CHAPTER 48 – Hercules. Part 2.
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CHAPTER 48 - Hercules. Part 2.

(Pov - The Goddess of Ghosts.)

"Hercules, huh? From what I've researched, that man believed he was a superhero," Star said.

"He was an idiot who wasted his time saving people with his power. It doesn't surprise me that Saik defeated him in such a ridiculous way," Mike said.

"Hey, Mike, don't you feel any empathy for Nancy?" Star asked.

"Huh? What are you trying to say, bitch?"

"After all, you are also dark-skinned."

"Don't compare me to that brat! I may be black, but I'm different from my ancestors. Those who dare to mock me don't live for long!"

They started arguing again. It would be more interesting if there was some spark of love between them, but they truly hate each other. I don't see any signs of romance between them.

Well, anyway, I don't care at all.

"Excuse me, my Goddess, what did Hercules do to Nancy?" Sheik, the younger twin brother, asked.

"Why did she become so attached to him?" Shaik, the older twin sister, asked.

"The reason for her infatuation is quite simple and predictable. It's because he brought a smile back to Nancy's face."

Just over 10 years ago, a few years before Saik began his adventure, Nancy met Hercules, the person who restored her trust in humanity.

"Hola, señorita! Mi nombre es... Bueno... Ah... I guess you don't speak Spanish. Sorry. Let me introduce myself, my name is Hercules, it's a pleasure to meet you, miss! Now, please, could you not try to kill me?"

"Get lost!"

Hercules was a man who, unlike Saik, always cared about others. If he saw someone sad, he did everything possible to make them smile. It was a behavior that Saik detested as being too childish.

He was quite sensitive to feelings, or the energy that beings emit when they feel something. During one of his many travels around the world, Hercules detected a large amount of negative energy, so he decided to enter the cave and exterminate whatever was causing it, but he didn't expect to find a little girl.

Upon seeing her, he felt her sadness and loneliness. It was such great sadness that it even made him cry.

But Nancy attacked him, thinking he wanted to harm her, as Hercules' arms were white. Hercules wore a mask, but it wasn't necessary to see his face to know that his skin was white. Nancy didn't trust white people, so she decided to kill him.

Hercules only dodged Nancy's attacks, never attacking her, and while dodging her attacks, he talked to her.

"By the way, I'm a big fan of comedy movies. Do you like movies?"

"Why don't you ever shut up?!"

"Because I like to talk. If I don't talk, I would never make new friends. I want to be your friend, little girl. I want to see a smile on your face!"

"You damn freak!"

He was the possessor of the legendary ghost number 68, the ghost of resistance. It was not difficult for him to continue evading Nancy's attacks for two full weeks. Two full weeks without sleep or food, just to keep talking to little Nancy.

"And after that, I told my ex-girlfriend that I didn't care if she cheated on me because life goes on, and she wasn't as important as to make me sad. Remember, girl, you come first, and then others! Don't prioritize things that are not worth it, and never remember something that is not worth remembering. Leave behind sad and painful memories and replace them with new and happier ones. For example, I took my parents on vacation to the beach, and my sadness disappeared when I saw them happy. They had never seen the sea before. Their smiles were very moving."

"Why...? Why?!"

She stopped attacking him, as she finally ran out of energy. She fell to her knees and looked at him furiously with tears in her eyes.

"Why are you so determined to kill me? Do you hate me that much, you damn bastard?!"

He approached her, and she thought she was about to die.

"I never harmed anyone! Neither did my mother! Nor my father... Nor my cousins... No one... It's not fair... It's not fair!"

He hugged her tightly, leaving Nancy in shock, as it was the first time someone hugged her in a long time.

"All people are equally important in the eyes of God. From what I've heard, you suffered a lot because of people's ignorance in the past. Girl, listen, I know you hate people because of what happened in your life, but humans learn from their mistakes and change. I don't hate you, let alone want to kill you. I want to be your friend! So why don't we start over?"

He took a step back and extended his hand to Nancy.

"My name is Hercules, it's a pleasure to meet you, girl! May I know your name?"

"I won't be deceived by a white man. I won't fall for it!"

"Ah... I guess we have a long way to go, huh? Do you want something to eat?"

"I don't want anything from you!"

"We'll have pizza then. I'll go get the food, I hope you won't miss me too much."

"Go die!"

And so, Hercules' relationship with Nancy improved. She still hated Hercules, but at least she stopped trying to kill him.

When he returned with the food, he stayed with her for over a year, talking and talking.

"Ah, honestly, I'm too lazy to explain what happened next."

"I suppose the summary is that Nancy and Hercules became better friends over time," Shaik said.


Hercules did everything to earn Nancy's trust, and he managed to bring a smile back to her face.

A whole year with her was more than enough for Nancy to trust him.

They talked about so many things that are not worth mentioning.

Hercules taught her that racism was over, or at least mostly. He told her about the progress human society had made—same-sex marriages, interracial relationships, respect for sexual orientations.

He taught her to trust humanity again.

Inevitably, he earned Nancy's admiration and respect because he told her what he did. He traveled the world saving people who needed his help, especially using his spiritual power to prevent babies born with the ability to see ghosts from dying by eliminating their powers.

That surprised her but also made her feel guilty because he had stayed with her for so long, preventing him from saving more people.

"Don't worry, I know I couldn't save many people, but at least I saved you."

He told her that he had never seen so much negative energy in a ghost before, especially not in a kind-hearted ghost like her.

"You're someone who doesn't deserve to suffer, and I want you to be happy again."

"But... You could have saved many more people. Why do you want to make me happy?"

"Because I know perfectly well the feeling of loneliness. I'm immortal, so I just have to exert myself more than usual and save twice as many people to make up for the time I was here! Let's go! Come with me, Nancy, let's travel the world together!"

"You want me... to go with you?"

