CHAPTER 51 – Second special test. Part 1.
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(Beginning of volume 7. I would really appreciate your comments and a critique on the story. Are you liking it? Is there a story about a character you would like to know more about? Please leave your opinions, they help me to improve).

(Pov- Evelyn.)

I arrived home... My lonely home. Once again, the feeling of loneliness attacks me, huh? I'm already used to it, but it still hurts.

I can't have friends, my family completely ignores me, and... And I also have to pay off that stupid debt.

[Bring your ass over here. Room 325.]

If only I hadn't done what I did, I wouldn't be doing this.

I know I'll keep doing it for many more years, that's why I try to enjoy what I do. I just have to imagine the clients as if they were some anime guy. Having sex with an anime character is less disgusting than doing it with a disgusting fatso.

"Just 5 more years..."

Although I know it's too optimistic to think they'll let me go.

... I don't know what to do.

"I... I don't want to keep doing this."

I quickly wiped away my tears. I have to do it. I can't get that much money any other way... I don't want to get killed... I have to do it.

Stay strong, Evelyn... It's the only thing you can do. Be strong.

CHAPTER 51 - Second special test. Part 1.

I finished washing the dishes. Originally, I was supposed to have dinner with Hanako and Sylphie, but with the expulsion issue, I had to postpone the dinner for another day.

Now that I'm done washing, I'll tackle this other problem.

"I hope you enjoyed it, Saoto. Honestly, without boasting, I think they turned out delicious," I said.

"Yes, they were delicious, Saik. Thanks for inviting me to dinner, but you know I didn't come for that. Don't try to avoid the subject," Saoto replied seriously.

Saoto arrived while Yuki and I were having dinner. He ruined my dinner with Yuki, and she had to go eat in her room.

"Ah, yes, that's right. I'm sorry, but I have to reject your feelings towards me. I only see you as... Well, I was going to say that I only saw you as a friend and put you in the friend zone, but I don't even consider you a friend."

"Hey, I've been hearing that joke coming out of your mouth lately when someone wants to ask you something in class. It stops being funny when you use it too much."

... Ah... I guess normal students don't make as many jokes as I imagined. I still have a lot to learn.

Ah, I don't understand teenagers. It's frowned upon to be too serious, and now I find out that it's frowned upon to be too funny. Who understands teenagers?

"So, what do you want to talk about?" I asked, taking a sip from my tea while looking at Saoto, who was staring at me seriously. I don't like this guy for two reasons.

Reason number 1: He wants to force me to help our classmates. He wants me to become one of the class leaders, and I don't want to.

And reason number 2...

"Please stop bothering the student council president. You're putting all of us in danger," Saoto said.

That's it. He's too good of a person. Someone like him doesn't deserve to be the class leader, which is why I consider Ram the leader. I thought he would be smarter, but he turned out to be an idiot.

"Tell me, why did you decide to come to my house so late? Why didn't you talk to me about this in class? There must be a reason," I asked him.

"The president told me everything that happened today. How she used the student to humiliate you and how you were able to uncover her plan," Saoto explained.

"Are you in the student council?"

"I'm still on probation, they haven't accepted me yet."

... Should I trust Saoto? He's a good person, but knowing the student council president, she could manipulate Saoto to her advantage.

I'd rather not take the risk.

"Akito is no longer part of the student council, but he's still part of the president's class. If you expel him, our entire class will become enemies of the school. We could not only drop to class E, but we could also be expelled, tarnishing our academic record. Please, Saik, don't anger the president. Stop trying to expel Akito and move on with your life."


The president made her first move, turning my own classmates against me. Sylphie and Ludius are the only classmates I know I can trust. Naok, Bell, and Evelyn are idiots who could be easily bought. And Naima doesn't even consider me a friend; I can't trust her either.

The president recruited Saoto because he's the class president and one of the most beloved studentsof his year. Popular with the girls and intelligent. The boys, although they envy him, know how smart and reliable he is, so they won't hesitate to follow him. I'm just a student with two trusted people against the rest of my own class.

And not only against my own class. Saoto is in the top 5 of the most handsome first-year students, a list created by the girls. Yuki told me about it and asked me to style my hair and wear glasses to get into the top, but I didn't listen to her. I'm ranked 35th. I guess it's good, considering there must be around 50 guys in the first year. Nah, I don't care.

I digressed. Saoto is one of the most popular students in the first year. I'm not only up against my own class but also against the other classes.

