(Illustrations of the characters of the novel on my twitter: @HectorAngelAlv2)
CHAPTER 49 - Cleaning up after the disaster.
After falling asleep, Number 4 and Number 31 emerged from Saik's body.
"Tsk. I feel like a regular ghost just because this idiot keeps his stupid promise never to use his spiritual power again. I should kill him right now..."
Number 31 placed her index fingers in front of Number 4's eyes, and her expression and bloodlust were enough to unconsciously make Number 4 tremble, a ghost accustomed to seeing horrible things and enjoying human suffering.
Number 31 doesn't possess the wickedness or cruelty of Number 4, but it's never a good idea to insult someone important to her.
Emotions have a significant influence on a ghost. If a ghost becomes enraged, others, even without seeing it, will sense that it's angry.
Number 4 was afraid of Number 31 due to her intense bloodlust. Those who know Number 4 are afraid of her and dare not challenge her. Number 31 is not afraid and is willing to kill her.
She didn't see Number 31's attack, but having her fingers in front of her made her feel something she has only felt for Saik. Fear.
"If you even dare to think about it, I will destroy you."
"Hehe. Just like what you did to Number 1?"
"But this time, Saik won't be able to stop me."
"Hehe. Come on, give it a try, cutie."
"Silence, both..."
Number 4 and Number 31 stared at Rosemary. The sadistic grin on Number 4's face and Number 31's fury shocked Rosemary with fear.
"Do you dare to silence us?"
"Don't forget your place, old woman. We are still superior to you, don't forget it. Now that I've reminded you, repeat what you said, but with more polite words this time."
"...Please, could you stop fighting and listen to me?"
"That's better. Was it so hard to be more polite, old woman?"
Number 31 lowered her hands and licked her lips.
"What do you want?"
"Will Saik do 'that' again?"
"What do you mean by 'that'?" Number 4 asked.
Number 31's eyes became teary, and she nodded while looking at Saik.
"...Yes, but it will take two more days. Invent some news in the meantime."
Rosemary lowered her gaze to observe Saik.
"He really has no will to live, does he?"
"Yes... Unfortunately, it has always been this way."
And as they watched Saik, he was dreaming of something he often dreams about.
"You did very well, son. You defeated the wooden doll," said Saik's beautiful mother while caressing his head.
"That's my champion! You defeated a monster that could destroy humanity in the future. You're a hero, Saik," said Saik's adorable father while patting him on the back.
Saik dreamed that his parents hugged him and told him how proud they were of him. When he had a normal day or when his teachers praised him for his excellent work, Saik had the same dream.
The only thing Saik wants in life, and his only reason for living, is to do something that would make his parents proud.
Saik knows perfectly well that he doesn't deserve the words his parents say in his dreams, but he doesn't complain or anything, he simply enjoys the moment.
"We're proud of you, son," they both said at the same time.
"...Thank you."
(Pov - The Ghost Goddess)
Fufu. Well, well. Saik, even without using his great spiritual power, managed to defeat Nancy without even fighting himself. I was quite surprised that he wasn't the person Nancy was fighting, he was number 31. Number 31 managed to give Nancy a fight... I think I underestimated the abilities of the legendary ghosts and Nergio. I know perfectly well that I shouldn't let my guard down with Saik, but now I know that Nergio and his family are also a danger, a danger that I must exterminate.
"Well, that bitch lost. Number 31 weakened her, and Saik delivered the final blow. It was quite unexpected that number 31 was the one who fought all along," Mike said.
"The fight entertained me, but the ending... Well, I admit I loved witnessing Saik's cruelty, but I'm not convinced by the ending. Nancy transformed into a dragon, I thought she would put up more of a fight, but she didn't attack Saik while he was falling. Why?"
"Because she underestimated Saik's Berserker mode."
It's very likely that she planned to die alongside Saik. She thought that attack would kill Saik, so she didn't attack him. Besides, she couldn't keep fighting. She may have all that negative energy, but exhaustion drained her both physically and mentally.
Nancy died underestimating Saik's power. Her master plan was ruined by the berserker modes of the legendary ghosts. Her plan B, Faye, was defeated by Nergio. She didn't stand a chance from the beginning. Saik is a true monster, and I'm the only one who can tame that monster.
(Pov - Nergio.)