"Yes... I'll be honest with you, I don't have someone I could consider a friend because... Well... Every time I have a friend, they end up dead... I'm dangerous, I attract demons and monsters... But you're a ghost, and a very powerful one! And I am strong too. I can finally have a friend without the fear of losing them because of me! I'm not asking you to help me fight, it's not necessary. Fufu. I'm mega powerful! I just want companionship. Nancy, please, be my friend!"

And Nancy accepted without thinking too much. They started traveling together.

Hercules was born into a poor family and was abandoned by his parents at the age of 4. He was forced to live in a corrupt orphanage that sold children's organs and enslaved girls for sexual purposes.

He managed to escape from that orphanage, filled with helplessness, because he knew he couldn't go to the police since they were corrupt too, they would just kill him.

He lived as a vagabond for over 10 years, and his only company was a dog he named "Hercules."

He lived in the streets and worked in whatever he could, even begged for alms, but he never stole anything. He was a good kid, without malice in his heart.

He lived being humiliated; people looked at him with disgust and mocked him, but he always tried to move forward.

But like in any sad story, there is a tragic death.

A group of teenagers were attempting to rape a girl in the same alley where he was sleeping.

The girl's crying woke him up, and upon seeing them, they noticed his presence and threatened him with a knife.

He wanted to save her, but fear overcame his body, and he ran away crying, escaping from them, but Hercules, his dog, didn't escape. He barked loudly at them and bit one of them in the leg.

Seeing his dog trying to save the girl made him realize how cowardly he was.

And when he saw his dog being stabbed, the frustration and helplessness he felt spiraled out of control, and he went straight towards them.

He was beaten, and they wanted to force him to watch as they violated the girl. And when they were about to rape her, his spiritual power awakened, attracting the interest of a certain legendary ghost.

"Don't do it... Don't do it... Don't do it!!"

"Shut up!"

One of them tried to cut his throat, but the 68th legendary ghost, the ghost of resistance, the ghost of a woman, entered his body, and the knife failed to cut his throat.


"I told you not to do it!!"

His spiritual power went out of control, killing everyone in the place, except the girl, who could only stay on the ground, watching as he embraced his dog's corpse.

"I'm sorry... Sorry for being so cowardly. I'm sorry. I'm sorry!"

And thus Hercules was born, the hero. He took his dog's name because it was the one that taught him to be brave and face his fear.

The legendary ghost number 68 felt admiration for him because, despite being a coward, he dared to try to save a person. She was a fan of comics, and that scenario seemed perfect for a hero to be born.

She gave Hercules the idea of being a hero, and he accepted.

"Wow... A quite common and boring beginning," Star said.

"And what happened after Nancy and Hercules became friends?" Sheik asked.

"They became best friends. And she fell in love with him."

For her, he was her first friend... and also her first love. Unfortunately, she could never tell him how she felt because Saik killed Hercules.

A 7-year-old Saik was going to face an experienced Hercules. A very unfair battle for Saik because, even though Saik had many legendary ghosts under his power, he was still a little child. He was no match for Hercules, a man with over 100 years of experience.

But thanks to the speed of number 31, that great distance between the two was shortened, and combined with the power of the 58 legendary ghosts Saik had, he managed to turn an unfair battle into an even fight.

"I don't want to kill a little child. Give me the legendary ghosts you have. You don't know what you're doing. You'll put the world in danger."

"Blah, blah, blah. Hey, supposed hero, I have to go. I have a date with a hamburger. I'll be back to kill you, and I also want your legendary ghost."

"You're not going anywhere."

"Do you want to kill a little child? Wow. You're the best hero, huh? They should give you an award for being the best hero."

"Please, think carefully about what you're doing. You don't know what you're up against. If you continue with this, the world will be in danger."

"Honestly, I don't care. I have my reasons. Now, tell me, will you let me go?"

"I'm sorry... I can't."

"I see... Number 31, do it."

She, still in the body of the pregnant woman, stood in front of Hercules.

"Shadow was preventing the baby from dying, but since you want to fight..."

"Please, don't do it."

Number 31 left the body, and the lifeless body of the woman fell to the ground.

"Now he'll die, along with his mother."

She walked away, and Hercules took out a knife from his pocket, ready to take the baby from the woman.

"I already eliminated his soul," Shadow said, leaving Hercules disturbed.


"He's dead. A baby who could have been born alive died because the so-called hero wanted to kill a little child."

Shadow started applauding.

"You're truly a real hero, huh? When will your comic come out?"

"You... You're a monster. Why are you so evil?"

"Nope. I'm not evil. You confuse evil with my desire to stay alive. If I'm going to fight, I needed all my legendary ghosts, and I destroyed that baby's soul to make you angry, and I guess I succeeded."

"Are you really just a little child?! No child is so cruel!"

"Are you going to kill me or keep complaining?"

Shadow took out a knife and threw it at a man, hitting him in the forehead, instantly killing him.


"That man died because you're taking too long."

The knife exploded, killing the 7 people near that man.

"And they died because of you, for not realizing the knife had an explosive. Wow, you're a pretty useless hero, in my opinion."

"You bastard!"

Hercules tried to hit Shadow, but Shadow also tried to attack him, and their fists collided.

"And Shadow regretted provoking him."

Hercules' strength was greater, and he shattered Shadow's fist, gravely injuring him. Shadow was too confident because he had the legendary ghost of protection on his side, but not even the protection of number 74 could withstand Hercules' strength.


"You're a monster."

It was a long battle, but the outcome was quite predictable. If Shadow hadn't been overconfident at the beginning, it would have been an even fight, but because he believed he was more powerful, he ended up being humiliated.

Shadow attacked him with all the powers at his disposal, but none of them were enough to defeat Hercules. Hercules easily destroyed the shields of number 74, and he could even keep up with the movements of number 31. It was an extremely unfair battle; it was impossible for Shadow to win.