Hmm... Should I transfer to Tanya's class? I doubt she would do as the president tells her, she might even offer me her help to get her expelled. Yes, it could work. Tomorrow, I'll tell the teacher that I want to switch classes... Ah... Right, the promise. I have to stay in Class B to protect Sylphie. Oh... Mother, father, I know our family always keeps its promises, but couldn't we make an exception this time? Protecting Sylphie is costing me my normal school life. I have to protect her from perverts, annoying girls, and now I have to protect her from all the students because they'll want to expel her for having me as a friend and ally.

Ah... Well... Mother, I know you would be disappointed in me if I don't help the only girl who will always be willing to help me. But, mother, if Sylphie does something that harms me, I will abandon her. Forgive me, but I'm not willing to help someone who harmed me.

For example, if Saoto manages to convince Sylphie to use her protection point to save a classmate, I will immediately transfer to Tanya's class and stop talking to Sylphie.

Ludius... Well, he doesn't owe me anything. He can use his protection point however he wants. The same goes for Naima, although I doubt she would use it on someone else.

"Hmm... I see... Saoto, would you like to hear a story...? Well, more of a personal anecdote," I said.

"An anecdote?"

"When I was in school, there was a group of delinquents. You know, the typical students who do drugs, have sex, and take advantage of the weak."


... Why did he react nervously? Well, it doesn't matter.

I sense nervousness in him, but I won't investigate further. I don't care.

"I witnessed their evil actions. They would steal money from students and even physically assault them. It didn't affect me, so I didn't do anything about it. Until one day, one of them tried to take away the lunch that my saintly and beautiful mother had made especially for me. What did I do? I broke his arm, and I was expelled for a week."

"His arm?"

"Yes. When I went back to school, the delinquents tried to take advantage of me. They scratched my desk, spread rumors about me, some girls started saying that I was sexually harassing them, blah, blah, blah. In short, they tried to bully me. But that's all it was, just a simple attempt. I never cared, because they were just words. I decided to just ignore them... But one day, I found out that they had spread a rumor that my mother spread her legs easily. I guess you know what I mean. Some people claimed they had sex with her and called her a nymphomaniac who was addicted to... Ah, you know... That pissed me off more than anything, so I decided to take revenge. One by one, I investigated them and divulged their big secrets. The mother of one of them was a prostitute, or something like that, she cheated on her husband with other men. I revealed the secret to the father and they divorced. I found out that one of them had raped his cousin, gathered evidence and got him to admit it himself. I disclosed that information and to this day he is still locked up in his house, afraid to go out because everyone looks at him with disgust and repudiation. Drugs, rapes, robberies, and a long list more. And those I didn't manage to find anything on, I left very badly wounded, I broke their bones and left notes on their bodies, writing the reasons why I beat them. I invented things about them raping little girls or blackmailing women to rape them. Although they didn't go to jail, their notes were spread all over the city, tanning those boys as rapists and pedophiles."

He is looking at me with fear, and I simply take another sip of my tea.

"Why are you telling me all this? Are you trying to scare me? How do I know that all of this is real and not something you made up?"

"You can look it up on the internet. They never found the culprit. You can call the police and tell them that I was the one who beat them up, but I didn't leave any evidence, that's why I have no problem telling you all this. They were all bad people, so I don't care if you think what I did was right or wrong."

"That was... I don't know what to say... Those you didn't find anything bad about, why didn't you leave them alone? How do you know they were really bad people?"

"They were part of that group, so to me, they were bad."

"Just because of that?"

"They called my mother a 'cheap whore.' That's reason enough to do what I did."

"... Why are you telling me all this?"

"If I was capable of doing all that, do you think I can't do it again? Maybe you have your own secrets, as do our classmates. I know perfectly well that the student council president will try to manipulate you to get your help, which is why I'm giving you a warning. If you try to expel me, you'll become just another enemy. And if you convince others to help you, they'll also become my enemies. Today, I managed to expel someone by devising a plan just by listening to a phone camera. Do you think I wouldn't be able to expel other people? Do you think I wouldn't expel my own classmates? I would if they are my enemies."

"That's... too cruel... We... Saik, I just want everyone to be safe. I want to avoid as many expulsions as possible. I just want everyone to have a good school life without worries. Also, if possible, I want all of us to graduate in Class A. But if you keep insisting on being an enemy of the student council, none of our classmates will be able to enjoy their school life for fear of being expelled. Please, I'll do whatever it takes."

"Whatever it takes?"

I stood up from the table and approached him.

"Are you really willing to do whatever it takes?"

"If it means leaving the student council president alone, yes... I'll do whatever it takes."

I stroked his chin and brought my face close to his.

"If I told you that I wanted to kiss you and have sex with you, would you do it?"

His body trembled, and his eyes widened in fear.