Faye turned out to be more powerful than I imagined, even more so than the previous possessor of the legendary ghost number 58. The so-called Goddess of Ghosts really gave him too much power, that's why she thought he would kill me. I don't blame her. The reason I was able to defeat him was because my master loaned me one of his legendary ghosts.
If Faye was just a mere minion that can be easily replaced, I can't even imagine the future that lies ahead.
And without my master's help, our chances of achieving victory diminish. I trust my master. If he found a worthy replacement, I will trust his decision. I don't know the girl my master chose as his replacement, but I imagine she must be very powerful.
... Ah... Oh... Thinking too much hurts. Using a single legendary ghost was too exhausting for my body and soul. How did my master endure so many legendary ghosts when he was a little boy? I know the answer, but I still wonder because the answer to that question is hard to believe, even for someone like me who has known the master for a long time.
"Do you really have your arm and leg bones broken? Well, at least you're better off than Saik."
My little sister squatted down and put her finger on my chest... My... chest... Ah... Hold on... Hold on... I can't take it anymore!!
"Get your finger off me!!"
"Fufu. Don't try to act tough, idiot. Crying and screaming will make you feel better."
My body received too much damage, even feeling the clothes touching my body burns. I need a hot bath and to hug my son. He should congratulate me, his father managed to be useful this time.
The last time I saw my master, I wasn't helpful, on the contrary, I was a hindrance during the fight with the legendary ghost number 100. I promised myself to become someone useful, and that's what I did. I fought against Faye. The members of the Shadow Paradise eliminated him, but I was the one who weakened him. I won.
"I was really useful this time, master... Ah... Oh, right! Maria, how is the master doing?"
"He... You already know him... He went too far, but he'll be fine. He always recovers, don't worry. He's currently in the hospital, asleep."
"And my mother?"
"She's fixing the mess."
Rosemary lit her cigarette while looking at a globe.
"He really wants to die."
And while she thought about Saik's decision, he was with Sylphie, watching her sleep.
"I'm already feeling better, Sylphie. I hope you recover soon... Ah... Well... It's the first time I visit someone in a hospital... Get well soon? Something like that... Oh, and I brought you some sweets."
"Are you feeling better now, Saik?"
Ram stood beside him, and he nodded.
"Yes, I think the dinner didn't agree with us or the water was contaminated, I don't know."
"Do you have family in the city?"
"I don't have any living relatives. And you?"
"Fortunately, all my relatives live abroad... Do you want to talk about something else? This topic is uncomfortable. Are you ready for your confrontation with the president?"
"I'm not sure if I'll be able to defeat her, but at least I know I won't be expelled... I have to go, I need some fresh air."
"Can I tell you something?"
"Sorry, I have to reject your feelings. I barely know you, I can't date you."
"Stop saying stupid things. What I wanted to tell you is not to anger the president. It not only harms yourself but also all of us."
"I'll do whatever I want, don't give me orders... Ah, yes, do you want a sweet?"
"You're hard to convince."
(Pov - Sylphie.)
Huh? W-what? Why am I lying down? I don't remember lying down. The last thing I remember is being with the doctor who was treating Saik. Did I faint or something like that?
"Until you woke up, Sylphie."
"Eh? Ram? What happened to me?"
"You had a fever and fainted. The doctor said you'll be fine, you just need to rest. The fever is gone now."
"And Saik?"
"I don't know, he just left."
"H-he was here?"
"He came to see how you were doing. Oh, and he left a bag of sweets for you. He said some sugar would prevent your fever from coming back, although that doesn't make sense."
Fever...? How strange, I was sure I felt perfectly fine.
"Ludius also got sick, but he has already recovered. I brought you dinner."
"Ah... Y-yes, thank you very much."
I wonder if Saik is feeling better too.
(Pov - Saik.)
I sat on the edge of the rooftop to observe the disaster I caused. 85% of the city is now a crater... I killed again... I guess I don't feel any remorse because I'm already used to doing these things.
... I feel nothing... Nothing.
Mother, father, what am I really?
"Saik... A horrible scene, isn't it?"
Yuki sat beside me and rested her head on my right arm.
This... it feels... nice... Having company... Someone who doesn't hate me.
"They say it was a bomb, but I think it was Shadow. Maria says that guy is crazy. It's possible that he destroyed the city to destroy the demons."
"... And what do you think about what he did?"
"Well... I suppose it depends on the context. If he did it to defeat a demon that could kill millions of people, then it would be a small price to pay to save millions of people. But if he did it just to quickly eliminate demons and not waste time, that would make him a monster."