He tried, he really tried with all his might, but he couldn't harm Hercules.

"I won't lose... I can't lose!"

With a weak punch, he hit Hercules in the stomach, but it was such a weak blow that it didn't hurt him.

"I can't... lose."

Shadow fell to his knees.

"You lost."

Victory was assured for Hercules, but...

"This is your end."

Shadow was on his knees in front of Hercules, and he was about to deliver the final blow, but...

"I just wanted to be normal."

Hercules stopped right before hitting him because it was obvious, even though Shadow had bandages over his eyes, that he was crying. The tears of a little child made Hercules feel sad. Shadow was ruthless and cruel, but he was still a little child.

"I... I didn't want to have the power to see ghosts... I want to be normal... I never asked for this power!"

Shadow frustratedly hit the ground.

"I want to be normal! I want a normal and happy life... I want a normal life."

"... What wish were you going to make?"

Hercules was quite sensitive to feelings; he knows when someone is lying, and Shadow didn't seem to be lying.

"I was going to wish to be a normal human... My parents consider me crazy. No matter how many times I told them that ghosts hurt me, they never believed me. I want to be someone normal, I don't want to be a freak. I want to have friends! I want to be normal... But as long as I have this power, I can never be normal."

"... I can remove your power."


Shadow looked up.

"C-can you do that?"

"Yes. If you promise to release the legendary ghosts that are under your power, I will remove your power. Don't worry, I will prevent your heart from exploding."

"T-thank you... Thank you!"

Shadow stood up and hugged him tightly. A big hug that touched Hercules.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Feeling Shadow's happiness was enough for Hercules to think that the battle was over.

He hugged Shadow tightly and caressed his head.

"Everything will be fine. Soon you will be a normal human..."

An arm pierced through Hercules' chest, tearing out his heart. It was the arm of number 31, coming out of Shadow's body.


"Did you really think I was going to believe you?" Shadow said, with the same cold tone as always.

Shadow stepped away from him, and number 31 bit Hercules' heart.

"Hahahahahaha! Did you really fall into the trap?! Hahahahahaha! That was pathetic, Mr. Hero!"

Shadow fell to his knees again and vomited blood.

"I-I have no more energy. We must leave, 31," he said.

"C-Coward... Coward!"

Little Hanako threw a rock at Shadow's head.

"You're a coward!"

Seeing her furious and teary-eyed, Shadow decided to simply ignore her.

"Ah, Berserker mode at 100% is still painful," Number 31 said.

"At least we won," Shadow said.

Hercules slowly approached Shadow. He would die in a few seconds, that was inevitable, but he wanted to know how Shadow had deceived him, as Shadow had never lied to him with his words, or at least he didn't feel like he was lying.

"W-Why...? H-How?" Hercules asked.

"You dropped your guard and deactivated your legendary ghost, making it trust you, leaving your body vulnerable. You are very stupid, idiot," Shadow replied.

"You... You really are... evil..."

He was about to fall dead, but Shadow caught him and placed his hand on Hercules' face.

"...Fine... Legendary ghost absorbed... Soul eliminated. You will never reincarnate. Your story ends here. Incineration."

Hercules' body started to ignite, causing a smile to appear on Shadow's face.

"I defeated you."

A smile that disappeared when he realized how he had defeated him.

"Let's go, Number 31."

She carried him in her arms and flew away.

Shadow suffered the most humiliating victory, and for someone like Shadow, it was a blow to his pride.

"And Nancy? Where was she?" Star asked.

"She was waiting for Hercules' return. He went alone to buy hamburgers and left Nancy at home watching television."

She got worried when Hercules didn't come back, and after searching for him for an hour, she found his charred remains, only his bones were left. It happened to her again. She found someone important to her dead.

They explained what happened, filling Nancy with anger. So much so that she vowed to seek revenge.

"Blah, blah, blah. She went to retrieve her powers to kill Shadow. I managed to convince her to join me, promising to bring Hercules back to life, but on the condition that she doesn't kill Shadow because I need him. But apparently, she forgot."

"I don't think she forgot, she just knew she couldn't defeat Saik," Star said.

"And she prepared for years, although that preparation was useless because Saik never used his spiritual power," Mike said.

Saik vs. Nancy... Hmmm... How will this fight turn out?

(Pov - Saik)

"Stay strong, Saik! Stay with me, don't go towards the light!"

"Ah... Sylphie, I appreciate your concern, but I'll be fine... I suppose."

"You suppose?!"

Ah... It's the first time in a long time that I feel so bad. I feel closer to death. Sylphie's worry is justified. If it weren't for the care of Mrs. Rosemary's doctors, I would already be dead.

They also applied special medicine made by their scientists, so I will soon be out of danger. I just have to wait.

"Miss, you must wait outside. Come with me."

"Saik... Please, recover."

"I will try."

... Sylphie has teary eyes... She really cares about me, huh? I guess that's good... But... Honestly, I don't know how to feel about it.

She left the room with the doctor, and immediately Yuki and Maria emerged from the ground, beside me. I don't need my sight to detect them.

"Saik, hold on! Do you need blood or an organ?! Don't worry, I'll go and kidnap the people necessary to get the organs you need!" - Maria said.

Idiot, don't say that in front of Yuki... Although maybe I does need new eyes... No, no, my eyes are an inheritance from my mother, I'll heal them with a legendary ghost.

"Saik, what happened to you?! Why did you get sick?! Did you eat too much and go swimming?!"

"I don't know, Yuki. I just started feeling bad. I don't know what happened to me."

I hope number 1 does her job well. She's lazy, but I'll trust her. Trusting is my only option.

"Yuki, if I die, I want you to know that... That..."

"You're not going to die, Saik!"

"I want you to know that..."

"You won't die!"

"That... That I ate your dog gummies."

"You won't die...! Eh? Th-the ones I collect?"