"T-That's... Th-That would be... I-I'm not gay... But... But if you promise to leave the president alone and help us move up to Class A, I... I... I would do it."

"You would?"

"Yes... Just promise me you won't tell anyone..."

He closed his eyes and kissed me... Ah... Is he really kissing me? With tongue even.

... I don't like it. I already have Naima. Well, we're not friends yet, but I'll be faithful to her even if we're not officially dating.

I pushed him away and wiped my mouth.

"Hey, didn't you realize I was joking? I like women... Ah... That was my first kiss..."

My first kiss with a living human being, and it was with Saoto, a man... Ah...

"Hey, Saoto, you've tarnished my honor. You stole my first kiss. The kiss I planned to give to the love of my life when I found her. Shall we settle this the old-fashioned way, with fists? Although we could also pretend that none of this happened and not say anything."

"Ah, yeah, I think I'd prefer to forget that this happened."

"I admit, I'm surprised by how far you're willing to go to get what you want. You should have more dignity. Don't go for the easy way if it means sacrificing your own dignity. Now go and think carefully about what you're going to do. I recommend cooperating with the student council president to expel me, but don't involve the others if you don't want them to become my enemies. Remember, my only current goal is Akito, and if the president becomes my enemy, I'll do everything possible to expel her."

"You really don't want to change your mind, huh?"

"I won't."

"Yeah... I can see that... You're a danger to the class."

He walked away from me.

"You're too dangerous for our class... I think I've changed my opinion about you... I heard that Tanya wants you in her class. I thought having you would be very beneficial, but now I realize you're very dangerous. Accept the class transfer and put Class A in danger. At least then our classmates will be safer."

"I'll think about it."

"... Yes... Goodbye."

He left my house... Ah...

"Is that really how my first kiss went? It wasn't even romantic. I'm quite disappointed."

"Kya! Saik, I knew it! No wonder you're not in love with Sylphie! You're gay!"

Yuki started laughing. Yes, I knew she was spying on us. After all, Yuki is a nosy person.

"Do you find it funny that a guy is gay? Well... I didn't know you were homophobic, Yuki. I must admit I'm quite disappointed."

"Eh? N-No, you misunderstood! I'm not homophobic!"

"Another successful prank. I'm great, huh?"

"Ahhhhhhh! Stop acting like an idiot!"

"Yeah, sorry... Well, what I did to Saoto was just to make him think I'm a crazy pervert, so that he would be afraid and wouldn't dare to challenge me. Unfortunately, it didn't go as expected, and he stole my first kiss. Ah, I won't be able to get married anymore."

"Fufu. Don't worry, Saik. I'm pretty sure Sylphie wouldn't mind marrying you."

"No, thanks. I'm not interested in Sylphie. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm leaving. I have something to do."


"No, sleep. I'll study tomorrow."

"By the way, is what you told him true? About those delinquents."

"Yes and no. They tried to mess with me, but they stopped when I beat them all up. Someone else did the investigating."

"Phew. Thank goodness. I thought you were some kind of psycho."

If it had been me, I would have killed them to save myself a lot of trouble. I suspect someone who can see ghosts did that, but I couldn't be bothered to investigate. It didn't affect me, so I didn't care.

When they tried to bully me in middle school, they regretted it.

I was comfortably sitting under a tree, devouring my lunch, until one of those gorillas kicked my lunch and demanded my money. There were four others with him. Four guys and an equally rude and violent girl.

And I, being the pacifist that I am, warned them not to mess with me because they would regret it. They didn't listen and tried to hit me. At the end of the day, all of them, including the girl, went home with black eyes. When I left school, more than 10 delinquents were waiting for me with bats to beat me up. The result was the same. They all went home in pain with black eyes, and I returned home unharmed and made myself a delicious sandwich.

The next day, the delinquents avoided me, and nobody knew what I had done because the delinquents kept it a secret. If others found out, it would be humiliating for them.

I admit that I took advantage of that fear to steal their money when I needed it and also their lunches... Ah, I guess I was a delinquent too... Well, that's in the past now.

I went up to my room, turned on the air conditioning, and lay down on the bed... Well...

"I think I only have three options."

There are three different paths I have to consider this school year. Option 1: Saoto's betrayal. If Saoto decides to betray me and turn others against me, I will definitely be expelled more than once. I need to find another point of protection.

Option 2: If Saoto decides to remain neutral, the president will use the other classes to hinder me in the special tests, which will result in expulsions not only for me but also for my class, causing us to drop down to Class E.

Option 3, and the least likely...

"A one-on-one confrontation."