Was the wooden doll a danger to the world? No, it was only a danger to me. She wanted me dead for what I did to Hercules... But if I died, the chances of victory for the Ghost Goddess would greatly increase, ensuring her absolute victory. I can't die yet. Not without giving my legendary ghosts to Sumi first. I must stay alive and fulfill my promise.
I did what was necessary to stay alive... I only did it to survive.
"Yes... I suppose it has to do with the context..."
I stroked Yuki's head.
"I'm glad you're okay."
I'm really glad that Yuki is safe... I've gotten so used to her presence. I don't know what I would do if she left my life.
Since the deaths of my parents, Yuki has been the only person who has truly supported me and helped me move forward with my life. I owe her so much, more than she imagines.
If she wasn't in my life, my life would be boring, and I would simply live a routine of studying. With her, I have fun and enjoy living my life... It really... makes me happy to be by her side.
She is the only important person I have... The only one I have left... I wouldn't bear losing another important person to me. I already lost my parents, I don't want to lose her too... I will do what is necessary to protect her.
"Thank you for being with me, Yuki."
And thank you for putting up with a weird guy like me.
(Pov - Yuki.)
T-This... Ah... W-What? I m-mean... Ah... I-I said before that I wanted to see a genuine smile from Saik, but... Ah... H-He's not smiling, but he's crying!
"S-Saik, is something wrong?"
"N-No... It's nothing, but thank you for worrying."
He wiped away his tears.
"I couldn't help but remember my parents. Besides you, they were the only people who tolerated my presence. Thank you for putting up with a weird guy like me, Yuki."
... Yes, I understand, Saik. I miss my mother a lot too. I know I can see her whenever I want, but... I don't know... I'm scared to see her in person. I don't know if she'll still be the loving mother I loved.
"Do you want to go? I don't think we can see more of the city."
"Ouch. That was cruel. But yes, I want to go. The special test will start soon, you should prepare."
"And my first confrontation with the student council president."
"Don't worry, Saik, we'll cheat and defeat her!"
"No, I'll face her without cheating. My pride doesn't allow me to cheat for that."
"I see."
Although demons and a bomb ruined our little vacation, today I was able to see something I never imagined seeing. Saik crying.
The deaths of his parents really affected him more than I thought.
Saik is an unexpressive boy, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have feelings.
"Don't worry, Saik, beautiful Yuki will always be with you! I'm part of your family, don't forget it."
"Yes, I know, you're my family, and I appreciate it very much."
He continued observing the crater... Yes... Compared to the Saik I first met, this Saik has started to reflect his feelings. Is he changing or was he always like this? I don't know, but the important thing is that Saik considers me part of his family. As long as we have each other, we will always overcome any circumstances.
Night fell, and Nergio stood in front of a window, observing the devastation.
With a glass of wine in his hand, he sighed and took a sip.
"The Ghost Goddess... Master, I truly don't know what we'll do without his help."
"If you keep insisting, I'll join the Ghost Goddess."
Nergio fell to the ground when he realized Saik was behind him. He didn't notice his presence because he's very weak after the fight with Faye.
"M-master, don't scare me like that!"
"I came to say goodbye, I'm leaving. And I have one last favor to ask of you."
"Y-yes, of course. You can ask me anything."
"Don't speak to me anymore. I don't want anyone from your family to come near me. I won't involve myself with you anymore."
"I want to continue living my normal life. I won't involve myself with you anymore. If you come near me, I'll kill you."
Saik left the room, leaving Nergio alone. He knew he couldn't convince Saik, that's why the only thing he did was cry.
His hopes of having Saik help him defeat the Ghost Goddess died that night.
(Pov- Kaeyko.)
"Approximately 250,000 deaths have been estimated, a number that continues to rise. The president has declared war on the terrorist group responsible for the attack."
I turned off the television... Ah, just what I needed, now we're at war.
"Woof, woof!"
"Yes, I agree, Kaey, I'm hungry."
Thinking about it makes me feel uncomfortable.
A terrorist group destroyed almost an entire city with a bomb. What do they want? The president's head... Ah... Well, I don't care. Why do they want him dead? I don't care.
I can die, I know it, and millions of people know it too. In that city, people were living a normal day, but an explosion ended their lives. That could happen right now... I could die...
"Yes... I suspected as much."
