Announcement: Vol 2 Illustration Cover + Taking one week break from the series.
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Hi all, Author here and I want to just tell you guys that I will be taking one week off from the series. I will be posting the next chapter on the 22nd of March, continuing my regular schedule of 1 chapter every 2 days.

Why I am taking a break?

Well, I just want to begin by saying that my grammar is trash(as some of you may have noticed) and I've been seeing quite an improvement to it these past few months, so I wanted some time off to proofread all the next chapters and fix some weird wordings or two so I can give you all a better read.

I feel bad to leave you all hanging for a week like this so I am going to attach a preview of the Vol 2 cover here in this post! Can anybody guess who is the character in the cover? Let me know what you think about it! Also please leave me a comment or two about your thoughts on the story so far!

PS: For those of you who really can't wait for a week, the next two chapters are already on my Patreon together with the full CG image of the cover. But please don't force yourself or anything.



Nana no Maou Vol 2 Cover
