?! I didn't hit Rossy, I swear! Yes, I hit Joe, but he deserved it for calling me a weirdo! I had to defend my honor!"

"I came for you. We're going to see your mother for a check-up."

"Huh? But I feel fine."

He unbuttoned my shirt... Ah... Now I see what he means.

"This is not normal, Saik."

Does he mean my perfect abs?

"Of course, it's normal, Dad. I exercise a lot, so it's obvious my muscles would improve."

"Why do you do it?"

"Well... Should there be a reason to want to have muscles?"

"You're 6 years old, Saik. This could be bad..."

He touched my abdomen... Ah, his hands are freezing.

"Hehe. Jealous, Dad?"

"It's worse than I imagined. I didn't believe it when Betty told me, but now I see it wasn't an exaggeration... Saik, is this why you don't want to eat anything with sugar?"

"Yep. I have to respect my diet."

"... Are you feeling hot?"

He put his hand on my forehead and got scared.

"Saik, you're burning up! Why didn't you say anything?!"


He took out his phone. I-I think my mom will scold me now.

"Honey, get everything you need ready! Saik has a high fever, it's not normal!"

Well, I think I'll sleep in a hospital today.

... Ah... This is boring... What time is it? 3 in the morning?

My parents are sleeping on the floor... Being in a hospital bed is uncomfortable. I feel fine...! Although the fever hasn't gone down.

"Wow. I envy your father, Saik. Your mother is beautiful. I think I just fell in love."

"Although Saik's father is very adorable... Very adorable. I feel like protecting him."

"A beautiful woman with a lovely man. A nice combination. Unfortunately, their son turned out to be a perverted rapist."

They came back, although I would have preferred them not to insult me.

... Is that chubby guy with glasses and a hat the legendary ghost number 8? I thought it would be a clown.

"Take this. It was easier than I thought. This useless one is good for nothing."

I put my hand on his face and absorbed him.

Perfect... Uwaaaah!

"Ew, he's vomiting blood! Stay away from me, you perverted rapist!"

Ahhhhhhh! I vomited blood on my parents! They're going to get angry!

"Huh...? Huh?! Saik?! Honey, wake up, Saik vomited blood!"

Why didn't I swallow the vomit?! I won't be able to leave this hospital for days!

Ah... At least I absorbed one more legendary ghost.

8 legendary ghosts under my power, 92 to go.