I still don't care. Do I not want to keep living? No, I'm pretty sure I don't have suicidal thoughts. I know I seem like a lonely and depressed guy, but I'm just lonely. I don't have any sad thoughts, and I'm not interested in killing myself. I grew up being hated even by my own family, so instead of becoming a depressed guy because I don't have anyone to love, I decided to ignore people and only focus on myself. That's why I don't feel anything for my mother, I don't feel anything for my sister, and I'm not interested in feeling anything for anyone. I only need my own company to be happy.
He started licking my face... Yes, I understand you.
"Now I have you, huh? A spirit that only I can see. A pet will be good company for me."
Okay, I'll go enjoy the rest of my life.
"I'll spend my savings."
Maybe I'll buy new video games, then we'll see.
Kaey climbed onto my head, and I left my apartment... Ah... Shit. I have to get used to her presence. She appeared out of nowhere in front of me. Was she waiting for me at the door? I guess it was just a coincidence. I'm so used to girls approaching me with ulterior motives that I can identify them. Sylvie isn't in love with me, she's not a stalker. Her being in front of my door is just a simple coincidence because she was even startled herself.
When she saw me, she moved away from me and almost tripped again. I had to catch her with my arms. Ah, I think something like this happened before, but it was the other way around.
"Be careful, Sylvie."
I helped her to her feet.
"Were you looking for me?"
"Y-yes. I got t-two new v-video games. W-want to play with me?"
Mmm... I still can't detect any ulterior motives. Well, I don't have anything else to do. I can accept.
"Sure, thank you for inviting me. I think we'll need some snacks. I'll go to the store."
"I-I'll clean up a bit!"
I watched her go to her apartment. She stumbled again, but she managed to maintain her balance and laughed a little, smiling nervously... She's not in love with me, she's just a lonely girl who wants to have friends.
Judged by her appearance... Yes, I know the feeling of being judged without people really knowing me.
Well... I could die at any moment. Being her friend wouldn't be bad.
Since I was little, I haven't had a single friend... Giving friendship a chance could be good. Trying it before I die is worth it.
Anyway, I'll go buy those snacks.
From what I saw the other day, I know that there's a store near the school that sells family-sized bags of my favorite brand of snacks. I'll buy them to save some money.
"Woof, woof!"
"Do you want something too?"
"Alright, I'll buy you something."
Ah... I really hope loneliness isn't driving me crazy.
Well, I arrived at the store. I entered the store and grabbed a basket. I'll buy snacks, drinks, and... Ah... Wow... Flavored condoms. I had heard about these things, but it's the first time I see one. I'm a virgin and I've never had a girlfriend, so I'm far from needing a condom, but it's interesting that flavored condoms exist. Do women taste the flavor with their private parts or during oral sex?
I picked up the package. I won't buy it, but maybe the instructions specify how it works.
"Buy regular ones, flavored ones are more expensive and serve the same purpose."
Saik?! Shit, he caught me by surprise.
"Don't appear out of nowhere!"
And because of his hairstyle, I thought he was a ghost.
"Sorry, I just wanted to say hello."
... Huh? Is Kaey growling at Saik? Don't worry, he's... Well, he's not harmless... Whether he's a good person or not, I don't know... Well, it doesn't matter, don't growl at him, although it doesn't matter, he can't see you.
"It's okay. Hello."
"Do you have a girlfriend?"
"Huh? Ah, no, I don't, I was just curious about how these flavored condoms work. I won't buy them."
"I see... Is it normal to have sex with people you don't love?"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"I was curious about that. Would a normal person have sex with someone they don't love?"
"Well... It's possible, yes, it is. Mainly for pleasure."
"I see... And is it very common?"
"Not really. It happens, but not so much."
"Ah... I see... Thank you for the information, Kaeyko."
He took some snacks and walked away from me... Yeah, that guy is definitely strange. Why did he ask that?
Anyway, I'll buy and leave.
(Pov- Saik.)
So... it's normal, but not that common... Although it's not normal to have sex with a ghost.
... Ah... Well... I have to do it, whether I like it or not. I made a promise to number 31, and I'll fulfill it.
"Hahahahahahahaha! Lustful boy. You can tell he wanted to buy them. Well, he's handsome, he's probably popular with the ladies. But to me, you're better looking, Saik! Don't be jealous."
I don't think Kaeyko is... Well, maybe he is, he looks like the typical guy who would have sex with a girl without feeling love. Well, it doesn't matter.
I left the snacks on the counter.
