Ch 16 Eliza’s revenge.
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Having just finished her last potion of today's quota Eliza stretched as she stood up and went upstairs to her room. When she passed Helena she was almost running for a bit, she didn’t want to be assaulted after all.

When in her room she went over the notes she made with her visits to the library that she needed because her cultivation makes it hard to remember unimportant things. mainly over the tiers. She found it weird that there were not very strong beast and people in the surroundings. 

In the book was it explained that there are 5 energy pools on the world and all of them are equal amounts of distance away from each other. It seemed that the higher tier you are the closer you need to be to one. Eliza was also very curious as to how the energy density would be the same in a ring.

As she left that for a later thought she went over all the crafting and meditation notes she had. After going through it for a while she put the knowledge she had from the ruins and the library together. It seemed that if neither have error’s that she made her knowledge more complete.

Meditation, however, had a small problem there were no compatible with her meditation and making one takes time. Unlike cultivating, meditation could be easily edited to fit your needs she had enough concentration for now but she should make it as fast as possible.

Later Eliza went to make dinner Eliza found making food nice as it took her thoughts off all thinks and refreshed her. When Helena came up the stairs however all Eliza’s peace broke it seemed that the succubus had not enough teasing this morning.

Helena snuck up on the unsuspecting foxkin to then fondle her.

“###! What are you doing!? I am cooking don’t.”

“But you look cute when cooking.”

Eliza stared at Helena speechless and then told Helena to set the table what Helena didn’t refuse. Eliza thought of a way to get back at her before finishing cooking. While setting the food on the table she didn’t allow Helena to sit down and now have set down the food Helena standing by a chair and Eliza by the head of the table.

“Now is there any reason for me to keep standing? I mean don’t take it so bad I am sorry.”

“I still got to get my revenge at a certain shameless demon or do I not?”

“What do you mean? I think revenge is a ba-“

Before Helena could finish speaking Eliza sat on Helena’s chair and took her on her lap and for Helena to be a bit shock and blushing lightly. The poor succubus saw it never coming and now being at a loss for words as she was almost spoonfed to add on to her embarrassment.

Helena now on Eliza’s lap didn’t know what to do she would never have expected for the foxkin to do something so … bold? Surprising?

I think I'll make a few glossaries with the world info it will count as a bonus so still a chap per week i am not evil after all. (cliffhangers aren't evil)