If what the president wants is a challenge, she will challenge me herself without external help, using her own strategies and not asking for any more assistance. It's less likely, but it's also possible.

Teamwork is ruled out in two of these three paths; I can't even trust my own classmates.

... Ah... President, if I were the past Saik, you would already be dead. You're lucky that I want a normal school life.

Well... Saoto is against me. I just hope that Sylphie doesn't betray me.

(Pov - Saoto.)

I just wasted my time. I should have known that someone as selfish as Saik wouldn't be willing to think about others.

Why is Saik like this? Would it be so difficult for him to leave Akito alone? Why is he so determined to expel him? He has already suffered enough, and what Saik wants to do to him doesn't seem fair to me.

... Saik is evil and selfish. He may be the best first-year student, but he is a heartless monster who wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice someone to advance.

"That thought disgusts me... Although..."

I had the same thought.

Better not dwell on my past. I'm already home. I can't worry my parents.

I know the outcome was worse than I imagined; I even kissed him. Honestly, I felt nothing. I stopped caring about those things a long time ago... since my grandmother died.

Saik harbors resentment towards Akito; I don't know if I can make him change his mind.

If Saik decides to go forward, I must think of a way to prevent it from affecting us. If Saik changes classes, our class will become weaker, but it will be safer.

The final decision would be: fight against the student council and risk several of my classmates being expelled, or fight alongside the student council against Saik.

Saik is a dangerous boy. Today he expelled a student just by hearing a camera. I don't know what he would be capable of with more time to prepare. If we go against him, it could lead to expulsions, but there could also be physically injured students.

I want to be a trustworthy leader. I want my classmates to trust me, consider me their friend, and not hate me, but...

"I'm caught between a rock and a hard place."

The president is much worse than Saik, but I only consider her more dangerous than him based on the stories I've heard. Saik is still a mystery to me.

There's no neutrality either. Whether we support Saik or not, it won't matter to the president. She will bring down the class simply because Saik is in Class B.

The only option that would save us would be if Saik changes classes. We would become very weak and possibly never be able to reach Class A.

... I don't know what to do.

I would love for all of us to be in Class A, but if Saik switches to Tanya's class, and considering that even with Saik on our side, she was able to surpass us, if she gets Saik, her class would become invincible.

Should we stick with Saik and make enemies of all the classes in the school, or get rid of our best weapon?

It's a decision I can't make alone; I need to talk to Ram, but knowing her, she'll take the risk and prefer to stick with Saik.

I'm scared.

"Scared of failing again."

I don't want to fail as a leader... I don't want to.

Ah... Saoto, stop crying! You must fight and not give up. Your friends trust you, and I know you will find a solution to your problem.

I want to keep my friends safe, but I also want them to progress and be able to reach Class A.

We must become stronger and study harder. Teamwork will be crucial.

"Grandma, I will do my best. I will protect them all, I promise you!"

But if I want to fulfill my promise, I must earn a point of protection... And if I'm unable to earn one in a special test, will I dare to expel someone?

I... I would be responsible for someone having a stain on their academic record... I don'twant to do that to someone. Sacrificing someone to save another... What sense does that make?

Saik does it without any problem because he is evil, but I don't know if I can do it... Huh?

"What...? That was strange."

I felt as if someone had caressed my head... Ah, stress is driving me crazy. I need to sleep.

I arrived home.

"I'm back."

I approached my grandmother's altar and left some of her favorite sweets.

"Today I helped a lost child find his mother, Grandma. The rest of my day was normal."

I entered the living room. My younger sister is playing video games, and my mother is sleeping on the couch... Drunk again...

"Hey, idiot, did you bring me something to eat?"

"No, sorry."

"Tsk. You're useless."

"But you didn't ask me to bring you anything. If you want, I can cook something for you."

"But hurry up, I'm starving."

"Yes... Sure."

She's 15 years old and still hasn't learned to cook for herself... Better not say anything about it. It's not worth arguing.

"Has dad arrived?"

"He's in the kitchen."

I entered the kitchen... My father is cooking, but he looks really tired. He has dark circles under his eyes.

"Hello, son. Dinner will be ready soon."

"Go rest, I'll finish cooking."

"Don't worry, it's almost ready..."

I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Go rest."

"... Yes, thank you, son."

He left the kitchen... He works all day and still worries about dinner... He needs to rest a lot... And my mother doesn't help him at all.

I know love is mysterious, but why doesn't he leave her? I don't know if I can hate my own mother, but... It's better not to think about it anymore.

"Grandma, I wonder what I should do to help my mother."

She refuses to go to rehab and doesn't want to listen to us... I don't know what else to do.

"Hey, hurry up, I'm starving!!"