"Good evening, Iris. How are you?"
"Very well, thank you for asking, Saik. How was your trip? Although I know it didn't go well."
"Yes... Sorry about that."
"Don't apologize, you didn't know that was going to happen. Sylphie and your friends are alive, and that's all that matters."
I was to blame. Sylphie and the others almost died because of me... I know I should feel at least a little guilty, but I still don't feel sad or guilty... Yeah... I think so, a part of me is a monster.
"How is Sylphie?"
"She's fine, actually quite healthy."
"I see."
Don't worry, they'll forget about this soon... They all will.
I paid for my sweets and left the store.
The trip is over, we'll return to school tomorrow. I couldn't enjoy the trip... I've always known that I'm doomed to not enjoy my life, but I won't give up.
But... I'll forget everything.
I'll erase my memories and pretend nothing happened. First, I have to prepare... And do that.
Night came. Yuki fell asleep while we were playing video games... It's time.
I left Yuki in her room and headed to mine. I know what I'm about to do is wrong, but I made a promise... And I'll keep my promise.
I opened the door to my room and...
"Hehehe. You're late, darling."
Number 31, who is sitting on the floor, naked, turned to look at me and smiled.
Her naked body doesn't give me any reaction, but I can get erections without any problem, so I shouldn't have a problem with that part.
Her nipple... Her bare breast doesn't give me any reaction either.
I... I really don't want to have sex with someone I don't love. She's not even my girlfriend or wife.... What I will do, it's not normal. It's not normal for a human to have sex with a ghost, but I have to. I made a promise, and I will keep my promise.
"Let's get this over with quickly."
(Pov- Number 31.)
I've been waiting for this moment for years. Saik is 17 years old, he's no longer a little boy, and now he's a grown man. We can do adult things now!
S-Saik took off his shirt. It's really happening. He's really going to fulfill his promise!
"Let's finish this."
He took hold of my hands and began kissing me. A-Am I being dominated? Is Saik dominating me?! I thought Saik would just let me do whatever I want with him, but he's dominating me! This is so much better!
He lifted me in his arms and laid me on the bed.
"I... will enter."
Huh? This... This... This feeling coming from Saik... Sadness?
Saik is... sad.
"Ah... Right, first there's foreplay or something... Oral sex... I've never done it, so maybe I'll do it wrong."
He's still willing to continue despite feeling so sad... Sadness...
He really wants to be normal... He really... does.
"Forgive me, Saik."
"What? Why are you crying, number 31?"
Even though I promised to help you fulfill your dream, look at me, taking advantage of you... I don't want this... Not like this.
I love you, Saik. I want to do it with you, but... I don't want to do it if you don't want to.
... A normal person... Sometimes I forget why you sacrificed your childhood.
So much pain and horrible things you had to witness at such a young age. Things that would traumatize any adult for life.
All that sacrifice... I can't let all that sacrifice be in vain.
"... When you graduate, let's go on a date."
"A date?"
"You will fulfill your dream of having a normal life... I love you."
With one last kiss, I bid him farewell.
It hurts to do this, but more than anyone, I know how much Saik fought for this life... I am his best friend, and he is my best friend. What kind of friend would I be if I took advantage of my friend?
If he fails, he will commit suicide. I don't want to lose my only friend... I want to stay by his side.
I must support him and not steer him away from his goal... I must be a good friend.
(Pov- Saik.)
Number 31 returned to my body... She... Yes... I understand now.
"Thank you very much for understanding. Someday I'll repay you. I promise."
I can continue being a normal person... Someone normal... Yes... I'll keep being.
You're truly someone trustworthy, number 31... I didn't mistake you.
"Thank you."
(A while ago.)
"Delicious! Your mother cooks incredibly, Shadow!"
"Thanks, but my father cooked."
Seven-year-old Saik was sitting together with number 31, under a tree, enjoying a pleasant day in the countryside.
She had her head on Saik's lap, looking into his eyes.
"Hehe. Why don't you try to capture me? Have you given up?"
"Someday I'll capture you, but that day won't be today. I just want to enjoy a day out... Is that what it's called? I don't know. I think one of my classmates called it an 'outdoor picnic.' Although I think a picnic is already outdoors... Well, it doesn't matter."
"Mmm... Hey, Shadow, yesterday we went to the movies, and the day before we played video games... Every time you invite me to do something, you mention that you decided to do it because your classmates did the same. Why do you imitate them?"