"Yes, I didn't know you were collecting them. I'm sorry."

"Uwaaaah! Idiot, I had those gummies since I was alive! No wonder you got sick!"

"Yes, I figured that when I ate them. My stomach hurt."

"Idiot, you're going to die of starvation! Maria, they need to clean his stomach!"

Well, Yuki will relate my situation to a simple stomach ache. I don't want to worry her too much.

"I'll be fine, it's just a stomach ache. With some rest, I'll be okay. Yuki, go have fun with Maria."

"Ah... That's right! Saik, there are demons in the city! Shadow is defeating them, but it's still dangerous! Tell Sylphie and the others to return to the hotel!"

"Demons? Shadow? Who is Shadow?"

"Ah, he's just an arrogant idiot, that's all. He's not worth talking about." - Maria said.

Good acting, Maria.

"Don't worry, Yuki. I'm sure the ghost hunters will do their job well... Well... Yes..."

I'm very sleepy, but I can't fall asleep. I have to wait a little longer.

"Yuki, could you bring me some orange juice?"

"Right away!"

She left the room.

"Ahhhhhhh! Saik, you're an idiot! I know perfectly well that you're using the power of your soul! If you keep going like this, you'll die! Use your spiritual power! Don't be stubborn!"

"I promised my parents that I would die as a human, I won't break my promise."

"This is a matter of life and death, don't be stubborn!"

"I won't, and shut up. I'll keep my promise to my parents. In my family, promises are always kept, and I won't make an exception."

"B-but... Faye is just as powerful or even more powerful than the former holder of the legendary ghost number 58, and the wooden doll is much more powerful... Without your spiritual power, it will be difficult to defeat her."

"It will be difficult, but not impossible. Nergio will defeat Faye, don't worry. And the wooden doll is almost defeated, just trust me."

"But Nergio wasn't able to put up a fight against the former holder of the legendary ghost number 58. I don't know if he can defeat Faye."

"You forget something very important. Nergio is my student. And I, as his master, am sure that he can defeat him."

Nergio, it's time to show your results.

(Pov- Nergio.)

My master trusts me. My master lent me one of his legendary ghosts. I won't disappoint him. I will show him how much I have improved!

"Grrrrrr! Dammit!"

Faye tried to strike me, but I blocked his attack with a shield.

"Hehe. My turn."

I jumped and used the shield to strike him in the face. The blow was powerful enough to send him flying, but I won't waste time pursuing him!

"Shadow Whips!"

Black tentacles emerged from my shadow and trapped Faye by the legs, preventing him from going any further.

"Now, number 74! Shadow Armor!"

"It's called: hero mode. Well, it doesn't matter."

The armor my master used with the former possessor of legendary ghost number 58. The armor that allowed him to survive the explosion of a massive bomb!

"Shadow Mode!"

A black armor with a shield. The legendary armor my master specifically designed to fight the former possessor of legendary ghost number 58.

"And the finishing touch!"

I can't create a sword like my master did, so I crafted one with my own hands!

One of the members of Shadow Paradise threw it to me, and I caught it.

"Shadow Sword!"

A black sword. Simple design, but lethal!

"Don't you think it's too 'Shadow'? You really are a bootlicker."

Yes, I know perfectly well. I am a bootlicker. And you know what?

"I am proud to be one."


Faye roared and lunged at me. I did the same and tried to attack him with the sword.

"I will cut you!"

He raised his arm to protect himself from the attack. Hehe. You fell... huh?

Everything stopped. Just as I let go of the sword, everything stopped. Who stopped time? The master is the only one I know who can do that. It can't be him, as he is fighting the wooden doll. And Faye doesn't have that ability.

"Why do you want to be strong?"

That voice... Master?!

The place began to change. What is happening?

... Huh? I recognize this place. This is where the master told me his reason for wanting to be strong.

That's me and my master. What's going on? Is my mind suffering some kind of damage? I don't understand anything.

"Why do I want to be strong? To be able to save the world!"

"Tell me your true motive. Why do you want to be strong?"

"But that's my true motive, master."

"It's not, and you know it perfectly well. Why do you want to be strong? You and I both know it's a more personal reason. Don't try to pretend to be a good person who wants to save the world."

"... My son... He just turned 3 years old. His mother was murdered by a demon; I was too weak, I couldn't save her. I want to be powerful enough to defeat any demon. I want to be able to protect my son."

That is and will remain my only motive. As a member of the Alvanem Rosa family, the safety of the people in this world continues to be my purpose in life, but my main purpose is the safety of my son. If I had to choose between saving my son's life or saving an entire country, I would choose my son without much thought. It's a selfish decision, but my son is the most important thing I have in life. What kind of father wouldn't think about the safety of his own child?

"Yes, that's your true motive. You're not interested in saving the world, all you want is for your family to be safe. Being honest is not wrong, Nergio. Don't disguise your true motives."

"And you, master? Why do you want to find the legendary ghosts? Is it just desire?"

"Yes, but I also want to be able to protect my parents. The world turned out to be more dangerous than I imagined. I have killed men who planned to violate my mother. I have killed men who planned to murder my father so that my mother would be single again... I have witnessed rapes, murders, cases of pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality... I even saw a group of people who enjoyed killing babies in such cruel and disgusting ways that I don't want to remember. Men prostituting their wives and daughters. Serial killers. Rapists... This world is rotten, Nergio. I have seen with my own eyes what humans are capable of... I want my parents to be safe. I want to be able to prevent any wretch from touching my mother. I want to prevent my father from being killed out of envy... I want them to grow old without suffering and to have a natural death as elderly people... I want that... And I'm telling you all this because I want you to know one thing. I will do whatever it takes to keep my parents safe, that's why I'm giving you a warning. If they get in my way, I will kill them. I will kill anyone who gets in my way, regardless of their age."