And my sister is still as rude as ever... Although I can't complain too much.

"Because she's like that because of me."

A mistake I can never forgive myself for... Ah... Tears?

No, Saoto... No... You don't have time to cry. Just smile and carry on with your life. Someday everything will get better.

"Yes... Someday everything will get better."

Every family has its problems, and every problem has a solution. I just need to be patient. My mother will someday quit alcohol, my sister will become kinder, and my father will get tired of being taken advantage of.

If I could change, so can they. I just hope it's not too late.

I couldn't change in time, Grandma. You died without seeing a kind and grateful grandson... I hope my mother doesn't decide to change after my father dies from exhaustion.

I just... I just have to wait. Someday everything will get better... Yes...


(Pov- Saik.)

"Well, Yuki, today is Tuesday. Do you know what that means?"

"Tuesday for tacos?!"

"Tuesday for tacos."

Yay! Los tacos son tan deliciosos! Quiero que me compres 10 para mí sola, por favor, señor Saik!" (Tacos are so delicious! I want you to buy me 10 just for me, please, Mr. Saik!)

"Slow down, Yuki, my Spanish is not as good as yours. Although, the 'señor Saik' part sounded quite elegant. I like it."

Yuki is, as always, on my shoulders, kicking and sniffing my hair. Ah, I will never understand her obsession with my hair.

"G-g-good m-m-morning, Saik and...!"

Yuki covered Sumi's mouth as she approached us running.

"What did I tell you about talking to me on the street?!"

"I-I'm sorry."

Well, she's with her mother. She approached us.

"Is she here?"

Yuki took her by the hand, and the lady began trembling in fear, causing Yuki to start laughing.

"Hahahahahaha! It's so funny to scare her!"

"Yuki says she feels a curse on you and that you'll die in three days."


"Hahahahahaha! She turned pale, Saik!"

"I-it's n-not true, mom! H-he said it to scare you!"

"I'm sorry, I'm just venting the hatred I feel towards you."

I walked away.

"Hatred? What did I do to you?"

"Not to me, but you treated Sumi like a crazy person. And you didn't even try to help her with a psychologist. If I hadn't met Sumi, you would still see her as a lunatic."

I turned to look at her.

"I hate people like you."

At least my mother tried to help me with psychiatrists and medication, but she just thought they were imaginary friends and didn't pay much attention to it. And when Sumi would tell her something about ghosts, she treated the subject like a nuisance... I hate people like that.

"Well, Saik, see you later. I'll go to school with Sumi."

"If anyone tries to bully her..."

"Sumi will beat them up. Quite savage advice. I'll find another way to help her."

"It's the quickest option for bullying."

"Unlike you, Sumi is a lady. She can't go through life solving her problems with violence."

"Huh? Just because she's a lady? Well, well. Besides being homophobic, are you also sexist? And here I was admiring you. I'm disappointed."

"Ahhhhhhhh! I'm not sexist! And I'm not homophobic either!"

"And again, I was just joking."

"Saik, it's not normal for you to make so many jokes!"

"Isn't it normal?"

"Why do you make so many jokes lately? I don't understand you!"

It's not normal... I see... Ah, I made another mistake.

Being a teenager is harder than I imagined.

"See you at the restaurant."

"Order 15 tacos for me!"

"Wasn't it 10?"



Well, at least I'm not the only glutton in the house.

I arrived at school, but there's something different in the atmosphere. What's everyone doing outside? Why aren't they going in...? Huh? Are those suitcases? Why do the students have suitcases?

"Good morning, Saik!" Sylphie said, approaching me... with a suitcase.

... What?

"Good morning, Sylphie. Why do you have a suitcase?"

"Huh? Why? We're leaving today."

"To where?"

"Well... To the special test."

"But it's tomorrow."

"Didn't you read the message they sent on the school group chat and email?"

Ah... When I came back from school yesterday, I turned off my phone so nobody would bother me while I had dinner... I'm such an idiot.

Well, I won't need a suitcase on the island, so I'm safe.

"Ah... Why did they move it forward?"

"For the cruise!"


"There's going to be a party on a cruise ship. It's to celebrate the start of the special test."

"... Ah..."

I always forget that this school is for rich kids. A party on a cruise ship, huh? I hope they don't charge me because I don't plan on wasting my money on something like that.

Well, considering that Sylphie is going too, it means they won't charge us. I'll take the opportunity to eat as much as I can, assuming the food will be free.

I need to get ready.

"I'm going to see Naima."

"To Naima?"

"Yes, we need to talk. We're teammates on the island."


I walked away from her... Well, I've walked far enough.