"Because they're normal, so they do normal things."
"Normal? Hahahahahaha! You want to be normal? I know you, Shadow, and you're far from being normal."
"Yes, I know, but someday I'll be normal, and when that day comes, my parents will finally be proud of me."
"But being normal is boring."
"I'd rather be boring than a phenomenon... That's my dream. What about yours? Do you have a dream? My parents are rich, so if you need money to make your dream come true, you can ask me."
"My dream...? I guess... I suppose it would be... Kya! I can't, it's too embarrassing!"
"More embarrassing than dreaming of being boring and normal?"
"Oh, no, not that embarrassing."
"Then tell me."
"... I... I... I want to have friends!"
"That's not a dream."
"Yes, it is! Every day, those damn ghost hunters try to capture me! I can't rest for a moment! I can't stay in one place for long... I feel... you know... lonely. I have no companionship... I want to have friends and have fun!"
Saik took a sandwich out of the basket.
"Having true friends to keep me company, that's what I want. I guess loneliness has driven me crazy. I wonder if, when I was alive, I had many friends. That would explain why I want to have friends."
"That's no longer a dream because you already have friends... Well, only one, and a very peculiar one. Something is better than nothing."
Saik took a bite of his sandwich, and number 31 just stared at him, surprised by Saik's words. She knew that those words were honest because Saik didn't lie.
"Shadow... Do you consider me your friend?"
"Well, we've been playing and talking together for almost a year. Being with you is not boring, and I have fun... Yes, I think that's more than enough to consider you my friend. Don't you consider me your friend?"
"... Can I consider you my best friend?"
"I have no competition, so that title was easy to earn, huh? Sure, you can consider me your friend, even your best friend, but I don't know the difference."
"Thank you... Thank you!"
She hugged Saik tightly for several seconds.
"Ah... Um... You know I could attack you right now, right? You shouldn't let your guard down."
"Friends don't attack each other! I trust you!"
"I see... They don't attack... Thanks for the information."
She truly became a vital presence in Saik's life. The person who supported him the most in fulfilling his dream.
And even if Saik doesn't admit it, she is his best friend.
(Pov- Saik.)
I left my dirty clothes in the basket and examined my body as I looked at myself in the mirror... No physical wounds... A whole year without being able to use them... I'll be defenseless.
... Do I have an erection? Yeah, it's not going down yet... I'm really a teenager, huh?
Teenagers masturbate a lot, it's very normal. Should I do it too...? No, I won't do it. Mainly because I live with Yuki, it would be rude of me to do it under the same roof.
"Then, are you ready?"
Legendary ghost number 97, the ghost of time, appeared in front of me.
"This time, it will be 50 years. You've already lost 30. Are you sure?"
"I don't need the others... I won't need them."
"Alright. Initiating manipulation."
"And also modify my memories. A normal vacation."
"Yes, I know. Initiating manipulation... Now."
He snapped his fingers and my vision darkened.
"The vacation in that forest was incredible! Animals everywhere, we even saw a bear! Hahahahaha! It was so much fun watching you fight a bear, Saik!"
"But they're over now, classes have started again."
The vacation we had in that forest was very relaxing... But those memories are false.
I can't use my legendary ghosts, and my soul is severely weakened. Whatever happened, it has to do with the meteorite that fell in Solerk92 city... The memories of when we agreed to go to that forest are also false.
Did I have something to do with that meteorite? Did I cause all of that? Why? Who did I fight against?
Whatever it is, I'll never know, and that's for the best. If I even modified my own memories, it means it was a way to keep living a normal life. I won't try to find out what really happened and I'll enjoy my life.
I stopped, and Yuki shook my shoulder.
"Did something happen?"
Naima painted her nails black. It suits her quite well.
... Wow... Is this what it feels like to have a crush on someone? It's a strange feeling.
I took a deep breath and walked closer to her. She's talking to her friends... I have to do it.
"Good morning."
I walked past her.
I felt her gaze, but she didn't return the greeting. I continued on my way, satisfied with the outcome.
She ignored me.
"My condolences. Having to be on an island with that weirdo must be torture."
"Well, at least being with him guarantees me a good grade, so it's not that bad."
... It's not that bad? Did she say it's not that bad to be with me?
Wow... My heart raced.
I really like Naima.
"Hey, Saik, can I punch her?"
Naima treats me badly, but someday she'll be my girlfriend... Or at least, I hope so.