"... Master... I... I don't know what to say... Pedophilia, necrophilia, and bestiality... Master, is that why you never smile?"

"Do I never smile?"

"I've seen you watching cartoons, but you've never smiled, master."

"... Honestly, I've never liked smiling. And it's easier to deceive the ghosts with an expressionless face... Yes, it must be because of that."

But I knew that was a lie he told himself to hide the fact that, after witnessing so many horrible things, his heart was unable to feel happiness because he unconsciously knows that at any moment, in any place, someone is committing pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, rape, and murder. Knowing that the world is a horrible place must have been a fatal blow to my master because, even though he acted mature, he was still a little 7-year-old boy. Everything he saw affected him so much that he couldn't smile anymore. There must be a deeper explanation, but in short, my master hated being human.

"So, what do you gain from showing me this, Goddess of the Ghosts?"

"Hehe. As expected from Shadow's student."

Everything scattered... Completely blank... It won't appear, huh?

"I'm not worthy to see you, huh? Who do you think you are? You're not even a real Goddess, don't act like you are."

"If you're so interested in knowing how I am, ask number 31. And even though I'm not yet a true Goddess, I will be soon. You should start praying to me."

"The closest thing to a God that I know is my master, and he acts very humble despite being so powerful. You're just a simple delusional ghost."

"Hehe. No wonder Saik allowed you to be his student. I see no trace of fear in you."

"My master is the only one who can make me afraid. So, what do you want? I'm single, but I'm not interested in dating a supposed Goddess. I'll have to reject your confession."

"Hahahahahaha! Are you seriously trying to act cool, you idiot?! It doesn't suit you, you're already old."

"What do you want?"

"Hmm... Honestly, I just want to see the memories you have with Saik. You know, to better understand his past. I know most of his story, but there are still some memories I haven't seen yet. I'm missing the memories of Sister Daisy and the drug lord Lalo García, may they rest in peace. I liked Daisy, despite her disturbing past."

... What? Daisy died? When? How? My master didn't tell me anything about that. She died...? Yes, I heard she was depressed and had suicidal thoughts, but I didn't think she would actually go through with it. What happened to the orphans? Why didn't my master tell me anything...? No... Does he know that Daisy died?

And who is the drug lord Lalo García? A real drug lord? I heard my master had a problem with a criminal organization, but I didn't hear anything about someone called Lalo García.

There's still so much I don't know about my master.

"Well, I don't care."

My master has his own life, and being his student doesn't give me the right to know about his private life.

"Saik witnessed truly horrible things in his life... Hehe. I have an idea. Goodbye!"

"Eh? Is that it? And here I thought you would be the generic villain trying to convince the protagonist's friend to betray him. I was ready for immediate rejection. Can I say it? You know, so as not to waste it."

"Do you think I'm interested in you? Poor thing. It's rare to see a useless person with such high self-esteem. Even if you join me and I give you more power, you would never be able to defeat Saik. I'd rather not waste my precious energy on a useless person."

"A useless person, huh? But you wasted energy on Faye. Isn't that a bit hypocritical?"

"Faye will defeat you; it's impossible for you to defeat him. Although, with your members, you might manage to defeat him, but not before Faye kills you."

"Heh... Hehe... Hahahahahaha!"

"Have you gone crazy? Just wait until Faye brings you to your knees."

"Hey, hey, hey. Hey! Why do you think Faye will kill me?"

"He witnessed the love of his life being taken by another man. His anger caused the power I gave him to multiply by 10. No matter what you do, it's impossible for you to defeat him without dying."

"I think there's a flaw in your hypothesis."


"I am Shadow's student, and I won't disappoint my master. Spirit mode."


Everything returned to normal, and I activated my spiritual body, making Faye's fist unable to harm me.

Supposed Ghost Goddess, did you really think I wouldn't notice this trap?

You tried to deceive me so that Faye would destroy my head, but I underestimated you. I am Shadow's student, and a trap like that will never work on me.


I jumped and activated my physical body again.

I lifted my leg and smiled at this idiot.

"I won't lose."

With all the strength I had, I hit Faye right on the forehead with my heel, and at the same time, number 74 emerged from my body, and my armor disappeared.

Faye fell to the ground, and she stood over his body.

"Do you really think I fell in love with you? I have no memory of you, but it's impossible for me to have felt anything for you, considering that your family enslaved me for over 200 years. Shadow, even though he captured me, treats me so well that I don't seem to be his property. He erased the horrible memories I had of your family. Do you know what I'm trying to say? My heart belongs to my true savior. My heart only belongs to Shadow. You just disgust me."

Ah... Wow... Even I felt hurt when she said that to him, considering everything Faye did for her.

He must be feeling like all his efforts and sacrifices were in vain. My master would have been quite satisfied with his pain, but I think it's too much. I was lucky to meet the love of my life, may she rest in peace. If she had told me the same, it's quite possible that I would have taken my own life.

"B-but I..."

Is Faye crying? Ah... Well... I feel a little sorry for him.

I better not waste any more time, I have to retrieve my sword. This isn't over yet.

"I gave my first time to Shadow. I also gave him my first kiss. And according to what Shadow told me, I never kissed you. Did you think it was because I was shy? No. It was because I was disgusted by kissing someone like you."

Ah, my poor heart. Number 74, there's no need to look at him with disgust while saying that! Faye risked his own life to save you... Well... I really feel so bad for him. I must end his suffering.

I picked up my sword.

"Shadow... He's manipulating you... You weren't that cruel!"

Denying reality? That's the first step to accepting it.

He got up from the ground. His anger is increasing. His power is multiplying.

I hate to admit it, but the Ghost Goddess was almost right. Faye is powerful.

But she was only "almost" right. He turned into an Orc, and his weakness is quite simple.

"I will defeat you!!"

I jumped at him and he turned to look at me. I attacked him with my sword, and he protected himself with his arms. His skin is so tough and resistant that it destroyed my sword and didn't do any harm to him.