"Yuki, come here."

... 5, 4, 3, 2...


Here comes Yuki, flying towards me at high speed.

She crashed into my chest.

"Kya!! Saik, you better have a good reason for doing that! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"We're going on a cruise. The trip got moved up."

"C-cruise?! Well, that's what you'd expect from a school for rich kids!"

Now that I have Yuki, I just need to talk to Naima... Hmm... There she is.

I approached her while she was talking to her friends.

"Hey, Naima, I'd like to talk to you."

"Can't you see we're talking?" one of her friends said.

Was her name Reiko? I don't remember her very well. I don't care about her at all, so it doesn't matter.

"Well, considering that I called Naima, it means I knew she was here, so no, I'm not blind. And if I still talked to her knowing that you were talking to her, it means I don't care if you're talking to her. You like to complain, don't you?"

"Do you want to fight?!"

"Well, you're aggressive too. You're adorable."

I took a chocolate bar out of my pocket.


She tried to throw the bar at me, but my grip was stronger, and she couldn't.

"I don't want it!"

"Oh well. You tried to throw the chocolate? You're very weak. You should exercise more. You've gained a little weight. I recommend... Ah..."

She tried to slap me, but I stopped her hand, holding her wrist.

"Hey, I'm just trying to help you."

"Alright, calm down," Mark said.

Is he her boyfriend? Ah, I don't care.

"Well... This got uncomfortable. That's why I don't get along with girls like her, they get angry over anything. So, Naima, can we talk?"

"Make it quick."


Before I walked away from that place with Naima, I offered the chocolate to Mark.

"Here, thanks for calming her down."

"I don't want it."

"Why does everyone reject my chocolate?"

I opened it and took a bite.

I walked away with Naima.

"That personality of yours can be annoying."

"Well, I just wanted to talk to you. Your friend's violent reaction was a bit embarrassing, so I decided to go along with it to see more of her reactions. Although I didn't expect her to react with violence."

"Whatever. What do you want to talk about?"

"It's about something we need to resolve before the special test. Are you on my side or Saoto's side?"

"What do you mean?"

"You'll soon find out what I mean. If you had to choose whom to support, who would you choose?"

"Tsk. That's a weird question... I don't know. I guess I would choose whoever benefits me the most."

"... I see. During the special test, I'll do my best to earn positive points for both of us. Ah, by the way, you can use the tent. I'll sleep somewhere else."

"Really? Why?"

"My reasons are private. And you're welcome. That's all. See you... Ah, by the way."

I took out another chocolate bar.

"Do you want it?"


She took it and put it in her backpack.

"See you later."

I walked away from her and took a deep breath... Ah, I should have expected it.

"Ahhhhhhh! I hate Naima and her friends! Saik, why did you get a protection point for her?!"

Because she'll need it soon.

We got on the buses and left the school.

To keep myself entertained, I started drawing the next chapter of one of my manga.

Chapter one of The Prostitute received good support, it was even translated into Spanish and English by other people. I guess that's good.

Number 31 will be happy with that result.

"Can I sit with you?"

"Sure, I don't mind."

I replied and continued drawing. Hmm... Making the protagonist pay off the debt of a prostitute he just met seems unrealistic, but I think if I make them go out together to certain places, like dates or something, it would be more realistic. And when the man to whom she owes money comes looking for her, the protagonist pays off the debt to prevent her from selling her body again.

Before that happens, she will tell him about her life and why she does what she does.

Yes, it can work. The following arcs will focus on resolving the family problems that both of them have, and then the wedding.

Number 31 told me it's going to be a short series, around 70 chapters.

The other stories are longer.

"I read the first chapter. It was a good start."

"Thank you, President."

I'll tell Number 31 that you congratulated her.

"I have 4 protection points."

"I see... And what do you want me to do with that information, President?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to brag," she said with a smile.

"My only goal is to expel Akito. I know it's nearly impossible to expel you, but there are other ways to defeat you. By the way, do women care about a man's virginity? I'm conflicted. Men care, but I don't know if women do."

"And do you care?"

"Not really. The only thing that matters to me is faithfulness. I don't care if someone is a virgin or not."

"I feel the same way. The only people who care about virginity are those pathetic men who can't stand the idea that another man has been with the girl they're dating."

"Yes, I agree. By the way, I recommend manipulating Ram instead of Saoto. He's too kind, it won't benefit you. Ram would be a better piece."

"Hehe. Yes, I know, but I prefer attacking with numbers rather than strategy. It sounds more fun."

"Yes, whatever. Hmm..."

The beginning of the second story is too explicit, it even made me angry.