"Useless... Ah?"

"You let your guard down, loser," said number 74.

She pierced Faye's back and destroyed his heart with her own hands, just as planned.

This is a weakness I discovered of the special Orcs. Normal Orcs are easy to defeat, but the special ones have great physical resistance. When I was witnessing the fight between my master and the former holder of legendary ghost number 58, I noticed that while they were exchanging blows, the back of the holder was taking damage. My master slammed him against the ground many times while they fought. In one of those slams, I noticed that a rock had penetrated his skin. My master's blows didn't seem to harm him, but a simple rock caused damage.

I had two hypotheses. 1: The back of the Orc was weaker than his chest and arms. 2: He could change the hardness of his body depending on the situation.

After the big explosion that left a crater in the city, my master and he were very weak.

I took advantage of their pause to catch my breath and told my master about my hypotheses.

My master devised a strategy, and together with number 31, defeated the possessor. He did the same thing I just did, attacked the possessor with all his strength with a sword, and when the possessor protected himself with his arms, number 31 pierced the possessor's back with her hands, destroying his heart, defeating an enemy that not even my own family could harm.

While investigating the body, I discovered that the skin could harden, but not all of it at the same time. Orcs focus on hardening the skin in the areas that require the most protection, but as a consequence, the rest of their skin becomes less tough, leaving them vulnerable in those parts.

Faye had a body similar to the former possessor, so I took the risk of imitating the same strategy my master used.

"And it worked!"

Faye fell to the ground, dead.

"In your face, pirate imitation of a Goddess! I won!"

"We won. You were the distraction, but I killed him. Saik will reward me! I hope it's a big box of candy, cakes, and video games!"

Well, the important thing is that we won.

"Let's go, I'll treat you to dinner...!"


... My chest was pierced by an arm. I imagined it. I knew it wouldn't be that easy.

"Fufu. Did you think it would be so easy to defeat me?"

Faye... No, the ghost of Faye. He's still an Orc, huh? He truly sacrificed his humanity for love. So romantic! Although it's unrequited love.


He withdrew his arm, smiling in victory.

Hehe. Do you really think I'll die so easily?

"Number 74."

She returned to my body, and I returned the smile.

"A bare-knuckle fight, Faye?"

"Wh-what? Why won't you die?!"

"Why? Because I'm not foolish enough to leave my heart unprotected. I'm forbidden to let my guard down until I'm 100% sure I've won. Why do you think I'm not bleeding? Because I activated my spiritual body when you attacked me. I'm unharmed."

"I-it's impossible... You're just a bootlicker!"

"And you're a cuckold."

"Incredible, leader!"

"You almost scared us to death!"

Hehe. I admit that receiving praise from the members of the Shadow Paradise makes me feel really good. It's all thanks to the master for teaching me not to let my guard down! If I didn't have the master, I wouldn't be able to stand up against Faye.

"Rest assured, we'll take care of him for you!"

"No, you'll fight when I'm about to die, don't forget that."

I clenched my fists and activated the armor again.

"We'll fight to the death using only our fists. I hope you're ready."

"Tsk. You were not supposed to be this powerful. That damn brat fooled me...!"

I appeared in front of him and punched him in the face.

I grabbed his arm, pulled him towards me, and delivered a strong blow to his stomach with my knee.

"Stop crying and fight."

The master's favorite fighting style, hand-to-hand combat. Master, I won't disappoint you.

(Pov - Saik)

The fever is getting worse, I can barely stay awake. If this continues, I will definitely die.

"What will be my last words before I die? Should I say something epic or a joke?"

"You won't die, Saik! Be strong, it's just a stomachache, don't exaggerate!"

Ah, Yuki... My adorable Yuki, if you only knew that this is much more dangerous than a simple stomachache. If I had to compare my pain to something, it would be something like being crushed by an elephant's legs while that damn elephant is jumping. Or even compared to being alive and having my throat slit. I am so accustomed to pain that I can stay still, without complaining or crying.

"Yuki, please go get my mother. I need to talk to her, but I don't want to leave Saik."

"Alright, I will. Don't you dare die while I'm gone!"

"I'll try."

Yuki floated and passed through the ceiling.

"Saik, this is no longer a game! Use your spiritual power and stop using the power of your soul! The legendary ghost number 19, the Doppelgänger ghost, won't be able to defeat the wooden doll with just the power of your soul! You need to use your spiritual power!"

"I am not using the legendary ghost number 19, and I won't use the power of my soul either. Trust her, she will defeat the wooden doll."


But you're right about something, she won't be able to defeat it without help... I will regret this, and it will leave me defenseless for weeks, even months, but I have to do it.

"Numbers 3 and 67, return and activate your Berserker modes. The rest, excluding number 31, retreat."

"Eh? Saik, your soul...! Stop!"

Berserker mode, activated.

"Don't do it!"

"Yupi, master! I'm ready!"

"Hehe. You really like pushing your own limits, cutie."

Number 3 and number 67 entered my body, and I jumped out of bed. Number 67, the health ghost, will heal me, but the consequences will be severe.

I can move again.

"I b-beg you, don't do it."

"Maria, thank you for caring about me, but I have to ignore your words."

I approach the window while Maria tries to prevent me from advancing.

"I won't allow it!"

I don't let her touch me, and she passes through my body.

"I forbid you!"

She tries to hit me, but her fists pass through my body.

"Don't do it...! Don't do it."

I stroke her head.

"Tell Yuki that they took me to a hospital."

I activate my Shadow form and open the window.

"I'll be back soon."

I jumped out the window and landed on the ground after falling at least 40 stories.

"Let's go."

I started running at full speed, dodging people in my way.

"It's the first time you've pushed yourself this far in a long time, master. Is that wooden doll really that powerful?"

"No, the 8-year-old Shadow could defeat it easily."