The hero's wives are simply killed in front of him, but I don't think that will satisfy the readers. It will be cruel, but I'll make Orcs violate the hero's wives, and even the hero himself.

"NTR? I didn't know you liked drawing that."

"It"It's the beginning of my second story. It's a fantasy one."

A man finds his lifelong love having sex with the hero, who is a person summoned to that world.

He had known her since they were children and had been married for over 15 years, but she betrayed him simply because the hero was handsome and powerful. She chose to be part of the hero's harem, someone she barely knew, rather than stay by the side of the man who had always loved her.

He gains his power when he commits suicide, and thanks to all the hatred he feels towards the hero, an evil Goddess hidden in that world gives him the power to defeat the hero.

There are two Goddesses, the one who gave power to the hero and also belongs to the hero's harem, and the evil Goddess who gave power to the protagonist.

He goes to the Demon King's castle and joins forces with him. They build his own castle for him and give him servants. One of his servants is not an attractive girl like the typical heroines in fantasy stories. She's flat-chested, very thin, wears large glasses, and her face is not as pretty. She's a 7 out of 10.

He doesn't immediately fall in love with her; they become friends first and then fall in love.

While the hero travels the world, expanding his harem, the Demon King strengthens his army and flirts with his new love interest.

This is also a short story, around 100 short chapters.

The romantic comedy with the ghost is longer because Number 31 wrote different endings for it, including a harem ending.

"Do you want to play cards, Saik?"

"No, thanks. I want to finish this."

"Well, suit yourself."

I won't fall into her trap. I shouldn't do anything that reveals my way of thinking.

Ah, I hope we arrive soon.

(Extra - Legendary Ghost Number 11, the Ghost of Despair.)

(Pov - Six-year-old Saik.)

"Why are they expelling me?! Father, sue the school! Those idiots beat up others, and you do nothing! Now that they tried to hit me, and I humiliated them with my physical prowess, am I the one getting expelled?! I demand that they also get expelled or I'll go on a hunger strike!"

"Saik, you need to calm down. Son, standing up for yourself was a good thing, you didn't let them take advantage of you, but you broke their bones by jumping on their arms!"

"They'll learn to stop bullying others! Today I start my hunger strike! Principal, I hope you're prepared for the lawsuit!"

I got up from the chair and walked out of the principal's office. The parents of the children were outside, and since they looked at me with hatred, I simply smiled at them.

"Raise your children better. This wouldn't have happened if your kids were good children! They deserve what...! Mmmh!"

My dad covered my mouth. Hey, I want to tell them how I feel! Number 1, give them explosive diarrhea! And give one of them cancer, so it won't be too suspicious.

Number 4, give bad luck to two of the kids.

We'll leave the other two alone. If everyone has some sort of accident or something, it will be very suspicious.

Number 1 and Number 4 emerged from my body.

My dad and I left the school, and I was still angry. I refuse to believe that what I did was wrong. They kept bothering others and beating up the weaker ones. I did the right thing by teaching them a lesson.

"Saik, what you did today was..."

"Dad, no matter what you say, I won't change my mind. They weren't getting any punishments from the school; they ignored the problem. If I let them take advantage of me, the school wouldn't do anything. Insulting them wouldn't accomplish anything. Even if it's hard for you to accept, violence was the quickest solution. They'll be afraid of me and won't dare to insult me ever again. Fear is a powerful weapon."

"Saik, I really wish I could agree with you, but it wouldn't be right. Maybe you think that's a solution, but have you considered what others will think of you? They'll fear you and label you as a violent, aggressive boy. Ah, I said violent twice, but it's true. I ask you to think more carefully about your actions and the consequences they could have in the future."

"Should I be ashamed of doing something that others are afraid to do because they're worried about what others will think? I don't care what people think about me; I only have to worry about what I think of myself."

"That mindset may be nice, but in real life, it doesn't work that way. You have to act in a certain way at school and in jobs. When you grow up and have a job, you can't just hit your boss because you hate them. You'll have to endure that hate and pretend you don't hate them."

"Pretending... But you told me that lying is wrong. Isn't pretending the same as lying?"

"Pretending is a necessary lie, Saik. If someone insults you, pretend it doesn't bother you."

Well, even though it truly doesn't bother me. They're just words.

"Pretending is something we all do in our lives. Your mom and I do the same at our jobs. Sometimes I have to deal with annoying students, and your mom has to deal with the words of lecherous patients. We have to pretend that it doesn't bother us and keep working."

"And what if they hit me?"

"... I... Honestly, I don't have the right answer. It's just as you said before, the school won't always do something about it, but I refuse to believe that violence is the solution."

"That's a harsh reality, Dad. If no one does anything, we have to seek justice ourselves... Well, we're here."

I sat in the corner of the school.

"What are you doing?"

"My hunger strike. Tell Mom I'll be back home in two days. I doubt the school would risk having an innocent child starving to death. Can you bring me my handheld console?"

"Ah... Let's go, Saik."

He carried me in his arms. H-Hey, I'm not a little kid anymore! I've even had my first kiss!

"It would be best to accept the punishment. Ah, your mom will be mad at you."

"Let me complain to society about this injustice!"

"Nope. Now let's go eat some hamburgers!"

"Sorry, my diet doesn't allow it."

"You're too young to be on a diet!"

"I'm not young...!"

Ah, I was about to tell him about the kiss. Hehe. I'm an idiot.

"I found it," Number 7 said, floatingnear me.

I looked into her eyes.

"It's a doctor. But I warn you, his legendary ghost feeds on despair. While working at that hospital, he must have absorbed an enormous amount of despair from patients."

"Where?" I whispered.

"In the hospital where your mother works."

"Let's go to my mom! I want to go to the hospital! She'll understand my pain!"

"No, your mom is busy. We can't bother her."

"I want to go, I want to go! I won't breathe until you take me!"

I stopped breathing, but my father still ignored me.

"Your mom is occupied, Saik. I'm sorry."

My dad kept walking, not looking at me and focusing straight ahead.

One minute passed... Two... minutes.

I'm losing... consciousness.

The lack of oxygen... is affecting me.

"Son, I know I was very tough on you, but you must understand that what I say is for your own good. Life isn't that easy... huh?"

As he looked at Saik, he realized he was unconscious. It was impossible for him to have fallen asleep because he didn't seem sleepy, and considering he threatened to stop breathing, he realized what had happened.


(Pov - Saik.)

Hehe... I'm in my father's arms, right in front of the hospital.

"Yippee! Did you change your mind, Dad?! Although I was perfectly comfortable sleeping."


"Now let me go to Mom to complain about the school."

"You fainted!"

"Huh? I fainted? No... I got sleepy and fell asleep. Why do you say I fainted?"

He sighed in relief. I'm sorry for the lie, Dad, but it was necessary.

"You don't know how scared you made me, son."

"Huh? I would apologize, but it's not my fault if you confuse my nap with fainting. Now let's go to...! Ah... I need to pee! I want to go to the bathroom!"

"Let's go."

My dad and I entered the hospital. I went into the bathroom... There are two people in there, but I'm safe; they're using the stalls.

I activated my Shadow form and left the bathroom before the door closed.

"It's this way," Number 7 said.

I followed her silently to the doctor's office.

Number 7 returned to my body, and I entered the office quietly.

He's going through some documents. Well...

I approached him, but as I got closer, he threw some sort of knife at me that I barely managed to dodge.

"Who are you?"

"Well, well. Can you sense my presence? You're truly powerful."

There's no need to remain invisible anymore.

"A little kid?"

"I've come for your legendary ghost."

All of my legendary ghosts emerged from my body.

Exhaustion began to set in, but it's necessary. I can't let him escape.

"Hehe. I see, so you're like me, huh? Why don't we work together?"


"As you may realize, I'm very powerful, but I don't fully know how to use my power. I can see that you can. If we join forces, we could conquer the country from the shadows."

"Interesting... That doesn't sound too bad... And you're the first one who can detect me... 50/50?"

"It's a deal."

All of my legendary ghosts returned to my body.

I extended my hand, and he shook it.

"This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship," he said with a smile.


I pulled him towards me, and Number 4 plunged the knife fully into his forehead, killinghim within seconds.

Number 4 retrieved it when she emerged from my body, and when she returned, her hand remained outside, behind my back, ready to strike. And when he lowered his guard, she emerged completely and killed him.

I absorbed legendary ghost number 11. Well... Now I must endure the pain.

"You really know what I plan without me having to tell you. You're amazing, Number 4."

"Hehe. I know, I know. Wouldn't you like to lick my shoe? It would be a great honor for you."

"... You know I could violate you if I wanted, right?"

"Boooo! You can't even take a simple joke."

"Now, let's hide the body... Any ideas?"

"Leave it to me."

She entered the body and... Ah... She can control it.

She removed the knife and concealed the wound with bandages.

"I'll go dissolve the body with acid. I know a place where they do that. I'll be back tonight."

That sounds very disturbing, but I'll ignore it.

I returned to the bathroom and emerged in my normal form.

Well, another mission that goes well.

11 legendary ghosts under my control, 89 more to go.