"Have you become weaker?"

"No, I simply limited what I can do."

I won't use my spiritual power again... I won't.

(Pov - Number 31.)


"Hehe. I suppose my cute boyfriend decided to personally kill you."

Saik, even though I was about to defeat her, you chose to fight personally to protect me! I'll give you a big kiss when you arrive, my hero!

Although... Well, I admit I don't have the energy to keep fighting, but this little one doesn't either. She just needs the finishing blow!

The plan went exactly as you said, darling. It disgusted me to have to kiss and have sex with number 74, but the sacrifice I made will be worth it! You promised me, on the memory of your parents, that you would have sex with me if I did my job well, and I fulfilled my part...! Ah... I wish I could get pregnant and have your child. Sometimes I hate being a ghost.

It hurt to deceive you with number 74, but you forced me, so it doesn't count as cheating! Besides, number 74 was the one who received it, so I'm still only yours, darling!

Only yours... Hehe. I can already imagine everything you'll do to me and what I'll do to you in bed. I should buy some melted chocolate! Should I also buy condoms? I can't get pregnant, but I'm interested in the sensation.

Condoms, chocolate... Mmm... Ah... I think it will be enough.

"You're not Saik... And why are you drooling, pervert? You disgust me."

"Sorry, I got carried away by something I was imagining. A delicious Saik with melted chocolate all over his chest and..."

"Ahhhhhhhh! Shut up, pervert! Why are you here?! Where is Saik?"

"Who...? Ah, my lovely boyfriend. I'm sorry, I didn't recognize him because I know him as 'sweetie.' You're jealous, I know. My boyfriend is very handsome, I don't blame you."

"Who's jealous?! You're crazy! I would never be interested in that freak! Why would I be jealous of you?"

"Because my boyfriend is alive. Your Hercules is very much dead. Did you love him? It's quite obvious from your reactions when you mentioned his name. My lovely darling is alive and well, but Hercules is not only dead, his soul was destroyed. You'll never see him again, not in hell nor as a ghost. Hahahahahaha! It was quite fun to watch him die in such a pathetic way. How do I know?"

I raised my arm.

"Because I killed him, I pierced his chest with this arm and destroyed his heart. Saik gave me the order, but I was the one who killed him. And believe me, I enjoyed it quite a lot. It was so pathetic! He completely bought my darling's performance!"

"Shut up."

"He didn't even have a funeral, Saik burned his body until there was nothing left. He said he didn't want any trace of him in this world. Poor thing, the love of her life died, and she couldn't even look at him one last time."

"I told you to shut up."

Hehe. She's getting angrier and angrier.

"That idiot had the upper hand against Saik, but he died because of his stupidity. He was a coward."

"Shut up!!"

Perfect, she's losing control of her emotions. Sweetie, I've left her ready for you! Now it will be easier to defeat her! Now that she has lost control, her movements will be more... clumsy... Ah... Is she releasing more negative energy? This must be a joke!

"You will regret this..."

Her body is changing... It's becoming larger... Ah... Has she turned into a dragon made of negative energy?! It's smaller than the famous dragons from fantasy stories, it's the size of a man, but I can feel a great power in her! This shouldn't be possible! Why does she still have so much negative energy?! This is illogical...! Ah... M-my legs won't respond.

I fell to my knees. My energy... I no longer have the energy to move. I'm at my limit.

"You will regret this!"

She's coming towards me. I don't have the energy to dodge her attack. If her claw pierces my body, my soul will be destroyed. I... I can't do anything. Will I die without seeing my loved one one last time...? No... No! Number 31, Saik promised to protect you! You must believe in him! If Saik promised it, he will fulfill it. Saik won't let me die, he will protect me. He protects me, and I protect him. He will save me. I won't die.

Her claw is just a few centimeters away from my face. I use my special power to see it in slow motion. I can use my power without spending energy because I'm not moving, but it doesn't mean I can use it for a long time.

It's just a few centimeters away from my face, and it's getting closer. It will pierce my eyes with its claws, but I refuse to close my eyes. If I close my eyes, it's like admitting that I will die. I won't die. Saik will protect me. Saik will always protect me. I must believe in him. I won't die, Saik will save me.

3 centimeters... I won't close my eyes. I won't die... Saik will protect me!


"Ah... Well, I arrived just in time. I had like 5 heart attacks while running. I think I should cut down on sugar for a while... Nah, better not."

Yes... I knew it... I knew it!


Saik arrived just in time! He landed heavily on the dragon, preventing her from harming me! Such an amazing entrance that I had an orgasm just by watching it!

I tried to jump onto him, but I can't move. Ahhhhhh! I want to hug him and kiss him! Body, move...! Huh? Saik hugged me?! Am I dreaming?!

"You did well, number 31. It's my turn now. Step back."

"Y-yes... Give her what she deserves!"

It's time to show the true power of Shadow!

(Pov - Saik)

I arrived just in time... Too perfectly on time... Isn't it too convenient? It's definitely too convenient... Well, it doesn't matter, it benefits me, so I won't dwell on it... Ah.

I crouched, leaning back, managing to dodge the dragon's claws, but she managed to scratch my chest. I'm bleeding... Bleeding... My body is wounded. I'm too weakened, but even so, the fact that she managed to hurt me with her claws made me realize the great power she still possesses.

This is a nonsensical situation. She was supposed to have no energy to move. Where does she get so much... power... from? The souls... The power of the souls.

"Can you absorb souls?"

She tries to attack me, and I have no choice but to dodge her attacks. I can't absorb souls, I can only destroy them. How is it possible for her to do that? It makes no sense.

The minions of the Goddess of Ghosts... What are they really? A man with incredibly tough and resilient skin, and a wooden doll that can absorb souls... Why is this happening to me? I just want a normal life... A normal life... I want to be a normal student. I don't want to be involved in all this.

"I just want to live a normal life. I won't let you ruin my normal life."

I stopped her claws with my hands.

"And I will do whatever it takes to achieve it."

I jumped together with her to a great height. I can see the entire city from here, so it's the perfect height.

The same move that left a crater in the city. Thousands of people will die this time because it's the peak tourist season. Babies, children, women, men, and the elderly will die because of me.

Same scenario, same power, same exhaustion. The same as what happened with the legendary ghost holder number 58... But this time, this move will be the last. I don't have the energy for another one.

I started spinning in the air as we fall. Hundreds of rotations per second. A move I stole from the former holder of the legendary ghost number 58.

I don't know the science behind this move. I'm not smart enough to know for sure. All I know is that thanks to the speed at which we fall, which increases more and more, combined with our resilient bodies and the increasing rotation of our bodies, we become something like a meteorite that didn't disintegrate as it fell.

And as a consequence, this happens.

María is on the rooftop of the hotel, along with Yuki, watching the city.

"Are we witnessing the beginning of an epidemic? How is it possible that so many people are getting sick? Even Sylphie and Ludius got sick."

"I don't know."

"I just hope Saik recovers..."

A huge explosion shook the entire place, and far from the hotel's location, in the city center, a shockwave destroyed everything in its path. A massive explosion that instantly killed over 100,000 people, and that number kept increasing.


"Yuki, don't look!"

María covered Yuki's eyes.

"It's happening again," María thought, worried.

Nergio and Faye hit each other in the face, right at the moment of the explosion.


Taking advantage of that distraction, Faye struck him and brought him down to the ground.

Exhausted and panting, Faye smiled victoriously.

"I won..."

A knife pierced his left eye, and he began screaming in pain as each member of the Shadow Paradise drew their weapons.

"Master, you've done enough."

"It's our turn."

"Just some filler characters won't be able to defeat me!"

Faye started receiving attacks with bullets and knives. Attacks that pierced through his body too easily.

Number 74 emerged from Nergio's body and saw Faye, who fell to his knees, in agony. The weapons of the Shadow Paradise members couldn't harm a living Faye, but they were highly effective against Faye's ghost. Nergio knew that, so he wasn't worried. He knew they were going to win, but he continued fighting Faye with his fists just to see how much he has improved.

"Any last words?"

"I... will always love you, number 74."

"I never loved you, and I might ask my master to erase these memories I have of you. I will never remember your last words, nor will I know that you did all this for me. In short, you will die for nothing. Your sacrifice was in vain. Goodbye."

"N-no..." Faye managed to say, with tears in his eyes.

He wanted to say more, but time ran out.

The sword-bearing members jumped onto Faye and pierced his back, destroying Faye's soul.

"Well, Nergio, you did quite well. Now, please, tell me what was that! Was that a nuclear explosion?! We were lucky not to be hit by the explosion!"

"My master only did what was necessary to win."

Faye vs. Nergio. Result: Victory for Nergio.

Faye vs. Nergio 2. Result: Tie.

Faye vs. the members of the Shadow Paradise. Result: Overwhelming victory for the Shadow Paradise.

(Pov- Saik.)

"N-no... T-this... c-can't... b-be... h-happening."

I can't move, but this ghost girl can't either. A draw? Well... It's the first time I've tied. These are the consequences of not using my spiritual power. I'm 100% sure I could have defeated her in just a few minutes, even less, if I had used it... But I won't break my promise.

"Y-you... y-you're definitely... a monster."

"I only do what's necessary to survive, that's all."

"Yeah, sure... M-make... all the excuses you want... but that doesn't change... the fact that... you're a monster."

... I'm not... I just did what was necessary to win... I'm not a monster... I'm not.

"Well, what do we have here? A little girl. Did someone so adorable cause so much trouble?"

Rosemary arrived quickly.

"Tsk. If you're going to kill me, just do it."

"First, answer my question. Where is Hercules?"

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"The soul identical to Hercules' soul that was seen in the Capital, where is it?"

An identical soul...? No... I won't think about it. If I do, I'll get involved. I just want to go back to my normal school life.

"N-no... I-is he... still alive...?"

I slowly raised my hand and placed it on her face.


"No, wait, please! Is Hercules still alive?! If you see him, please tell him..."

I destroyed her soul, and her spiritual body dispersed before she finished speaking.

I won't get involved with that matter, I won't listen anymore.

"Please, take me to a hospital."

"We need to cover you up, you've returned to your normal form."

"Yes... Thank you..."

Finally... I can sleep.

(Extra - Legendary Ghost Number 9, the Ghost of Boredom.)

(Pov - Saik, 6 years old.)

Ah... Ahhhhhhh! So bored. Why did they hire someone to help me study?! And he's quite a boring guy. I'm sure he doesn't have any friends at his school.

Studying at the library increases the boredom. Ahhhhh... I want to go home.

"Did you understand?"

"Ah... Well... I guess. Why are we studying at the library instead of my house? I would be more comfortable at home and could concentrate better."

"Eh? But you were the one who asked to study here."

Ah... That's right, one of servant number 7 found the legendary ghost number 9 in this place. Boredom is affecting me!

"Hahahahahaha! Done, I finished!"

Number 4 placed a young boy with glasses, acne, overweight, and a boring hairstyle on the table... What is this?

"Hey, pay attention."

"Yeah, yeah, he looks like an idiot, but it's part of his power. The legendary ghost number 9, the Ghost of Boredom."

... Ah... No wonder I'm so bored here... Seriously... Ah, the powers of legendary ghosts are strange.

"Saik, pay attention!"

"Silence, we're in a library!"


Fufu. He got scolded.

I absorbed the legendary ghost number 9.

"Saik, you must take your... studies... seriously... A-are you bleeding?!"

Ah... Well, at least I have another legendary ghost. 9 legendary ghosts under my power, 91 more to go.